
Western Sahara

  1. an area in northwestern Africa with rich phosphate deposits; under Moroccan control since 1992

How To Use Western Sahara In A Sentence

  • The Moroccan government claims to be acting constructively, but pretends that Western Sahara is not partitioned, and that the Polisario-controlled areas are a buffer zone in which the Polisario has no presence. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • The drivers' biggest challenges will be the Western Sahara with no metalled roads and crossing a minefield in Mauritania.
  • The vital question about the human rights practices inside the Tindouf four camps is the freedom of expression and even of movement. although Polisario officials confirm every now and then that sahraoui refugees are allowed to leave the camps any time they would like to do so, sahraouis need Algerian documents if they decide to leave and travel abroad, to get such document is not easy, unless you are a Polisario official or you have useful contacts within the sphere of Polisario leadership, but it is known that any saharoui who managed to leave the refugee camp and opt to go to western Sahara region, Moroccan authorities provide the person in question with necessary documents including a passport. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • Western Sahara activist on hunger strike in Spain's Canary Islands has been told to appear in court on public order charges, her supporters say.
  • The Western Sahara conflict broke out in 1975 when Morocco annexed the territory after Spain withdrew from what was then a Spanish colony.
  • Spain has demanded a prompt explanation from Morocco after 12 people including a Spanish citizen were killed when Moroccan security forces raided a protest camp in Western Sahara.
  • Remote and romantic they might seem from afar, but the desert wastes of the Western Sahara are echoing to the sounds of preparation for war.
  • Outside the barren wastes of the Western Sahara, few people will be holding their breath to see what the UN security council does next week about the world's most obscure and long-running conflict.
  • Tensions between Spain and Morocco have a long history, particularly over the sovereignty of Western Sahara, a Spanish former colony, which Morocco annexed in 1975.
  • The Moroccan government maintains that the 1,000 kilometer stretch of Saharan seaboard is an integral part of its historical territory and that has been its unchanging policy since Spain let go of Western Sahara in 1975. Western Sahara's Uneasy Peace Untenable, UN Envoy Says
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