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Western Empire

  1. the western part after the Roman Empire was divided in 395; it lasted only until 476

How To Use Western Empire In A Sentence

  • AD 395 years, Christianity as the State religion of the Roman Empire split into Eastern and Western Empire.
  • In 476 AD, the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus was dethroned by the German general Odoacer, ending the Western Empire. Philip Giraldi: Neocon Ancient History
  • The Franks, Visigoths, and Burgundians all made large inroads into the western empire.
  • While hardly an enthusiastic supporter of orthodox Christianity, I think it unfair to attribute the fall of the Western Empire to Christianity though Edward Gibbon certainly seemed to try. America Is NOT Rome
  • Yet the adjective "Byzantine," first adopted by 16th-century humanists to distinguish east from west, is more than just a convenience; it recalls the city's original pride and draws attention to the extraordinary vitality of an empire that perdured with such success after the western empire's collapse. The Glories of Byzantium
  • The picture of forceful barbarian invasion in the fifth century may have been influenced by some Byzantine historians of the sixth century, overanxious to justify Justinian's wars of reconquest in the western empire.
  • Invading hordes assailed the Western Empire for centuries, Constantinople fell to Islamic forces in 1492, then came the Sultans, the Ottomans and finally Communism. Echoes of a Distant Thunder
  • Grauert, for whom the forger is a Frankish subject, shares the view of Hergenröther, i.e. the forger had in mind a defence of the new Western Empire from the attacks of the Byzantines. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • While barbarian invaders overran the Western empire, the Byzantine emperors always hoped to defeat them and reunite the empire.
  • Harlan in 2 weeks in which Augustus' change of oath propagates through soldiers and their descendants into a very powerful magical construct that preserves the Western Empire - there is still the split though -, and now we get to 621 and well Persia, Arabs, the whole saga of Heraclius but in this context with an allied Western Empire and magic... The Legions of Rome: novelizations - "Soldier of Rome 1/2" by James Mace and "Marius Mules" by SJ Turney (Overview/Review by Liviu Suciu)
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