How To Use Western civilization In A Sentence
The development of western civilization is predicated on the ambition to achieve mastery over nature and to manipulate it unrestrictedly.
This thrust reflected his deepening disappointment with Western civilization.
McCrimmon followed, keeping, as became an upholder of the dignity of Western civilization, several ostentatious paces to the rear.
I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
Not reason, but unreason is man's primary attribute - not only man's but all western civilization as well.

Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
To study Western Civilization is to affirm your intent to "colonize" weaker nations and peoples.
Britain stood for political ideals that must prevail if western civilization were not to break down.
No handwringing, no declaiming the end of Western civilization due to loose-moraled hipsters and free agent nation types swapping spit and job leads on the Internet.
Such a state tends to be rare in contemporary western civilization.
But when they are in our custody, when they are defenseless, it is a mark of Western civilization that we treat them humanely.
Political philosopher James Burnham explained why in his classic study, Suicide of the West: “For Western civilization in the present condition of the world, the most important practical consequence of the guilt encysted in the liberal ideology and psyche is this: that the liberal, and the group, nation or civilization infected by liberal doctrines and values, are morally disarmed before those whom the liberal regards as less well off than himself.”
Turning Liberalism on itself...
In a sense, Chinese modernization was wholly modeled after the Western civilization.
The government witness Atef Shafik, a senior language analyst for the FBI, made the argument that Muslims using common phrases that refer to peace and God are terrorists because the phrases reveal that they are Islamists, and this makes them part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which he described as a shadowy anti-Israel organization that calls for the destruction of the Western civilization from within, in order to replace it with an Islamic society.
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I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
Gibbon viewed himself as just such a stranger, characterizing himself as a "devout pilgrim from the remote and once savage countries of the North" who has now returned to the cradle of western civilization to pay homage and resurrect its glories (II. 641-2).
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In any case, Western civilization’s been declining for a good long while, so our psyches are all pretty toughened up anyway.
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The Church's autonomy from political power was asserted gradually and painstakingly, but irreversibly, despite the recurring waves of caesaropapism, fundamentalism, and anticlericalism, becoming one of the main pillars of modern Western civilization.
Tea at Trianon
Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long - standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.
His editing job, however, is masterful, with dozens of full and partial conversations painting a dark societal picture bound to leave the most open of minds believing that western civilization really is careening down the dumper.
To his detractors, Gideon was dangerous—a pie-in-the-sky slave to political correctness who thought the enemies of Western civilization could be jawboned into holding hands and singing “Kumbaya.”
Gideon’s war
But when they are in our custody, when they are defenseless, it is a mark of Western civilization that we treat them humanely.
His insight into the codependency of progress and poverty undermined the 19th-century belief in the uninterrupted progress of Western civilization.
Jews count the months by the moon; western civilization patterns its calendar after the sun.
Sigmund Freud's theories have been punctured and pricked with doubt, but anyone who argues that he should be dropped from the canon of Western civilization needs therapy.
Sanders is merely the athlete who best defines the decline of Western civilization.
Therefore we can not tolerate such an ostensive rejection of western civilization, and its key values.
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Sanders is merely the athlete who best defines the decline of Western civilization.
But it is actually the last line that is the most relevant to modern culture for the progressive powers that be are determined to not only escape every "shackle" of Western civilization's past, they are committed to ignoring history, distorting history, and even inventing history to suit ideological ends.
Vital Signs
Was there a moral basis for rebuilding Western civilization and reshaping the world in its image?
Christianity Today
By accepting it, the world is not taking on Western civilization lock, stock and barrel: far from it.
Modern Asian cultures are influenced by Western civilization.
Did the twist signal the end of Western civilization?
Jews count the months by the moon; western civilization patterns its calendar after the sun.
The course covered all of Western Civilization
The blight of western civilization has been to divorce our thought from our emotions.
The term Manifest Destiny is a code to identify the idea that God himself has given ample manifestation of his wish that the people, government and corporations of the United States have a special role to play in realizing the hegemonic destiny of Western civilization.
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The agenda of the aristocracy is the destruction of western civilization.
What the Hell is going on?
To these people, unbelievable as it sounds to us spoiled Western civilization kids, the sweatshop is a positive force in their lives.
Ancient Greece is often called the origin of Western civilization.
Western civilization in particular is distrusted as the modern incarnation of evil.
It was while Tillie was trying out various pen points called nibs that she made the remark about the ballpoint pen being the biggest single factor in the decline of Western Civilization.
The View from Saturday
Sir Steven may well be the prototype of the modern revisionist historian who seeks to recast the history of Western civilization as a catalogue of abuses.
The course covered all of western civilization.
Was there a moral basis for rebuilding Western civilization and reshaping the world in its image?
Christianity Today
They are supposed to have been the epitome of self-righteousness and intolerance, a black stain on the history of the Catholic Church in particular and Western civilization in general.
Historically, they are rooted in the values of Western civilization.
His insight into the codependency of progress and poverty undermined the 19th-century belief in the uninterrupted progress of Western civilization.
Truman, Harriman, and others viewed the United States as the chief defender of Western civilization.
Only four years before, St. Augustine's City of God had laid the theological groundwork for the church to step into the void left by the collapsing Roman Empire Ever since, Western civilization and the Christian enterprise have been joined together for better or worse; the church has moved and countermoved, advanced backtracked, tottered and triumphed before the contingencies of history. Top Stories
Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long - standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.
Historically, they are rooted in the values of Western civilization.
Sanders is merely the athlete who best defines the decline of Western civilization.
The prospect of mass destruction made real the perilous state of western civilization.
Fortunately for western civilization, the links with the past were never totally lost.
In Western civilization, interest in human cognition can be traced to the ancient Greeks.
Was there a moral basis for rebuilding Western civilization and reshaping the world in its image?
Christianity Today
In all his fiction, rural black folk culture stands upon its own foundations, in some sense independent of and in opposition to an urbanized, industrialized, mechanistic, and denatured Western civilization.
The secret to marital bliss eludes the Western civilization, although arrogance and conceit keep it from admitting fundamental flaws and looking elsewhere for solutions.
While the cyberwar industry makes for entertaining movies and books, they are dependent on the assumptive premise that western civilization will completely collapse after two to three days (or weeks) of life without the Internet, or the television, or power.
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In an ominous sign for Western civilization, Bills fans began parking RVs and mobile homes in the stadium lot on Thursday night to get the best spots for tailgating.
Like it or not, the Founding Fathers, the people who created the Western Civilization that established the premises to allow racial equality to come to the forefront, were a bunch of old, slave-owning white guys in powdered wigs.
Standing Pat
That's why suits and monochromatic colors are so popular because the concept of work as dictated by the western civilization is about conformity.
It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.
In western civilization, underwear is a private fashion style, with profound connotation.
Greece was the cradle of western civilization.
a dozen religions: some of them barbarous; some cynical and pessimistic; some amoristic and romantic; some sceptical and challenging; some kindly, simple, and intuitional; some sophistical and intellectual; none suited to the character and conditions of western civilization unless it be the Christianity which was finally suppressed by the Crucifixion, and has never been put into practice by any State before or since.
Treatise on Parents and Children
Such a state tends to be rare in contemporary western civilization.
He has given an eloquent description of their importance: When he domesticated wheat, man laid the foundations of western civilization.
the Middle East is the cradle of Western civilization
We all know it's not an overwhelmingly popular choice for married people to abstain from sex before marriage and not to cohabitate, although it has been the norm in Western Civilization for most of history.
48 Despite his doubts about Western civilization of which Marxist theory is a part, Cone agrees that black churchpeople need to be open to the need for a “total reconstruction of society along the lines of Democratic Socialism.”
Another way Woods engages in card stacking is by giving short shrift to the true builder of Western Civilization: classical antiquity.
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Crisis in Western civilization has mean danger period.
So, basically, here's the out-front opposition to Warren: the entire financial industry, Republican lawmakers and the worst deliberative body in the history of Western civilization.
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All we hear is how our nuptials will lead to the downfall of western civilization by eroding heterosexual marriage.
Three superstorms threaten to end Western civilization as we know it.
At the bottom end of Mesopotamia, the cradle of Western civilization, the Shatt takes in the water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and flows southward from Basra to the Persian Gulf.
Western Civilization needs to systematically rethink its notions of free thought, freedom of speech, denizenship, and citizenship.
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I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
I think western civilization is built on three fundamental and interlocking principles that form the Western world view.
when Ghandi was asked what he thought of Western civilization he said he thought it would be a good idea
Parents' groups, always on the lookout for something to blame other than the actual parents for the problems with kids, latched onto it as the latest presage of the decline and fall of western civilization.
Western civilization is now predicated on oil and the plastics derived from it.
Too many are taking on the riot police in the hope of burning down a symbol of Western civilization.
The Sun
Greece was the cradle of Western civilization.
She found the study of this to be highly relevant to modern Western civilization.
The human body occupies an ambiguous, even a paradoxical role in cultural categorizations - from the cosmologies of the archaic societies to the concepts and practices of modern Western civilization.
More evidence that Reality TV is among the best programming online, despite the carping that it's destroying western civilization.
This is the raw, cutting odor of the jungle, the gash of the tropics, the fetor of equatorial darkness, the essence of everything Western civilization glosses over, dyes and tries to not think about.
The Fruit Hunters
Truman, Harriman, and others viewed the United States as the chief defender of Western civilization.
By accepting it, the world is not taking on Western civilization lock, stock and barrel: far from it.
Rome was the matrix of Western civilization.
In its strive to adopt Western civilizations, the Imperial Meiji government banned tattooing as something considered a barbaric relict of the past.
I have to finish preparing a paper for my Western Civilization class.
Britain stood for political ideals that must prevail if western civilization were not to break down.
It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.
Is television scaring our kids, engendering violent behavior, skewing their morals and generally eroding the aesthetic standards of Western civilization?
Postmodernism is a trend of thought in philosophy under mordern western civilization.
I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
All I can say is, there goes western civilization right in the dumper.