How To Use West In A Sentence
Sewage overflowed into wash basins at West Middlesex Hospital following a blockage in one of the toilets.
In the manvantara 2980 to 1480 B.C., did the Western Laya
The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken.
We paddled a little boat in the West Lake.
The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.

After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York.
Delta Refocuses
Worldcon thingo with David Brin and Teddy Harvia tags kanye west meme livejournal via ljapp
Worldcon thingo with David Brin and Teddy Harvia
I have had it carbon-dated to 1790, so it is pre-Western contact.
Squire Western, who, surrounded by piqueurs, and girt with the conventional cor de chasse of the Gallic sportsman, sings the following ariette, diversified with true
Large numbers of vestal moths and a few crimson speckled moths, both normally resident in the Mediterranean, have been seen on the south-west and south-east coasts and in Gwynedd.
And we -- it does extent all the way up toward Jacksonville, all the way down into West Palm Beach, all the way over to Fort Myers, and northward, almost kind of budging into the pan -- the Big Bend area, almost into the Panhandle, but not quite just yet.
CNN Transcript Sep 5, 2004
We're looking at some idea that it might be a colder than normal winter in the Northeast and Midwest.
Note: where Loiasis is endemic (West Africa), all treatment with diethylcarbamazine, should commence with 3 mg/kg x 2 days (protocole for Loiasis) whatever form of filaria is being treated.
Chapter 11
The overall tax burden, according to the Tax Foundation, is the third-lowest in the nation.
Hundreds of the aircraft are on order, but loss of the Northwest batch is a serious setback.
I have found men who didn't know how to kiss. I've always found time to teach them. Mae West
Some concepts in Chinese medicine have no exact equivalent in Western medicine.
Rob also reckons that the south-west coast of Ireland has some of the best sailing grounds in the world - particularly around Roaring Water Bay in West Cork.
Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
I showed up at West Point and found that 60% of my classmates were team captains, and 20% were valedictorians.
South to south-west winds will reach 30-40 mph this morning with gusts of 50-70 mph in some coastal areas.
After climbing a steep rise for about twenty minutes the road crested, then began to slope downwards, taking a more westerly direction.
However, this happy juxtaposition of Eastern style and Western living has not always been so effortless.
I hit the water and surfaced, looking back to see Scott pointing west.
If I command him to put the newest posts at the top like every other bleeding blog in the world - are you listening boyo - will he obey?
Chain car collisions on the Interstate, hysteria-tinged second by second updates from the weatherman on the local TV stations, a stunned, awestricken look from the locals that almost made one think that this was surely the first time they had ever seen this precipitation thing occurring.
Election Central Sunday Roundup
I was watching the match in a pub without sound, and I had forgotten about it, so it was not until I got home that I realised that Langer had taken a hat trick, and that was why the West Indian fieldsmen all looked so pleased.
He might have caused a storm in a teacup in the corridors of the Westminster press lobby as journalists squabbled over who had the story, whether it was attributable and who had told The Sun anyway.
The decades of peace and accumulation of wealth in the west have not only been arguably bought at the expense of the rest of the world - but also of ourselves.
Now, its membership has soared to more than 200, with monthly meetings in a north-west hospital.
copasetic" [used so nicely in "West L.A. Fadeaway"] -- and such stunts as dancing down Broadway in 1939 from Columbus Circle to 44th Street in celebration of his sixty-first birthday.
The Annotated "Alabama Getaway"
General Alfred Terry traveled due west from Fort Abraham Lincoln in Dakota Territory with a force that included Custer and his Seventh Cavalry troopers.
There is an increasing feeling that MPs say one thing to constituents and something else in Westminster.
Times, Sunday Times
Since Kashmir was (and is) a Muslim majority territory, Pakistan felt justified in seeing Pushtun warlords charge in from the north-west of Pakistan, late in 1947, to seize control of Kashmir.
We have a report that four unidentified persons have set up a rocket launcher two hundred yards west of seventeenth green.
I returned to my hotel to sit at the window and watch the grand son-et-lumière that night, the opening show of the south-west monsoon.
Russian knapweed is a problem in ranges and pastures in the western United States, where it grows up to 4 feet tall and takes over otherwise productive land.
Call me a moon-eyed dreamer: I still believe the work of the serious writer will be recognized for what it is, whether it takes place examples chosen only for clarity and expediency in Ambergris, or 351 West 52 St New York City Apt # D RIGHT NOW, dammit.
Evil Monkey on Fantasy
The moon passing through the outer region of the Earth's shadow, known as the penumbra, will be visible from Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia's west coast at
Stars and Stripes
A prepossessing performer with a beautiful baritone, Murray is tall, blond and Midwestern - looking.
Timothy was agonising over her, when Honor West would have sold her soul for a single kiss from him.
We get only very little rain during the South West monsoon.
During a secret speech in February 1956 (which was almost immediately leaked to the Western media) he condemned the policies of the hitherto much admired Stalin and accused him of hideous crimes.
We're all victims of the same policy to dispossess us, " says Muhammad Korshan, a West Bank Bedou activist.
This was the policy of western governments in the postwar era and it was a success.
Times, Sunday Times
Extra hydration makes it easier for the molecule to assume the lowest-energy configuration.
He has totally screwed things up in West Yorks for his officers and police staff alike. on April 12, 2010 at 5: 59 pm jaegerdude
Crime And Immigration In Britain SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Its name commemorates Voli Voli Cave (one of the discovery sites) and Atholl Anderson, well known for his many contributions to the prehistory and palaeoecology of south-west Pacific islands.
The small, recently extinct, island-dwelling crocodilians of the south Pacific
Settling in Carmel, Calif., in 1930, she and Mr. Newell joined a bohemian community that included the photographer Edward Weston and the journalist Lincoln Steffens.
But nothing prepared them for life in this squatters' community of Tijuana, a city of three million souls that is known as the Wild West of Mexico's northward immigration.
Here retired US diplomat Ellsworth Bunker drew up a plan to transfer the administrative authority for West Papua from the Netherlands to a neutral administrator, and thence to Indonesia.
The Moroccan government claims to be acting constructively, but pretends that Western Sahara is not partitioned, and that the Polisario-controlled areas are a buffer zone in which the Polisario has no presence.
Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
For a two-year period, he worked in the old force control room before moving to Kendal traffic department, later transferring to the North and West Traffic Unit.
We (the Western public) regard picnics as highly advantageous to health and beauty, promoting social sympathy and high-toned alimentiveness, advancing the interests of the community and the ultimate welfare of the nation.
Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 17, July 23, 1870
And Leeds North West Labour MP Harold Best also believes there is a case for toughening the rules.
In the mid-1830s the Kendall settlers gave impetus to the westward movement of Norwegians by founding a settlement in the Fox River area of Illinois.
I would also like to know how well acquainted he was with the Metis of western Canadathe people, their clothing, and their culture?
I was in a unique position to write these stories for a Western audience stories about the farm and the old feudal ways, the dissolving feudal order and the new way coming, the sleek businessmen from the cities.
Daniyal Mueenuddin talks about his life and his first collection of short stories In Other Rooms, Other Wonders.
The journey north-west from Edinburgh is a delight, with lush pasturelands giving way to the rugged beauty of the Trossachs and then Argyll and the western seaboard.
A military operations group was formed to shield Western Europe from the communistic Eastern Europe.
Up until the 1920s, in the mountain ranges of Westmoreland and south into Fayette, many small farmers subsisted on bear meat, preferable to venison, and considered by many to be juicier and better than beef.
The congested, hypertense crossing point of the River Jordan, between Jordan "proper" and the Israeli-held West Bank, is to this day known as the Allenby Bridge, after T.E. Lawrence's commander.
The Perils of Partition
Stephanie MacDonald-Taylor operates a company called Politically Speaking from her southwest Houston home.
The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.
The far northwest coast of Tasmania is a wild place.
Times, Sunday Times
He respects Western medicine for its abilities to quantify and then to treat what has been manifested as illness.
Times, Sunday Times
Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
Curtains that can prevent flying glass shards from injuring people, and new sensors for detecting biohazards activity are among the newest developments.
But most Western bankers now acknowledge, as Peter Boone, cohead of research at Brunswick Warburg in Moscow puts it, "" that we ignored for too long the size of the nonpayments crisis. ''
A Black Hole
Koité, from Northwestern Mali, is a member of the hereditary Mande caste of musicians and craftsmen known as jalis.
The train chugged steadily along the West Highland Line.
A recent study by the Aid agency Care illustrates the scale of the West's neglect.
This in some degree corresponds with Captain Cook's record of the irregularity of his compass when he passed near this part of the coast, in consequence of which he called the peaked island to the westward of the cape, Magnetical Island: this irregularity, however, was not noticed by me in my observations near the same spot; and the difference observed by him may very probably have been occasioned by the ship's local attraction, which in those days was unknown.
Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
This apart, in modern times the western musical instruments like the Tambourin and the Tambour are adaptations of the Indian Tambora and Tanpura.
It points to every direction on the compass, north, south, east and west… what more do you want.
He explained to the Western People that an old dinghy, which has been patched up by his son on the morning of the accident, proved to be the rescue vehicle for the drowning family.
Whole lions at £5,000 a head, antelopes, porcupines, goats, cane rats and large, live snails - all from West Africa - were also candidates for the dinner table.
Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between "easterners" and "westerners".
Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.
The setting sun drooped in the west.
Mugabe previously dismissed Tibaijuka's findings as "biassed" and a product of western pressures.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Traditional B-Western themes such as cattle and horse rustling continued, but they were war-related.
Pressure has been mounting for greater Western involvement to end violence and a humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
Viewed from Machu Picchu, the constellation we call the Southern Cross, which was also known and of some importance to the Inca, rises on east and sets on west of Salcantay, and at its highest point is directly above the mountain.
Exploring the Inca Heartland: The Mountain Gods
When they got to Lisbon there was a telex from Tex Weston offering to buy the aircraft for ten thousand pounds.
And Bob and uh others … I was pointing a usage of the word enjoy in a specific way … made possible by todays culture of "enjoy" that is distinctly different from the way the Westminster catechesim uses the word.
Reclaiming the Mission
The frontier ran roughly north-westwards from London into the north-west midlands; Guthrum was to withdraw with his troops behind this line, where he was to be recognized as king of an independent kingdom.
The 16th century palace in south-west London is well known for alleged supernatural activity, but nothing suspicious has been caught on film before.
High magnification supplemented by instrumental analysis can identify these Western modifications.
This usage proceeded, in part, from the notion of consanguinity between every member of a clan, even of the lowest degree, to his chieftain, and the affability and courtesy with which the head was in the habit of treating those over whom he ruled.
Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
Thus, in the Western philosophical tradition, occasionalists in the proper sense of the term emerge in earnest in the wake of René Descartes (1596 “ 1650) in the form of “Cartesian occasionalists”.
The buffalo clover found in the western part of this State, and common still farther westward, is the only undoubtedly native variety we possess.
Rural Hours
Here is a road seen between sunset and moonrise: "... all that remained of day was a beamless amber light along the west: but I could see every pebble on the path, and every blade of grass, by the light of that splendid moon".
The Three Brontës
The USA has this power anyway but wants Western governments to recognize it and to accept it politically.
After Thatcher
I report here an observation of attempted predation by a tayra in the western Amazon, in Acre, Brazil.
Along the sixth and seventh floors of the western wing, a glazed corridor extends south beyond the building's edge.
I contented myself with merely trying to become a migrant worker, a plan that fizzled because nobody in my family would advance me the cash necessary to go out west and meet my fellow migrants.
In between the 9th (1987) and 10th (1993) editions, the M-W lexicographers discovered that the people who had imported the bird into the western US called it simply "chukar," not "chukar partridge," and furthermore pronounced it in a completely anglicized form, not knowing or caring that that made it a homophone of some polo term. CHUKAR.
The prevailing wind is from the southwest.
Before the day was out, a deep low pressure system moved towards southwest Ireland.
Times, Sunday Times
They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
Think Progress Appearing on Imus In the Morning to promote his new book, State of Emergency, Pat Buchanan asserted that the Mexican government has a “direct program” to reannex “the seven states of the American Southwest.”
Think Progress » Buchanan: Mexico Conspiring To ‘Re-Annex’ Seven Southwest States
In 1939, the yardangs in southwestern Egypt were termed ‘mud-lions’ by British explorer Ralph Bagnold.
The capital of the overseas territory of French Polynesia, a port on the northwest coast of Tahiti in the Society Islands of the southern Pacific Ocean.
Sparing us all the obligatory arguments about Ford “defining the American West” with his sweeping, desolate camera shots and Wayne’s anabashedly American Americanness, there’s just no denying that Ford and Wayne — tag team partners on more than 20 films — are simply one of the most prolific duos in celluloid history.
Top 10 Actor / Director Tandems In Movie History | Best Week Ever
One outstanding feature of this ecoregion is the presence of coral reefs, one of the largest and best preserved in the western Caribbean Sea, considered a part or an extension of the great belicean reef, very outstanding in terms of marine biodiversity.
Cayos Miskitos-San Andrés and Providencia moist forests
The deputy mayor, Louise Schroeder, foolishly and without our knowledge, took forty-odd plainclothesmen from Western sectors over to keep order.
Daring Young Men
The company formed in 1909 by the Russian impresario Serge Diaghilev to bring Russian dance to the West.
Thailand is an important Western ally.
Times, Sunday Times
Expenses figures from Westminster show he has resumed a busy schedule in the Lords.
Buddhism recognizes neither the mind/body dualism that characterizes much of Western philosophy, nor the concept of an essential self, such as the Hindu atman.
The current appeal site comprises only the former lairage fields, lying between the rear of residential properties fronting West Road and factories to the north and east.
Likewise, among Christians it has long been conventional to use uppercase Orthodox as a term distinguishing the Christianity that shared forms of liturgy and theology rooted in the Byzantine, or Greek-speaking, part of the Roman Empire from those who took a separate path in the West.
On Thursday, police say, 23-year-old Wellington Oliveira talked his way into his former elementary school in a working-class western outskirt of Rio de Janeiro and opened fire with at least one of two revolvers he carried.
Brazil Mourns the 12 Killed by Gunman
Other areas look drier, although patchy rain or sleet is likely in the far southwest.
Times, Sunday Times
A large company contracted me to publicize its newest division.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the building was extended by addition of east and west wings linked to the centre by colonnades tracing the path of the old road.
The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction.
The Chinese are Coming
The Western economic elite has always been a small class and continues so to this day.
The term suggests an element of danger, certainly of risk, a military metaphor applied to western cultural practices.
The concentrated juice of the bitter cassava, under the name of cassareep, forms the basis of the West India dish, "pepper pot.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
And like past challenges to civilization, such barbarism thrives on Western appeasement and considers enlightened deference as weakness, if not decadence.
The group was welcomed by West Dunbartonshire's Lord Provost Alistair MacDonald, and presented with a silver quaich.
Westmoreland was wrong to count on his superior firepower to grind us down.
It was a grandstand finish to a game in which West Ham were second best.
The Sun
The latest crisis in West Indies cricket and the unceremonious sacking of the best WI talent is the ultimate insult to West Indians.
I had been planning a trip to the West Coast.
The local landowners and crofters have countered with an alternative proposal for a Wester Ross Wilderness Area.
An atmosphere of an old American cow town is being presented with cowboys in western gear walking around town.
It was the boobook owl, mopoke, a totem being to the Arrernte Aborigines of these arid lands along the Macdonnell Ranges to the west of Alice Springs.
The hair of coastal wolves also appears to be coarser and better at shedding water, perhaps to cope with the heavy rainfall on the west coast.
Alexia slipped the leash on the two Westies before bringing them to the kennel just behind the house.
You can enjoy the Wild West Horse, Hound and Music Show, which will feature barrel racing, trick riding, comic horses, Appaloosa ponies and American Quarter Horses.
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Cleopatra the witch and seducer is near the foundations of Western literature.
In All Her Infinite Variety
Now they can either award the deal to the lowest bidder or negotiate some kind of split.
To attract holidayers to the State during the Southwest monsoon, brochures detailing the various facets of the monsoon have been brought as in previous years.
The great house they built may just be ridges in the field to the south-west of the church, but you feel you have met them, Sir Arthur Throckmorton, an Elizabethan squire, and his wife.
Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition.
Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
He declined to give figures for the lowest payout or the average compensation.
The range of the cero mackerel is limited to the western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts, USA south to Brazil, including the Bahamas and West Indies.
Oil sank to its lowest in four years.
Times, Sunday Times
My late husband was from the Midwest St. Louis and always used the 'drouth' pronunciation. - News
What the UN and the West are doing is the colonial thing of merely resorting to bully-boy tactics, Neither would attempt to pass judgement let alone threaten to intervene using military force, in any election held in the Russian Federation or attempt to invade China because it does not have democractic government.
Ivory Coast's descent into madness
The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus.
Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
If you visit the lowest terrace (called Canada) you may be interested to see an area of the extremely rare asarabacca plant, used in the making of snuff.
Western hostesses who work in Japanese nightclubs don't have sex with their clients - unless they want to, at which point they're free to accept money and gifts.
Lively, pretty, and pleasure-loving, Carie had married the saintly younger brother of the minister in her hometown of Hillsboro, West Virginia, because he was preparing to go as a missionary to China, and she wanted to give herself to God.
Professor Willoughby is a graduate of Temple (MMus) and Northwestern (BMus)
Oklahoma City University
Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra:
Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
However, there was no sign of desperately needed rain and a westerly roared in from Australia's arid outback, fanning flames and scattering red hot embers to start new blazes.
The right fork continues westward across the prairie.
A Plague of Angels
Morel mushrooms are in season in the spring and early summer in the Northwest.
It is the ancient city of the exiled and the centre of Western art.
Hemingway in Paris - Parisian walks for the literary traveller
The dressmaker gathered the cloth to the narrowest part of the waist.
In a sweeping half-moon behind me, the rugged, unspoiled Inishowen Peninsula rolls out across this little known spear of North West Ireland.
The winds associated with this broader wake spawn a narrow eastward countercurrent that draws warm water from west to east.
This moment every police force in your Western democracies is looking for you.
Before Jackie Chan made the move to Hollywood, his films from Hong Kong and China would be dubbed into English and released to the Western public.
Blend at lowest speed 30 seconds and then beat at medium speed 3 minutes.
He said you could appreciate directors who worked in gangster films, war films, westerns, etc.
Winds are generally north-westerly, increasing in the afternoons and ranging from 5 knots to 20 knots (5¾mph to 23mph).
Times, Sunday Times
Western officials say the problem is minor, and should be quickly overcome.
But in furnishing its imaginary, cultural platform for the revival of liberal politics in America, The West Wing has also slipped into an uncritical cult of personality — much as the adoration of Bill Clinton has in the real-life house of liberalism.
The Feel Good Presidency
Having sought asylum in the West for many years, they were eventually granted it.
Descended from a long line of respected yogis in Yoga Vedanta philosophy, Swamiji was born in Rajasthan in Northwestern India where he has established a school and other social welfare facilities.
The three rivers can become impassable after rain, and trampers usually traverse west to east, so that the river wades are predictable at the time of departure.
A quick Westlaw search through Allcases (date 5/1/2010) confirms that “per curium” is still nonstandard: “Per curiam” gets 1427 hits, “per curium” only 10.
The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
This was abundantly clear in the textile district of the West Riding.
The differences are small, varying between 32,000 jobs a year being the lowest estimate, to 38,000 being the highest estimate.
A dark green southwester curled down around his face, hiding it in darkness.
I give more credit to the nameless women who settled the frontier and thus earned the right to vote in western states.
He is a friend of the West, and that is what makes his criticisms, when they come, so much more devastating.
They have one of the planet's healthiest diets and the lowest obesity in the world.
The Sun
Since then, there have been sporadic attempts at least to get individual westerns off the ground.
Times, Sunday Times
And they are a rebuke to cultural pessimists in the West who often feel vindicated by the perfidies of the Muslim world but could stand, on occasion, to be humbled by examples of its courage.
The Face of Pakistan's Courage
It was one of the largest superlocal co-op chains of grain silos in the Midwest and aggressively tried new ventures, from raising hogs to processing soybeans for food.
A premature grab for a safe Westminster seat would be seen as naked opportunism.
The Sun
At the height of the craze, I stood on the North Bank at Highbury in a forest of bananas, watching awestruck as they celebrated another goal going in by either bopping your neighbour over the head, or simply chucking the thing in the air.
Both the Ukrainian government and western nations have condemned it as unconstitutional under Ukrainian law.
Times, Sunday Times
He is also eligible for the PHSC Yearling Lounge Line, two-year-old western pleasure and three-year old reining futurities.
The wyvern was the emblem of the rulers of Wessex and the word "wyvern" is associated with the many areas of Wessex, reflected in many county and town heraldries of the South West and west of England.
Now this remote region in northwest Siberia is under threat from global warming.
Times, Sunday Times
This finding came about because of one lonely air quality monitor near the cowtown area of western Pinal County, nearly 40 miles and across the mountains from downtown Phoenix," he said.
Los Angeles Tops Nation In Air Polution
Morphing "spacesuit" can adjust on astronaut's body to ensure perfect fit The 4-mm long 'peacock spider' and its mating ritual to attract a mate Walking while talking on cell phone risky for older people: Study LONDON - India has urged Western countries to stop eating beef in order to cut greenhouse emissions.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Ammopiptanthus Cheng f. is the only genus of evergreen broadleaf shrubs in the north-western desert of China.
A wide area of coastal plains extends across the western seaboard, a region of phosphate mining and the cultivation of citrus, olives, tobacco, and grains.
The rocks are deformed into kilometre-scale monoclinal folds, the axes of which plunge moderately to steeply north northwest.
He conquered the lands up to Carchemish, but an Egyptian-Hittite treaty signed in 1283, which divided Syria between them, frustrated the Assyrians 'westward movement.
E. The Kassites, the Hurrians, and the Arameans
Increasing westernisation of food and drink products there has helped pizza become the fastest growing category of the prepared meals sector.
The machine that prints tickets assigned the number 666 as a prefix on all the tickets for the film, said Gary Smith, owner of the Movies at Berry Square in northwest Georgia.
Helium balloons embossed with the words "great car for little money" promoted Volkswagen's newest four-seater model, Up!.
Auto Makers Focus on Bright Side in Frankfurt
The woman, who lives in the west Clacton area, lost her 6-month-old daughter to cot death.
He is the author of well over 100 research publications including journal articles, book chapters, and six books on desert grassland, the cacti of Sonora, the Sonoran desert tortoise, and packrat middens and the paleoecology of the southwestern deserts.
Contributor: Tom Van Devender
The new Chisholm Jacket combines western fashion from the 1940s with the modern fit and tailoring that Schaefer Outfitter is known for.
He sat among the great philosophers and the novelists of Western life like Steinbeck and Stegner and dreamed up a word for what Visa is: “chaordic” — complex systems that blend order and chaos.
The Reading Class, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The pulse of war that beat from the West suggested the companionship of battling thousands; here was naught but silence, and himself, and possible death-dealing bullets from a myriad ambushes.
It was designed by a professional medalist named John Woodhouse Jnr and struck by West & Co of Belfast.
Among the projects that will be jumpstarted with this new funding are the Midtown Tunnel tube in Norfolk, the extension of HOV/HOT Lanes on I95/395 and the widening of I-66 in Northern Virginia, work on the Coalfields Expressway in Southwest Virginia, and the widening and improving of multiple sections of Route 58 in southern and western Virginia.
UPDATED: Key Democratic panel approves McDonnell's transportation plan
It creates a startling atmosphere of intensity and highly unusual inwardness - sometimes disturbing - and makes it utterly distinct from anything in Western dance and theatre.