How To Use Wellspring In A Sentence
The show explains that, according to the Yoruba creation myth, Ife was actually where the world began: the wellspring of all mankind.
Times, Sunday Times
The building isn't without fault: The unexpected discovery of an underground wellspring early in the construction process forced Mr. Kahn to cancel plans for a subbasement and to build the library 1½ stories higher than planned, contributing to the bulky feel of the exterior.
A Monument to the Life of the Mind
Several of the schools in the for-profit sector derive more than 85 percent of their revenues from federal student aid, putting them perilously close to the 90-percent threshold and placing schools at risk of losing access to the wellspring of federal aid.
For-Profit Colleges Selling Students On High-Risk Loans, Consumer Group Says
Faced with the standard hagiographies, we may well wonder if we are being told anything authentic in "Dancing With Mrs. Dalloway" about the wellsprings of the writing itself.
Writers at Work, Seeking a Spark
There was a wellspring of courage within her.

Buchanan has tapped into the wellspring of middle-class angst.
The first mystery of the Kalahari, the wellspring of original spirituality, is natural movement unfettered by the constraints and limited manipulations of mind, but not the kind of physical exercise in which you make yourself move.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
Man is a wellspring; woman an ocean depth.
That was Jim Tulip, one of the key movers behind Wellspring, a new Australian Christian community with its feet firmly in the bush.
But California has a robust economy, boasts a diverse and vibrant population, provides technological leadership for the world, and remains a wellspring of new ideas.
They also underscore the enduring richness of the continent's cultural heritage, which serves as a wellspring of creativity worldwide.
This lack of sensitivity to the wellsprings of quality largely stems from shopworn but doggedly persistent ideas on where to economize.
McWilliam was born in Edinburgh, a city that was the wellspring of all her best qualities (her uncomplaining Protestantism, her whelk-eating thriftiness) and her worst (no one is harder on Candia than Candia).
What to Look for in Winter: A Memoir of Blindness by Candia McWilliam
It is a wellspring to draw on in this latest challenge.
Meggers's account had enormous public impact — Amazonia is one of the wellsprings of the campaign to save rain forests.
We romanticize depression as a wellspring of finer thought, as the source of melancholic insight for artists, deep thinkers and sensitive souls.
It is at the source, the wellspring of our feelings, that we may then either amplify or transform them.
The wellspring of his art was his superb draughtsmanship, demonstrated in the Codex Valardi (Paris, Louvre), a great sequence of drawings that served as a visual record and source for many of his paintings.
From the moment he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988, his wellsprings of creativity almost completely dried up.
Maya tradition also merits them a special place - cenotes are seen as the wellspring of life, an entrance into the afterlife and a point of contact with the gods.
For the Renaissance, he was a wellspring of learning and a model for humanistic writing.
Democracy's wellsprings and sustenance were of vital importance to Walter Duncan in 1962, just as they are to us today.
Even thinking about her water source - the island's wellspring - would make her feel guilty.
Guan Moye his real one) is in his hometown of Gaomi, Shandong province, a place he has described as the wellspring of his creativity. Top Stories
In so doing, it positions the web as Hollywood's new wellspring of original stories.
A. the recently concluded campaign confirmed, presidential debates are wholly unsatisfying, yet their wellspring is the epic series of seven debates held in 1858 between A.raham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, both candidates for the Senate from Illinois.
Leaders With Connections
By 2005 Tipoff had morphed into the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), the mother of all federal counterterrorism databases and the "wellspring" for watch lists distributed to airlines, law enforcement, border posts and U.S. consulates world-wide. - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News
There was a wellspring of courage within her.
It is 100 years since the discovery of the blues, the wellspring from which popular music as we know it first flowed.
St. Ephrem, one of the most renowned and lyrical homilists of the Eastern Church, beautifully described the praise of God flowing from us like a wellspring of water.
He has located the wellspring of slave revolutionary behavior in Europe.
Klein seems content to settle into mostly chordal work on his Rhodes, leaving the more intricate piano solo work to Goldberg, who is a wellspring of ideas.
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Some people -- don't know who, but they sound disreputable -- think that the people who write about the Park 51 Islamic Community Center being some kind of wellspring for birthing American-born terror babies are nuts.
News & Politics
The newfound species has been named Australopithecus sediba, a blend of the established Latin term for "southern ape" and the word for "wellspring" in the SeSotho language. | Top Stories
He fits the description of a Romantic Poet perfectly, wandering dazed by nature and inactivity through sun-dappled fields, his sad eyes melting before the passionate couplets forming in the wellspring of his engorged imagination.
Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our life.