
How To Use Well-nigh In A Sentence

  • It was well-nigh impossible for him to convince her that he was right.
  • He points out that in Bangalore, it is well-nigh impossible to get a hotel room.
  • But the Celbridge attack was finding it well-nigh impossible to break down their opponents' defence with the defence denying them even a single score from play throughout that second half.
  • Sometimes when he opened his mouth to its utmost capacity he felt the joints slip and was compelled to put down the cornbread, or jole and greens, or the piece of 'possum he was eating, while his mouth remained a fixed abyss until the doctor came and restored it to a natural position by an exertion of muscular power that would have well-nigh lifted an ox. Mark Twain, a Biography — Volume I, Part 1: 1835-1866
  • These expedients for raising money displayed ‘well-nigh diabolical ingenuity’.
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  • Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.
  • For him, our country is well-nigh as barren; unicorn, lindworm, jack-o'-dance, all such game has become rare. The Unicorn Trade
  • the recording is well-nigh perfect
  • Here the dogs were well-nigh useless, and both they and the men were tried excessively by the roughness of the way. Chapter IV
  • Thus the complacent, musing upper thought in the mind and on the lips of the proletary as he wended his way through the quiet and well-nigh deserted streets to the older part of the town. The Price
  • I thought I understood what she was saying but I found it well-nigh impossible to believe.
  • Catholic verities, the primitive truths and practices of the Church of CHRIST, as sanctioned by GOD’s Word, we removed those incrustations of deadly error under which they were well-nighed buried... The Little Professor:
  • And there was not one man of them but ran like hunted sheep back into the manse, and there, in the light, faced each other, forfeuchen and well-nigh greeting like terrified bairns, that did not know the face for that of Patrick Stories of the Border Marches
  • Catholic standing, and the great Catholic verities, the primitive truths and practices of the Church of CHRIST, as sanctioned by GOD’s Word, we removed those incrustations of deadly error under which they were well-nighed buried; The Little Professor:
  • A sword of antique make and uncommon size, framed to be wielded with both hands, a kind of weapon which was then beginning to go out of use, hung from his neck in a baldrick, and was so disposed as to traverse his whole person, the huge hilt appearing over his left shoulder, and the point reaching well-nigh to the right heel, and jarring against his spur as he walked. The Abbot
  • The second half-lemon was well-nigh pulpless and the golden collar had grown astonishing in width, when suddenly the drowsy silence which enveloped the yacht was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps and an elderly man topped with orderly gray hair and clad in a white-flannel suit appeared at the head of the companionway. Flappers and Philosophers
  • The wall of the turret is a series of cellular spaces, like the chine of a shell-fish; and all these iron cells are to be filled up with teak, making one solid and uniform mass, which is to be again strengthened and rendered well-nigh impregnable by armour-plates. Her Majesty's Ship Majestic Keeping Watch over the Steam-Rams in the Mersey.
  • When it comes to issues surrounding childbirth I tend to think of myself as well-nigh unshockable.
  • It will be well-nigh impossible to raise that amount of money.
  • But before that nameless prejudice that leaps beyond all this he stands helpless, dismayed, and well-nigh speechless; before that personal disrespect and mockery, the ridicule and systematic humiliation, the distortion of fact and wanton license of fancy, the cynical ignoring of the better and boisterous welcoming of the worse, the all-pervading desire to inculcated disdain for everything black, from Toussaint to the devil, — before this there rises a sickening despair that would disarm and discourage any nation save that black host to whom "discouragement" is an unwritten word. Strivings of the Negro People
  • life-stuff," and other hylotheistic and purely hypothetical formulæ, with which the average mind has been well-nigh crazed for the last fifteen or twenty years. Life: Its True Genesis
  • It is built low to the ground but it looks up, and I should think that it has a good chance to remain resilient and meaningful under well-nigh any future circumstance. Conscience and the Undergraduate
  • Next day, before you get started, he's well-nigh unmanageable. Chapter XI
  • He points out that in Bangalore, it is well-nigh impossible to get a hotel room.
  • Defence was well-nigh impossible against such opponents.
  • Heart-high, I say, my rapier entered Pasquini's side on the right, but it did not emerge, on the left, for, well-nigh through him, it met a rib (oh, man-killing is butcher's work!) with such a will that the forcing overbalanced him, so that he fell part backward and part sidewise to the ground. Chapter 11
  • Were he perfectly black, you could sit alongside him and not see him," Lloyd said; and I confess the illustration was apt enough to make me well-nigh convinced. Moon Face:The Shadow and the Flash
  • The wall of the turret is a series of cellular spaces, like the chine of a shell-fish; and all these iron cells are to be filled up with teak, making one solid and uniform mass, which is to be again strengthened and rendered well-nigh impregnable by armour-plates. Her Majesty's Ship Majestic Keeping Watch over the Steam-Rams in the Mersey.
  • Of course, one of the reasons it is undiscovered is that it is well-nigh undiscoverable.
  • It is more than telling that a well-nigh feverish and frenetic cult of the personality is at the core of this powerful display.
  • Having well-nigh stifled his countryman with embraces, and besmeared himself with pulville from head to foot, he proceeded in this manner, The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom — Volume 01
  • Formerly all tenants had some capital, and often considerable; but absentee landlordism, rising rack-rent, and falling cotton have stripped them well-nigh of all, and probably not over half of them to-day own their mules. VIII. Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece.
  • Absurd as it may seem now, it was the legitimate ancestor of modern pathogeny, and still holds well-nigh undisputed sway over the popular mind, and much more than could be desired over that of the profession. Preventable Diseases
  • Heart-high, I say, my rapier entered Pasquini's side on the right, but it did not emerge, on the left, for, well-nigh through him, it met a rib (oh, man-killing is butcher's work!) with such a will that the forcing overbalanced him, so that he fell part backward and part sidewise to the ground. Chapter 11
  • Having well-nigh stifled his countryman with embraces, and besmeared himself with pulville from head to foot, he proceeded in this manner, “Mercy upon thee, knight, thou art so transmographied, and bedaubed, and bedizened, that thou mought rob thy own mother without fear of information. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • THE number of sins a person may commit is well-nigh incalculable, which is only one way of saying that the malice of man has invented innumerable means of offending the Almighty -- a compliment to our ingenuity and the refinement of our natural perversity. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • No one would deny that resemblances are there; it is to distinguish them and estimate their significance without yielding to fancifulness, which is the well-nigh hopeless task. Albert Durer
  • It will be well-nigh impossible to raise that amount of money.
  • She could make a meal of sun-dried fish or a bed in the snow; yet she teased them with tantalizing details of many-course dinners, and caused strange internal dissensions to arise at the mention of various quondam dishes which they had well-nigh forgotten. An Odyssey of the North
  • This is the well-nigh inevitable result of having free trade between a country with a very low savings rate and one with a very high one like China. Ian Fletcher: Why Have Nations at All? The Case for Economic Borders
  • The sound becomes an acrid smog, a dull thudding headache, in which it is well-nigh impossible to distinguish the individual elements.
  • While I am in favor of preserving the racial integrity of my people, and deplore miscegenation in all its phases, I am not blind to the fact that amalgamation is no longer a theory, but well-nigh an accomplished fact; and if the interblending of the races keeps up in the same ratio it has gone on in the past, it will be totally consummated in the not distant future. The Negro and the White Man
  • Democracy and schooling promoted egalitarian mores and well-nigh universal literacy.
  • But before I leave what I call the desponding epoch of my schoolboy days, I must not omit to mention a species of impious barbarity, that had well-nigh alienated my heart for ever from religion, and which made me for the time detest the very name of church. Rattlin the Reefer
  • She could make a meal of sun-dried fish or a bed in the snow; yet she teased them with tantalizing details of many-course dinners, and caused strange internal dissensions to arise at the mention of various quondam dishes which they had well-nigh forgotten. An Odyssey of the North
  • The job provides a young conductor with the sort of working relationship and intimacy with all facets of a major orchestra that would be well-nigh impossible to achieve on a freelance basis.
  • I felt well-nigh inclined to lout [courtesy] me low unto this magnifical gentleman, rather than take him by the hand and kiss him. Joyce Morrell's Harvest The Annals of Selwick Hall
  • This presents the artist with a well-nigh impossible task.
  • I began this retrospective, Volume XV of "The Welte Mignon Mystery" series, with those inscriptions Edvard Grieg made 17 April 1906 and here reproduced on the modern Steinway in stereo - such a tonic after the scratchy, well-nigh acoustically impossible shellacs he cut that had appeared on Pearl. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • With a piece of chalkstone picked from the rubble, I marked my path; but that was well-nigh the last glimmer of ordinary human sense in me, as I drew kilometer by kilometer near to my finality. The Day Of Their Return
  • To maintain perspective and understanding in the atmosphere of centralization is a task that many able and conscientious people have found well-nigh impossible. Why Do We Need Formal Organization?
  • Robert Guiscard, or Roger of Sicily, are all greater and stronger men, but there is no "ganger," no rover, like the man who in fifty years, after fighting in well-nigh every land of Christians or of the neighbours and enemies of Christendom, yet hoped for time to sail off to the new-found countries and so fulfil his oath and promise to perfect a life of unmatched adventure by unmatched discovery. Prince Henry the Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery, 1394-1460 A.D. With an Account of Geographical Progress Throughout the Middle Ages As the Preparation for His Work.
  • After the Revolution, during the First Empire, so called, -- the usurpation, that is, of Napoleon Bonaparte, -- literature was well-nigh extinguished in France. Classic French Course in English
  • Valleys aggraded with fine waste form well-nigh level plains over which streams wind from side to side of a direct course in symmetric bends known as meanders, from the name of a winding river of Asia Minor. The Elements of Geology
  • In well-nigh every town one or more of these "gilds" were established, delighting the people with their quaint pageantry and elaborate ritual, and forming centres of light and culture throughout the land. History of Holland
  • How is it that a company goes from well-nigh insolvency to buying a US retail icon?
  • I'm sorry, but accurately predicting costs is well-nigh impossible… there are just too many variables.
  • Lawrence, one of the ablest men whom I have known, had been well-nigh ostracised for his book "On Man," which now might be read in a Sunday school without surprising anybody; it was only a few years since the electors to the chair of Natural History in a famous northern university had refused to invite a very distinguished man to occupy it because he advocated the doctrine of the diversity of species of mankind, or what was called "polygeny. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 1
  • ‘It is an uphill and well-nigh impossible task,’ he wrote.
  • And when I am despairing, I shall recall these wonderful words of HPL, quoted in the Guardian today: I am well-nigh resolv'd to write no more tales, but merely to dream when I have a mind to, not stopping to do any thing so vulgar as to set down the dream for a boarish Publick. Hot 'n Humid
  • Eventually, without losing a single man, this unit of the Royal Navy systematically destroyed all French fortifications, more than one hundred heavy cannon, stretching about seventy miles from San Sebastián to Santander (except for the well-nigh impregnable Castro-Urdiales). Archive 2009-03-01
  • To understand what other creatures perceive we have to do the well-nigh impossible.
  • A night of calm, when sleep is well-nigh impossible in the sultry, muggy air, may be followed by a day of blazing sun and an oily swell from the south'ard, connoting great gales in that area of ocean we are sailing toward -- or all day long the Elsinore, under an overcast sky, royals and sky sails furled, may plunge and buck under wind-pressure into a short and choppy head-sea. CHAPTER XXVII
  • And I — what would I not have given for a bit of friendly wilderness, where, unseen, I might vent my joy in some mad freak, such as idiotically biting my hand; turning a somersault, or slashing at trees, in order to allay those exciting feelings that were well-nigh uncontrollable. How I Found Livingstone
  • Formerly all tenants had some capital, and often considerable; but absentee landlordism, rising rack-rent, and failing cotton have stripped them well-nigh of all, and probably not over half of them to-day own their mules. The Souls of Black Folk
  • With no help, finishing the job in a day was well-nigh impossible.
  • It will be well-nigh impossible to raise that amount of money.
  • In this he was partially blocked, but a dozen of the ` Frisco Reds were executed, and the group was well-nigh destroyed. Chapter 19: Transformation
  • But the city folk constituted a new and terrible destructive force, the equilibrium was overthrown, and the poppies well-nigh perished. The Golden Poppy
  • The emotional risk she faced with him had just intensified and increased, well-nigh beyond bearing. THE PERFECT LOVER
  • Francesco Berni's rifacimento, or recasting of "L'Orlando" appeared in 1542, and from that date till 1830, when Panizzi revived it, Boiardo's name was well-nigh forgotten. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.
  • It was not so very long since my kind friend, Sir William Lawrence, one of the ablest men whom I have known, had been well-nigh ostracised for his book "On Man," which now might be read in a Sunday school without surprising anybody; it was only a few years since the electors to the chair of Natural History in a famous northern university had refused to invite a very distinguished man to occupy it because he advocated the doctrine of the diversity of species of mankind, or what was called "polygeny. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
  • However various experts agreed that there is lively cross-border movement of birds in Africa that is well-nigh impossible to monitor, and Hockey said there was an illegal trade in ornamental birds from south and east Asia.
  • Not a slut, but what is a hetaera; and not a hetaera, but what is well-nigh Kypris herself! Yama: the pit
  • Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.
  • For a start, sheer distance put a well-nigh insurmountable barrier be-tween me and my peers.
  • Finding a rug that's just the colour, size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible.
  • It was well-nigh impossible for him to convince her that he was right.
  • Greenford at that stour, whereas well-nigh all their fighting-men were lying before the Red Hold as now. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • So the headsmen put his hand to her back, to take her; but the King cried out at him and cast at him somewhat he hent in hand, which had well-nigh killed him, saying, O dog, how durst thou show ruth to those with whom I am wroth? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Mr. Beauffet told me he was ordered to offer a glass of wine to the person who collected the income tax, and that the poor man was so overcome by a reception so unwontedly generous, that he had well-nigh fainted on the spot. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Choosing a player of the century in any sport is usually well-nigh impossible.
  • It is meant to highlight the strengths of the province, however there are problems in the conception of the show that make this well-nigh impossible.
  • And then he yede to the third pavilion and found Sir Gawaine lying in bed with his Lady Ettard, and either clipping other in arms, and when he saw that his heart well-nigh brast for sorrow, and said: Alas! that ever a knight should be found so false; and then he took his horse and might not abide no longer for pure sorrow. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • He never wrote a paper without foot-notes, appendices, supplements, and the alterations and corrections in his proofs were such that the printers found their task well-nigh impossible.…
  • It is well-nigh impossible to compare drivers of different eras, but Senna and Schumacher make the job slightly easier because they raced against each other - albeit for a very brief time.
  • In a trice, however, by the assistance of his female second, he was on his legs again, and grappling with his antagonist, endeavoured to tip him a fall, but instead of accomplishing his purpose, he received a cross-buttock, and the brewer throwing himself upon him as he fell, had well-nigh smothered him on the spot. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • One example of this phenomenon is the surge in personal ads that seek partners "specced" in well-nigh impossible to satisfy terms. Ubercool
  • But Sigismund did no further mischief that night, except that, in achieving a superb entrechat, he alighted with his whole weight on the miniature foot of his pretty partner, which he well-nigh crushed to pieces. Anne of Geierstein
  • It has become well-nigh impossible for many Scottish firms to renew their employers' liability cover.

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