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How To Use Well-educated In A Sentence

  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
  • The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal.
  • The sample was very homogeneous, consisting primarily of well-educated White women.
  • I'm convinced that this kidnapper is a very well-educated man. Follow the Mullahs
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  • We will continue to develop well-educated, motivated, and competent people skilled in the demands of the space medium.
  • The most popular locations, such as Ireland and India, offered well-educated, English-speaking programmers and convenient time differences for round-the-clock remediation.
  • Large numbers of well-educated and articulate refugees fled abroad and formed influential lobbies supporting the militant struggle, particularly through the LTTE.
  • The second step is to redesign the school system so that it produces a well-educated population.
  • By day, this urbane, well-educated man mastered complex problems in a high-tech consulting firm.
  • In Dickey's previous novels, most of the characters tend to be successful, affluent, well-educated African Americans - buppies who have struck it rich professionally, but struck out personally.
  • The running joke is about a well-educated immigrant stuck in a dead job.
  • Of course to say that such schemes don't also attract the smart, intelligent, well-educated and discerning net users would be untrue.
  • The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
  • That's why it's interesting to talk to a well-educated person. STONE CITY
  • I so understand the grammar peeve - "irregardless" is my biggest weakness - but, um, lots of well-educated people use bad grammar.
  • As an upper middle class well-educated lawyer facing increased taxes under some of Obama's proposals, I recognize that it might be time for me to pay this country back for all the wealth I've reaped from the advantageous opportunities its given this white male, and that perhaps, as a citizen of a community, I should participate in fulfilling my moral obligation to helping those around me who have less. First on the CNN Ticker: Florida senator to resign seat
  • Aly is a very well-educated man as far as general subjects go, and it is extremely astonishing to find him seriously insisting upon such a subject. Three Months in the Soudan
  • The old and small generation of well-educated Indonesians who spoke Dutch is passing away.
  • Less charitably, shouldn't indie kids be able to listen to music well-educated people usually think is ‘beneath them’ without requiring it to give off the patina of subversiveness?
  • From the twelfth to the fourteenth century a well-educated Englishman was trilingual.
  • He is very quiet, very considered, very well-educated, said Ashur Shamis, an exiled Libyan writer, who added that al-Nakou was a hugely respected figure among the Libyan community. Libyan diplomats leave London as anti-Gaddafi protesters celebrate
  • He looks to be a well-educated, generous, and pacifistic gentlemen.
  • In a mostly immigrant church, the priest was one of the very few well-educated people in the community, and certainly almost the only one with a more than catechetical knowledge of religion.
  • And while it might seem kind of bratty to complain about salary shortfalls in this time of economic crisis when so many are flat out of jobs and have given up looking, the fact is that our state and national future relies on a well-educated, conscientiously trained populace. Shira Tarrant: California College: Up in Smoke?
  • Knowing that wellness is a primary concern among the well-heeled and well-educated, cruise lines have created onboard programmes for health-conscious travellers, from those continuing a rigorous training programme to people taking their first steps toward a healthier lifestyle.
  • And there is less sympathy for well-educated IT workers, many of whom benefited from a dramatic run-up in salaries during the bubble.
  • The group was characterized as being well-educated and liberal.
  • Never in the strict sense of the word a clever man - even by the academic standard (he took only a third in Mods. and a second in Greats, and worked hard for them, too) - he became an extraordinarily well-educated one.
  • He proved himself to be tenacious, smart, and extremely well-educated - with the kind of tough-minded common sense they breed in the West.
  • The assistance of a biomechanist or a coach well-educated in biomechanics could be important in this phase of the swimmer's preparation.
  • Pilots are usually well-educated, highly analytical types whom you would not normally expect to believe in luck or jinxes.
  • In search of a well-educated but cheaper workforce, plus foreign government enticements, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry has been shipping production jobs overseas only to reimport their goods back to the United States.
  • in that well-educated company I felt uncomfortably provincial
  • But Egypt, though poor, has a sophisticated elite, a well-educated middle class and strong sense of national pride.
  • The school ethos was mainly concerned with turning out well-educated, potential wives of professional able-bodied men.
  • These are very well-educated professional women in Fog Bank who felt insecure about investing.
  • But even by marriage Jhabvala was an outsider, since her husband was a Parse, a member of a generally well-educated and prosperous ethnic group whose position in Indian society is not dissimilar to that of the Jews in Europe. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala.
  • Without a well-educated populace we are a poor and intellectually bankrupt society.
  • In fact, Bowen's wife plays a key role in securing his acceptance, ‘being a well-educated woman, versed in the usages of polite society’.
  • It is imperative to reorient the German political model more firmly toward the middle classes, the active, relatively well-educated and well-situated majority.
  • cumber, a senior civil servant in his late forties, pleasant, well-educated, self-possessed and competent, welcomes her. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • These futuristic service industries need both a well-educated workforce and good public infrastructure.
  • Between 2000 and 2015, well-educated, well-off Californians had more to bring them together than to divide them.
  • As this relatively well-educated population evolved from sojourners to permanent residents, they promoted the development of an increasingly mature society.
  • The second step is to redesign the school system so that it produces a well-educated population.
  • It would be a great gain, also if intelligent women had more knowledge of domestic economy and mothercraft, because one of the reasons why the well-educated girl is handicapped in seeking a mate is the belief all too frequently well founded of many young men that she is a luxury which he can not afford. Applied Eugenics
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • More than most well-educated, middle-class talents of his generation, he footled his life away as a forlorn, frustrated flaneur, squandering several inherited fortunes to achieve renown only under a false name playing an elaborate practical joke.
  • I have met with some well-informed men, and some lively conversable women, but none of either sex that reminded me of the well-educated men and women of Europe.
  • ABE students vary from virtual non-readers to well-educated immigrants who wish to learn English.
  • Nor does it bode well for Canada's economic advancement or political process, which thrives on a well-educated electorate.
  • Note the strange lack of anything resembling Socialism or Marxism, or even any kind of collectivization, except where it pertains to aiding your own country in the long run by being a productive, well-educated member of society - a goal that one would hope even this Administration's most obtuse critics could get behind at least in spirit, if not in the details. OpEdNews - Diary: School Speech Detractors Owe Obama an Apology
  • Since the 1960s, well-educated and often well-born men and women have followed Murdoch and made money in newspapers, the arts and television by debasing popular taste. A chance to drag ourselves out of the gutter | Nick Cohen
  • Without a well-educated populace we are a poor and intellectually bankrupt society.
  • If you are very well-educated and very well-connected, if you're at the right place at the right time, if you are in finance, particularly, or if you are a CEO, if you are a top executive of a big company, you are doing marvelously well. Reich Blames Economy's Woes On Income Disparity
  • Berzelius was born into a well-educated Swedish family, but he experienced a difficult childhood because first his father and then his mother died. Berzelius, Jöns Jakob
  • Pico Iyer tells of a "bright, resourceful, well-educated" trishaw driver in Myanmar, stifled in a country where intelligence is "something to be feared and can best be used by giving oneself to something other than words and ideas. Archive 2009-03-29
  • Yes, the entrepreneurs we are taught to venerate have been key to all this, but dig a little deeper and you soon find that most of their oil was on public lands, their technology nurtured or invented thanks to government-sponsored R&D, or supported by excellent public infrastructure and the possibility of hiring well-educated workers produced by a heavily subsidized higher-education system. Christian Parenti: Why Climate Change Will Make You Love Big Government
  • We depend on a well-educated professional corps of enlisted people.
  • To provide ourselves with a yardstick here, we can calculate that this sum is about 10 times more than the 50 or so ducats that a well-educated person such as a schoolteacher might hope to earn in a year.
  • Judging by his accent, there was a well-educated Englishman under all the dirt. SACRAMENT
  • well-educated
  • But it was lonely with only a half-deaf woman for a companion, and one day White Eagle brought to the four-room cottage he had erected a handsome well-educated mulattress who had escaped from slavery via the underground railroad. Winona: A Tale of Negro Life in the South and Southwest
  • He was neither a wit nor a brilliant raconteur, neither well-read nor well-educated, and he made no great contribution to enlightened social converse.
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • Ardinger is very candid in stating that she writes for a well-educated neopagan audience, though she wishes to impress upon all readers, No matter who you worship, the general issues of old age are ahead of you: getting sold out of your home, facing poverty and sickness, Alzheimer's, young physicians who don't care. Kelley Harrell: Neopagan Author Barbara Ardinger Dishes on Magickal Grandmothers in Secret Lives
  • The congregation was mostly young, unmarried, well-educated and upwardly mobile.
  • The most difficult and the most valuable is a well-educated populace.
  • Perhaps the religious illiteracy of so many otherwise well-educated young Catholics is too familiar to bear mentioning again.
  • “Such are the fortunes of Mr. Mezrich, 34, who, in churning out a kind of impressionistic nonfiction set in the circle of well-educated young men and their adventures in wealth-building, has created the genre analogue to what publishers call chick lit,” writes Ginia Bellafante. Print - Climbing the Socially Constructed Ladder |
  • Successful people are not always highly educated, but their behaviors and actions tell that they are well-educated. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I'm not expected to be well-educated on modern politics and current events.

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