How To Use Well-being In A Sentence
People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
Their satisfaction, well-being and enjoyment of the race are their primary goals.
The two occupying powers cared little for the country's sovereignty and well-being.
During an earlier scene of cooperative fruit picking with Cambodian and Laotian refugees, we are offered an opportunity to meditate on a pan-Asian Thailand of agrarian-pastoral well-being, and a move away from the tense border security of the 70s when refugees from Cambodia and Laos led Thailand to turn sharply to the right.
They provide comparative indicators of the relative well-being of various socioeconomic groups.

The bracing fresh air penetrates deep into the lungs and instill a feeling of calmness and well-being.
We hope to improve the health and well-being of poor children.
His technical skill guarantees admirable clarity in the midst of complex counterpoints, and there is a delightful sense of well-being about the performances.
Our body image in fact is central, if ambiguously so, to our mental and physical well-being.
A sense of well-being, of transformation and enlightenment, penetrates to the very marrow of his bones.
By upholding the principle "to each according to his work" and by recognizing material interests we intend to increase the material well-being of the entire people.
And then he watched automation, what we called automation takeover, remove the necessity of work from our well-being.
Democracy Now!
Cutting back on credit is absolutely essential to your financial well-being - and avoid keeping all your money in one place.
This lack of trust is dangerous, not just to our physical health, but also to our mental well-being.
An uncompromising self-absorption which alienates others and compromises the well-being of all.
And that will put a brake on industrial well-being.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
The sister and wife of Zeus the principal goddess of the Pantheon the pantroness primarily of marriage and the well-being of women the mother of Ares Hephaestus and Hebe.
The drug is said to give users a heightened sense of well-being.
Many traditional western ethical perspectives, however, are anthropocentric or human-centered in that either they assign intrinsic value to human beings alone (i.e., what we might call anthropocentric in a strong sense) or they assign a significantly greater amount of intrinsic value to human beings than to any nonhuman things such that the protection or promotion of human interests or well-being at the expense of nonhuman things turns out to be nearly always justified (i.e., what we might call anthropocentric in a weak sense).
Environmental Ethics
Again, the results revealed no significant differences in climacteric symptoms or well-being between the groups.
In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has been both clever and deceptive in giving this kind of polysyllabic, clinical name to even mild, transient versions of common ailments as a way of persuading both doctors and patients that their new, potent drugs are essential to our well-being.
Dr. Andrew Weil: Let's Take the Stomachache Out of Health Care Reform: One Patient's Story
Not an ideal candidate, Brady's personal views veer to the right of our tastes and the well-being of the state, but we take him at his word that he won't push a social agenda as governor and we call on him to govern from the middle.
Bill Brady Is Conservative, But Says He Won't Push Social Agenda
His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.
The ability of neuroticism and work-family conflict to predict work-related psychological well-being was tested with a hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
Adu: She said no, you know, and she was looking out for our well-being.
Formerly, the rich depended in some way on the well-being of the whole nation.
In early 20th century Great Britain, anti-imperialist commentators and politicians were often thought to be affected by the parochial disease of "Little Englandism" -- foreign policy solely focused on the well-being of the British Isles at the expense of the empire -- essentially an euphemism for isolationism.
Franz-Stefan Gady: H.G. Wells and Defending the "Restoration Doctrine"
These boys are dangerous, you know, and a threat to the moral well-being of all our children.
One explanation could be a link with the chemical serotonin, which is produced in the brain and is crucial to feelings of well-being.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus our life style and its effect on our physical well-being has in turn a pronounced effect on our feelings and mental experiences.
Know Your Own Mind
He heart was warmed by Pa'aga's caring concern for his well-being, and his own icy scheming melted away.
Citizen of the Month
Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates well-being, calmness and satiety, can be restored by eating carbohydrates.
There are 310,000,000 reasons to vote, one for every American raised to believe that government has a legitimate role to play in assuring the well-being, safety, and security of its citizens.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Annoying Alan Simpson: The 310,000,001st Reason to Vote
For those who have not been submitted, as we have for four years, to the intolerable and abhorred German yoke, it is difficult to realize how great were the relief, the joy, the well-being, in a word the unexpressible happiness we all felt when the first Allied troops made their way through our village, and this great event has been for us like the dawn of a resurrection.
Tar-Heel War Record (In the Great World War)
Tina claims the family was so concerned for her well-being, at one point they staged an intervention.
Foster our children's well-being and education
While in Plato there is the foreshadowing of the truth that the goal of moral endeavour lies in godlikeness, with Aristotle the goal is confined to this life and is conceived simply as the earthly well-being of the moral subject.
Christianity and Ethics A Handbook of Christian Ethics
Equality in access to Montana elk is not basic to the maintenance or well-being of the Union.
The great increase in the dimensions of modern class-rooms was dictated by physical hygiene; the ambient air space is measured by "cubature" in relation to the physical needs of respiration; and for the same reason, lavatories were multiplied, and bathrooms were installed; physical hygiene further decreed the introduction of concrete floors and washable dadoes, of central heating, and in many cases of meals, while gardens or broad terraces are already looked upon as essentials for the physical well-being of the child.
Spontaneous Activity in Education
What these passages show is that the biblical vision for God's creation is completeness, fullness, wholeness, and well-being.
Few, even among Dutch painters, led such an unadventurous life, yet in his dedication to his art, and the sacrifice of his well-being to his unremitted meticulous toil, he fell little short of the heroic.
Michael's task is an arduous one, but critical to the well-being of 2.5m people.
This distributionally-neutral growth led to tremendous improvements in the material well-being of poor Vietnamese.
Growth is Good For Poor People
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
In the morning young people sprinkle their elders with water to bring well-being and continued longevity.
He devoted his life, blood and sweat to the well-being of the motherland and the nation.
Having three good nourishing meals a day will generate a sense of well-being and stability.
You certainly don't need an understanding of ear reflexology to receive all the soothing, relaxing and well-being benefits.
He said agroforestry could contribute towards alleviating the impact of HIV / AIDS and thereby increasing the well-being of farming households particularly in Southern Africa where droughts were prevalent.
Perhaps, if we could penetrate Nature's secrets, we should find that what we call weeds are more essential to the well-being of the world than the most precious fruit or grain.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
He went through so many stages of healing that I just grew into how he looked, " says Becky, who says she was more concerned with Ty's emotional well-being than his physical appearance.
Under the 1958 Children Act, local authorities have a duty to ensure the well-being of children who are fostered privately.
But were our senses altered, and made much quicker and acuter, the appearance and outward scheme of things would have quite another face to us; and, I am apt to think, would be inconsistent with our being, or at least well-being, in this part of the universe which we inhabit.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Well-being pen eyeliner with low stimulus of natural eatable coloring matter.
These are good reasons for expecting psychological well-being to be at risk.
YOUR work and well-being chart is at the heart of the action.
The Sun
In every case the prospective mother's happiness or well-being has been put at stake by unplanned pregnancy.
She appeared to be in a state of transcendental well-being, wholly aglow with radiant emanations of health.
Using scent to create a sense of well-being is the essence of aromatherapy.
Describe how you would conduct a study to investigate the well-being of such ex-patients.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
The full moon focuses on work and well-being.
The Sun
Affection exhaustion and unhuman will cut down the level of teachers' well-being, the sense of achievement will promote the level of teachers' well-being.
It is thought to encourage the release of brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with relaxation and feelings of well-being.
Sound Waves are the Latest Weapon in the Fight Against Dentist Phobias | Impact Lab
The dominant theme of this literature was concern for the well-being of the peasantry.
The novel does not, however, present material well-being as synonymous with cultural disinheritance.
As the sun glanced through my window, I realized my sense of well-being is definitely engendered by the presence of 3 Rogers and Hammerstein productions in our fair burg.
The glorification of greed is causing a disconnect between the interests of the few and the well-being of the many.
The drug is said to give users a heightened sense of well-being.
The Prime Minister of Australia , said that "in terms of world well-being, Florey was the most important man ever born in Australia".
is another proof that these people are not interested in the welfare, well-being of the Palestinians, not on their daily needs and or even in their national, political program.
The allocation of land to men means that women's dependence upon husbands is exacerbated despite an increase in material well-being.
The focus is on work and well-being and you have a new and meticulous attention to detail for success.
The Sun
Rising living standards and well-being are ambiguously related at the best of times, and not simply for ecological reasons.
Physical well-being can help create confidence.
A much too large US population sees no relation to world affairs, they are blindsighted by their own borders (and educational limits) and do not understand anything about international relations and how important that is to the security and well-being of the USA in general.
Resplendent colors highlight setting for state dinner
The political liberties have a central importance in making well-being human.
A shift in perspective is underway, from desiring a standard of living defined by possessions and financial wealth to a quality of life defined by experiences and genuine well-being.
Do you Live to Work? Ecopreneurs Use their Green Business to Make a Life.
In addition to the physical, parents also have trouble finding time to nurture their kids ' emotional well-being.
On arrival on the apron in Baghdad the pilot shuts down the engines as the hot engine backwash and dust need to be eliminated to maximise casualty comfort and well-being.
Sometimes a second income is critical to the family's well-being.
As COLTO members we have a direct commercial interest in the well-being of Patagonian toothfish and the ecosystems that support them.
We inspire the utilization of renewable fiber, improve the social development by creativity and promote well-being of people and harmonious concomitance with the nature.
Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being.
They encourage better posture and promote a sense of well-being.
A major societal concern about cannabis intoxication is its potential to impair psychomotor performance in ways which may directly affect the well-being of non-users of cannabis.
Smoking And Driving? Nonsense. « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
As the closest European nation to Libya, as well as to Tunisia and Egypt, Italy's economic well-being depends heavily on having a good relationship with North Africa.
The unusually smooth driveline and comfortable ride add to a general sense of well-being.
Vuurdoorn is a druid/dryad and a ritualist with a fascination for silly humans without really caring for their well-being.
Kederan XV Conquering Krimmhild
Since every disease or unwanted condition exists because Well-Being is being disallowed, then, in the absence of that disallowance, Well-Being will return.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
At that time, the gods Anu and Enlil, for the enhancement of the well-being of the people, named me by my name Hammurabi, the pious prince, who venerates the gods, to make justice prevail in the land, to abolish the wicked and the evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak, to rise like the sun-god Shamash himself associated with dispensing justice over all humankind to illuminate the land.3
In the Valley of the Shadow
McGuffin said the primary use for St. John's wort is maintaining good mood and a sense of well-being.
It would certainly be a grave misunderstanding if everyone felt entitled to well-being as an " unalienable right".
Plus, this healthy physical attitude of yours indicates deeper emotional well-being and stability.
As Empress, my affairs are concerned with the domestic well-being of our people.
The focus was on well-being and a positive healthy lifestyle as well as to impart awareness and knowledge about biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of body weight.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Weight Acceptance Prevents Weight Gain?
There is no straightforward equivalence between economic progress and social well-being.
This shouldn't be an exercise in sabre rattling but a "facts of life" view of how a business makes money in a tough global competitive marketplace, how a business pays taxes, how a business contributes to economic well-being, how business makes a social-infrastructure possible and sustainable.
Business & The NDP: Rhetoric Versus Reality
For these reasons, close surveillance of gastroschisis in the third trimester using a combination of sonography and fetal surveillance testing (biophysical profile, Doppler ultrasound, amniotic fluid volume) is important to monitoring fetal well-being and determining the appropriate time of delivery.
For most workers, however, the antebellum period was one of rising wages and higher standards of material well-being.
Xiangzhou Hotel is entirely designed, constructed, decorated in 5 stars standard. It is the luxury business and tour hotel with the guest room, food, well-being, scriptorium and flat.
This sense of well-being is carried on into marriage where husband replaces father.
Behind Closed Doors - advice for families with violence in the home
Whatever the reason, she felt a sense of well-being which had not been hers since before her marriage.
Some, rather than being simply indifferent to the well-being of others, have an urgent need to make others feel agony and humiliation.
For the nurse, virtues and excellences are those habits that affirm and promote the values of human dignity, well-being, respect, health, independence, and other values central to nursing.
Rather, it creates an institutional framework in which, to get ahead in their economic engagements, even people who grow up entirely self-seeking and anti-social must attend to the general social good and the well-being of others.
In essence, the rationale for local economic development links economic development to community well-being.
Fresh air and direct sunlight for at least part of the day is essential to the well-being of your budgerigar .
The physical, mental and emotional well-being of the football public is also on the line.
It declared the goal of assuring "a minimum standard of living necessary for the health, efficiency, and general well-being of workers." But it also allowed employers to replace striking workers.
He is concerned with the well-being of every citizen, and is a kind, prudent, generous man.
The challenge of creating a new era for government as long-term guarantor of our security and well-being lies ahead. ”
Government Beyond Obama?
The Catholic Church should do the same to ensure the well-being of the Catholic genetic pool.
Vasanti also had some good luck: she had no abusive in-laws to put up with, and she had brothers who were more than usually solicitous of her well-being.
People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
The solutions may not be covered by your insurance, but your well-being is worth it.
Links Between Gossiping Behavior and Subjective Well-Being" — Jennifer Cole and Hannah Scrivener, presented Sept. 7 at a British Psychological Society conference.
This leads to improved health and a sense of well-being.
The illness, hospitalisation and death of one partner can harm the well-being of the other, US researchers have said.
The biggest mistake I see parents making is that they want their children to love them, but the price they're paying is the long-term well-being of their children.
Bridget Nielsen: 5 Ways to Get Your Kids Eating Healthfully
We have returned from fighting for your well-being, mistress, and are in no mood for silly games.
He was charming, expansive and, according to investigators, a danger to the well-being of associates who fell from favor.
We owe no less to the well-being of our nation's defense system and the military profession.
It has been expressed all through human history, when people have sacrificed physical well-being for spiritual fulfillment.
The benefit of out-group hostility has not only expired, but is now severely detrimental to our well-being both as individuals and as a species.
Ted Cadsby: Defying Our Maker: What The New Atheists Miss
Yet the present mood of well-being is curious.
High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour, told delegates the high prices and shortages of food were jeopardizing the well-being and rights of countless people.
However, since the Republican noise machine is so concerned about my "well-being" and that of America's students, they'll be relieved to know that I was not "inducted" into homosexuality, assaulted, raped, or sold into sexual slavery.
Alex Blaze: The War on LGBT Teachers
The way in which we breathe affects our physical, mental and emotional well-being.
I know that his personal well-being is none of my business, but somehow it's hard not to worry about Harry.
After 25 years of economic growth it is anxious to show improvements in social well-being.
However, the effort is invariably rewarded with the sense of well-being that comes from communing with the glories of nature.
Stephen, offering her his arm, guiding her confidently across the marble floor, was glossy with well-being.
If an infant survives into the second year of life, the next measure of well-being is protection against preventable childhood diseases.
Many unchurched Americans' value systems are derived from civil religion that is concerned only for America's perceived well-being or pop culture that glorifies greed.
Now he's sober, well-behaved and, like most recovering alcoholics, will be obsessed with his own preservation and well-being.
As patriots of our beloved country, we should contribute to the endeavors that aim at the safety and well-being of our country.
America's business leaders need to drop their short-term fixation on immediate profits and, instead, focus on their companies 'long-term performance, recognizing that doing so also includes the long-term well-being of their employees and the communities in which those employees live.
Charles Kolb: The Value(s) of Wall Street
The net impact of the cuts, they conclude, has been to widen disparities in economic well-being.
This is likely to improve his well-being and counteract the dehydration caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea tend to induce.
SYDNEY—Shrugging off worries over the rising cost of living and a two-speed economy, Australia ranks among the top nations in the world for lifestyle and well-being, with its people working less and getting paid more than 33 other nations measured by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD, in its new Better Life index.
Australians Among Happiest, OECD Lifestyle Index Shows
We try to ensure the well-being of our employees.
This is about life, and the land and resources that support our existence and well-being.
Why should this most great and lofty Cause -- the daystar of the firmament of true civilization and the cause of the glory, the advancement, the well-being and the success of all humanity -- be regarded as impossible of achievement?
Brent Poirier: Celebration of the Birth of the Bab: Dawn of the Age of the Maturity of Humanity
The esteem, general self-efficiency, life events stress are signally correlated with well-being, they all entered regression equation.
The rich see population control as the best way of conserving their environmental well-being.
They are severe and have a devastating effect on his personality, his physical well-being and his mental state.
Apple executives provided no additional information on the well-being of CEO Steve Jobs, who stepped away from day-to-day operations in January to get treated for what he called a hormone imbalance.
As we get older this facet of our lives becomes even more important to our well-being and our health.
The whole point of desiring to conserve is to maintain a situation which one wants to continue, a way of life in which people work hard to care for themselves and their families but are willing to share their resources with others who are less fortunate and to contribute to the costs of the common well-being.
Who You Callin' Liberal
Their research showed that marriage brings such life-enhancing benefits as lower blood pressure, improved diet and enhanced mental well-being.
We have to know from ourself, there are certain state of mind that are conducive to this flourishing, to this well-being, what the Greeks called eudaimonia, flourishing.
Matthieu Ricard on the habits of happiness
I want emotional well-being connected with a less individualistic and more caring society.
The Sun
In the eyes of idolaters, the idol was seen neither as the source of their existence nor as the source of their well-being.
Other treatments include acupuncture, baby massage, homeopathy and reflexology and there's free herbal tea for those seeking instant well-being.
We are now concerned for the economic well-being of the country.
Your mental concentration is reduced by too much physical well-being.
If there are children, the corrosiveness caused by fighting over money will spill over into the children's emotional well-being for their entire lives.
Laurie Israel: Don't Let Your Attorney Hijack Your Divorce
Over the past 30 years Western living standards have increased dramatically, yet the sense of well-being has plummeted.
If you decide to create some changes in your job, you can take the following proactive self-care measures to protect your well-being as you focus on the challenges ahead.
We welcome expansion of telephone services as improving the general well-being but accept curtailment of postal services as signifying necessary economy.
I assure you that it will redound to the social, academic and financial well-being of us all.
They can make a significant contribution to the general health and well-being of individuals and local communities.
Material well-being does not necessarily bring about true happiness.
That will require action to meet the practical concerns of states that still regard the nonintervention principle as of overriding importance to their national well-being.
The state assumes full responsibility for all development projects and the well-being of its citizens and is reluctant to admit need for external assistance.
There were side effects even for the most amenable child: restlessness and insomnia, complete loss of appetite, diuresis, a tendency to “facilitate the flow of thought, generally at the expense of concentration,” and “a rather fictitious sense of fitness, self-confidence, and well-being.”
Raymond Carver
For example, vitamin pills are consumed by many millions of people in expectation that they will exert a powerful effect on health and well-being.
Cultural Anthropology
I was not worried for my well-being.
We must rely on the moral fibre of our farmers to consider the well-being of the consumer.
The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
Equality in access to Montana elk is not basic to the maintenance or well-being of the Union.
Promoting resource efficiency by reusing and recycling will help minimise the production and landfill of waste, creating huge benefits for the environment, economy and our well-being!" hoorayed Deputy European Programmes Minister Alun Davies.
WalesOnline - Home
Household income, even adjusted for inflation, has increased, which would suggest that well-being has improved, " says Scott Hoyt, senior director of consumer economics at Moody's Analytics.
People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
Grossly unfair treatment could affect your physical and mental well-being, as well as that of members of your close family.
In a thousand ways the well-being of individuals is conditioned by the acts of others, so inwrought is this representative principle into our human life.
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
If you keep a horse, regular, knowledgeable inspection of its feet is essential for its well-being.
The man in the pinstriped suit and bowler hat is tapping his silver-topped cane on the breakfast table to emphasise each key point of his masterplan for the future well-being of the nation.
The net impact of the cuts, they conclude, has been to widen disparities in economic well-being.
Using scent to create a sense of well-being is the essence of aromatherapy.
A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
The drug is said to give users a heightened sense of well-being.
Optimism can counteract the negative impact stress, tension and anxiety has on your immune system and well-being.
Inside the bottle you will find a handful of sparkling semi-precious gemstones which spiritual healers believe affect our health and well-being.
Perhaps if we could penetrate Nature's secrets we should find that what we call weeds are more essential to the well-being of the world than the most precious fruit or grain.
The Community Cook Book
Inequality correlates closely with several indicators of social and political disintegration, suggesting that the broader well-being of the nation is affected by wide disparities in income between the rich and poor.
The theory holds that well-being depends in large part on meeting one's basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
The aim of the weekend will be one of complete relaxation and enhancement of well-being.
Stephen, offering her his arm, guiding her confidently across the marble floor, was glossy with well-being.
This region of tropical rain-forests, with its moist, windless climate and constant warmth provides ideal conditions for the growth and well-being the cocoa tree.
It could have become a little new-age preachy, with talk of enzymes and vitamins enhancing your well-being.
I would be compromising her safety and well-being with integration.
In essence, the rationale for local economic development links economic development to community well-being.
Thus our life style and its effect on our physical well-being has in turn a pronounced effect on our feelings and mental experiences.
Know Your Own Mind
Seeing the indissoluble connection among property rights, the rule of law, and economic well-being will not solve all our problems.
For many people, ageing is associated with a decline in emotional well-being.
In particular, it is not clear how a sense of well-being and a sense of belonging are connected.
Her fictional worlds, like those of her best-selling coevals Wally Lamb and Khaled Hosseini, are marked by trauma, persecution and suffering, relieved only intermittently by freakish moments of well-being.
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