
well timed

  1. done or happening at the appropriate or proper time
    a seasonable time for discussion
    the book's publication was well timed
    a timely warning
    with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery

How To Use well timed In A Sentence

  • The President's tax cut was well timed, and along with the automatic stabilizers, helped mitigate the recession.
  • A few well timed shoves jolted the wooden crate that had barred the exit, leading them all up into the eerie silent Southwestern portion of La Fortaleza's courtyard.
  • Fortunately, Shane comes to the rescue with a well timed pregnant pause - or is he asleep?
  • This means that we're supposed to believe that radical Islamic terrorists are clever enough to beat American defenses and carry out a well planned, well timed attack on 9/11, but they're so dumb that they'd fall for a "mousetrap" ploy that would ensure their extinction. Here Are Some Crazy Theories for You
  • The book's publication was well timed.
  • My arrival wasn't very well timed.
  • the book's publication was well timed
  • For all its note of fantasy, however, the article was widely read and well timed.
  • It was he who put the kybosh on welfare "as we know it," who carried the deregulation of almost everything to absurd extremes, who rode "free trade" and other nostrums of global capitalism for all they are worth, and who, with a few well timed "humanitarian interventions," dispatched "the Vietnam syndrome" once and for all. Andrew Levine: Two Reaganite Presidents: Bill Clinton and Barack Obama
  • With a sudden burst of energy and a well timed tug on her chains, Percephony was able to break her restraints.
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