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How To Use Weighted In A Sentence

  • Diving underweighted can lead to buoyant ascents at the end of the dive, so I am not advocating that everyone knocks a couple of kilos off the next time they dive.
  • Hand, Schryhart, Arneel, and Merrill, weighted with this inpouring flood of stock, which they had to take at two-twenty, hurried to their favorite banks, hypothecating vast quantities at one-fifty and over, and using the money so obtained to take care of the additional shares which they were compelled to buy. The Titan
  • This latest fly is based on an earlier marabou tailed damsel nymph that was weighted down with lead wire.
  • It's here that he rails for the umpteenth time against lesser critics who have dared to suggest that his boisterous, agonistic account of writerly influence might be weighted in favour of a certain masculinist tradition. The Anatomy of Influence by Harold Bloom – review
  • The electronic power-assisted steering feels well weighted, with a slow rack ratio but an on-centre sluggishness, which is safe and steady but not at all responsive. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
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  • I will not be there with a £180 ticket to be biffed into kingdom come by some insane person on the end of a weighted rope - or falling off it - but good luck to those who come to brave the 2 chords of U2 at warp volume and other truffles of this cultural feast. Bono and The Edge defend Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
  • The keel is a centreboard but not weighted; the ballast is in the hull itself (which sounds inefficient but actually works surprisingly well).
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • He contemptuously dismissed any suggestion to the effect that the dollar was overvalued, or that its climb to record highs on a trade-weighted basis was becoming a source of economic instability.
  • The fishing nets are weighted with lead.
  • Minutes later Campbell scored again at the end of a deftly weighted bomb.
  • Following the deep-strength caveat of careful progression, begin with unweighted, standard squats.
  • Including him also helped Holbein to balance the composition, which is slightly weighted to the left in the drawing.
  • In initial testing, 42 percent more bigeye tuna were caught using Beverly's new weighted, deep-set gear.
  • Unfortunately it's weighted down with accretion upon accretion of utterly self-indulgent pomposity.
  • The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.
  • Sterling's trade-weighted index fell to an 11-year low of 91.6. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well weighted on that form and looks a strong stayer. The Sun
  • A trade-weighted index is created by applying weights to the movement of relative money values based on the amount of trade between the countries.
  • These factors are statistically weighted as to importance, and relative values are assigned.
  • Indeed, the film is weighted with questions about all the biggies: life, love, death, religion, revenge, organ transplantation, and much, much more.
  • He slipped on a pair of weighted training mitts and started to belt and pummel the bag mercilessly.
  • In particular, the early parts of cumulative emergence curves at a range of temperatures were superposed when expressed in thermally weighted time, while the late parts diverged.
  • An improved weighted noise power estimation algorithm is proposed in the paper by taking into account the correlation of inter-frequency in the noisy speech.
  • The course is weighted towards language skills.
  • Move gradually to an unweighted barbell in weeks two and three, and a weighted bar by week four.
  • Tarja supposed he had sunk into the muddy river, weighted down by his ornate armour. MEDALON
  • Discussing the associated relations among the signal intensities of lumbar disc on T2-weighted MRI, age, intervertebral space and disc herniation.
  • Doing this exercise before doing the more strenuous weighted exercises is a good way to warm up these muscles. The Sun
  • It may well save a few innocent lives if the justice system was less weighted in favour of the criminal's human rights.
  • His shoulders gave out after seven reps on the military press - with an unweighted bar.
  • The man hit him, left hand, backhanded; he was wearing a weighted glove.
  • First, the chef prepares the ground with a barrage of giant popovers - steaming Yorkshire puddings as big as elephant knuckles, and weighted on their tops with crusts of Gruyère cheese.
  • He sat up and plucked a large ripe orange off the weighted tree.
  • Most people in the West aren't weighted down by that belief.
  • The Kelvin solution to the static linear elastic problem is used as the weighted function to derive the boundary integral equation for steady-state vibration problems.
  • Latin America, he wrote, was disfavored by geography and climate and weighted down by its history, permeated by a ‘heavy, melancholy force.’
  • They are counterweighted by moments of ache (Wayne's abuse, Margene's break-down at her old job), humor (Nicki's catty asides), and tenderness. Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season 5, Ep. 1
  • Well perhaps it is, but only with a fairly heavily weighted coin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Death in this sense finds our subjectivity heavily weighted with our own eventual finitude.
  • It is that time of the year when marriage vows are reviewed and hung in the balance, weighted against the opening line and the TV clicker soldered to one's palm.
  • The Ministry of Finance set the cut off price in the amount of 99. 45% (YTM - 1. 11%) and the weighted average price in the amount of 99. 50% (YTM - 1. 01%). APA
  • That shouldn't be a problem on today's straight course and he is nicely weighted on his best turf form. The Sun
  • Doing this exercise before doing the more strenuous weighted exercises is a good way to warm up these muscles. The Sun
  • All of my limbs felt like they were weighted down with lead.
  • Wear a weighted vest or a heavy backpack and walk for 30 minutes at a steady pace. The Sun
  • In this paper, interval numbers symbolize uncertain process times and the optimum objective is to minimize the weighted sum of penalty possibility for jobs due to earliness or tardiness.
  • And the dollar is still off by only 15% from its peak three years ago, according to the Federal Reserve's trade-weighted, inflation-adjusted index.
  • The gearbox slips merrily from cog to cog and the steering is nicely weighted. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are unaware of any trade-weighted distance-to-market measures and do not wish to create such a measure at this time.
  • The margin for continuous variables is defined as a one standard deviation increase from the weighted mean.
  • The looming spectres raised by her mother’s information, the wearing sense of being over-weighted in the race, were driving her to a Hamlet-like fantasticism and defiance of augury; moreover, she was abroad. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • Aiming at the performance of MUSIC algorithm decreases in DOA estimation with snapshot deficient scenario, a new method based on weighted signal subspace projection is proposed.
  • From the far edge of her weighted drowse a voice filtered through in blurred staccato bursts. The Temperature of Porridge
  • The report notes that the global trade-weighted average tariff for all types of rice is 43 percent but reaches 217 percent for Japonica rice.
  • Arts Council is weighted towards the past two decades, but shows how good the selection panels have been at buying the good and the promising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly, it dredges up ghosts weighted down and buried in haste after a fierce battle.
  • That shouldn't be a problem on today's straight course and he is nicely weighted on his best turf form. The Sun
  • Directly above his head and within reach was a circular manhole, counterweighted and operated by a handwheel set in its center. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Because the deep integration design uses all the raw data in the Kalman filter, all data can be weighted equally.
  • Toss with a dessertspoon of sea salt and pack into a colander pressed with a weighted plate for approx. 1 hour.
  • The base is weighted down with rocks somebody dug out of a yard.
  • You have two options: a water keel, which features a hollow keel designed to fill with water to add stability; or a weighted keel, which is usually filled with sand to make the decoy stable as well as self-righting. Make Swimming Duck Decoys By Adding A Keel
  • The crown took other measures to make the scales of justice less weighted against the peasantry.
  • A total of 267 entries have been weighted for the Melbourne Cup, and 279 for the Caulfield Cup.
  • That stuff would dry up and blow away if it wasn't weighted down.
  • Well weighted on that form and looks a strong stayer. The Sun
  • He runs well fresh and is fairly weighted. The Sun
  • The main disadvantage is that they are a bit fragile in heavy weather even if they are weighted down.
  • But she concludes that despite a series of reforms, its culture remains weighted in favour of doctors.
  • He runs well fresh and is fairly weighted. The Sun
  • Even if those claims prove untrue, moral culpability remains fixedly weighted against the idea that he should be able to walk away from the scandal.
  • In the analysis reported here, the basis spectra are all weighted equally by normalizing each to a value of 100 at their emission maximum.
  • Beautifully weighted pass for Earls in the first half. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weighted scores for each ulcer were then tallied to obtain a cumulative score.
  • The results show that it is overweighted, and some rehabilitation measures are put forward from the viewpoint of sustainable development.
  • This broad stability in the trade-weighted pound masks bigger movements against individual currencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exam consists of six equally weighted questions.
  • It's the German-style proportional system so it's weighted to favour the minor parties.
  • The net is weighted to keep it below the surface of the water.
  • My initial objective of law as well as my interests at the time led me to a curriculum that was heavily weighted in the humanities especially history.
  • The government could also link the yuan to a trade-weighted basket of currencies rather than the U.S. dollar.
  • The traps are typically positioned on the sea floor and heavily weighted to keep them in place.
  • The more salient issue is the markedly inferior performance of Mannian PLS to some simple alternatives such as unweighted average or simple principal components. Benchmarking from VZ Pseudoproxies « Climate Audit
  • If targeting these fish, why not make a berley trail - drift some unweighted dead bait down it, or troll a pattern of small skirted or popper lures?
  • Whether man be the _vibrion_ or the heir to immortality, the bundle of carbon or the care of angels, one fact is indisputable: he suffers agonies, mental and physical, that are wholly out of proportion to the brevity of his life, while he is too often weighted from infancy with hereditary maladies, both of body and of character. Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
  • There will be true meaning to the term participation, since all stakeholder's will have their (appropriate levels - weighted) say in all contexts. Planet Identity
  • The theory of weighted empirical processes is an important element for(generalized) nonparametric likelihood ratio goodness of fit test.
  • Grid digital terrain is produced with getting reference point by subarea and weighted averaging method, and is visualized.
  • Each of these factors should be weighted according to their relative importance.
  • The feathery pianissimo lightness in the upper strings against the mezzo forte melody lower down is perfectly weighted.
  • His weighted return ball in the one-two with Goodman for the opening goal was sublime and set the tone for his afternoon's work.
  • Maybe the only way you could even imagine tackling your Grand Enterprise was with a confidence bordering on messianic delusion counterweighted by a criticality that damned it as the utmost folly — in short, with a psyche strung tighter than the tension between God and Lucifer if they met in a Harold Pinter play. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Improved as a handicap hurdler last season; is to revert to steeplechasing this season and he is very well weighted over the bigger obstacles.
  • The attribute weight and weighted support of default regular are defined by using the conditional entropy and a mining algorithm of default regulars are given for inconsistent database.
  • Common sense is still marginalized as "the left," counterweighted in the media by the intensifying stridency of the highly organized and well-financed Republican right. The Gitmo Distraction
  • We Wyomings possessed one swooper completely sheathed with inertron and counterweighted with ultron. The Airlords of Han
  • Table A1.4 displays the weighted and unweighted results for an illustrative group of key questions. American Grace
  • In other words, it takes into account the preponderant aspect of a specific professional activity: whether it is weighted more heavily toward intellectual elaboration or toward muscularnervous effort.
  • The radiation dose is expressed in and informed consent documents underwent critical photon equivalent RBE-Gy, which is the sum of the review and were approved by the respective com - physical dose for each component in the beam weighted mittees on clinical investigation at the Beth Israel by its RBE [7]. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He is well weighted returned to this surface with the blinkers back on. The Sun
  • Conversely, the overweighted ball is generally used to enhance shoulder strength and power.
  • The 58 entries weighted for the Summer Handicap are shown below in order of horse, trainer, weight and merit rating.
  • Unweighted silk does not burn readily and leaves a residue of white ashes, while heavy weighted silk burns lively, leaving black, charry ashes. Theory of Silk Weaving A Treatise on the Construction and Application of Weaves, and the Decomposition and Calculation of Broad and Narrow, Plain, Novelty and Jacquard Silk Fabrics
  • The ground will be ideal and this strong stayer is well weighted. The Sun
  • Predictably, as Table 3.4 confirms, their liabilities are overwhelmingly in foreign currency and are heavily weighted towards time deposits.
  • However, the exhibition was composed of a conservative mixture of artisanal objects heavily weighted toward jewelry, ceramics, and glass.
  • The mesh should then be weighted down around the perimeter to prevent access by rodents or other vermin.
  • Of course, I had never seen a weighted, jangling, belly-swollen giant flop down a chimney and gaily dispense his largesse under a Christmas tree.
  • A weighted silence surged towards Daniel, empty and unavailing. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Doing this exercise before doing the more strenuous weighted exercises is a good way to warm up these muscles. The Sun
  • Firstly, a fused weighted factor is constructed with respect to the noise and fuzzy degree distribution variances of the neighboring image region.
  • Final Salary schemes are also disproportionately weighted by gender.
  • In a suburban office campus, for example, people work in low, sprawling buildings and drive between them; in a city, people work in compact multistory buildings, use elevators which are inherently energy efficient since they are counterweighted, and walk to lunch. Makeshift Metropolis
  • The interview agenda of general topical areas should be weighted by relative importance, as suggested by the following.
  • There's a decent chance he's well weighted. The Sun
  • After Sri Lanka's punishment was announced, ICC General Manager David Richardson said that the game's governing body also doesn't want to see pitches that are too easy to bat on, but added that the balance at Galle was too weighted in favor of the bowler. 'Bad' Pitches Make for Cracking Cricket
  • You may want to use a weighted system. Training with N.L.P.
  • In an experiment to measure a weighted sum-rule for inelastic electron deuteron scattering which was related to the n-p interaction I had to confront the problem of making radiative corrections to inelastic spectra, and I developed a technique which proved to be valuable in my later work. Jerome I. Friedman - Autobiography
  • The final data is then weighted to these demographic parameters as a final check to ensure the sample is entirely representative.
  • If the alector in question dislikes an outcome that will likely occur if subjective factors are weighted correctly, then the subjective factors will be dismissed or denigrated because they cannot be accurately quantified. Soarer's Choice
  • The comments engendered the first significant dent in the dollar's hitherto formidable momentum, as its trade-weighted index had climbed steadily to a 16-year high by early July.
  • The veteran pilot arranged with the “leadsman,” the deckhand who took constant soundings of the channel depth with a lead-weighted rope, to falsely cry out smaller and smaller depths as Sam manned the pilot wheel across a passage that he knew to be safe and deep. Mark Twain
  • In a split-second he assessed and delivered the perfectly weighted chip. Times, Sunday Times
  • The affinity between the mutually complemental antibody and receptor was described by a weighted affinity matrix.
  • Whether we look at weighted or unweighted data, the two surveys produce similar results. American Grace
  • And that being the case, contributions into a FTSE 100 tracker will therefore be weighted towards the strongest of UK businesses.
  • One could classify as idealist a collective security system that weighted all states equally and expected them to sacrifice blood and treasure for nonvital interests. How Wars end
  • With my warm soil, the peas grew well, even under thick mulches of newspapers weighted down by horse bedding.
  • Should the superdelegates count that republican who crossed over to vote for Obama in Alaska as equal to a california voter even though the delegates for the two states were weighted to give more say to California and other "blue states? MoveOn Petition On Super-Dels: Over A Quarter Million Signatures And Counting
  • The exam consists of six equally weighted questions.
  • War II veteran William Fauber, who testified from a motorized scooter and with the chest of his sports coat weighted with medals. Heroes or Villains?
  • However, note that values should be weighted by their probabilities given the data.
  • Unlike most societies, the social profile of persons treated as criminal was not weighted towards the poor and otherwise disadvantaged.
  • The exams, midterm, and final were equally weighted when determining final course grade.
  • The Boresnake is simple to use - drop the weighted pull cord from the chamber and through the bore.
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  • The RS shows a long-term downtrend (line b), and for the most part, it has stayed below its declining weighted moving average (WMA) News
  • I'm convinced he is well weighted and this should set up nicely for him. The Sun
  • After the financial crisis, the trade-weighted exchange rate was allowed to fluctuate within a wide range.
  • The paper uses reverse distance weighted method to estimate and calculate the internal dip value in the interpolation region according to the dip value of the boundary trace.
  • But this is not a book of statistics, and it's not weighted down with moralizing and anger.
  • Summer dwellings seem to have been tents weighted down by stones around the periphery.
  • That shouldn't be a problem on today's straight course and he is nicely weighted on his best turf form. The Sun
  • The men we met walked past slow, unsmiling, with downcast eyes, as if the melancholy of an over-burdened earth had weighted their feet, bowed their shoulders, borne down their glances.
  • She is voluble but it is a volubility weighted with good thoughts on every subject.
  • The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.
  • The money recovered would subsidise tax cuts weighted towards high-income earners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The differential fitnesses are weighted averages of phenotype fitnesses.
  • The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.
  • But not everyone is keen about Horvath's circles, especially Gyrotonic's reliance on weighted repetitions, which, some critics say, can cause muscle strain and unwanted bulk.
  • Axial T 1 - weighted MRI demonstrates a low - signal - intensity mass in the left parotid gland.
  • So, anchor cable reinforcement project, weighted reinforcement project and the integrated project are proposed and calculated.
  • It is also understood the panel will be weighted to account for other factors.
  • Lee nodded and ran out, forcing his legs to move fast even though they felt as if they were weighted down with lead.
  • The upper part of the netting was weighted with kentledge, the pigs of iron used for ballast; so that, should the hardy assailants succeed in coming alongside and scaling the side, a few blows of an axe would let fall the heavily weighted nettings, sweeping the boarders into the sea, and covering boats and men with an impenetrable mesh, under which they would be at the mercy of the sailors on the frigate's decks. The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • This new legislation is unfairly weighted against the small farmer.
  • a law weighted in favor of landlords
  • She moves a lot in her sleep, rolling this way and that as if her mind is weighted down and troubled.
  • The sample of survey recipients selected was weighted using these percentages.
  • Each of the women's responses was assessed with the value weighted on each variable to develop a profile of her psychological attitude during pregnancy.
  • Each of these factors should be weighted according to their relative importance.
  • The extra furlong will help his chance and he still looks well weighted. The Sun
  • He is well weighted on last summer's win and he returned to form with a good effort here two weeks ago. The Sun
  • The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample.
  • Based on root tree and Maximal Weighted Independent Set, we propose the EACT(Energy-Aware Clustering Tree) algorithm and the maintenance and update algorithm of the cluster tree backbone network.
  • First, the chef prepares the ground with a barrage of giant popovers - steaming Yorkshire puddings as big as elephant knuckles, and weighted on their tops with crusts of Gruyère cheese.
  • The looming spectres raised by her mother's information, the wearing sense of being over-weighted in the race, were driving her to a Hamlet-like fantasticism and defiance of augury; moreover, she was abroad. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • But a lot of the songs are simply lovely, loungey numbers in which words, beat, trumpet and keyboards are all carefully weighted and interwoven seamlessly into an effortless-sounding whole.
  • Guilt's malignancy stalks a gas-lit shadow-dance upon the walls, perversity arouses oestrus in the embers of our trance; magic moments muted in taut breath are crushed in weighted consequence, discretion flees the night to heighten senses steeped in self-pity, drowned in self-indulgence. Archive 2008-07-01
  • That was its estimate when the exchange rate was at 57 on the trade-weighted index.
  • She is well weighted and runs on better going. The Sun
  • The clinical relevance of weighted mean differences and P values, however, is not obvious.
  • She's back over hurdles now and nicely weighted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not lift the un-weighted foot out to the side as a counterbalance.
  • Weighted average time values for each mode are derived as follows.
  • The six behavioral risk factors were summed to form an unweighted risk composite that ranged from 0 to 6.
  • A weighted voting system could be devised to replace consensus decision - making.
  • To find the maximum distance at which the various devices could be relocated, we secured them to weighted shotlines and recorded their position with a GPS fix.
  • Weighted and unweighted data are available from the authors on request.
  • A portfolio that is heavily weighted to a single asset class (property) carries higher risks. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a decent chance he's well weighted. The Sun
  • The comparison of the effective exchange rate and actual rates clearly demonstrates the value and necessity for a weighted exchange rate.
  • He does not look badly weighted in this handicap.
  • In addition, the 9% depreciation in the trade-weighted dollar since February is tantamount to an easing in monetary policy.
  • MRI findings early in the course of infection include gyral swelling or high signal intensity on weighted images, followed by extension of the infection, hemorrhage, and increasing areas of contrast enhancement.
  • This weighted swing will improve your posture and banish the wobbly bits on your back. The Sun
  • With the expansion of information visualization applications, requirement of the control over the length of edges appears in the drawing of weighted arborescence.
  • Data were transformed into presence/absence counts for all comparisons allowing species to be equally weighted.
  • The keel is a centreboard but not weighted; the ballast is in the hull itself (which sounds inefficient but actually works surprisingly well).
  • The proposal is weighted towards smaller businesses.
  • These colours were also used in a warp-weighted loom for making large areas of cloth, and would have been operated by the womenfolk of every household.
  • The samples we've included were weighted to favor people whose past voting behavior suggested a higher likelihood of voting.
  • Not enough stowage in the hold of a coach, and badly weighted ballast for the land-straights in these parts. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • It appears to be rearing up on end, as if the extremity saddled with the ballonet were weighted. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
  • Its rack-and-pinion steering is nicely weighted and predictable.
  • She tried to roll over but her body seemed weighted down, turned to stone.
  • Its overall value, gauged by its broad, trade-weighted index, is also at record lows. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are not weighted down by the need for power.
  • From her right hand dangled a length of line, weighted by a piece of lead in the size and shape of a split pea.

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