
How To Use Weeds In A Sentence

  • Nancy and Andy bring in Stevie for an emergency pediatrician visit on "Weeds" (Showtime at 10), only to turn on the television in the waiting room and learn that the feds are a little too close to catching their family. TV highlights: Monday, Oct.18, 2010
  • Because wheat emerges so quickly, weeds must be killed before drilling using tillage or contact herbicides.
  • Retrieve the lure rapidly in skips and skitters over the tops of lily pads, along log edges, and above the weeds. Bait and Switch
  • Routine maintenance of the garden consists of keeping weeds under control.
  • It is certainly a true one, for most of the plants which we call weeds grow quickly and well wherever they are allowed to remain. Wildflowers of the Farm
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  • If present, these weeds should be treated by mid-April, before weeds bolt.
  • Mould - breaking strategies grow initially like weeds. They are not cultivated like tomatoes in a hothouse.
  • Some weeds, such as chickweed, common groundsel, and bittercress, may germinate and grow at almost any time of year.
  • If the field is free from weeds, the legume seed can be drilled or dibbled. Chapter 9
  • Slowly it drifts down across the sea-curled weeds, the anchored life of the marine world.
  • She would have liked to be of service to the weeds vegetating beside the paths, to slay herself there so that from her flesh some huge greenery might spring, lofty and sapful, laden with birds at May-time, and passionately caressed by the sun. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Pasture fields were soil tested each year, and inventories were completed in the spring and summer for forage species, weeds, and bare ground percentage.
  • When spring tillage buries the weeds, it also buries any crop residue.
  • The same rates should control annual broadleaves (velvetleaf, lambs-quarters, pigweeds, mustards) less than 6 inches tall.
  • Don't amend the soil with compost or other fertilizers unless your soil is so poor it won't even grow weeds.
  • When herbicide-resistant crops are commercially grown, it is possible that herbicide-resistant weeds will develop if genes are transferred from the transgenic crop to related weedy species.
  • Then winter arrives - usually for about two weeks - and we get new weeds - chickweed, henbit and annual bluegrass.
  • Weeds were choking the stream.
  • Acertified crop adviser and agronomist looks for weeds resistant to glyphosate. Round-Up Resistant Weeds Pose a Threat to Farmers | Impact Lab
  • This species also includes tobacco, poisonous belladonna, and the toxic plants herbane, mandrake, and jimson weeds.
  • He experimented with carnivorous plants and orchids in the greenhouses, and studied natural selection on a special patch of weeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds
  • The overarching goal of my research program is to study and gain a better understanding of the impact of different factors on growth, population and community dynamics of agrestal, ruderal, and environmental weeds.
  • Masses of pink light up shady places where the false dragonhead grows, and the jewel weeds are thickly hung with pendant blossoms of orange and pale yellow. Some Summer Days in Iowa
  • Getting rid of the weeds at regular intervals gives those mozzies no place to hide, and tends to send them away elsewhere.
  • It was concrete crazy paving when we moved in, full of cracks and weeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • There would also be a great impact from invasive weeds into the area and damage to the sensitive forest floor.
  • Seedlings of parsnip, carrot, beetroot and radish must fight off slugs, and weeds also need checking, hoeing them as they grow, to leave the pests nowhere to hide.
  • Every field had to be hoed for weeds three times, carefully hilling soil around each young stalk.
  • He's been wearing three-piece tweeds, looking both dandyish and ultra-modern. Fashion Highlights From 2011
  • 'Can you see many long weeds and nettles amongst the graves; or do they look turfy and flowery?' Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Weeds are best controlled through regular cultivation and/or through the use of mulches.
  • Weeds also can complete the circuit when they touch the wires, sometimes shorting out the fence so it can't shock anything.
  • Several nonnative noxious weeds have invaded stickseed habitat and threaten to out-compete the stickseed for the available nutrients.
  • In contrast to soba, which tastes distinctly of buckwheat, the flavour of udon is neutral, allowing any number of variations in the additional ingredients, such as vegetables, seaweeds, eggs, fish, shellfish, poultry.
  • When there is nothing in bloom, she can learn to use her imagination with boughs and branches and clippings from hedges, grasses, and even weeds, to make friendly little bouquets. Learning to Be a Home Keeper
  • The ride was rough as a cob, most of the time down in the weeds, weaving through valleys and cresting ridges by the slimmest of margins. CORMORANT
  • For the place of the weeds is among stones, where the gardener wishes no plants. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • These so-called host plants include many broadleaf weeds and cover crops such as nettles, mallow, chicory, dandelion, thistles, bindweed, deadly nightshade, and many clovers.
  • Use an ice chipper, a lawn edging tool, or a spade to scrape off grass or weeds encroaching on the driveway or inhabiting any cracks.
  • ‘Where hogweeds have established themselves, their aggressive growth and large size mean they rapidly out-compete our native plant species,’ Barratt said.
  • The fabrics he used were predominantly tweeds and wools in countryside colours: moss green, rust brown and autumnal red.
  • Subsequent hand-weeding is usually carried out 2 months after planting and again after 5 months, but in Colombia the use of the herbicide linuron at the rate of 0.75 kg/ha has been found to give excellent control over broad-leaved weeds if applied 40-50 days after planting. Chapter 8
  • All I'll have to do is to keep the weeds hoed until the trees come into bearing. Chapter 9
  • More generally, there are the well-known patterns whereby plants with large genomes cannot adopt an annual or ephemeral lifestyle and in which weeds tend to have small genomes.
  • Remove weeds from the base of cane fruits and then apply a mulch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thistles, knapweeds and willowherbs are truer purple, but the bluish nettle-leaved bellflowers and field scabious are also tinged with that mysterious shadow which has more to do with night than golden day. Country diary: Wenlock Edge
  • This will help prevent weeds from growing, and additionally will feed your soil slowly over time.
  • But only the tumbleweeds, sagebrush and cactus, that stood like splintered sentries, were visible in this vast wilderness.
  • In the sovereign workmanship of Nature herself, what garden of flowers without weeds? what orchard of trees without worms? what field of corn without cockle? what pond of fishes without frogs? what sky of light without darkness? what mirror of knowledge without ignorance? what man of earth without frailty? what commodity of the world without discommodity? The Common Reader, Second Series
  • Write down which plants were infected with diseases and where the weeds grew most.
  • That way, shallow rooted weeds like foxtail and bluegrass will be unable to grow until the alfalfa has a head start.
  • Purple gentians and orchids, blue scabious and harebells, orange hawkweeds, and cream and pink yarrow provide a kaleidoscope of colour to enjoy at the end of your walk.
  • The back of the hotel bordered on an empty space occupied only by weeds and mangy dogs. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • The plots were tilled periodically to control weeds.
  • Some species overwinter near the roots of weeds such as stickweed, plantain, and fleabane.
  • Typically, herbicides are applied only to the strip of ground directly under the vine, and weeds growing between the rows are controlled by cultivation or mowing.
  • The thickness of the mulch will prevent weeds growing around the shrubs.
  • Dover, Delaware The house, overgrown with weeds and shrubbery, had no ostentation. MAMBO
  • Duckweeds also have the advantage that they may be grown in axenic cultures, reproducing vegetatively.
  • Fields and hedgerows would be overrun by monstrous insects and gigantic, unstoppable weeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's one of life's least damaging pleasures, and one that you, in those frightful tweeds, clearly don't take enough account of. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Now factor in such environmental impacts as weather, yield, moisture content, lodged crops, green weeds and ground speed.
  • Careful studies of silt prove beyond doubt that its primal cause is the removal of the forest cover, such as underbrush, weeds, and grasses, along the streams, which allows the rainfall to run off rapidly. McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908.
  • As Gordon and his troops (200 Egyptian soldiers) sailed up the Nile in their _dahabeah_, the boat was often blocked by the tangled water weeds. The Story of General Gordon
  • Cultivation and hilling operations will likely be earlier than usual this year to stay ahead of the weeds and provide for early irrigation.
  • A common chemical used to control weeds is glyphosate.
  • Eliminate weeds, especially perennial weeds, before planting to reduce weed problems later.
  • It was just the latest in a long arc of confrontations between the consanguine of the South Pacific mote, and floating weeds that forever wash onto these shores. Richard Bangs: Skullduggery on Easter Island (Part I of II)
  • However, the second cell must be maintained to keep weeds from growing or rodents from burrowing and potentially damaging the liner.
  • The towering plant, identified by its white-flowered weeds, spreads fast and causes itching and skin discoloration that can last for as long as one year, the Chicago Tribune reported. Hogweed Invading Midwestern States | Impact Lab
  • The cedar was all cut down (so now other species, many of them weeds, grow up) and shipped to Britain as the ballast in ships.
  • Yet, though weeds may be banished from the central beds of a formal garden, they were still capable of sturdy growth and a beauty all their own.
  • Roundup can be used if thistles, Johnsongrass, or other perennial or biennial weeds are present in the small grain stubble.
  • Also watch for cuts and abrasions from things like barbed wire fence, old machinery left hidden under tall grass, stickweeds and burrs.
  • For example, beet and rape support more biodiversity than maize (which is much taller, inhibiting the growth of weeds beneath).
  • Weeds sprouted through the cracks in the concrete.
  • He climbed over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a stool of rock, resting his ashplant in a grike. Ulysses
  • a mat of weeds and grass
  • The plants have grabbed a hold forming rafts of rushes and weeds; and teasels and fireweed march up inhospitable slopes.
  • I am watching him extract stubborn weeds, while I and my big pregnant belly look on from the grass.
  • A middle-aged lady appeared, clad in tweeds, more like a squiress than a Valleys housewife. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Neighbors complained that it was an eyesore, covered by weeds and debris, and that the owner was unfairly avoiding taxes.
  • Jarvis Cocker: "Why do they call a puny person a weed, when weeds are tenacious plants that grow in adverse circumstances? Thin is in: in search of the perfect male body
  • An attempt was being made to maintain the grounds, but weeds were starting to grow in the driveway.
  • This is rarer and is usually caused by weeds such as nettles and docks, late flowering plants and fungal spores.
  • This can be done effectively by treating the actively growing weeds with a non-selective herbicide.
  • He also told them a story called "The Wheat and the Tares," of a man who sowed good seed in a field, but when it sprung up and bore grain there were weeds growing among it called tares, for an enemy had sowed the seed at night and it had grown up with the wheat. Child's Story of the Bible
  • Weeds mimic plants, viruses trick the immune system, birds build nests and predators stalk - all engaging in strategies so successful that they look, but cannot possibly be, intentional.
  • This is useful to control weeds and aerate the soil, which helps deter seedling diseases.
  • Where the road was, the house seemed to be at the bottom of a shallow bowl of weeds and terrain.
  • It can withstand weeds, insects and a harsh climate, thereby producing blossoms one after another.
  • In very weedy vineyards the weeds may also compete with the vines for light.
  • Old associations are sure to be fragrant herbs in English nostrils; we pull them up as weeds. Our Old Home A Series of English Sketches A Series of English Sketches
  • Over recent weeks the group have planted up flower tubs around the village, removed weeds and cared for flower beds and done some paintwork.
  • The birds also eat bugs and weeds, they happily devour food scraps such as wilted lettuce and carrot tops, and their manure can be composted into garden fertilizer. Lame Duck, Duck!
  • Last year we lost 10 marks for litter, weeds and general overall impression of dirt and neglect.
  • Mallards are omnivorous, eating seeds, stems, and roots from a variety of aquatic plants, especially sedges, grasses, pondweeds, and smartweeds.
  • We must be vigilant to ensure that weeds do not become noxious as a result of any new crop variety.
  • There were a few islets in the sand, a kind of oases of mud and clay, in laminae no thicker than paper, and these were at once denizened by various weeds. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • Poor weed control in conservation tillage and no-tillage cropping systems may result in late season survival of grass and broadleaf weeds.
  • Examples of fabrics made by the twill weave include denim, Jean, gabardine, surah, sharkskin, some flannel fabrics and some tweeds.
  • Some recover and go on to ‘produce a good crop,’ while others become weeds, or tares in God's field, of whom Jesus Christ made a dire warning in another of His parables.
  • Perhaps, if we could penetrate Nature's secrets, we should find that what we call weeds are more essential to the well-being of the world than the most precious fruit or grain. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866
  • The job was one that must be done every fall when the crops are in - removing the long strips of black plastic mulch that warms the soil, retains moisture, and stifles the weeds.
  • A. retroflexus ( "pigweed") is one of the world's worst weeds. 2 The Plants
  • Suitable materials for composting include annual weeds that haven't formed seed, leafy softwood prunings, old bedding plants, autumn leaves and grass clippings.
  • If 50% or greater of the stand are weeds, it is time to rotate to a different crop.
  • It was strange to me at first to see how often she introduced those homelier wild-flowers which we call weeds, -- for it seemed there was none of them too humble for her to love, and none too little cared for by Nature to be without its beauty for her artist eye and pencil. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The black plastic sheeting was coming up in places (exposing the nice, mostly weed free soil) and so we had to weight it down to stop the light getting in and the weeds growing again.
  • Applying mulch around the base of lilacs will help to keep weeds down.
  • This parable of the wheat and the weeds is preceded by another agricultural fiasco. Christianity Today
  • It is at this time that we should especially forage for the early spring greens and vitamin rich edible weeds.
  • They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds.
  • Along these lines, Thoreau sees that he can rejoice that his beans are food for the woodchucks as much as for people, and that the growth of the weeds is as important as that of the beans.
  • Close-set buildings, laundry lines, slant light, patches of weeds, a few would-be gardens and bare ailanthus trees and the fire escapes that fixed fretwork patterns of light and shade on the walls and paved surfaces. Underworld
  • I'd rather fight crab-grass and pussley weeds, and I'm off now. Dixie Hart
  • If your garden is large, a rotary tiller or cultivator with wheels is the most practical method of removing weeds from your garden.
  • These make an agreeable walking surface and keep down weeds very effectively. The Education of a Gardener
  • Non-selective herbicides such as glyphosate and glufosinate aid in broadening the spectrum of weeds controlled.
  • Socialites decked out in their finest Chanel tweeds fanned themselves with their invitation cards as temperatures climbed inside the venue, a stone's throw from the Louvre museum.
  • By learning some simple facts about weeds, you can put yourself in a much better position to rid your garden of these unwanted guests.
  • His eyes scanned the muddy riverbank until he found what he was looking for: a large stick tangled in a clump of weeds.
  • Weeds often cause problems so use an ornamental ground cover or spread pebbles or stone chips.
  • Some of the water weeds are loosely rooted and others are firmly rooted.
  • Every spring, people across the country purchase vast quantities of toxic chemicals and spray them on lawns and gardens to remove undesired insects and weeds like pesky dandelions.
  • Glyphosate-resistant weeds can also be attacked in corn and grain sorghum with Syngenta herbicides such as Halex GT, a postemergence herbicide with three modes of action; Lexar, which also has three modes of action; and Bicep. Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
  • My garden is running to weeds.
  • It is shady, screened from view by rhododendrons., hydrangeas and tall ferns, with a groundcover of sweet woodruff that smothers all weeds.
  • Also, replenish mulch, and remove weeds that compete for nutrients.
  • Mistakes must be criticized and poisonous weeds fought wherever they crop up.
  • The weeds and rampant vegetation seem to be dying off, as if the owner has run amok with a weedkiller can a few years too late.
  • The faster ones, I'm sure, reach the cover of thin weeds and underbrush and make a new life for themselves.
  • He wore casual country tweeds.
  • She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.
  • This will lock the moisture into the ground, suppress weeds and improve the fertility of the soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only good thing about your garden becoming a quag is that the weeds pull up really easily.
  • What are called Gallican ideas are ever sprouting up like noxious weeds; there is a malcontent The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • I also gave the potted plants (rosemary, chives, oregano and garlic) a bit more compost and a top dressing of bark chips to smarten them up, keep down the weeds and help with water retention.
  • The surface of the compost should be reasonably moist and free of weeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In summer, two kinds of jewelweeds, or touch-me-nots, bloom in the marshes, one with orange flowers and the other with pale yellow ones.
  • Routine maintenance of the garden consists of keeping weeds under control.
  • Dirt, weeds and sawdust adhere to the paint, forming porous cavities and rough, spongelike surfaces.
  • Among the favorites are asters and daisies, milkweeds, mustards, mints, peas, and vervains.
  • I suggest you root out those weeds before they take hold.
  • The absence of litter, graffiti and weeds was commended, but the street furniture, bollards, seating and railings would benefit from fresh painting and staining, they said.
  • Abundant goosefoot, some knotweed (both erect knotweed and other species), some wild rice, and seeds of various grasses and weeds were also recovered.
  • What a sad impression York makes here; traffic islands are poorly gardened, few are landscaped and all are covered in rank weeds and seedlings giving the appearance of set-aside fields.
  • Many of the edible seaweeds mentioned in the article can be hard to find.
  • However, the seaweeds or the algae and in particularly the microscopic plankton can fix a lot more carbon than a forest can.
  • Occasionally, broadleaf weeds, such as Canada thistle or ragweed, become established in winter wheat fields and interfere with grain harvest or with the following soybean crop.
  • Weeds grew in the unplanted fields and it was thought that woolybears became abundant in those fields, and later in the year moved to soybeans.
  • Constant watering encourages grassy weeds like foxtail and perennial grasses like bluegrass to invade alfalfa.
  • The field is overgrown with weeds.
  • While bright color and multicolored nubs and slubs enlivened the tweeds, the houndstooth wovens were often found in black and white.
  • There are solanaceous weeds that carry diseases harmful to solanaceous garden plants. 5. How plants live and grow
  • Our lawn has all kinds of weeds growing in it.
  • Certain common weeds, such as black nightshade, redroot pigweed, lamb's-quarters, and horsenettle will also support growth of the Verticillium fungus, and fields with a high population of these weeds should also be avoided.
  • The cornflowers which used to sprinkle farmers' fields with blue have been killed off as weeds by herbicides.
  • The chemical was almost totally ineffective in killing the weeds.
  • Clear all the weeds and grass from the area you intend to cover to prevent them from growing up through the mulch.
  • Honeybees (the few that have so far escaped the Varroa mites), bumblebees, various flies and beetles, and the hummingbird clearwing (a moth that thinks it's a hummingbird) frequent milkweeds too.
  •     He can hear his mother telling him once, as she pulled weeds in the dooryard: You mind you be careful what you wish for, boy, cause you might get it ... but more likely you'll get something else. Hotel Chelsea - Intercut 8
  • Even the concrete floor had cracked with age and clusters of weeds had grown up through the uneven apertures.
  • I like to grow some weeds in my garden – mullein being one of my favorite, but I also have some Prunella vulgaris that I got from my parents. Bloom Day/Weed Day July 2009 « Fairegarden
  • Mike already has a layer of wood chip mulch in place around his plants to keep down weeds and conserve moisture.
  • Some weeds, such as chickweed, common groundsel, and bittercress, may germinate and grow at almost any time of year.
  • The broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) are obligate parasitic weeds that cause severe damage to hosts.
  • Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost.
  • The French Quarter, with its picturesquely spalling walls and tendrilly weeds spilling from cornices, often feels like a movie set, especially in the light of summer. All the Street’s a Stage
  • Because some perennial broadleaf weeds, such as bindweeds, hemp dogbane, common milkweed, and Jerusalem artichoke, cannot be controlled effectively for relay intercropping, severely infested fields should be avoided.
  • In the searing hot sun, the road-gang convicts endure back-breaking physical labor - chopping dusty weeds by the side of the highway.
  • For optimum yields yams must be kept free from weeds, at least for the first three months of growth, and the following herbicides have been used successfully: diuron 2.6 kg/ha, together with TCA at 4.4 kg/ha, and atrazine at 1. 5-2.9 kg/ha. Chapter 37
  • Resistance also has been discovered within biotypes of the weeds marestail and ryegrass.
  • The far western edge of the yard held back the weeds, wild alfalfa, buckbrush and whatever else could find a toehold out there.
  • Floaters, such as pondweeds and common duckweed, drift freely on the surface and quickly cover the surface of the plant zone.
  • Bulbs have a very different life strategy from ephemeral weeds.
  • Sivaism and Vishnuism have overshadowed the older religion like a rank growth of poisonous weeds. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • A critical mass of research reveals that genetically engineered crops, now covering almost 40% of U.S. cropland (173 million acres of GM crops) and 10% of global farm acreage (321 million acres), pollute the environment, kill essential soil micro-organisms, generate superweeds and pests, decrease biodiversity, aid and abet seed monopolization, encourage massive use of toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizer, spew out massive amounts of climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases, and seriously damage animal and human health. Ronnie Cummins: Industrial Agriculture and Human Survival: The Road Beyond 10/10/10
  • Labeld them as “human weeds” “reckless breeders” “spawning..human beings who never should have been born”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Whitewashing Progressivism
  • Hoe when weeds are very small, gently cultivating the soil's surface.
  • Where early travelers saw sharp-tailed grouse, bison, bighorn sheep, grizzly bears, numerous beaver and even wolverines, today they see dust, feral horses, and noxious weeds including cheatgrass, halogeton and Russian thistle. Bird Cloud
  • they hoed up weeds industriously all morning
  • This is because of its biodiverse diet, not just grass but heather, weeds and wild flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of these hybrids, such as ragwort (Jones 2000), blackberry, rhododendron, lantana, old man's beard and spartina, have become noxious weeds in many countries (although one of my friends says concrete is actually the worst noxious weed). Remote central
  • Lorox (linuron) and Sencor (metribuzin) have been available for more than 25 years, but still have good soil-residual activity on a variety of weeds including glyphosate and ALS-resistant pigweed when applied behind the planter and activated by rainfall or overhead irrigation. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • Jogging, walking, swimming, even dancing or a half-day spent raking leaves and hoeing weeds are suggested.
  • Some herbal products may come with fillers, weeds, or other adulterants, so buy only from top quality suppliers.
  • We don't know that these plants won't cross-breed with wild/weed plants to create super weeds.
  • If people could also clear the gutters outside their homes and premises of debris and weeds there would be less need for the use of strong weedkillers.
  • * The leaf, examined with a microscope at the instant we drew it up from the water, did not present, it is true, those conglobate glands, or those opaque points, which the parts of fructification in the genera of ulva and fucus contain; but how often do we find seaweeds in such a state that we cannot yet distinguish any trace of seeds in their transparent parenchyma. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Ensure that vegetation control is carried out, if rushes, grasses or weeds are competing with young trees.
  • Tall grasses and weeds - especially pokeweed, mullein and Queen Anne's lace that will produce fruits and copious seed heads - grow profusely.
  • Herbicides are human "allelopathy" of weeds, and humans are part of nature too. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • But too often new ones sprout like weeds. The Sun
  • The virus infects most Allium species and also is known to infect some ornamentals (iris, lisianthus) and some weeds (jimsonweed, tobacco, redroot pigweed) (UC-IPM). Western Farm Press RSS Feed
  • Mechanical removal of weeds is used whenever possible, and 10 per cent of the campus is now naturalized landscape instead of grass.
  • Irrigated winter wheat is often seeded late behind a summer crop such as dry beans and as a result is not competitive with winter annual weeds such as tansy mustard and field pennycress.
  • It also can survive and spread on beggarweed and other weeds common to the Southeast. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • Ideally they would have a movable coup or ark that can be put on a patch of soil where the birds will scratch around eating every pest, as well as most weeds - and also fertilising the soil.

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