How To Use wedgie In A Sentence
- The woman doing the wedgie dance can't possibly be any more "indelicate" than, say, the ads we see for diarrhea or hemorrhoid remedies. Could This Be a Wedgie Issue Politically?
- Not to mention the way Reagan gave Gorby a wedgie when it came to an IRBM treaty, reducing the chance of Nuclear war! Smackdown on Hardball « Lean Left
- We used to shun them, mock them, give them wedgies and snicker when they played Dungeons and Dragons.
- How many languages have an actual word in them for "wedgie"? Holy Grail, check. Next stop, Atlantis! - A Dress A Day
- After several seasons of wedgies and platforms reigning supreme on the streets and in the malls, this year, heels run the gamut.
- Justin and Jared are 8-year-olds we like to call the wedgie kings. CNN Transcript Nov 11, 2007
- JOEY: Yeah right after we stole his lunch money and gave him a wedgie . What's the matter with you, he's parking the car.
- The group, run by 15 staffers and volunteers, also advises youth on how to ward off wedgies and other forms of schoolyard intimidation with their Child Assault Prevention Program.
- The new edition will reach bookstores by May and has 58 new entries, plus another 20 new senses of existing words (such as wedgie). Nightnurse Diary Entry
- And let me tell you, "Come on my boat and get a wedgie," is not one that has been tested out as a winner. Mrissa: Olympics post, take one