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How To Use Wedding In A Sentence

  • Another friend notes a shift in the type of gifts given at wedding showers, a reversion to 1950s-style offerings: soup ladles and frilly aprons are being unwrapped along with see-through nighties and push-up bras.
  • The ordinary piki is shaped into loose rolls about 10 inches long and two inches in diameter, but the wedding piki is folded into flat pieces about 8 inches square.
  • I wouldn't have felt properly married if it hadn't been a church wedding.
  • A professional wedding and event planner like me is prepared to address all of these concerns and more.
  • Some smugglers even use wedding cars and funeral hearses as cover.
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  • But a family planning a wedding reception would be able to claim exemption from import duty.
  • The urn as unravished bride proleptically contains its ravishment as a natural outcome in the ritual of weddings that parallels the consummation of questions asked. Deforming Keat's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'
  • Cars drew up to disgorge a wedding party.
  • ‘Our wedding meal was the first kosher food we ever ate,’ recalled Sarah years later.
  • Southern Oregon Indian Center, asked Coiner to publicly apologize for misstatements made at the Pottsville pow-wow, where his wedding — the occasion for the newspaper story — took place. Cordoves, Joaquin
  • Hopefully you'll sort any hitches so the whole wedding runs like clockwork. The Sun
  • I look forward to eting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years.
  • At my cousin's wedding some five years back, the most popular dish was a mixed vegetable fry prepared entirely on the 'tawa' griddle. Musical Cooking - Paneer Tawa Masala
  • At most weddings the bride wears a veil but at this wedding the bride was wearing a beautiful top hat.
  • No bride unless your name rhymes with Schmim Schmardashian wants to spend more than she has to on her wedding. The Full Feed from
  • Not surprisingly, this imposing property is a popular choice for wedding receptions and regularly used for corporate entertaining, conferences and seminars.
  • We hooked up with the wedding party towards the inebriate end of the evening - my word, did we ever.
  • On Friday, Jimmy and I are driving up to Yorkshire to attend a wedding.
  • Later, I open the envelope and pull out a blow-up of the wedding photo.
  • Making items such as favours and flowers will help to ensure your wedding has the personal touch. The Sun
  • I don't need their future stepmother telling me that they are excited about my wedding.
  • Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays.
  • I'm going to my brother's wedding tomorrow.
  • A new pavilion for weddings is under construction. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wedding did help crystalise something I have been thinking about all week. Why can’t I just get married? « Sven’s guide to…
  • The guy was best man at my wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heather, at the wedding with her boyfriend, has rowed with her cousin Lorna, who turns her nose up at everything about Kilronan.
  • Their wedding turned out to be quite an occasion.
  • We put on suppers, card games, darts, seniors' activities, and dances, and also do weddings and receptions.
  • My story led to an excited chairwoman phoning me to offer me proof that the story of the wedding at Cana had been mistranslated for years, and that her belief was that the story involved Jesus transforming water into grape juice.
  • When I worked in the ER I had a plastic surgeon beef up my personal ratio count when he refused to come in for a 27 year old female who literally had the right side of her face bitten off from her lip to her orbital canthus by her own pit bull, ONE WEEK BEFORE HER WEDDING. Time and Place
  • There is even a private room for small parties, conferences or weddings.
  • You know how it is when to stay feels like an eternity of misery, even with the promise of a multi-tiered orchid-bestrewn imported from the UK chocolate wedding cake? June 2005
  • He said neither of the stars wished to be seen by their public behaving in an unrestrained manner, which is what happens at events such as weddings.
  • Young people meet at funerals, weddings, churches, and school socials.
  • That was not a very happy remark on the wedding.
  • From the sounds downstairs, my mother was trying to recover from last night's hangover and put on a decent dress for her daughters' weddings.
  • The crowd was unbelievable and the best thing is that it is my wedding anniversary today. Times, Sunday Times
  • We received another invitation to a wedding this morning.
  • Dr Owen might have added, I suppose, that a necessary interest in the private lives of public figures was a feature even of powerful monarchies, where wedding-night consummation was a dynastic issue to be settled with the production of the kind of gloopy evidence now entertaining audiences for forensic science TV shows such as Top stories from Times Online
  • You may hire a suit for your wedding.
  • They took a disc pendant on a gold chain that the father had given his wife on their wedding day and also his wife's engagement ring.
  • Andy Murray has a busy end to the season, with tournaments in Valencia, Paris and London – plus brother Jamie's wedding Andy Murray saving his best until last as competition intensifies
  • THE former Kop boss gets half a dozen of his biggest pals together in a room to ask them to be ushers at his wedding. The Sun
  • I just made my first wedding cake a month or so ago – and you just REALLY want to make sure that all your dowels are the same size. Project wedding cake: mango curd | smitten kitchen
  • Eighth in line to the throne, he will be three by the time of the wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brave bride had amazed guests when she made it to her wedding ceremony on time despite being rushed into hospital with agonising stomach pains the night before.
  • A disorganised woman is asked to be maid of honour at her best friend's wedding. The Sun
  • Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day.
  • He gave me a gorgeous, black lacquer grand piano as a house-warming gift and for my wedding day he gave me a beautiful portrait of Billie Holiday.
  • Every good wish on your wedding day. Wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true.
  • After the Catholic rite, their 265 guests caravanned to the Four Seasons in Georgetown, where a Persian wedding ceremony, called an Aghd, was performed. 'I was hoping I didn't open the door and see Attila the Hun.'
  • Married at an early age, the Florentine woman from the propertied classes did not own either her dowry or the rich clothes and jewels which bedecked her during the wedding ceremony.
  • The Baiga dearly loves the common country liquor made from the mahua flower, and this is consumed as largely as funds will permit of at weddings, funerals and other social gatherings, and also if obtainable at other times. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • My wedding was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever experienced.
  • Running off to the race track -- on their wedding day, no less -- is sure to discombobulate him. Michael Giltz: Theater Reviews: "Nixon In China!" Olympia Dukakis On A Milkcart! Bloody Ethan Hawke! More!
  • Visitors to the show will receive a lace bag of wedding favours, five sugared almonds which traditionally convey blessing, with a Bible text inside.
  • Polls and complaints to the BBC about coverage before the event showed an unexcited nation, he said, adding: The public holiday blows a hole in the idea that the wedding will be an economic boost for Britain. Royal wedding prompts surge in foreign holiday bookings
  • Extravagant weddings, lavish dinner parties, luxurious luncheons, you name it and I attended it.
  • Juliette wears her wedding ring, her Sunday coat with fur collar and cuffs, dark hair flat and held to one side in a long barrette. WHITE LIES
  • In that pic the exposure is rly bad because this is a photo of the dress on the wedding day.
  • The tankard was a wedding gift from her husband, and a Dutch wedding scene is graven on the lid. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • They wouldn't mind doing sick calls and being with the dying or even doing some marriage preparation, some weddings, some baptisms.
  • Anyway, I want to get off the subject of fiancées and weddings.
  • It is especially poignant that he died on the day before the wedding.
  • So in the earliest autumn they were married, Monsieur having previously presented Miss Lucinda with a delicate plaided gray silk for her wedding attire, in which she looked almost young; and old Israel was present at the ceremony, which was briefly performed by Parson Hyde in Miss The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • Which firm will be catering at the wedding reception?
  • This practice is still part of Middle Eastern cultures today, particularly for special occasions such as weddings, when along with the bride, her mother, aunts, and friends will henna themselves as well.
  • Pre-wedding nerves can sometimes cause a groom to have a total sense of humour failure when a harmless little prank - shaving his eyebrows, say, or tattooing his cheeks - is played on him.
  • The bride is wearing a wedding dress made of lace.
  • Our wedding season is a year-round affair these days as people are choosing to get married in the chillier aka windier months of the year. Wedding Cake of the Day
  • The seamstress did a job on my wedding gown
  • Manager David Barham added: ‘The wedding guests will be restricted to to a very tightly controlled area which includes the buildings and main courtyard.’
  • Wedding cake does not taste good with dry champagne - no, not even Krug.
  • Don't make any plans for the wedding unless this greatly improves. The Sun
  • He let her lead him down the beach, arm in arm, chattering on about her friends, his old friends, weddings, funerals, and graduations.
  • What the church does, then, when it conducts the wedding rite or the ordination rite is clear enough.
  • There were just 11 people in the church on their foggy wedding day. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, in fact, the buckles on his wedding shoes for the day of his marriage were worth two million pounds or so, $3 million by today's standards.
  • Meals for guests or for ceremonial occasions such as weddings usually involve copious amounts of meat, washed down with Albanian raki, an alcoholic beverage.
  • There is no better place to introduce florals than a summer wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Rob and Louise are suddenly both laid off, their wedding plans are put on hold as they find themselves rethinking their entire lives.
  • She died in his arms the day after their 11th wedding anniversary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bishop, as spiritual elder, officiates at baptisms, weddings, communions, funerals, ordinations, and membership meetings.
  • On the day of the wedding, I remember dressing in that pink dress with inexpressible joy, for it was the moment I had been waiting for since the seamstress had first measured me for my clothing.
  • Why could a wedding be closer than you think possible? The Sun
  • Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.
  • From here the pair walked to a specially designed mandap, a gazebo style structure used in all Indian weddings, and sat on ornate thrones as a Hindu priest, known as a pandit, performed the ceremony. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Gingerly prising the door open half-expecting a private party or aftermath of a wedding reception, we were pleasantly surprised to be ushered in and offered drinks.
  • He gave least of all towards the wedding present.
  • They journeyed back to Bombay for their wedding and later settled in Bridgewater, NJ.
  • She would come home from school, play with her dog, then go through old scrapbooks with pictures of her family: on holiday and at weddings, and just snapshots in general.
  • We paid a substantial amount towards the wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our wedding day was a work of art in itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remind me never to buy a wedding dress where the description includes the terms “slub” and “raw dege”. Regretsy – I Don’t
  • There is a wedding going on at the church.
  • Are you sure it was a wedding cake and not an "engorgement" cake? Wedding Day Jitterbugs
  • Most of your wedding plans will focus on the practical details, but take care not to neglect yourself in the process.
  • And whereas traffic wardens currently turn a blind eye to hearses and wedding cars parking on the double yellow lines, they will have no choice but to issue tickets in the future.
  • The pair, both 73, decided to quit on the same day they celebrated their golden wedding.
  • They haven't got an invite to the wedding.
  • Small wonder that this is the place in Madrid for afternoon tea and society weddings.
  • Our better categories where we continue to build momentum would be our celebrations area, which includes what we call occasions and includes party and wedding. Retail Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • At a wedding, the assembled throng is there to bear witness to two people's choice to join their lives together. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sang in choirs, played at balls and weddings and baptisms, made "arrangements" for anybody who would employ him, and in short drudged very much as Wagner did at the outset of his tempestuous career. Joseph Haydn
  • My wedding was semiformal, so everyone just dressed neat and tidy.
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • We always celebrate our wedding anniversary with dinner in an expensive restaurant.
  • Stretched upon a low child's bed, of the sort called trundle-bed in those days, which could be wheeled under the high-legged bed of the parents, lay the bridegroom, in his wedding-dress and gaitered shoes, with his steeple-crowned hat upon the faded calico quilt beside him, and his face as red as burning fever could make it. The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • There, that should make memorable the deeper lesson of the wedding at Cana: Be tolerant of those who take a nip from time to time.
  • It is especially poignant that he died on the day before his wedding.
  • We set off in quest of the perfect wedding dress.
  • The bombing of wedding parties reveals much about the directionless and aimless war in Afghanistan.
  • There are celebratory songs, such as in the wedding masques in As You Like It and The Tempest, and there are the more solemn dirges and laments of Cymbeline and Much Ado About Nothing.
  • She found instead that the Vegas wedding chapels, "with their wishing wells and stained-glass paper windows and their artificial bouvardia," were in fact selling "'niceness,' the facsimile of proper ritual, to children who do not know how else to find it. The Wedding Merchants
  • The months spent poring over bridal magazines, traipsing through wedding dress shops, visiting caterers and choosing stationery can take their toll.
  • Weddings are usually large, expensive affairs paid for by the groom's family.
  • The best of every bit that goes into making a wedding trousseau will be here at the exhibition, she assures.
  • By tradition , it's the bride's parents who pay for the wedding.Sentencedict
  • They were married at Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and recently celebrated their diamond wedding.
  • DEAL OF THE WEEK: Riding the waves in Oceanside ESCONDIDO: Man shot near Westside Park EXCLUSIVE: Couple appear to be shoplifting pros on 'Dr. Phil' show SAN PASQUAL VALLEY: Cheetah cub conceived with help of bioacoustics HOUSING: Rents falling as vacancies rise at major complexes Two North County couples celebrate 75th wedding anniversaries in March Escondido Undefined
  • Their wedding was stuffy and formal.
  • She had to hock her wedding ring.
  • The champagne flowed like water at the wedding reception.
  • Inevitably, it rained on the day of the wedding.
  • She was maid of honor at my wedding, gave me a bridal shower, helped me pick out my dress, etc.
  • She didn't stir at all when she got back her wedding ring.
  • And you'll look dashing at weddings or other events when the band strikes up.
  • Weddings, party nights and private functions already booked will now have to be rearranged.
  • She had a plain wedding band on her third finger.
  • It folded very thin, reminding her of the giant shawl from Turkey her aunt had, which could be bunched up and could still be threaded through the center of a wedding ring.
  • About 75% of wedding ceremonies in the Unitarian church in Dublin are booked by young Catholics and divorcees who want to marry in a church setting.
  • And a wedding cake sits in a corner waiting to be cut.
  • She had made my wedding dress and sewn sequins onto a secondhand hat.
  • But I feared, and two days before the wedding went to Harleston, where the king was, and urged him to have forces along the great wall we call Woden's Dyke even yet. Wulfric the Weapon Thane
  • They've invited eighty to the wedding.
  • She had a sudden mental image of herself in a wedding dress.
  • It comes amid growing anger about the year-round use of fireworks which now light up the sky to mark the New Year, wedding receptions, birthday celebrations and during religious, sporting and other festivals.
  • The old Society page, with its news of old-family weddings, cotillions, and charity balls, began everywhere to be replaced in newspapers by the Style page, a very different thing.
  • The two wedding-cake pulpits and the organ case opposite are as grand as can be, and interior so bracketed is the ne plus ultra of American colonial church architecture, plain and crisp and white, with exquisitely classical proportions. Archive 2009-01-01
  • We're planning to hold the wedding reception in a marquee in the garden.
  • Ideas for promoting sponsors on your big day include banners, adverts on wedding programmes and business cards on tables. The Sun
  • I felt quite emotional during the wedding ceremony.
  • They could have ten birthdays, an engagement and two weddings all taking place within a seven-day period.
  • If we ever get married we'll have one terrific wedding.
  • The wedding celebrations went like a dream.
  • Derek received his certificate after submitting a portfolio of images demonstrating his unique style of portrait and wedding photography.
  • She had a sudden mental image of herself in a wedding dress.
  • Which firm will be catering at the wedding reception?
  • Would you like to see my holiday/wedding photos?
  • Watching from a portable TV at the wedding she's attending, she is horrified to see this shamelessly sexual display.
  • Are you having a big reception after the wedding?
  • Poetry readings, film screenings and walking tours ushered in the launch with the pomp and fanfare of a royal wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their wedding turned out to be quite an occasion.
  • The Vine - straggling and green - shaded garden is ideal for cocktail parties, lawn wedding, fashion events.
  • Only football could find its moral basis being deconstructed after a 31-year-old let his hair down at a wedding party at a suburban hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • These outfits are worn only for special occasions such as weddings and festivals.
  • `You've got to have a party for your fortieth wedding anniversary,' Hugh went on, munching his sandwich appreciatively. JUST BETWEEN US
  • A stationer can print more than just wedding invitations.
  • If we're lucky, we may have someone in the family who makes the perfect cover-ups for the test of us: the wedding quilt for the newlyweds, the blanket for the new baby's layette.
  • They stepped the tune to the singing of a ballad, nor did they tire though the infare wedding lasted all of three days and nights. Blue Ridge Country
  • The honeymoon suite has not seen a wedding night in a long while. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the previous episode during the first dance Claire captures Nate's image as he contemplates a seagull picking at the wedding cake.
  • He lashed out half his fortune on his daughter's wedding.
  • It was time for our actual wedding photographer to take pictures of us and various family members, so we just started doing that.
  • Do you know, my precious Rodya, I think that perhaps for some reasons (nothing to do with Pyotr Petrovitch though, simply for my own personal, perhaps old-womanish, fancies) I should do better to go on living by myself, apart, than with them, after the wedding. Chapter III. Part I
  • The guests had gathered to enjoy a rich meal, celebrating the first day of the wedding feast.
  • Hopefully you'll sort any hitches so the whole wedding runs like clockwork. The Sun
  • The event was a humdinger of a house-warming, with sublime moments and a mood that veered between a classical music concert and a beery knees-up at a wedding.
  • The hall is hired out for conferences, weddings and parties, and can hold up to 400 people.
  • One friend, Rajen Shah, called Anni a "princess", adding: "Having been at your wedding, what has happened is unimaginable and still can't believe you are not present amongst us. South Africa murder: police call for help to catch 'scoundrels'
  • Yet these were the years that most intrigued me; as I continued my research, I found out she may have had a broken romance with Prince Leopold of England but ended up marrying another man (while wearing a diamond brooch from the Prince on her wedding dress); as a mother, she suffered heartbreak during A Note about Alice I Have Been by author Melanie Benjamin
  • I got completely drunk at my sister's wedding.
  • I'm obsessed with who's not invited; for Princess Di's wedding she didn't invite Barbara Cartland, who she's related to," he went on, referring to the grand dame and writer of bodice-ripper novels. A Royal Pronouncement
  • Ruth and Mona's Hindu-Jewish ceremony involved a chuppah, breaking glass, a three tier wedding cake, Vedic shlokas and jaimalas.
  • And there's always something; the pattern calls for six yards of 60" wide wool, without nap, and you have five yards of 60" wide wool, with nap; there's not enough material for one of the sleeves; the material ravels as soon as you cut into it; you burn a hole in the bodice of the wedding dress two days before the wedding ... there's always something, and it's almost always salvageable. Necessity gets a card from Invention round about May every year - A Dress A Day
  • Mom was a complete basket case at our wedding.
  • He bought her a diamond ring on their tenth wedding anniversary.
  • She claims that the erased messages were personal, dealing with matters such as yoga classes and her daughter's wedding plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past month he has partially refunded a couple who cancelled their wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • She bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.
  • Susan visualized her wedding day and saw herself walking down the aisle on her father's arm.
  • No doubt he'd been looking forward to the wedding ever since it was announced, as an invaluable chance to cut a figure and do some good public relations work.
  • After the wedding I swallowed my pride and offered her an olive branch - she snapped it in half. The Sun
  • I want something luxurious I can wear to a wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the ceremony the couple sign a wedding certificate, and they leave to the sound of the trumpet voluntary - again music full of associations with weddings down the years.
  • I must have been a sight in my blood stained wedding dress and shoes that were still oddly contorted from the crash.
  • Both weddings have had about 30 guests - just immediate family and close friends - and both have used restaurants for their reception.
  • Sarah idly twirled the white gold band on her wedding finger.
  • (Lots of people want to do a wedding or graduation photo here, which doesn't bother us, but apparently bothers the powers that be, if they do it for free!) 11: 14 AM jgodsey said ... it all depends on the library. any building can be photographed from the public street.period. publicly funded buildings can be photographed while ON the property. permissions are needed for private property and libraries. Staycation
  • Their wedding cost a fantastic amount ofmoney.
  • Her uncles had tried to remonstrate with her, telling her there were plenty of others to arrange the flowers and attend to what the local newspaper would, in its account of the affair, be sure to call the "collation," and to make the hundred and one preparations necessary for even so small and simple a wedding as this. Mary-'Gusta
  • Some cruise lines will be erecting large screens on deck to enable passengers to watch the wedding. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the controversial question of the Big Day we both knew exactly what we did not want: no chintzy hotel reception, no long wedding lists or preparations, no drama, and definitely no wedding cake.
  • Dorothy was saying: `There is something so affecting about weddings. THE BLACK OPAL
  • Weddings are a maze of social etiquette and it is perfectly natural to think you are adding to the spiralling costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish.
  • This year a handbag containing an invitation to the royal wedding was handed in. Times, Sunday Times
  • A formal daytime wedding is when the bride wears a white, ivory or pastel colored floor length gown with a train and a long veil.
  • Wedding boutonnières add the final flourish to a gentlemen's outfit.

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