
How To Use Weather forecast In A Sentence

  • The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow.
  • The weather forecast predicts a sunny start on Sunday but showers arriving later in the day.
  • During the summer months, if the weather forecast is a bit iffy, a good idea when inviting family and friends round is to have a casual buffet lunch.
  • In fact, many people eagerly follow the weather forecasts whenever bad weather is looming.
  • Weather forecasting is an inexact science.
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  • With an excellent long-range weather forecast the majority of the crop will be in the ground within the next week.
  • Watch the weather forecast and cover up those frost tender plants at night.
  • Chances are he'll be bundled up as the weather forecast calls for temperatures just above freezing.
  • The weather forecast will be discussed in case it affects the game plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast says there will be rain.
  • The scientists on Ganymede, largest of Jupiter's many moons, now thought that they could predict the onset of a decameter storm; their accuracy was about as good as a weather forecaster's of the early 1900's. The Wind from The Sun
  • And the weather forecast is promising - now, what do you fancy?
  • Then she has to catch the weather forecast to find out if rain will ruin her new hairdo! The Sun
  • The farmers here depend heavily on the weather forecast.
  • The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.
  • His work certainly was not confined to the mathematics of weather forecasting for he continued to study the hydrodynamical work started by his father.
  • The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.
  • The Weather Bureau at Washington relies greatly on these isobars for statements concerning local and distant weather forecasts, any shift in isobaric lines showing change in atmospheric pressure. General Science
  • We seldom leave home without an umbrella or some sort of waterproof clothing ‘just in case’ and take a great interest in weather forecasts since what happens plays a big part in the direction of the daily lives of many of us.
  • Why does it feel much colder than the weather forecasts say it is? Times, Sunday Times
  • You bring an umbrella along when the weather forecast is uncertain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Millions of people are heading off by road, rail and air today for a great British Bank Holiday getaway - despite a gloomy weather forecast.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outlook for the economy remains as dismal as the weather forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, because I have an overcautious habit of pulling up the storm jib on the inner forestay whenever the weather forecast is bad and the wind rises above about 25 knots, I can actually claim to have left the safety of the cockpit in over 35 knots of wind only once. True Spirit
  • These satellites are in geostationary orbit and the images that they provide are used primarily in weather forecasting applications.
  • The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight.
  • Johan Stander, a weather forecaster at the Cape Town weather office, said fair weather was expected until Thursday.
  • Setting probabilities in weather forecasts involves huge computing power, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast is for dry, sunny spells.
  • They even found a clip of a BBC weather forecaster saying "temperatures were showing good bouncebackability".
  • How reliable are the local weather forecasts?
  • Two elderly ladies were squawking like crows at his shoulders, complaining about the lack of organization and the horrible weather forecasting.
  • But infrasound could be useful for weather forecasters. Times, Sunday Times
  • But nomatterhow optimistic the weather forecast, keep a raincoat handy if you intend taking a closeup.
  • But a big headache for weather forecasters during the day was where and when the next dumping of snow would happen. The Sun
  • Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend say the weather forecasters.
  • Modern weather forecasts and military defences are dependent on the performance of the batteries in these satellites.
  • He will be looking at the long-range weather forecast and praying it won't snow.
  • A weather forecaster said it was not yet possible to predict what would happen on Christmas Day.
  • The river is still coloured but this is expected to clear over the coming week, if the fine weather forecasted arrives.
  • Second piece of advice… ignore weather forecasts (they're about as reliable as a crapshoot in this country).
  • A hot and humid day can feel thundery, but weather forecasters need to rely on more than just gut feeling. Weatherwatch: how to forecast a storm
  • A weather forecaster who cried wolf led to the cancellation of the club's picnic.
  • The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.
  • As flight lead I hadn't discussed a divert option in detail because I felt the chances were remote based on the weather forecast.
  • She hoped to take advantage of what she called a "magical window" of calm seas and favorable weather forecast to last through the weekend. Nyad defies age, fatigue, jellyfish in Cuba-to-Florida swim
  • Birds have such a good reputation for weather forecasting that some have earned weather nicknames. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast for Delhi and neighbouring areas foretells generally cloudy skies with rain and thunder showers and heavy showers in some areas.
  • Weather forecasts called for the storminess to last into the evening, though delays were likely to ebb and flow with the intensity of the storms.
  • If the economy were to have a weather forecast, the outlook would be overcast: gloomy with patches of rain for the next five years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weather forecasters said today would be cloudy with some patchy drizzle throughout the morning.
  • The weather forecast calls for snow flurries tonight.
  • As glorious Tramore yet again defied the dismal weather forecasts the fans flocked to the seaside venue.
  • It was communication by telegraph that brought one of the biggest revolutions in weather forecasting techniques.
  • The results could help weather forecasters make long-term predictions, and anticipate general climate patterns up to a year in advance.
  • It'll be worth checking the weather forecast first, of course, just in case it's wall-to-wall cloud.
  • This morning, the weather forecast called for really strong crosswinds.
  • Seasonal weather forecasts in particular are misunderstood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rain pelted the Giants 'waterfront ballpark for most of the morning, but it abated before game time and eventually gave way to warm sunshine, despite bleak weather forecasts.
  • Customers log in to the site to access information such as the weather forecast in their destination, directions to the airport from home and notifications of road-works en-route.
  • The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.
  • I got a glimpse of this difficulty because in my military service I was a weather forecaster, a meteorologist.
  • This week the weather forecast wasn't too cracky so we decided to stay at home.
  • He created the term anticyclone and pointed out its importance in weather forecasting.
  • They have always seemed, I'm ashamed to say, a bit like the weather forecast: predictable, dull, a cue to zap to another channel.
  • Weather forecasters say the chances of an unobscured view of the transit are good for central, eastern and southern England.
  • I think I deserve to be rewarded handsomely, and the weather forecast suggests that the omens are good.
  • Showers" occupy the weather forecasts for the forecastable future. Damp
  • Despite a gloomy weather forecast, the sun shone, and the very long, winding, narrow lanes festooned with mayflower like bridal veils were negotiated without meeting any traffic coming the other way.
  • I know weather forecasting is a crap shoot, but still, I'd love to have a job where, based on the best information available, I was wrong 50% of the time and not get fired. Stormy Weather
  • Why does it feel much colder than the weather forecasts say it is? Times, Sunday Times
  • An unsettled weather forecast is unlikely to diminish the crowd any further. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following poor weather forecasts for Friday, the team shifted its programme forward in order to be ready to run today.
  • The weather forecast is pretty grim.
  • Tomorrow will be fine and dry according to the weather forecast.
  • The fleet relied on spotter planes for weather forecasts in the surrounding seas, and these aircraft reported no signs of any bad weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem is that more sensational weather forecasts make much better news headlines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast says cold southerlies, showers and icy temperatures will continue in the South Island for most of the week.
  • Sceptics say that he checks the weather forecasts to determine the right moment to pray. Times, Sunday Times
  • The little scarlet pimpernel also makes the same weather forecast, which earned it the nickname "poor man's weather glass". Plantwatch: a great year for wildflowers
  • Prediction of meteorological observatory occupies the first - line of the weather forecast service.
  • With the aid of computer simulations, we can make weather forecasts, calculate the structural integrity of bridges, the aerodynamical characteristics of airplanes, etc. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998 - Presentation Speech
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow.
  • The farmers here depend heavily on the weather forecast.
  • I also learnt about the contradictory funeral monuments of the wonderful Elizabeth Hoby, and the way people used almanacs as frameworks for their ‘diaries’, also sometimes commenting when the weather forecast was wrong!
  • This paper studies power system short-term operational reliability evaluation considering weather forecast.
  • Why does it feel much colder than the weather forecasts say it is? Times, Sunday Times
  • The national weather forecaster, which is part of the Ministry of Defence, has also been criticised for handing out up to £1.5 million of bonuses. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • A listener had a good forecast on her blog about the weather, better than the weather forecaster.
  • I love the calculator widget when it comes time to figure out the checkbook, and the weather forecaster is never right. Dashboard Top 50
  • The weather forecast will be discussed in case it affects the game plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the weather is playing havoc with the much vaunted weather forecasting system here.
  • Information abounds - piste maps are dispensed beside lift queues, weather forecasts are posted everywhere and broadcast incessantly.
  • Teaching tip Ask pupils to monitor the weather for a week and compare their observations with the local weather forecasts.
  • WEATHER forecasters have warned of a crisp, cold and wet week ahead. The Sun
  • It may cheer you up to learn that the weather forecast is promising.
  • There are some very threatening clouds around, and the weather forecast shows lots of storms nearby.
  • But with brighter, wet and windy weather forecast for tomorrow, motorists in the county should not have to face the fog again.
  • * Insert bugs into the computer programs of the European weather prediction model while accelerating advances in numerical weather prediction at NOAA, leaving no question that NOAA's GFS model is the new and permanent leader in global weather forecast models. Weather sorcery: If I could control the weather...
  • Robert – yes, the UKMO builds weather forecasting and climate models from the same unified code base, so that the two types of model share a large amount of code; for example they use the same dynamical code, and much of the same physics, but differ when the big difference in spatial or temporal resolution demands a different way of computing stuff. Documenting climate models | Serendipity
  • Seasonal weather forecasts in particular are misunderstood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.
  • Weather forecasters predicted a gloomy weekend. The Sun
  • Weather forecasters said a thaw would get under way today.
  • Weather forecasters predict the heatwave will continue in the Bradford district into next week.
  • By recalibrating the satellites with the new data, the whole system improved, which has enhanced weather forecasting substantially.
  • The weather forecast will be discussed in case it affects the game plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why does it feel much colder than the weather forecasts say it is? Times, Sunday Times
  • It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast.
  • Why does it feel much colder than the weather forecasts say it is? Times, Sunday Times
  • A long-term weather forecast of hotter than normal conditions should signal early activation of a heat stress management plan.
  • But nomatterhow optimistic the weather forecast, keep a raincoat handy if you intend taking a closeup.
  • Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.
  • In other words, weather forecasting is an “initial value” problem. Initial value vs. boundary value problems | Serendipity
  • Apparently the weather forecast will no longer show wind unless it's significant, and they've ditched isobars and fronts as they disenfranchise the thickos.
  • Never risk parking out overnight without checking the weather forecast for a strong wind warning or the approach of a cold front.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast for today was scattered showers with clear spells and strong winds.
  • Despite a gloomy weather forecast, the sun shone, and the very long, winding, narrow lanes festooned with mayflower like bridal veils, were negotiated without meeting any traffic coming the other way.
  • The technology also features a thermostat, adjusting the temperature according to how warm it is outside and online weather forecast predictions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scientists on Ganymede, largest of Jupiter's many moons, now thought that they could predict the onset of a decameter storm; their accuracy was about as good as a weather forecaster's of the early A Meeting with Medusa
  • Weather forecast: precipitation in the morning, rain in the afternoon.
  • Contrary to expectations and the weather forecast, we had a fine day for the experiment.
  • I'd rather watch a re-run of the weather forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simon Chase, a 25-year-old surveyor from the English city of Birmingham, said he never considered not making the journey to Sandwich, even though he was well aware of the weather forecast. NYT > Home Page
  • The idea of weather forecasting developed incredibly quickly.
  • The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow.
  • Weather balloons are a vital part of weather forecasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contrary to expectations and the weather forecast, we had a fine day for the experiment.
  • If the economy were to have a weather forecast, the outlook would be overcast: gloomy with patches of rain for the next five years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contrary to expectations and the weather forecast, we had a fine day for the experiment.
  • Weather forecasters are again predicting milder than normal temperatures for the early part of this winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of weather forecasting developed incredibly quickly.
  • Ranging from low-tech options such as a treadle pump that is improving irrigation and access to water in villages across Africa, to high-tech geographical information systems utilizing the latest satellite technology and cell phones that allow smallholder farmers to benefit from access to market data, timely weather forecasts, and crop advice. Robert Hormats: Innovating Our Way to a Second Green Revolution
  • It's a case of looking at each weather forecast that comes in and adjusting my course accordingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • In that case the context was a very different one, namely the failure of an authority to salt or grit the road when there had been a weather forecast of freezing conditions.
  • The weather forecast says there will be rain.
  • There are plenty of hands-on activities, covering all aspects of seamanship, including navigation, weather forecasting and ship-handling.
  • FCC DTV Consumer Education Quarterly Activity Report ... 3rd Quarter FCC DTV Consumer Education Quarterly Activity Report ... 4th Quarter LONDON (AP) - It's the phrase haunts Britain's weather forecasters - "barbecue summer. Undefined
  • The weather forecast says the storm will ease off at midnight.
  • Instead of the usual weather forecast laden with meteorological terminology, journalists at the Paris daily have taken to publishing more realistic reports.
  • The term meteor for what is usually called a shooting star bears an unfortunate resemblance to the term meteorology, the science of weather and weather forecasting. Infoplease - Daily Almanac
  • Seasonal weather forecasts in particular are misunderstood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lighting installed on façade diagrid is not for decorative purpose but to abstractly provide useful information such as the weather forecast like an art grow in the dark. AME Info Latest News
  • WEATHER forecasting doesn't sound as if it could save the planet from impending disaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast is for dry, sunny spells.
  • You bring an umbrella along when the weather forecast is uncertain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast was denounced as useless by the locals.
  • As glorious Tramore yet again defied the dismal weather forecasts the fans flocked to the seaside venue.
  • Modern weather forecasts try to take the mystery out of the meteorology.
  • Weather forecasting is often a thankless job. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, weather forecasters say the cyclone should move offshore, promising dry conditions on Sunday.
  • After breakfast we looked in at the National Parks Centre in Reeth and got some info on our route and a weather forecast of heavy heat with possible thunderstorms and flash floods.
  • How can you force such people to leave on the strength of a fallible weather forecast?
  • The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow.
  • No masonry has fallen from St Martin's but stonemasons carrying out routine repairs raised concerns about potential damage in the light of the fatal accident and the bad weather forecast for the coming weekend.
  • However, the UK's unusual bank holiday luck this year seems certain to run out over the weekend, with cool and showery weather forecast until well into next week. Ash cloud: 2m will take to skies in holiday getaway
  • Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend say the weather forecasters.
  • It may cheer you up to learn that the weather forecast is promising.
  • The outlook for the economy remains as dismal as the weather forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday's weather forecast was a little wide of the mark, then.
  • Part of the reason for this bleak long-range weather forecast lies in the stratosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather forecast is for showers and overcast skies.
  • The problem is that more sensational weather forecasts make much better news headlines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like a weather forecast expert, she recalled in detail the characteristics of the season of a vintage produced by her chateau.
  • In the radio room, the Russian operator monitors the clatter of incoming telexes, faxes, weather forecasts and ice reports.
  • Knowledgeable bogmen always keep an ear to the weather forecast, but also rely on their own intuition to sense what nature has in store.
  • Thirty years ago, strategy games were screens of text instructions and a prompt where you could type a weather forecast.
  • It wasn't until later in the day that I saw the sweaty, goggle-eyed faces of the weather forecasters on the television and realised that somebody, somewhere, was playing a dirty trick on me.
  • The outlook for the economy remains as dismal as the weather forecast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.
  • WEATHER forecasting doesn't sound as if it could save the planet from impending disaster. Times, Sunday Times

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