How To Use Weasel In A Sentence

  • I call him the little weasel, a little northern monkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mammals such as weasels, foxes, stoats and especially roe deer can wander safely without the risk of being killed by traffic.
  • The Croatian currency is the kuna, apparently named after a small furry animal like a stoat or weasel, the pelts of which used to be traded.
  • Preyed upon by hawks, foxes, and weasels, they may also fall victim to domestic cats.
  • The issue is not one of opportunity, little weasel, but of courage. THROWING THE ELEPHANT
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  • Voles are an important source of food for many predators, including snakes, hawks, owls, coyotes, weasels, foxes, mink and badgers.
  • Always enjoyable, Timothy Spall is fantastically weasel-like as the unmasked Peter Pettigrew, every bit as loathsome as can be expected.
  • Mammals such as weasels, foxes, stoats and especially roe deer can wander safely without the risk of being killed by traffic.
  • It's a way of (consciously or unconsciously) weaseling out of actually taking responsibility for your actions.
  • Also known as Siberian weasels, these little furbearers are found in Siberia, China and other parts of Asia.
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • What is the difference between weasels and stoats in winter?
  • A spotty youth with greasy black hair, he was sitting at the table with a peevish expression on his weaselly face.
  • The rabbits you are after may already have been bolted by natural predators such as stoats, weasels, mink and pine martens.
  • Predators of erethizontids include mustelids such as martens, minks, wolverines, ermine, weasels, and fishers.
  • The cameras never detected some species that are believed to still exist in the area, such as black bears, long-tailed weasels, ringtails, badgers, and spotted skunks.
  • The weasel is a very pretty little creature.
  • Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here.
  • In the winter time they had their taffety gowns of all colours, as above-named, and those lined with the rich furrings of hind-wolves, or speckled lynxes, black-spotted weasels, martlet skins of Calabria, sables, and other costly furs of an inestimable value. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Both animals are related species and are members of the Mustelid family, which also includes mink, badgers and weasels.
  • As mustelids - stoats, ferrets and weasels - were highly mobile and curious, it would be expected that if there were stoats on the island they would have encountered one of the tunnels or traps in their travels.
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
  • Don't use an excuse to weasel out this job.
  • Europeans arrived in the early 1800s, bringing with them mustelids (stoats, ferrets, and weasels), cats, and two more species of rats.
  • He's now in court trying to weasel out of $25 million in debts.
  • By defending his blundering ways, this self-serving little weasel shows callous disregard for that poor little girl.
  • Instead, the weasel is reaching out a forepaw toward her, and she is dropping her throwing stick and taking its paw. NEVERWHERE
  • Badgers are relatively large members of the weasel family.
  • They are carnivores like the stoat, weasel, otter and badger.
  • Indulge your weakness for romantic clichés by taking your significant other for a canoe ride on the Glenmore Reservoir or into the wilds of the adjacent Weaselhead area.
  • I was born in this house and as a boy, I remember often seeing foxes, badgers and weasels around the place.
  • They are carnivores like the stoat, weasel, otter and badger.
  • True, but vacuous, weasel-worded, fact-free, faux-expert prognostications by contemptible establishmentarian hacks rank pretty low on the list of charities I donate to. Matthew Yglesias » Staggeringly Off-the-Mark Forecasts of European Economic Preeminence
  • Instead, we get the flimflam of the weasel words that are scattered through this legislation about environmental sustainability and economic benefits.
  • The Siberian weasel also known as the Siberian mink or kolinsky is the most common among Asian mustelids.
  • The weasel family includes such colourful characters as otters, wolverines, skunks, minks and badgers.
  • Yet nothing will deter my teams of trained stoats, ferrets and weasels from carrying out my orders and enabling me to achieve ultimate power.
  • After last year's triumph, you are cordially invited to bring your otters, voles, badgers and weasels for a day's work experience.
  • Companies such as American Amicable Life Insurance have weaseled their way to our basic-training bases where they pose as semi-official military agents.
  • I was born in this house and as a boy, I remember often seeing foxes, badgers and weasels around the place.
  • However, in Vietnamese "chon" appears to be ambiguous - "weasel" or "civet" - and some descriptions mention caphe cut chon ( "fox-dung coffee", to confuse the biology) as being processed by the civet. The secret of Kopi Luwak
  • The weasel family includes such colourful characters as otters, wolverines, skunks, minks and badgers.
  • Predators of erethizontids include mustelids such as martens, minks, wolverines, ermine, weasels, and fishers.
  • I find no fault with any of the post’s here only one little coment, Roger…I think Mink are of the mustelidae family, that is weasels, ermin, ferrits, or muskiloid sp stinky type’s like skunk…. Think Progress » Judge reinstates rule banning roads in national forests.
  • The North was to send 16 animals, including Asiatic black bears, lynx, coyotes, African ponies and Siberian weasels, zoo officials said.
  • The conference, if it was about anything, was about restating these questions and systematically shooting down cheap attempts to weasel out of them.
  • It also walks on the soles of its feet like a bear, but the resemblance ends there, as the badger is actually from the same family as otters and weasels.
  • American sloth W 1883 OW mephitine skunk W soricine shrew 1781 - moschine musk deer c1878 OW OW talpine mole 1860 OW musteline weasel, mink tapirine tapir VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IV No 1
  • I think she might have thought I was weaseling out of what we talked about earlier.
  • In Australia the dasyures, small weasellike marsupials, are called ‘native cats’
  • Fishers are among the least understood of the weasel family, or mustelids, which also includes martens, minks, ermines, ferrets, badgers, otters, and wolverines.
  • Thankfully, studentsresponded to this editorial, disputing its characterization of the Women's Center as histrionic and taking issue with the weasel words that seem to absolve the DKE brothers of culpability ( 'boisterous''provocateurs'). Leah Anthony Libresco: Yale Daily News Wrong to Condemn Outrage in Response to Sexism
  • That little slut could weasel her way into anything.
  • I thought they were skinny badgers or fat weasels.
  • He personally has freeze-dried weasels, deer, chipmunks, squirrels, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets, and more.
  • Other animals spotted in Greater Manchester include otters, stoats and weasels.
  • The weasel-worded letters to school managers promising new buildings and big refurbishment works epitomised the whole thing.
  • In addition to the birds, there are numerous stoats, weasels, possums, and other things there.
  • He wrote, ‘The principal riches of Kamchatka consist in the great number of wild beasts: among them are foxes, sables, stone foxes, hares, marmots, ermines, weasels, wolves, reindeer, wild and tame, and stone rams.’
  • They are carnivores like the stoat, weasel, otter and badger.
  • The researchers say that nestlings in at least half of the nests they studied were eaten, mainly by martens and weasels.
  • The Corporal was a slender, lantern-jawed, weasel-faced Monongahela raftsman, sharp as a steel-trap. Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals As Seen From the Ranks During a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac
  • Particularly special is the pine martin, a member of the weasel family about the size of a house cat and found only in a few northern regions in the United States.
  • Fifty-one species of mammals find refuge in the Katun Nature Preserve including brown bears, chipmunks, ermines, lynxes, minks, musk-deer, sables, Siberian mountain goats, Siberian weasels, and squirrels.
  • All around the mulberry bush, monkey chased the weasel.
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • The researchers say that nestlings in at least half of the nests they studied were eaten, mainly by martens and weasels.
  • A European blowfly, yet another life-form introduced to New Zealand, proved to be as harmful as the weasels.
  • Squeezeweasel from Gastronomy Domine is off to Prague next weekend, but this weekend she managed to get out and photograph some wild violets in bloom in England in November! and also the seedhead of a wild carrot. Herbs and Plants Around the World Weekend Herb Blogging #8
  • Prairie dogs also provide food for the swift fox, the coyote, weasels, snakes, badgers, hawks and golden eagles as well as crucial habitat for many other native plants and animals.
  • He's trying to figure out a way to weasel out of the deal.
  • That tale goes a long way toward explaining why the spineless weasels in Dogpatch have once again rejected a referendum.
  • Oh, it's going from bad to worse, and the real art in this conference is weasel-words, and greenwash.
  • They are the common shrew, the Altaic mole, the fox, the bear, the glutton, the sable, the weasel, the ermine, the Siberian weasel, the otter, the musk-deer, the maral, the roe, the elk, the squirrel, the chipmunk, the common dark and red field-vole, the Altaic, the Altaic pika.
  • They can be shot or trapped or otherwise killed as a nuisance animal, like gophers, skunks or weasels, Holsten said.
  • Of predators, there are bears, wolverines, sables, Siberian weasels, ermines, and least weasels; of ungulates, marals, roe deer, musk deer, etc.
  • But, he's still able toweasel invitations to events like Monday's convocation of Party "loyalists" in Washington, an annual event organized to make the remainingfinancial contributors feel as though they are not, in fact, dying, but full ofpiss and vinegarand daily-dose Cialis, andready to hear How The Liberals Will Be DefeatedNext Year For Sure. Look! It's Me! Look! Please!
  • His first love is orphaned river otters - also members of the weasel family - but fishers have come to take second place.
  • We have the giraffe, seventeen feet high, and the little viverra, a sort of weasel, of three inches. The Mission; or Scenes in Africa
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • And I now know the difference between stoats and weasels.
  • The jaguarundi has been called the weasel cat, because it does not look like a typical cat. In parts of Mexico they are known as otter cats.
  • All kinds of critters like to dine on poultry, including raccoons, skunks, opossums, weasels, foxes, coyotes, dogs and feral cats.
  • Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. Steven Wright 
  • I also don't like how Lester and Carolyn are both indulging in hedonistic behavior but somehow only Carolyn's the materialistic weasel. Over / Under: American Beauty «
  • Way to go Warner, you've gone from potentially being remembered as a statesman to being forever known as a gutless craven weasel. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Breaking: Warner Introducing Non-Binding Version Of Webb Amendement -- But Didn't Even Tell Webb First
  • Vair, variegated fur, from the Latin varius, varied, also is a root of miniver, originally menu vair, small vair, which referred initially to the fur — perhaps squirrel — used as trim on medieval robes and later was applied to the prized ermine, or winter weasel fur, on the ceremonial robes of peers. Were Cinderella’s glass slippers a mistranslation? « Musings from an overworked translator
  • Obama said that we didn't knuckle under, weasel from and hesitate when facing with challenges.
  • Ten species of waterfowl nest around the lake; kestrels and buzzards can be spotted in the woodland; and brown hares, stoats, weasels, grey and red squirrels can also be seen.
  • Upland furbearers, such as marten, mink, and shorttail and least weasels, are common. Upper Yukon Tayga - Meadow Province (Bailey)
  • Ha, true, but then we'd have to argue over, since it's not just normal pedantic but * super pedantic*, whether my argument-escape-hatch/weasel words 'pretty close' cover my ass. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • It was a tayra, a large, weasel-like mustelid, one of the real gems of New World rainforests.
  • One dog, a yellow curly-tailed female named Weasel, actually lives in one of the outdoor bear enclosures and eats dog food and rice right among the ursine giants.
  • The causes of its extinction remain unclear, but it is likely that rats, weasels, and cats played a role in its demise.
  • The fur side print is suitabe for sheep shearling, domestic rabbit, beaver rabbit, yellow weasel, mink and bedding sack furs, and leather side print is fit in with double face.
  • In the Weasel pocket, the earliest mineral to form appears to have been one of the iron-bearing carbonates that has since been oxidized to limonite.
  • There must be some kind of gradation here in which stoats are classed as less obnoxious than weasels, although they are relatives.
  • In the forests one can find moose (Alces alces), Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), lynx (Lynx lynx), common hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), widely spread varying hare (Lepus timidus), badger (Meles meles), ermine (Mustela erminea), weasel (Mustela nivalis), common marten (Martes martes) racoon-like dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). Kazakh upland
  • Predators of erethizontids include mustelids such as martens, minks, wolverines, ermine, weasels, and fishers.
  • It's not all that civilized, though, as I learn when I almost lose my wild-boar salami to a humpy black weasel through momentary inattention to my daypack.
  • Long-tailed weasels are good mousers and ratters, so farmers do not mind having weasels around their farms because they eliminate these pests.
  • Then, before him, at his feet, he saw an extremely small live thing, only several inches long, a young weasel, that, like himself, had disobediently gone out adventuring. The Wall of the World
  • Predators of erethizontids include mustelids such as martens, minks, wolverines, ermine, weasels, and fishers.
  • Mammalian carnivores such as weasels and foxes catch voles by chasing or pouncing and are probably just as dangerous in dense cover as in sparse.
  • It is a predator's showcase, home not just to wolves and grizzlies, but wolverines, lynx, bobcat, marten, fisher, black bear, mountain lion, golden eagle, bald eagle, coyote, fox, weasel.
  • The night before, other F-l6s, the CG version, the new and somewhat downsized version of the F-4G Wild Weasel, had gone into China and struck at the line of border radar transmitters, hitting them with HARM antiradar missiles and knocking most of them off the air. The Bear and the Dragon
  • As for weaselling out of tough situations, stupidity covers well for brazenness.
  • The theriodonts included both carnivores and herbivores, and various lineages correlated to late Cenozoic wolves, weasels, otters, rodents, and shrews.
  • Superfluous killing has been reported for a diverse group of animals, including zooplankton, stoats and weasels, damselfly naiads, wolves, predaceous mites, and spiders.
  • Carnivora is the order of eutherian mammals that includes wolves - like this arctic wolf - dogs, cats, raccoons, bears, weasels, hyaenas, seals, and walruses, to name just a few.
  • As you may recall, Obama's fans quickly established a reputation of acting like brain-damaged weasels or rabid squirrels or distempered hyenas or crazed dingos or foul-mouthed Philistines or huns, or other such creatures. Oh, My Bad, I Misunderstood What I Thought I Heard, but I Guess I Didn't Hear What I Thought was Said.
  • The problems which concern those who care for the park mainly arise from introduced species - wasps, possums, stoats, weasels, and feral cats.
  • The weasel evaded our efforts to trap it and went on to kill a banty hen and all her chicks; then it slipped back to the underworld, through whatever steaming crack it had emerged from, never to torment us again. The Dirty Life
  • Harry is fed up being confused, alarmed and he finds he has seized the little weasel, the little spiv and ground him like pretzel against the dividing panel.
  • When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
  • They applied for and received deferments, like the little weasels they are.
  • Instead, the weasel is reaching out a forepaw toward her, and she is dropping her throwing stick and taking its paw. NEVERWHERE
  • Long-tailed weasels have a small, narrow head with long whiskers.
  • However, in Vietnamese "chon" appears to be ambiguous - "weasel" or "civet" - and some descriptions mention caphe cut chon ( "fox-dung coffee", to confuse the biology) as being processed by the civet. Archive 2004-08-01
  • That little weasel manwho somehow represents your government?
  • This approach tries to weasel out of making any cross-cultural claims about what has value - although, notice, it does assume the universal value of opulence.
  • The grison has a greater resemblance to the weasel than to any other animal.
  • A much higher proportion of weasel scats, of partially consumed rodents, and of weasels themselves in our boxes occur in the fencerow habitat than in forest or edge.
  • Some of the mammals include the Patagonian Mara (Dolichotis patagonum), the Southern Viscacha (Lagidium viscacia), the Wolffsohn's Viscacha (Lagidium wolffsohni), the Patagonian Weasel (Lyncodon patagonicusi), the Humboldt's Hog-nosed Skunk (Conepatus humboldti), the puma (Felis concolor), the Falkland Island wolf (Dusicyon australis), the Guanaco (Lama guanicoe). Patagonian grasslands
  • Weasel turned and grinned expectantly at his companion, who grunted and handed over a coin from his pouch.
  • The dominie was a wizened-looking little man, with sharp eyes that pierced you when they thought they were unobserved, and if any visitor drew near who might be a member of the board, he disappeared into his house much as a startled weasel makes for its hole. Auld Licht Idyls
  • This is about being deliberate about commitments, specific about what you're committing to, and trying to root out "squishiness" and weasel words in your commitments. Genuine Curiosity by Dwayne Melancon
  • When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
  • Also this period saw the appearance of the mastodons, raccoons, and weasels.
  • But those weasel phrases get tiresome after a while, and people do tend to gloss over them; and, hey, I'm always interested in finding more gnarly ideas to take apart and play with; so I thought that even if I am going to blather away with my own jazz riffs on what I understand Todorov or Clute to be saying -- to grab these basic themes wherever I find them, see if I can play them back by ear, and if they sound right run with that, rephrasing them and putting them through the conversions, inversions and reversions of my own twisty, turny logic -- well, more grist for the mill is always fun. Freeform Critique
  • He's trying to figure out a way to weasel out of the deal.
  • In the mainland island in the Nelson Lakes National Park the focus is to be on a whole range of pests - wasps, possums, rodents and mustelids (mainly stoats, but also ferrets and weasels), deer and feral cats.
  • It's home to at least 300 vascular plants, 30 types of cacti and 249 vertebrate species, including mountain lions, bobcats and weasels.
  • The production will tell the classic story of Toad, Mole, Ratty and Badger trying to overcome the evil ferrets, weasels and stoats who threaten to overrun the riverbank.
  • At the first level, the Mide priest would have a medicine bag made from the skin of an otter, marten, mink, or weasel.
  • And it's got that guy… the little weaselly guy whose name escapes me.
  • Does the boss who scheduled your sadly abbreviated lunch break deserve to be called a weasel or a stoat?
  • Foxes, rabbits, harvest mice, house mice, dormice, shrews, weasels, and voles all depend on the hedgerows as a place to breed, hunt or shelter.
  • At 36 days young weasels are weaned and can eat food brought back to the nest by the mother.
  • They also engaged in a particularly natty bit of weasel wording: next year's meeting is being called a seminar to emphasise that no decisions will be taken.
  • Scientists are attempting to save birds like this one by translocating them to offshore islands free of introduced predators like rats, cats, stoats, and weasels.
  • I can't remember ever bolting a weasel from a rabbit warren.
  • At heart, though, the ferret is a denizen of the countryside, a weasel closely related to the European polecat and the mink.
  • I was running low on enthusiasm - so low that Mandy had needed to take me and my children in her own car to stop me from weaseling out of the expedition - surely, I thought, there had not been enough rain for this pool to be particularly nice.
  • It's a welcome change to see Hugh Grant play the role of a devious weasel instead of the awkward, bumbling, confused nice guy in his previous films.
  • The dominie was a wizened-looking little man, with sharp eyes that pierced you when they thought they were unobserved, and if any visitor drew near who might be a member of the Board, he disappeared into his house much as a startled weasel makes for its hole. Auld Licht Idylls
  • McConnel the weasel of the senate is the train wreck. all the republicans should be ashamed of themselves. McConnell: Health care bill a 'legislative train wreck'
  • Two Wild Weasel teams armed with antiradiation missiles were leading the pack, going in slightly ahead of the conventional fighters. Terror At Dawn
  • It amazes me that the American people allowed themselves to be buffaloed into voting for this leftist weasel who is giving away our hard won diplomatic strengths while drinking beers in the white house backyard with a cop and the guy who resisted his arrest. Obama's global support put to the test?
  • Because I guarantee you, weasels like nothing better than the law of fait accompli. Saltzman looking for easy way out on Paulson stadiums? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The weasel on the front is a nice touch, but a mangy cur would have been a better image.
  • Mount Rainier National Park had lost the lynx, the fisher a small predator similar to a weasel, and the striped skunk. The Song of The Dodo
  • The weasel family includes such colourful characters as otters, wolverines, skunks, minks and badgers.
  • At heart, though, the ferret is a denizen of the countryside, a weasel closely related to the European polecat and the mink.
  • Voles are an important source of food for many predators, including snakes, hawks, owls, coyotes, weasels, foxes, mink and badgers.
  • The Tracking Mammals Partnership also aims to carry out surveys of otters, stoats, weasels and bats to try to determine whether their populations are declining and how they can be helped to thrive.
  • Within the family Mustelidae, weasels, minks, and martens exhibit remarkable intra- and interspecific pelage color variations.
  • At heart, though, the ferret is a denizen of the countryside, a weasel closely related to the European polecat and the mink.
  • Other animals spotted in Greater Manchester include otters, stoats and weasels.
  • Buying off tyrants with cosy deals and soothing them with weasel words is yesterday's strategy.
  • The Siberian weasel makes its den in the hollows of trees, under rocks, and will often take over a rodent's burrow that has been deserted.
  • Mammals such as weasels, foxes, stoats and especially roe deer can wander safely without the risk of being killed by traffic.
  • In fact it was one of your own mainstream soulmates who first suggested that I blog on weasel about a month before computerist brought weasel front and center in a comment. The Weasel Thread
  • With slit-eyed weasels like that running around, who needs the the competition?
  • When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
  • Then Sir Guy rose gently and laid his sword athwart the stream from bank to bank; so the weasel passed over the sword, as it had been a bridge, and having made his way to a hole at the foot of the hill on the other side, went in thereat. Legends That Every Child Should Know; a Selection of the Great Legends of All Times for Young People
  • For a start he was English, but he had a bit of a weaselly face and slightly receding hair and a somewhat unpleasant manner.
  • When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
  • Fishers are among the least understood of the weasel family, or mustelids, which also includes martens, minks, ermines, ferrets, badgers, otters, and wolverines.
  • Of these animals, only weasels, otters and mink remain widespread, and the weasel is the only one that is still abundant.
  • MOOS: From Judas to Dr. Evil, McClellan, despite his nice guy reputation, is being labeled, "a weasel turned whistleblower," "a stuttering endomorph" -- endomorph being someone with a round, soft body. CNN Transcript May 29, 2008
  • Long-tailed weasels hunt their prey by picking up a scent or sound.
  • Both of them knew that Beynor of Moss was a vainglorious young blowhard, treacherous as a weasel and even more wily. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • Throughout the novel Doc remains loyal to his male characters, even the Weasel, his professed nemesis.
  • And anyone reading the weasel words of doubt that are insinuated throughout this text can only have profound concern about the basis for which Britain is to go to war.
  • Superfluous killing has been reported for a diverse group of animals, including zooplankton, stoats and weasels, damselfly naiads, wolves, predaceous mites, and spiders.
  • As he passed, Weasel gave the newspaper a kick with the toe of his Doc Martens.
  • DOBBS: Well, they ought to talk to them about it, because every one of the governors who hasn't got the sense to do what is best for his or her citizens and do what's best at the same time for national security and the national interest, they're a bunch of just weaselly (ph), measle (ph) - mouthed son of a guns anyway. CNN Transcript Mar 27, 2008
  • They are carnivores like the stoat, weasel, otter and badger.
  • Fishers are among the least understood of the weasel family, or mustelids, which also includes martens, minks, ermines, ferrets, badgers, otters, and wolverines.
  • That weasel phrase 'hard-working people' - you mean the lumpenproletariat, the rabble, don't you? Times, Sunday Times
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • Foxes, rabbits, harvest mice, house mice, dormice, shrews, weasels, and voles all depend on the hedgerows as a place to breed, hunt or shelter.
  • It also walks on the soles of its feet like a bear, but the resemblance ends there, as the badger is actually from the same family as otters and weasels.
  • Progressives weasel out of it, by claiming being political would betray their values.
  • And therefore if a man have a lean and straight face, a Marquess Otton’s cut will make it broad and large; if it be platter-like, a long, slender beard will make it seem the narrower; if he be weasel-becked, then much hair left on the cheeks will make the owner look big like a bowdled hen, and as grim as a goose, if Cornelis of Chelmersford say true. Of Our Apparel and Attire. Chapter VII. [1577, Book III., Chapter 2; 1587, Book II., Chapter 7
  • It halved the rifle where the stock joined the barrel, and two fingers from the weasel's right paw fell to the forest floor.
  • You can find a list of the organisations that have hired him here; mostly insurance companies looking to weasel out of industrial injuries compensation claims as far as we can see.
  • Virtually none of the small carnivorous mammals of Southeast Asia (cats, civets, mongooses, weasels) have crossed it from west to east on their own.
  • By the time Delilah weaseled the secret of his strength out of him, Samson seemed ripe for a rude comeuppance.
  • I want to put them right here in the studio because the pitchfork is a symbol to our weasels in Washington that we ` re sick of them acting like royalty. CNN Transcript Jul 24, 2008
  • The terminally cute sea otter is a marine weasel into rough sex. January 2005
  • Other mammals in the region include red foxes, Siberian weasels, red deer, and even reindeer (caribou).
  • Still, there on Chase Home Weasel letterhead are the words "We apologize," preceded by statements of Chase's various heinous acts: Yes, they escrowed us for payments that were not late, or missing, or even ours. Alfred Gingold: 'Chase Home Weasel' Backs off
  • The weasel yanked a bowie knife out of a sheath on his hip and threw it at Lee, who nipped it neatly out of the air, and sent it thudding into the earth at the weasel's feet.
  • The hyaena was a fool, it did not know the weasel surpassed it in subtlety; it thought the meat was tied; but when it tried to draw out its tail, it was fast. Popular Tales from the Norse
  • The lutrine opossum Lutreolina crassicaudata, giant anteater and giant armadillo are found there, also bush dog, crab-eating fox Cerdocyon thous, long-tailed weasel Mustela frenata, jaguarundi Herpailurus yagouaroundi, jaguar, puma, oncilla Leopardus tigrinus and margay L. weidii. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Except for a scant few, the characters in St. Elmo's Fire are all either weasels, deceptive clods or selfish ninnies.
  • Don't miss Stephen Hayes's brick-by-brick disassembly of the Evil Weasel in The Weekly Standard.

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