
weapon of mass destruction

  1. a weapon that kills or injures civilian as well as military personnel (nuclear and chemical and biological weapons)

How To Use weapon of mass destruction In A Sentence

  • Ironfoot is a former soldier and currently a scholar working for the seelie main Academy and specializing in arcane magic and technology who is investigating the devastating "weapon of mass destruction" that the villainous unseelie Queen Mab had unleashed on a seelie city at the end of Midwinter. "The Office of Shadow" by Matthew Sturges (reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • In the movie, the scientific properties of "anti-matter" arealsolabeled asthe "God element," even though it's criminally used as a potential weapon of mass destruction against religion - This is exactly what I was talking about ...
  • Mr. Romney do you remember a guy called Saddam? most of the burden you are talking about went to fight him and the imaginary weapon of mass destruction! and who benefited from the war? cheney and his so called conservatist white old men! Romney pushes back at Huckabee critique, takes aim at Obama
  • Me, White phosphorus is neither illegal nor a weapon of mass destruction. Think Progress » Embedded TIME Reporter: Bush Lied In Speech Yesterday About Iraqi Security Forces
  • In our country ultrasound is becoming a weapon of mass destruction.
  • The one downside to the Sandman going legit is the whole “captured by the government and studied/forced to become a weapon of mass destruction thing”. Matthew Yglesias » Getting To “Yes”
  • I have a zit on my face that looks - to me, anyhow - like a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Arriving at the outskirts of Brussels the merry band of travellers were aghast to discover that the entire city had been obliterated by a weapon of mass destruction.
  • There's a weapon of mass destruction somewhere in the D . C. area?
  • Â Rex is given special serums, multiple surgeries, and slowly but surely transformed into a walking weapon of mass destruction. Review: Invincible Presents Atom Eve & Rex Splode #1 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
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