How To Use Weakening In A Sentence
Nevertheless, the international credit crunch and the weakening of global growth will "aggravate" the slowdown of the Icelandic economy, Mr. Haarde said.
As Iceland's Krona Falls,
At this point IWN relocated from Jerusalem to Ramat Gan, a move which inevitably led to a certain weakening of the relationship with Knesset members.
Israel Women's Network.
But it is not so clear that this weakening of states increases the possibility of the political independence or autonomy of oppressed nations within them, because the bourgeoisies of the weakened nation-states in question fight back.
As the various ingredients begin to solidify, their surface properties change, weakening the emulsion so that the fat droplets can coalesce still further during the freezing phase.
In the SOFAR channel, low frequency waves may travel thousands of miles before weakening.

Soon, however, social turmoil swept the country, weakening the monarch's effectiveness as an arbiter of political disputes, and exacerbating communal violence among Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa, the three major ethnic communities.
There is so marked an absence of carving that it seems as if ornamentation would have been weakening and trammelling.
Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1
During one particularly intense session of meditation, the patient had a vivid recollection of being three years old, and suffering a severe double hernial rupture, caused by a weakening of the muscles in the pelvic region.
Meditation as Medicine
In an experimental laboratory study, Daley showed that weakening in the hinge area facilitates rapid fragmentation of the shell (within months) even before disarticulation is achieved.
With the expectations of Bank of England hiking rates next week the sterling will see some weakening.
The weakening of the Federalist party and its eventual demise a few years later were largely due to Hamilton's wrong-headed meddling.
Municipal reform might well replace a patrician oligarchy of local gentry and merchants, weakening collective action and undermining the corporate, civic culture.
Now my right side is weakening as well.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
Ministers have bowed to pressure by weakening a series of expensive regulations after protests from cash-strapped home owners.
Furthermore, prograde metamorphism can result in weakening and superplastic behaviour of the rocks affected, as fluid pressure rises, minerals are weakened, and the grain-boundary structure is transformed by breakdown and growth.
Instead of the resolve of strikers weakening as the costs mount and the whole things becomes uneconomic, resolve strengthens.
Times, Sunday Times
He takes their election out of context, not recognizing the U.S. push towards this "democratic" event and not recognizing that it was the withdrawal of economic support by the U.S. and its servient allies that led to the weakening of the government – and not that the support was withdrawn after the Hamas almost-government had become weakened and ineffective.
The Hebrew Republic - Book Review
This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
WASHINGTON (AP, BY ALAN ZIBEL) -- Home prices are weakening around the country, even in metro areas that were showing strength earlier in the year.
Case-Shiller Index: Home Prices Fall In August As Market Shows Signs Of Trouble
The mobile military had done nothing, the ground cannons were a similar failure, and there had been no pre-emptive weakening phase.
These men who had awakened, laughed dissolvent laughs, and the old muddle of schools and colleges, books and traditions, the old fumbling, half-figurative, half-formal teaching of the Churches, the complex of weakening and confusing suggestions and hints, amidst which the pride and honor of adolescence doubted and stumbled and fell, became nothing but a curious and pleasantly faded memory.
In the Days of the Comet
First, when the French government tried unilaterally to reflate its economy in the early 1980s it soon became clear that they could not act alone without harming their balance of payments and severely weakening their currency.
Any weakening in the all-powerful US economy could have a nasty flow-on effect.
On a call convened that evening by Mr. Bernanke, most FOMC members "judged that an immediate reduction in the federal-funds rate was called for to begin aligning [it] with a weakening economic situation.
Fed Minutes May Presage More Rate Cuts
Certainly, the weakening contract prices are a blow to the company as it struggles to stay afloat under the weight of massive debt.
Reuters Steel coils in Tokyo this week For Japan's top steel suppliers, close ties to local auto makers and operations focused on high-grade steel serve as a cushion against foreign market conditions, but they are nonetheless vulnerable to the globally weakening steel-market conditions that have already bit into the earnings of foreign rivals ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel Corp.
Nippon Steel Swings to Profit
Weakening is made an eliminable rule by letting initial sequents have the form
The weakening of the Federalist party and its eventual demise a few years later were largely due to Hamilton's wrong-headed meddling.
Isabelle could feel herself physically weakening and she rested her hand against the wall for support.
There are some stickers, which are not of very good quality and comprise of a thin transparent film which is printed with a design followed by a layer of top coat, which leads to the weakening of the glue and the fading of the design.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1173
Neptune indicates dilution and weakening of the vital spirit.
With the sprinkler systems disabled, the fires raged uncontrollably, weakening the steel and leading to the collapse of the buildings.
Her resolve was weakening and her debts mounting.
Times, Sunday Times
Dublin jewellers are experiencing a drop in engagement ring sales, as romance pays the price for Luas roadworks and a weakening economy, according to the city's jewellers.
He watched over his subordinates like a broody hen - when he noticed someone weakening, he would order extra hot milk all around, without revealing who needed it the most.
(2000, first ed. 1996) a single-succedent intuitionistic calculus with height-preserving admissibility of weakening and contraction.
The goal of conservatism is to defend our civilization from decay and decadence, from a weakening of our principles.
As a result, the orbitals become deformed, weakening the existing bond between molecules.
The country's economic weakness resulted in a weakening of its military capability.
Keep trowelling of the bed to a minimum: it will draw water out of the mortar mix, weakening the bonds.
Chapter 6
Mostly in their fifties, the banañeros suffer from kidney failure, diminishing eyesight and bones that are weakening at the rate of octogenarians.
A weakening of the connection between the epidermis and dermis also reduces shearing and blistering thresholds, decreases communication between the dermis and epidermis, and reduces microcirculation to the epidermis.
He felt the body reel inwardly, weakening as his anger surfaced, stressing the spell that held the body in corporeal form.
Botox works by blocking contact between nerve and muscle, weakening involuntary spasms.
Times, Sunday Times
The soft underbelly of Europe, the Balkans, which is constantly being destabilized, is a great weakening of all of European civilization.
When de Gaulle returned to power in 1958, the western alliance was weakening.
After this, they enter the leaf midribs and eventually the stalk through which they tunnel, weakening the plant and reducing potential ear size.
At a period when he was having a terrific struggle with a certain habit, he was so continually held in the thought of fear by his mother and the young lady to whom he was engaged, -- the engagement to be consummated at the end of a certain period, the time depending on his proving his mastery, -- that he, very sensitively organized, _continually_ felt the depressing and weakening effects of their negative thoughts.
In Tune with the Infinite or, Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty
Another commentator, the Malbim, explains the shift from a physical perspective: The post-diluvian era was marked by a general weakening of the human condition.
The blockade has been lifted, but not before seriously weakening hundreds of thousands of people.
Christianity Today
Snake venoms have different effects, some simply weakening or disorienting, others paralysing or killing the prey.
Various barriers confronted borrowers from accessing available credit, weakening confidence and optimism among individuals and corporations; except for exceptional gilt-edged enterprises.
Patrick Yam: Epiphinal Economic Times
A weakening front will bring a spell of rain southeastwards midweek, followed by a dip in temperatures.
Times, Sunday Times
Van Dyk called disenchantment with South Africa's foreign policy and uncertainty of what effect it will have "a major factor in the weakening of the rand.
ANC Daily News Briefing
A Chinese military posture that is too aggressive could produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors, thereby weakening China's hard and soft power.
The result is that the ruddy duck's genes, stronger, more virile, dominate the union, producing ruddy duck dominated hybrids and weakening the white-headed duck strain.
The markets are better prepared for a weakening economy than they were ten years ago.
The blockade has been lifted, but not before seriously weakening hundreds of thousands of people.
Christianity Today
The effect was devastating, seriously weakening Mrs Thatcher's hold on the premiership and making a leadership contest virtually inevitable.
More recent work suggests that the cell wall hydrolase, pectin methyl esterase, plays a role in weakening of the megagametophyte, allowing radicle emergence and the completion of germination.
It may be at the same time that the shekel is weakening against the euro and we actually trade more with Europe than we do with the United States.
Interview Transcript: Stanley Fischer
Gold is the objective indicator of inflation: When its price in any currency rises substantially, that means the unit of account is weakening and that we're inflating.
A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
In the Maldives, nicknamed the "flattest country on earth," poor coastal protection measures such as dredging to create sandbars and erecting seawalls have unintentionally reduced the flow of nutrients to coral reefs, weakening a natural shield against storm swells and surges.
Benjamin K. Sovacool: Adapting to Climate Change the Right Way
Will the Kindle similarly put Amazon in a dominant position , while weakening publishers?
The daily chart is indicating a weakening condition because of the market's inability to establish support at the short-term retracement zone at 1.4499 to 1.4435.
At the same time, ignoring political questions means actually weakening our ability to fight on economic issues.
But after another romantic dinner, could her resolve be weakening?
The Sun
A better scenario would be for the dollar to depreciate against the euro, and for sterling to share part of that weakening.
Currency movements are notoriously difficult to predict, but signs point to further weakening of the dollar.
In short, over the last several decades, the religious institutional ties of have-nots in America, especially men, seem to be weakening.
American Grace
A recent weakening of the dollar against the kyat in street markets has made it tougher for Myanmar exporters to compete overseas, adding pressure for further market reform.
Myanmar Considers Foreign-Exchange Overhaul
The taxi driver had parked the car in front of a minor stately home: pink brick, lots of ivy weakening the walls.
Pelvic organ prolapse results from a weakening of connective tissue or loss of muscular support.
There are no indications that the resolve of members is weakening.
The increase in foreign exchange assets is of course exaggerated to a significant extent by revaluation following the weakening of the greenback.
The Hindu - Front Page
It was one of the first companies to warn last October that performance was being hit by weakening demand for mobile comms handsets and higher client inventory levels.
The tip of the stick is often driven into the cloth with force, weakening the structure of the weave, and pitting the playing surface.
They fetch tea down the corridor just as you're on your last legs, so I eventually made it, though weakening fast.
Nor does the setting up of separate households necessarily imply a weakening of social and caring relationships.
Nor does the setting up of separate households necessarily imply a weakening of social and caring relationships.
If yields jumped, the government could find itself in a pickle as it struggled to pay off dollar debt with a fast-weakening currency.
The weakening of the aristocracy by war and by execution gave to the crown a power before unknown, and made it a fearful coigne of vantage for
English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
Elsewhere, Qatar's top central-bank official said Sunday that Gulf Cooperation Council partner Kuwait may repeg its currency to the weakening U.S. dollar in line with the region's plans for monetary union in 2010.
Dollar Rises a Bit on Euro,
So the fact that sometimes the shekel is strengthening because the dollar is weakening globally doesn't cut a lot of ice with most Israelis.
Interview Transcript: Stanley Fischer
The two major options for states to close their budget gaps raising taxes and cutting spending put further stress on a weakening economy,
You could see the poor dog weakening daily as the disease spread through its body.
In addition a successful weakening of the ruble, that is taking place, will make Gazel more competitive.
'The Russian Economy Is Turned Inside Out'
With his eight-month presidency seemingly weakening, United States President Barack Obama struck.
Oddly enough, the benefits he conferred upon the common people had the result of weakening the aristocracy, the social class from which he came.
The problems, such as not-enough scientific budgeting, liberty in budget enforcement and weakening in budget inspection and so on, still exist in daily work.
This week's interest-rate decision by the Bank of England's monetary policy committee is on a knife-edge, amid further evidence that the economy is weakening.
Therefore, the local government is expected to take order with the reinforcement, weakening and change of governmental function, boost regional economic growth and offer quality public service.
He worried that in a depressed global economy, without enough spending to go around, countries would sally forth and grab a bit of extra demand for themselves by weakening their currencies.
I'd begin from the ancient Roman ideal of manliness - which is the root of our term virtue [vir is Latin for man] - and work up through the weakening of that ideal of manliness by Christianity, and on towards Rousseau's bourgeois man before turning to Hemingway and such figures as Michael Landon as Pa Ingalls [here I would be indebted to Dutch.]
Archive 2006-06-18
That we need to even have this clarification is a tragedy and symbol of the weakening of the middle class, the disparity of wealth and more importantly power, and the need for a democratic president ASAP.
Lilly Ledbetter and Anti Discrimination
I say, then, that the first thing in mortification is the weakening of this habit, that it shall not impel and tumultuate as formerly; that it shall not entice and draw aside; that it shall not disquiet and perplex the killing of its life, vigour, promptness, and readiness to be stirring.
Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
His authority is steadily weakening.
The main reason for the dollar's lethargy is seen as the weakening U.S. economy and expectations the U.S.
Bank of Japan Cuts Key Rate
They suck sap, gradually weakening the plant and leaving it prone to other pest and disease attacks.
The Sun
At all hazards , and secured by the aid of my able coadjutors, I shall continue, while I am in being, to contribute to it whatever my weakened and weakening powers can.
He said that the biggest contributor to the price increase would be taxes and the weakening of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar.
The most significant outcome is weakening of the skeleton leading to fractures, loss of height, impaired quality of life and even death.
In women after the menopause, the lack of oestrogen can lead to a weakening of the muscles associated with the bladder and the urethral sphincter.
WASHINGTON - Facing weakening support among Hispanics, President Barack Obama expressed deep frustration Wednesday over what he called an inaccurate and damaging perception that he can fix the nation's flawed immigration system on his own. rss feed
Ecological resurgence is attributed to pesticides weakening natural control systems whereas physiological resurgence refers to pesticide-induced stimulation of pest reproduction or hormesis.
As investors bought up riskier assets they moved out of gold, weakening proxies for the metal.
Times, Sunday Times
Slaves to unnumbered ancient ‘taboos,’ superstitions, prejudices, and fallacies, which one by one are slowly but surely weakening under the clear light of the morning of science; the savior of mankind.
Fueled by 85-degree ocean water, amidst weakening vertical wind shear (changing of the wind with height) and a progressively humidifying environment, Richard's maximum sustained winds peaked at 90 mph just prior to its landfall roughly 20 miles south of Belize City late Sunday.
Richard's troublesome tropical journey
An over-reliance on computer design software is weakening drawing skills among art students -- and resulting in uninteresting and uninspired work, according to college art professors.
Archive 2006-04-02
So the fact that the shekel is weakening against the euro relative to our exporters is also very important and could be even more important than the dollar.
Interview Transcript: Stanley Fischer
Most computer simulations of the ocean system in a climate with increasing atmospheric greenhouse-gas concentrations predict a weakening thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic as the subpolar seas become fresher and warmer1, 2, 3, and it is assumed that this signal will be transferred to the deep ocean by the two overflows.
About: Blinded by Science
As time passes with the city's inhabitants weakening due to lack of food and the Mahdi's forces isolating the city, Gordon prepares Khartoum to repel invasion, all the time still hopeful of British intervention.
That labor markets are weakening at the same time as the price of oil is at a record high of more than $143 a barrel is an eerie echo of the 1970s "stagflationary" environment to some.
Stocks Battle to Regain Ground
Through weakening of force and accent allswa gradually became alsa, alse, als, ase, finally being reduced to as.
The Grammarphobia Blog » Blog Archive » As long as he needs me
The toxin - called cytolethal distending toxin, or CDT - appears to affect the nerve cells that control the muscles in the gut, weakening the "cleaning waves" and leading to the chronic problems of IBS.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: The Link Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Bacteria
my interviews with teenagers revealed a weakening of religious bonds
The sperm present will surround it, battering against its surface and each one weakening the outside layer.
His authority is steadily weakening.
The shadow of the other festivals is to blame, but so too is the weakening of the arts programme itself.
WASHINGTON (AP, BY ALAN ZIBEL) -- Home prices are weakening around the country, even in metro areas that were showing strength earlier in the year ....
Case-Shiller Index: Home Prices Fall In August As Market Shows Signs Of Trouble
The immobilism and sense of decay infects consumer confidence; in both countries consumers are building up their savings, weakening demand growth and deferring still further the chances of an economic recovery.
Chinese military posture that is too aggressive could produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors, thereby weakening China's hard and soft power.
Weakening and reduction in the regular size of the Polar anticyclone and its east-wind outflow should cause the temperate low pressure belt to find a zone of activity closer to the polar zones than at present.
The effect was devastating, seriously weakening Mrs Thatcher's hold on the premiership and making a leadership contest virtually inevitable.
In women after the menopause, the lack of oestrogen can lead to a weakening of the muscles associated with the bladder and the urethral sphincter.
Also, the strong current which sets east out of Lancaster Sound carried with it mile upon mile of what they call pack-ice -- rough ice that has not frozen into fields; and this pack was bombarding the floe at the same time that the swell and heave of the storm-worked sea was weakening and undermining it.
The Second Jungle Book
The outside must always be weakening, and the pressure on the inner increasing by the constant flow of water into the fiord, which is rising day by day.
Steve Young
His anxiety that nonaction with Iraq would have been wrong because then Security Council Resolutions "would have been revealed as empty threats, weakening the United Nations", as opposed to exactly what by this appointer of the staunchly Pro-Internationalist, J. Bolton to be UN Ambassador?
Kerry Donor: Let's Give The Man Some Credit
Communist infiltrators, the "footmen", will pave the way for an all out invasion by weakening our will through TV, dance, rock music and alcohol.
'I Don't See Any Candy'
Once irreverent and perhaps even iconoclastic, these shows relied too heavily on his reputation and weakening force of personality.
As well, the logical through-line darted hither and yon, weakening the impact of the work.
Globe and Mail
Someone unruly was ungovernable or disorderly; the modern sense is a weakening of this.
This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
This coincides with Limbaugh\'s push to get Republicans to vote for Hillary in the hopes of weakening the Democrats by extending the Primary and "bloodying" Obama. '
Bill Clinton on Rush Limbaugh Show Day of TX Primary
; Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act; Defense of Marriage Act, abandoning his pledge to consider offering asylum to Haitian refugees; backing away from his most high-profile campaign issue: health care; reneging on his promise to "take a firm stand" against the armed forces 'ban on gays and lesbians; the invasion of Somalia; increasing the Pentagon budget by $25 billion; firing Jocelyn Elders; dumping Lani Guinier; renewing the sanctions on Iraq; ignoring genocide in Rwanda; passing a crime bill that gave us more cops, more prisons, and 58 more offenses punishable by death; the passage of the salvage logging rider; continuation of the use of methyl bromide; weakening of the Endangered Species Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act; lowering of grazing fees on land; subsidizing Florida's sugar industry; reversing the ban on the production and importation of PCBs; allowing the export of Alaskan oil; the telecommunications bill; unconditional support for the Israeli war machine, and not pardoning Leonard Peltier.
Will President Obama feel the pressure? (LOL)
Through weakening of force and accent allswa gradually became alsa, alse, als, ase, finally being reduced to as.
The Grammarphobia Blog » Blog Archive » As long as he needs me
Such infections may leave people more vulnerable to the risk of infection by weakening their immune system.
A Chinese military posture that is too aggressive could produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors, thereby weakening China's hard and soft power.
We cannot suppose that Shakspeare used epithets so weakening as "delighting" or
Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
Restructuring the existing convertible bonds allows the Educomp to push out redemption date and offer near-term succor to its weakening balance sheet.
Educomp to Recast Foreign Convertible Bonds
The bulk potential modulator can realize real-time modulation to parameters of the target MOS device, thus greatly weakening the influence of technological deviation.
A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
His recollections were like barnacles on the legs of an oil-rig; weakening rather than pleasing, a danger.
It is also a corrosive agent - unless it is contained in chemically resistant vessels, it will eat away at them, eventually weakening them to the point of failure.
Energy Economics and Politics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The Romantics turned self-destruction into a literary convention, further weakening the stigma attached to the act.
As investors bought up riskier assets they moved out of gold, weakening proxies for the metal.
Times, Sunday Times
The blockade has been lifted, but not before seriously weakening hundreds of thousands of people.
Christianity Today
The coincidence in timing of plutonism and extension along the Zuccale fault superficially suggests that thermal weakening could play a part in facilitating low-angle fault movement as proposed for the Capanne fault.
Cracks from sun scald can allow insects, fungus, virus, or other damage to gain an entry and begin the process of weakening the tree.
Above all, we must remember that the antitoxines do not cure in themselves; they only guard the body from the weakening effects of the poisons until it can cure itself, and, unless the body has resisting powers, the antitoxine will fail to produce the desired results.
The Story of Germ Life
Weakening fronts spread southeastwards this weekend, introducing fresher air from the north.
Times, Sunday Times
But after another romantic dinner, could her resolve be weakening?
The Sun
Like Franklin D. Roosevelt, his efforts at first were devoted to preventing further weakening of an army that many, Hitler among them, regarded as irrelevant.
The lower forecast is driven by weakening demand from soybean processors, known as crushers, which process the crop into oil for cooking and meal for animal feed.
China Likely to Reduce Soybean Imports
With age, the weakening immune system may allow the virus to re-emerge as shingles: a painful rash that causes pain lasting for months or years.
They suck sap, gradually weakening the plant and leaving it prone to other pest and disease attacks.
The Sun
A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.
The idea is to promote a more holistic approach to conservation without either weakening current provision or introducing burdensome new restrictions.
From semantic perspective. word reiterative brings increase. decrease and weakening to meanings.
Anti-social behaviour, feral youth and weakening of communities form a triad of concerns that cuts across politics.
You can see here on the radar screen, this pink polygon, that is where that tornado warning is for northwest Alabama and the cell itself really, really weakening here.
CNN Transcript May 8, 2008
Will the Kindle similarly put Amazon in a dominant position , while weakening publishers?
In light of such obstacles, divergent national interests and division, real consensus was always a mirage and had been steadily weakening since 1991.
While he hoped that such a provider was not an alector, if he had to wager, he would have bet that the provider was either a rebel alector or one of the High Alectors with the goal of weakening the Cadmians.
Soarer's Choice
Though his eyes were weakening by the moment, his gaze was still more acute than that of the blossoming ape.
Neuromuscular diseases are characterized by progressive weakening of skeletal, respiratory, bulbar, and, in the case of myopathies, cardiac muscles.
Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
He now spends his days driving his weakening cattle back and forth across the valley first to find meagre pasture and then to find water.
As investors bought up riskier assets they moved out of gold, weakening proxies for the metal.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the years it became warped from the pressure of sleep, turning into a sort of decaying hoop with erratic angles as I tried to reform the weakening metal into a perfect circle and failed.
Requiem For A Ring
Loose U.S. monetary policy offers some support, but the euro zone's own laxness offers an offset by weakening the euro against the dollar.
Hormuz Isn't the Only Oil Hot Spot
With his eight-month presidency seemingly weakening, United States President Barack Obama struck.
I favor letting a president have the full 4 years; I disfavor parliamentarily weakening the post.
Over time, this degenerative genetic condition is erasing the protein in his muscles, steadily weakening them.
Times, Sunday Times
But the weakening pound meant ten-year gilt prices underperformed their eurozone counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
A weakening leu translates into more pressure on inflation, already running at 8.6% in Romania.
Slower Growth Exposes
He haunted her mind and terrorized her dreams, weakening her and draining her of her strength.
Hasyim, who replaced Abdurrahman as NU chairman earlier this year, was interviewed by The Jakarta Post on Sunday over rumors of weakening support from respected elder ulemas known as ulema khos.
Afghanistan emerged as a country of sorts only in the mid-18th century, and a case can be made that with the slow-motion dissolution of the former Soviet empire in Central Asia, and the gradual weakening of the Pakistani state, a historic realignment is now taking place that could see Afghanistan disappear on the political map: in the future, for example, the Hindu Kush could form a border between Pashtunistan and a Greater Tajikistan.
Man Versus Afghanistan
Analogous rules permit weakening and contraction in the right, succedent parts of sequents.
Instead, the 'broadening'-or weakening-of collateral requirements is couched in the vague language of using securities "to closely match the types of collateral" that is eligible to be pledge "in the tri-party repo systems of the two major clearing banks".
Fed Deals in Lots of Junk at Primary Dealer Credit Facility - CNBC
The goal of conservatism is to defend our civilization from decay and decadence, from a weakening of our principles.
Those who show too great familiarity with the other sex, who entertain lascivious thoughts, continually exciting the sexual desires, always suffer a weakening of power and sometimes the actual diseases of degeneration, chronic inflammation of the gland, spermatorrhoea, impotence, and the like.
Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
Rather than facilitating the transfer of savings across the economy to wealth generating activities, when banks issue unbacked claims they are in fact setting in motion the weakening of the process of wealth formation.
By the early eighteenth century, operatic juxtapositions (aria versus recitative, for instance) came to be seen as part of a standard order of representation, weakening the original shock-effect of the genre.
The isolated virus can reproduce in embryo of muscovy duck, and showed a weakening tendency of its virulent.
Her resolve was weakening and her debts mounting.
Times, Sunday Times
Last year, oil may have been sending a false signal to central banks by pushing up headline inflation when the economy was already weakening.
But the weakening pound meant ten-year gilt prices underperformed their eurozone counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
The harambee movement has since been politicized, weakening the partnership between the state and local communities.
As a result, proof theories for R either contain distribution as a primitive rule, or contain a second form of premise combination (so called extensional combination, as opposed to the intensional premise combination we have seen) which satisfies weakening and contraction.
Substructural Logics
They do have a problem with the procurement of future hardware, but that is no excuse for weakening our current defence capability.
The blockade has been lifted, but not before seriously weakening hundreds of thousands of people.
Christianity Today
That storm system is now progressing on a northeasterly course, but it is weakening quickly.
Ministers have bowed to pressure by weakening a series of expensive regulations after protests from cash-strapped home owners.
Now my right side is weakening as well.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
Among the lessons to be drawn from Tsushima, one of the clearest is the weakening effect of divided purpose.
A History of Sea Power
The maker of Aquos televisions will halve output at its factory in Sakai, Osaka prefecture for more than a month as weakening global demand has caused inventories to rise, the Nikkei newspaper reported today, without saying where it obtained the information. -- Top News
But it is the weakening economy that has really set the ball rolling. The past week's plunge in the Philadelphia Federal Reserve's index of business conditions has particularly rattled investors.