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weak point

  1. an attribute that is inadequate or deficient

How To Use weak point In A Sentence

  • Just like my mother can hone in on my weak points with GPS accuracy, teenagers can humiliate me with a muttered monosyllable.
  • Personally I think you should wear gems to keep the more powerful areas of yow chart strong, rather than to accentuate your weak points.
  • Urgently, I scanned the UPVC door frame, estimating the weak point. KICK BACK
  • It has a little weak point, the gearbox, which is a copper plate, an insignificant thing. Castro Outlines Economic Solutions at Conference
  • It will delay your work a little, but never mind; we will pay you in huckleberry pies," said Mrs. Jo, knowing Silas's weak point. Little Men: Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys
  • My weak point is the barbell deadlift to overhead press, which, she says, is not unusual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scattered in pursuit, they provided perfect weak points for our counterattack.
  • The same tendency appeared in other countries, though various philosophers showed weak points in the argument, and Goethe made sport of it in a noted verse, praising the forethought of the Creator in foreordaining the cork tree to furnish stoppers for wine-bottles. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points. Confucius 
  • A blow struck at a specific weak point along the blade, that is, at a notch, would achieve a consistent break and a characteristic triangular end that could be subsequently retouched into a formal graver.
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