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How To Use Waxy In A Sentence

  • Waxy starch gels form a paste at lower temperatures, swell with more water than regular or partially waxy starches, and don't lose water during freezing and thawing.
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Some are waxy, yellow and mummified. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sodium is a silvery white metal with a waxy appearance.
  • For the first time in 80 years, three of the four processions for the end of Holy Week, Semana Santa, were cancelled, thanks to mad billows blowing over every banner and stanchion and cordon, rain guttering from every rooftop, children's fingers growing waxy. Wind and heavy rain greet Britons who headed for Spanish sun at Easter
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  • Kidneys are encased in a creamy, waxy fat called suet, which is easily removed by cutting into it and then peeling it away. How to Cook Your Gut Pile
  • Certain aphids seem to prefer waxy leaves, whereas other species are repelled by them.
  • Edwinia, with its attractive waxy white flowers, and potentilla, with bloom of gold, are shrubs which lend a charm to much of the mountain-section. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • They were passing through a grove of low trees now, with drifts of creamy blossom and the waxy green leaves of citrus trees.
  • Frostbitten skin initially turns red, then it takes on a whitish, waxy appearance.
  • His hair, dyed an incongruous brown and brilliantined, an old man's vanity, glistened under the light like a waxy skullcap. MAMBO
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Frostbitten skin initially turns red, then it takes on a whitish, waxy appearance.
  • careful, the floor is waxy
  • This stunning, deep, ripe, fruity, toasty waxy vintage bubbly is a rare Easter treat.
  • Then I tried to peel it and realised that I had been writing on the waxy reverse, not on the sticker side.
  • Cetearyl, cetyl, and stearyl alcohol also a waxy emollient that adds opacity to color Simple Skin Beauty
  • It has big balls of bright orange flowers and large waxy grey leaves, but because it won't tolerate temperatures below about 15-degrees Celsius, it will only grow in a glasshouse this far south.
  • There, among the white waxy flowers, she saw a small, snow-white moth with grayish hind wings.
  • Succulents often have thick waxy cuticles to minimize water loss.
  • The many semi-precious stones which have a quartz basis (such as the varieties of waxy or cryptocrystalline chalcedony which is largely quartz in a very minutely crystalline condition) are often even tougher than the clear crystallized quartz. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The young spuds have thin skins, a waxy texture and are really versatile, as they keep their shape once cooked and cut. The Sun
  • This greasy, sometimes waxy substance is known as adipocere, or grave wax. Break No Bones
  • The long lasting floral bunches with sparkling waxy bracts in different shades of pink, and the yellow margined red corolla are best suited for cut flowers.
  • Shrubs with waxy leaves, such as camellias, gardenias and ixoras always look fresh and composed.
  • Using broad, flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey, these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging.
  • They're made from waxy tumbled leather, which is strategically perforated for extra breathability.
  • Their waxy texture makes them versatile, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Water patterns bounce off polished chrome, the fibreglass shell is honed to a waxy sheen of pearl.
  • Base oils contain hydrocarbons that tend to crystallize into waxy materials at low temperatures.
  • I'm astounded to discover there's no clear consensus as to whether a floury or a waxy potato is preferable for this dish. How to cook the perfect rösti
  • The skin or epidermis that surround the stomata secretes a waxy cuticle that inhibits the evaporation of water from the epidermal area of the leaf.
  • A type of rice grown in the Far East known as glutinous or sticky rice contains no proteinatious gluten and owes its sticky nature to a waxy carbohydrate.
  • There, among the white waxy flowers, she saw a small, snow-white moth with grayish hind wings.
  • Their faces were waxy and pallid in the glow of the torchlight.
  • Water patterns bounce off polished chrome, the fibreglass shell is honed to a waxy sheen of pearl.
  • They produced a waxy lump of what the British call polythene . March 27, 1933: Just One Word ... Plastics
  • The young spuds have thin skins, a waxy texture and are really versatile, as they keep their shape once cooked and cut. The Sun
  • Water striders are covered stem to stem and toe to toe with a layer of tiny, waxy, feathery hairs in which countless minuscule air bubbles are trapped.
  • His waxy face stills glows an unearthly peach colour above his neatly clipped ginger beard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Potatoes, whether served mashed, boiled or chipped, flowery or waxy, are integral parts of Irish diet and culture.
  • The pollen spores are usually aggregated into two or four waxy masses ( "pollinia," sing. pollinium), which usually can only be removed by the agency of insects upon which all but a very few orchids are absolutely dependent for the pollination of the flowers. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • In early spring, white-flowering bulbous cress and waxy yellow swamp buttercup provide bright splashes on the forest floor.
  • A police spokesman said the fake notes can be identified by their feel, as they will appear limp, waxy or shiny, unlike regular notes, which should be crisp.
  • The cornucopia had stubbornly remained through her six years of checkups, gathering dust, the reds and oranges fading on the waxy peels. MINUTES TO BURN
  • His yellowish-white jowls drooped, giving him a waxy appearance.
  • Finally, mosses may, like higher plants, also have a waxy cuticle and stomata to help control evaporation.
  • The tough waxy leaf cuticle may be problematic for impaling the epidermal cells of some plants, but this difficulty can be overcome by optimizing the shape of the electrode tip.
  • Locals rushed to chip off pieces from the waxy white blob. The Sun
  • The bifoliate species have mostly smaller flowers, some with waxy petals and sepals and less frilly lips. Article Source
  • His head seemed shrunken and his skin was waxy and yellow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also known as the Jersey Royal, this is a waxy salad potato famed for its distinctive flavour.
  • For example, thick, waxy, succulent leaves indicate arid environments in which the plant must conserve water.
  • This one combines waxy, appley flavours with a hint of tropical fruit.
  • The chip-carved and incised surfaces of the three-dimensional pieces are filled in with crayon, as are the irregular patterns of geometric shapes in the drawings, which shine with a colorful waxy patina.
  • Leaf waxiness differs with leaf type - juvenile foliage is waxy, whereas adult foliage is not.
  • Leaves are oval-shaped, smooth and waxy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Locals rushed to chip off pieces from the waxy white blob. The Sun
  • White Poppy capsules, when dried, furnish papaverine and narcotine, with some mucilage, and a little waxy matter. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Serves 6213 calories per serving750g medium waxy potatoes such as Charlotte, scrubbed but not peeled500ml semi-skimmed milk1 whole garlic bulb, cloves bashed and peeled4 bay leaves12 scratches nutmeg100g Gruyère or other hard, strong cheese, finely grated3 tbsp half-fat crème fraîchePreheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas mark 4. Gratin dauphinois recipe
  • The fingerling potatoes were called confit in the sides part of the menu, by which I assume they mean poached in oil, either way their waxy flesh had a sumptuous bite. Café Cluny, 421 saturatillian stars
  • Test of the larva in its latest period before the first metamorphosis whitish, waxy, stelliform, having usually eight lateral radiating processes and a dorsal convex mass of wax: average length of the whole about 1/40 in.
  • She looked from the basket containing the few remaining branches to the banisters of the great staircase, which were now nearly covered in waxy green holly and pretty red ribbon.
  • For instance, cetyl and cetearyl alcohol are waxy, solid emollients that act as thickeners and emulsifiers in a product, and they moisturize the skin as a by-product. Simple Skin Beauty
  • In another salad, waxy redskin potatoes with a deep, earthy flavour were served warm, along with a poached egg, on a combination of leaves and vegetables sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • The pollen spores are usually aggregated into two or four waxy masses ( "pollinia," sing. pollinium), which usually can only be removed by the agency of insects upon which all but a very few orchids are absolutely dependent for the pollination of the flowers. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • There was a nice waxy potato and onion gratin, stir-fried savoy cabbage, sweet roast carrots, quite acceptable courgette and mangetout.
  • In early spring, white-flowering bulbous cress and waxy yellow swamp buttercup provide bright splashes on the forest floor.
  • Both salad and new potatoes have a firm, waxy texture and hold their shape well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waxy white flowers of citrus fruits are produced from January onwards, with many varieties having a delicious fragrance capable of filling a small conservatory.
  • It continued with a thick steak of char-grilled tuna, sitting on a warm, waxy potato and anchovy salad, the heat of the fish wilting some pert baby spinach.
  • Using broad, flat white cardboard boxes for pizzas and small waxy paper cartons for chow mein and chop suey, these ethnic restaurants standardized distinctive take-out packaging.
  • Although you can't remember it, you've probably seen photos of your first birthday party: you in a highchair, wearing a cone hat strapped around your chin, seated behind a frosted cake inscribed with your name and adorned with a waxy '1' candle. Tammy Tibbetts: A First Birthday Like None Other
  • Pink fir apple potatoes are waxy, knobbly potatoes that are available from specialist food shops.
  • Their waxy texture makes them versatile, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • All it then takes is a spark from an arcing electricity cable to ignite grassy kindling and waxy chaparral .
  • A 14-year-old boy with a pre-existing history of autism exhibited stupor with mutism, akinesia, rigidity, waxy flexibility, posturing, facial grimacing and involuntary movements of the upper extremities.
  • This tetratomic vapor condenses to liquid white phosphorus which freezes at 44.1°C to solid white phosphorus, a soft, waxy, colorless material.
  • The cheese has a red waxy rind.
  • By the time the white petals died and the mint-colored berry poked out, the leaf shine was gilded tight and waxy.
  • He'd lost a lot of weight and his skin looked grey and waxy.
  • His hair, dyed an incongruous brown and brilliantined, an old man's vanity, glistened under the light like a waxy skullcap. MAMBO
  • Mimeograph involved typing into a waxy, blue sheet that cut out an actual blank spot where the key struck the stencil. Wednesday, Feb. 17 – The Bleat.
  • A favourite flower for the bouquet's centre was the amazon lily, which had white waxy blooms.
  • A: A self-regulated fatty substance (19) (also called a waxy alcohol (7) or waxy substance (34), or fatty alcohol (45), primarily made by the liver Is cholesterol dangerous?
  • Both salad and new potatoes have a firm, waxy texture and hold their shape well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Give them a good rinse and rub them dry and the waxy coating will come off. The Sun
  • This waxy layer forms the grape's typically whitish surface, called the bloom.
  • Some are waxy, yellow and mummified. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a nice waxy potato and onion gratin, stir-fried savoy cabbage, sweet roast carrots, quite acceptable courgette and mangetout.
  • Diamond - shaped cake , butter color yellow , waxy mass , Li Xiang, sweet.
  • I loved this elegant, summer sticky bursting with bold, waxy, honied and peach-stashed fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scientists investigating hibiscus petals identified waxy lines that gave the plants their iridescence. Times, Sunday Times
  • • Flour corns, including the standard varieties of blue corn, are soft and easily ground because their endosperm is a discontinuous and weak combination of relatively little protein, mostly waxy starch, and air pockets. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Also, it: is more active, and the mother might begin feeling movement is covered in fine, downy hair called lanugo and a waxy coating called vernix which protects the baby's skin forming underneath. has eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails can hear and swallow CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Being a waxy potato makes them very versatile indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waxy epicuticle protects against desiccation.
  • The "shale" is a sedimentary rock known as mudstone, and the "oil" is a waxy solid called kerogen. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • I'm always on the look out for new ways to prepare late-summer potatoes, which are usually varieties described on the bag as floury or all-purpose, most waxy varieties now being out of season.
  • The lesions begin as pin-head, waxy-looking, rounded or acuminated elevations, gradually attaining the size of small peas. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Locals rushed to chip off pieces from the waxy white blob. The Sun
  • These form rosettes of waxy evergreen leaves and star-shaped summer flowers.
  • Heteropterans, like other insects, have a waxy cuticle that repels water to reduce the need for active osmoregulation. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • Cholesterol is a white, waxy solid with a soapy feel which is virtually insoluble in water.
  • As a general thing, when the cows were fed upon cotton-seed the butter was white and "waxy," this was yellow and firm. Memories A Record of Personal Experience and Adventure During Four Years of War
  • Then the skin goes yellow and waxy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contributing to this foetor was the smell emanating from the table, whose surface was littered with the vestiges of various meals—the decaying fragments of a catfish; the partially gnawed disjecta membra of a chicken; a beef bone to which waxy gobbets of congealed fat continued to cling. Nevermore
  • When you put it in your tea you have little waxy bits floating at the top of the mug.
  • The waxy formula is good for dry lips. Times, Sunday Times
  • He described an initial, short-lasting episode of motor symptoms characterized by immobility, posturing, and waxy flexibility that ended in a hyperkinetic state; a second stage of melancholia often with stupor; a third stage of “exaltation and rapid and pressured speech” “a certain pathos-filled ‘ecstasy’ this entrains a compulsion to talk in oratorical style”; and, finally, after recurrent exacerbations and remissions of states of passivity and exaltation, an end stage of dementia. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Penguin chicks are fledging and the waxy white flowers of the pearlwort are in bloom. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the texture and flavor of each variety is as dramatically different as its look; from starchy to waxy, from nutty to bitter-sweet.
  • • Sticky rice, also called waxy, glutinous, or sweet rice, is a short-grain type whose starch is practically all amylopectin. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • There were red and purple bougainvillea flowers, scarlet and apricot hibiscus hedges, flame-of-the-forest trees and the sweetly scented waxy-white flowers of the frangipani trees.
  • -- The tropical fruit called the nectarine is really a variety of peach, but it differs from the common peach in that it has a smooth, waxy skin. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals
  • For the first time in 80 years, three of the four processions for the end of Holy Week, Semana Santa, were cancelled, thanks to mad billows blowing over every banner and stanchion and cordon, rain guttering from every rooftop, children's fingers growing waxy. Wind and heavy rain greet Britons who headed for Spanish sun at Easter
  • Nora turned back to the body and studied the edges of the flesh where the right leg must have been submerged in water; the visible tendons and ligaments looked frayed, and she could see a layer of adipocere beneath the skin—ordinary body fat transformed into a yellowish, waxy material—a common feature of preserved remains. FALSE MERMAID
  • This nest has Easter grass interwoven among the twigs and dried grass - the waxy, green strands a contemporary twist to the functional purpose of its home.
  • She sat on one of her white sofas, with a posy of waxy-white overpoweringly scented stephanotis in a bowl beside her, and took Amy's hands. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Stem fleshy, gray to white, waxy.
  • Most leaves show dorsoventral anatomy: the upper (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) surfaces have somewhat different construction and may serve different functions. transparent (epidermal cells lack chloroplasts) and coated on the outer side with a waxy cuticle that prevents water loss. Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
  • Ear stoplets made of a waxy material can be molded to fit the shape of your auditory canal.
  • His head seemed shrunken and his skin was waxy and yellow. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is what we would describe as a well-circumscribed kind of pearly or waxy or shiny - looking bump that doesn't heal. CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2004
  • Their faces were waxy, white and drawn, their eyes open and blank.
  • In other cases akinesia, dyskinesia, waxy flexibility, and cogwheeling may occur instead of or in addition to the classic rigidity.
  • Kipflers are wonderful, waxy, yellow-fleshed potatoes that were first identified in Germany.
  • Slowly, he raised his waxy head and fixed me with his glassy eyes.
  • Cholesterol is a white, waxy substance found in all animal tissues.
  • One plant we should see more of is Rubus biflorus, the ornamental bramble, whose prickly stems are covered in a white, waxy bloom.
  • The trapped bees try to escape from the flowers by climbing the sepals, but escape is made even more difficult by the slippery waxy sepal surface.
  • The other bird, called a nun or waxbill, is about the size of a thrush, grayish in color, with a waxy red bill. V. Up the River of Tapirs
  • The waxy cuticle of this plant epidermis is there to help keep the plant from drying out.
  • But keep in mind that anything too purply will age you and bring attention to jowliness, and too waxy is very out of fashion. Archive 2006-04-09
  • Waxy says she has him”—here the Rector shook his fist at the moon, with something very like an oath, and added, in a melancholious tone—“——, down in her will for fifty thousand; and there won’t be above thirty to divide. XI. Arcadian Simplicity
  • Give them a good rinse and rub them dry and the waxy coating will come off. The Sun
  • A group of ducks were bobbing off to the right, dipping their heads beneath the surface and returning seconds later, with beads of water rolling off their waxy feathers.
  • Needles are 2-6 cm long, flattened, strongly waxy and silvery-white on the lower surface, green above, mostly 2-ranked, spreading horizontally, not concealing the upper surface of twigs, the needles 1-ranked and spiraled higher on the tree; resin canals marginal, located near the lower epidermis; stomatal rows absent on the upper surface at midleaf, 5-7 stomatal rows on each side of midrib of lower surface. Grand fir
  • The enchantment continues in the flame of azaleas, which is followed by the waxy pink of the laurel and the superb glory of the rhododendron. Blue Ridge Country
  • It wasn't digitalin, but his purpose that sustained him now, lighting him with a glow as though a candle burned behind the waxy skin of his face. Dragonfly in Amber
  • The leaf of the pond lily, lotus, canna, maranta, rubber tree, magnolia, camellia, orange, and all leaves which have a waxy surface, should either be varnished or bronzed. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • The candles had burnt away to waxy stumps and the battery in one of the lamps had died through the night leaving her side sunk into darkness and gloom.
  • His waxy face stills glows an unearthly peach colour above his neatly clipped ginger beard. Times, Sunday Times
  • He views fungicides, bactericides, insecticides, and herbicides flowing through the waxy peaks and valleys of the leaf surface, just as water flows on planet Earth.
  • A group of ducks were bobbing off to the right, dipping their heads beneath the surface and returning seconds later, with beads of water rolling off their waxy feathers.
  • The hard sheath over the beetle's wings has a waxy surface dotted with tiny nonwaxy bumps.
  • Lipsticks, glosses, foundations and any other cosmetics with a greasy or wet feel tend to only last a year before they begin to smell waxy and rancid.
  • When the lamb is nearly ready, steam the waxy potatoes for about 15 minutes until tender. Times, Sunday Times
  • a waxy mind
  • His waxy face stills glows an unearthly peach colour above his neatly clipped ginger beard. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a deeply floral, warm, rich, and highly diffusive odor, with a peculiar honeylike sweetness and a waxy-herbaceous, oily-fruity and tealike. Museum Blogs
  • For example, some plants in this ecoregion have anatomical or physiological modifications such as waxy surfaces on their leaves to reflect heat, hairs to protect against radiation, or tightly furled rosettes of leaves which secrete chemicals making them more resistant to fire. Campos Rupestres montane savanna
  • Diamond - shaped cake , butter color yellow , waxy mass , Li Xiang, sweet.
  • After you wood burn, use a nylon pot scrubber to get rid of the waxy residue and give the gourd a more professional look.
  • (AP) -- Kellogg Co. is voluntarily recalling about 28 million boxes of Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Froot Loops and Honey Smacks cereals, saying a "waxy" smell and flavor coming from the package liners could make people sick, the company said Friday. Kellogg Recall 2010: 28 Million Boxes Of Cereal Pulled For Off Odor (DETAILS)
  • A thin waxy slip of poison ivy was entwined around one of the legs.
  • Also known as the Jersey Royal, this is a waxy salad potato famed for its distinctive flavour.
  • The cystic gravel assumes a crystalline, and as it were a waxy appearance.
  • Although he was still warm to the touch, he had a waxy appearance which suggested a lack of oxygen.
  • Locals rushed to chip off pieces from the waxy white blob. The Sun
  • In another salad, waxy redskin potatoes with a deep, earthy flavour were served warm, along with a poached egg, on a combination of leaves and vegetables sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • Then the skin goes yellow and waxy. Times, Sunday Times
  • My eyes sting as if I've had sand kicked in my face and despite frequent hot showers my skin feels waxy and itchy. The Sun
  • Locals rushed to chip off pieces from the waxy white blob. The Sun
  • It was the tallest tree, and June and July saw its waxy flowers bold as a candelabra.
  • Being a waxy potato makes them very versatile indeed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has a peculiarity in the fact that the hymenial cells, or the layer of mother cells, contained in the gills, change into a waxy mass, at length removable from the trama. Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
  • a thin face with a waxy paleness
  • All it then takes is a spark from an arcing electricity cable to ignite grassy kindling and waxy chaparral .
  • Most leaves show dorsoventral anatomy: the upper (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) surfaces have somewhat different construction and may serve different functions. transparent (epidermal cells lack chloroplasts) and coated on the outer side with a waxy cuticle that prevents water loss. Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
  • By the time the white petals died and the mint-colored berry poked out, the leaf shine was gilded tight and waxy.
  • My eyes sting as if I've had sand kicked in my face and despite frequent hot showers my skin feels waxy and itchy. The Sun
  • Intensely fragrant, waxy white blossoms emerge on stems as tall as 3 feet above grassy basal foliage and tuberous roots.
  • Dishes of sliced waxy potatoes baked with cheese are popular all over the Alps.
  • You are aware that there is a substance, called waxy matter, which is deposited in the tissues of the body during the course of certain diseases. The Stark Munro Letters
  • To the right and left, a waxy black layer has been scraped away in an intricate network of boxy lines, revealing an airy green and blue underlayer.
  • He is entertained by an eminent Dutch jurist in Amsterdam -- and upon the pages of the chronicle it appears that the gentleman is "waxy" and "a little pedantic," and that he is probably the sort of "thin, delicate, well barbered" professor that Ibsen had in mind when he cast about for a husband for the daughter of General Gabler. A Book of Prefaces
  • There were red and purple bougainvillea flowers, scarlet and apricot hibiscus hedges, flame-of-the-forest trees and the sweetly scented waxy-white flowers of the frangipani trees.
  • The erect stems are multibranched and coated with a white waxy powder that acts as a water repellent, and keeps the plant cooler in hot weather. Brigitte Mars: Lamsquarter: A Wild Spinach in Your Yard (VIDEO)
  • Instead, the moist soil and the lack of air exchange that would occur normally are causing a process called saponification to occur, where the bodies literally turn into a waxy substance similar to soap. Zombie Hitler Is Waiting
  • Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad.
  • Candles are made from a mixture of wax and paraffin, melted into liquid, and into this mixture a wick is dipped into the waxy bath, cooled and dipped over and over until the desired thickness is reached. The artesanias of Michoacan - an introduction
  • Yellow is the percussion of light beneath clouds heavy as persecution, the sweetness running from waxy cells, the body honeyed with softness when pain's gold embroidery is unpicked.
  • American Gladiators and/or an Easter Island statue's waxy buildup, and a fear of shallow water (Tanisha apparently has a very severe case of aquaphobia). Vh1 Blog
  • Pops, Froot Loops and Honey Smacks cereals, saying a "waxy" smell and flavor coming from the package liners could make people sick, the company said Friday. CBS 4 - South Florida's Source for Breaking News, Weather, and Sports
  • When the lamb is nearly ready, steam the waxy potatoes for about 15 minutes until tender. Times, Sunday Times
  • Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad.
  • If you find a white, fluffy, waxy material on the undersides of leaves or in the leaf axils, your plant has mealybugs.
  • And remember, treat oily or waxy stains first, then treat protein, tannin and dye stains.
  • In 1933, while researching the effects of high pressure on chemical reactants, a fellow scientist managed to produce a waxy solid from ethylene and benzaldehyde.
  • The individual strands of waxy potato, meanwhile, retain their shape better once made into a cake, and the finished röstis have a crunchier texture, even when made from parboiled potatoes, which sets them apart from ordinary potato cakes. How to cook the perfect rösti

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