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How To Use Watertight In A Sentence

  • The watertight rooms, costing from £500 a night up to £3,000 for a suite, are aimed at wealthy travellers who want a unique holiday experience.
  • The DLR has become the latest corporate supporter of The Cutty Sark Trust after donating £5,000 to help ensure the deckhouses are sufficiently watertight to withstand the rain.
  • To their credit the builders have used bulkheads that are watertight between the hull and cabin soles to divide the boat into three separate compartments.
  • Therefore, the boat was equipped with fifteen watertight compartments, strictly divided up lengthways and breadthways, so she could stay afloat whatever happened.
  • Defences now being put in place have been calculated to ensure a relatively watertight town for the next 50 years.
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  • Sadly it wasn't quite enough to break down the watertight Rovers defence and as the play ended, the hooter signalled the end of a quite remarkable encounter.
  • The watertight seals over structural joints tend to deteriorate over time as the caulking becomes less sticky and dislodges.
  • How watertight do you need these to be, factually?
  • There are no watertight theories of political praxis that are without contradictions and limitations.
  • He went on to state that all aspects of anti-social behaviour have to be examined and a case would have to be watertight before the local authority went to court seeking to evict a tenant.
  • They had had to ram the boat into the bank in order to avoid being swept away - or sinking, since the planking proved far from watertight. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • The submarine consists of six watertight compartments separated by transverse bulkheads in a pressurised double-hull.
  • When the sections compress the rubber, this should form a watertight seal.
  • But how will I live without something watertight underfoot, you ask?
  • Because of the freeze-and-thaw cycle, concrete dikes tend to require annual maintenance to seal cracks and remain watertight.
  • In this situation the compartment would have been evacuated and sealed using the watertight bulkhead door to the rear of the torpedo stowage.
  • Choose a watertight container at least 5in deep and cover the bottom with pebbles.
  • The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.
  • No, but if you left it stranded there in the wind and sun, green and sappy as it is now, ye'd have every seam and crack startin 'till the ribs shone through, and no amount of calkin' would make it watertight agin. A Protegee of Jack Hamlin's and Other Stories
  • Even when severely overpacked, the bags remained watertight.
  • When it had dried to a fitting hardness it was covered with cuir-bouilli, or boiled leather, which made it watertight. On the Spanish Main Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
  • This book is designed to be provocative rather than a watertight piece of economic analysis.
  • The hull is subdivided lengthwise into watertight compartments.
  • Turned on its side and emptied of peanut butter, the Maxi is a watertight sleeping unit that can be rolled to any number of vacant lots. Paul Greenberg: Tips for Tougher Times
  • Fortunately no major damage had been inflicted on the seaplane and the hull was still watertight.
  • In other instances, some of these learned men and women, devoid of principles, have thought nothing of taking up watertight and indefensible cases just for the money.
  • Well crafted, watertight wooden forms are essential, and Ando's forms are varnished to achieve the smooth finish.
  • Land Pride seeders protect falling seed by offering watertight seedbox lids, wind guards and low seed drop.
  • Unless the ban is watertight, EU laws will overturn it.
  • They're doing some repairs on the church to make the roof more watertight.
  • It should also be noted that no patent system can be watertight.
  • I will lay it on the line - there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.
  • Security arrangements for the opening of mail etc have to be made watertight.
  • Lucy gives me watertight fashion advice - if I involve her every step of the way, I don't make fashion boo-boos.
  • The experimental tank was constructed from glass of 1 cm thickness held together with silicone rubber and divided into two equal proportions by a watertight partition.
  • The first spouse usually signs away inheritance rights during a separation or divorce, but it is better to make it watertight.
  • Used for yachts, inland river boat and cabin etc. It is light and air watertight.
  • Unless the ban is watertight, EU laws will overturn it.
  • These little guys would be hand-raised by the Penguin Reserve and subsequent surgeries performed to remove scar tissue until the area was healed and watertight.
  • • New watertight bulkhead glassed in to hold new inner forestay chainplate True Spirit
  • Once the seal bolts were retightened and made watertight, the crew started to load the tubes with the experimental mines.
  • The police had a watertight case. They even got his fingerprints from that glass cabinet.
  • It's called a caisson, which is a huge, watertight wooden box half the size of a city block. Rands In Repose
  • The mental state and discipline needed to produce the laborious, meticulous, painstaking stitchery required for the making of watertight kamiks are not evident in Irene's work.
  • Seals and seams are known to be less than watertight, and many divers make do with damp suits rather than drysuits.
  • But remember, this is entertainment not the Special Theory of Relativity - it doesn't have to be mathematically watertight.
  • They are having to ensure that their evidence is more watertight than that which would be expected in a court of law.
  • As the newspaper's special correspondent with Franco and his troops, Philby had a watertight cover for his clandestine operations.
  • The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers.
  • I think that you are right that CJ is far from being a "watertight freighter", but I also think that it's a lot better than most of the other vessels in this particular fleet. Logical conclusions
  • a watertight alibi
  • The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.
  • Phillip's argument isn't exactly the most watertight.
  • Good question: The aircraft was to be a delta-winged fighter with a watertight hull with twin retractable hydro-skis for takeoff and landing. Sea Dart | My[confined]Space
  • The inside of the pot could also be burnished with a smooth pebble or bone to smear the clay particles over each other producing a more watertight vessel.
  • The frigates have a double-skinned hull divided by ten bulkheads into watertight compartments.
  • Trickles of rainwater dripped into the cabins and soaked any clothing that was not safely stowed in watertight kit-bags.
  • This lid is provided with a tool to make removing and reinstalling the lid on the waterblock base simple, while maintaining the watertight seal.
  • The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.
  • The whole submarine was covered in greased leather, with a watertight hatch in the middle, a rudder and four oars.
  • If left to deteriorate to the point that the lock was not watertight, there would be a serious effect on flood control as it would be impossible to maintain the river level in the Foss.
  • He said: ‘On top of that, the city council needs to spend close to £200,000 just to make the building watertight.’
  • The frigates have a double-skinned hull divided by ten bulkheads into watertight compartments.
  • However, the seal proved to be less than watertight.
  • Merton's arguments are often hypothetical, but the logic is always watertight on closer scrutiny.
  • Good question: The aircraft was to be a delta-winged fighter with a watertight hull with twin retractable hydro-skis for takeoff and landing. Sea Dart | My[confined]Space
  • The new G3 Guide Jacket features a waterproof main zipper; watertight, adjustable cuffs; built-in retractors for clippers or other items; large bellows pockets for fly boxes; lined hand-warmer pockets; four smaller stowage pockets with water-resistant zippers; and an adjustable hood. Fishing Jacket
  • Humbugging cynics might wonder if this seasonal tide of volunteers is entirely altruistic or a conveniently watertight excuse for avoiding dysfunctional familial festivities.
  • The heat is oppressive, and you realize it the moment you step through the watertight door onto the weather deck of any ship in the gulf.
  • This process is quite common for making welds for making watertight joints for tanks, etc.
  • Here, the thin scrim is manipulated three-dimensionally with greater freedom than the watertight volumes it veils.
  • These gaiters cover the whole boot and have a rubber rand which gives a watertight seal.
  • But even watertight concrete is not impermeable to the passage of moisture.
  • Telford drove piles in behind the lock walls and bolted together the iron plates to make the lock both stable and watertight.
  • The fineness of the mesh makes them completely watertight.
  • On my second outing with the boots I was trying to assess how watertight they were as it was raining heavily.
  • The question is how, considering that both boys have watertight alibis.
  • To their credit the builders have used bulkheads that are watertight between the hull and cabin soles to divide the boat into three separate compartments.
  • I've no doubt there all kinds of holes in this logic, and many examples that could suggest these arguments are less than watertight.
  • By means of weatherstripping the windows, doors, windshield, trunk and other parts of your auto, you are not only making your car airtight and watertight but safer as well.
  • She paddles to work once a week, storing her clothes in the kayak's watertight compartment.
  • The Superocean is equipped with an ultra-readable dial, an armored glass and a monohull case watertight to a depth of 200 meters 660 ft – a remarkable feat at that time. Breitling Superocean 2010
  • In order for Control's plan to be watertight, we both had to be kept in the dark. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • As the town had no wells it would not be necessary to enforce the construction of watertight cesspools.
  • Fireworks should not be sold to anyone who thinks that loud explosions are actually worth paying money for but I can see that it would be difficult to frame that in a watertight legal manner.
  • They spent at least another £7,000 making the launch watertight and fit for habitation.
  • The roof has been made watertight.
  • We spent £250,000 on it last year and are looking to move on to the next stage, to make the building watertight.
  • She is divided into seven watertight compartments by athwartship bulkheads. Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891
  • But even watertight concrete is not impermeable to the passage of moisture.
  • The wealthier residents are having their houses made thoroughly watertight and are said to be looking forward to seeing some interesting life forms swim by their windows in the near future.
  • The awl cuts a tidy hole in the leather that will close up tight around the thread as it is sewn, leaving a watertight stitch.
  • They invented the compass, they invented watertight compartments, they invented stern rudders and the most efficient sail in the world. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • But if you are going to claim that Mexican immigrants don't want to be Americans, your argument had better be watertight.
  • Parkas are tricked out with watertight zippers and pockets for everything from cell phones to goggles.
  • All the watertight doors, deadlights and scuttles had been securely closed before the torpedo struck the ship.
  • A fully informed, carefully and methodically reasoned, conceptually watertight political argument lies well outside them.
  • Why, he asks, cannot the protagonists accept that their opponents' arguments, even if not entirely watertight, may nevertheless be partly correct?
  • Workers are now removing the 'chunam' or quick lime, which had been applied to the hull below the waterline to keep it watertight during the voyage. Khaleej Times : UAE News
  • Security arrangements for the opening of mail etc have to be made watertight.
  • More so than any lure or rod and reel, or even watertight waders, the greatest ally of any angler hoping to catch a huge trout is patience.
  • ‘The museum did not want these buildings to be water-resistant, they wanted them watertight,’ stated Norbury.
  • The thatch is watertight and snug, though it must be replaced every few years. Architecture of Mexico: coastal architecture
  • To put it plainly, the half of the Critique of Judgement dealing with aesthetics is not exactly the watertight freighter you might expect from the author of the Critique of Pure Reason. Archive 2009-09-01
  • To their credit the builders have used bulkheads that are watertight between the hull and cabin soles to divide the boat into three separate compartments.
  • Watertightness is achieved by thrust from hydraulic rams acting on the other end of the tank.
  • All this wet stuff was a legacy from a very solid, very watertight concrete pool of yore.
  • An online careers database with less than watertight security had clearly been a diverting piece of fun for some naughty netizens.
  • What he thinks is that Rocco shouldn't have made the pinch until the evidence was absolutely watertight. STAGE FRIGHT
  • The seat was bonded to the deck and offered plenty of watertight stowage below and a reversible back-rest which was moulded to snugly fit both passenger and helmsman.
  • For floral arrangements, choose terra cotta pots with glazed insides or give unglazed pots several coats of varnish to make them watertight.
  • The entire route needs accurate planning with the kit in watertight sacks/barrel and frapped in the canoe.
  • In any event it was designed only to be weathertight not watertight.
  • Both are lighter than cotton but neither are as durable, nor as watertight.
  • When applied directly onto the trailer bed, the linings form a permanent airtight and watertight seal that prevents rust and corrosion.
  • But Hafodunos said they were ending negotiations with Watertight, who they said had failed to provide evidence of sufficient financial backing.
  • When these were fitted together, they were hammered to make the joint watertight.
  • We had a couple of suspicious characters but their alibis are watertight.
  • The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.
  • While mobile phone records can be scoured from here to eternity, anything short of recorded conversations seems unlikely to constitute watertight evidence.
  • • New watertight bulkhead glassed in to hold new inner forestay chainplate True Spirit
  • I quickly ran down the escape pod, and I locked the watertight hatch behind me.
  • No justification is good enough - or none short of a watertight deductive argument, and all but the sceptics will agree that this is too much to demand.
  • At least I've finally found a watertight argument against Alec ever moving me to the countryside.
  • They're doing some repairs on the church to make the roof more watertight.
  • With little effort, you can bend and solder lead and solder the joints between flashings for a long lasting, watertight seal.
  • Trickles of rainwater dripped into the cabins and soaked any clothing that was not safely stowed in watertight kit-bags.
  • That argument is not watertight, however, because existing law does not formally allow euthanasia, for a variety of reasons mentioned briefly above.
  • Therefore, the boat was equipped with fifteen watertight compartments, strictly divided up lengthways and breadthways, so she could stay afloat whatever happened.
  • Lucky for him, his alibi is watertight.
  • Unless the edge of the door is damaged, or a hard wind is blowing up, forcing water under the shiplap, the joint should be watertight in normal rain.
  • In their attempt at being watertight and perfect, our laws are so wordy that they lose their spirit amongst the letters.

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