How To Use Waterfowl In A Sentence
Personally, I begin waterfowl hunting, and me and my buddies put on a coyote hunt in January.
With the big game season winding down in most areas. What is everyone doing to keep sharp and break the monotony of winter?
Epidemics of botulism and cholera exacted a heavy toll on waterfowl in the West.
The western carvers produced decoys solely for the purpose of luring waterfowl.
The area is home to a variety of other birds, including nesting bald eagles, hawks, owls, bluebirds and several other songbirds, wild turkeys, herons, and waterfowl.
Trends in the '60s and '70s began to change the face of waterfowling.

`It's nobody's business what goes on in a consensual relationship between a man and his waterfowl.
The youth-only waterfowl season is part of an effort to introduce young people into the recreation of waterfowling.
Another new duck for us was the exquisite Harlequin Duck, a waterfowl rarely spotted close to shore.
In the migratory season, waterfowl of different varieties, thousands of sandpipers and shanks and varieties of ducks flock to this feeding ground.
The case, to be decided within the next six months, will have major impact on the fate of prairie potholes, natural ponds and mudflats, which provide vital habitat for waterfowl.
The seeds of pennywort are used occasionally as food by waterfowl.
The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.
Habitat seemed the next best criterion to search by, since many waterfowl shy away from inland bodies of water.
During the spring and fall migration periods, extensive use is made of the area by most waterfowl in the mid-Atlantic region, including Canada geese, greenwinged teal, bluewinged teal, gadwall, pintail, wigeon and shoveler.
Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
This results in a high degree of surface hardness - hard enough that the integral chokes are rated ‘steel approved’ by the factory - although I don't think the 1620 is designed for or is going to be used for waterfowling.
Whether it's wheat and barley in the North, corn and grain sorghums such as milo in the Midwest, or rice in the South, waterfowl readily adapt to farm feed.
What's on the Menu
Mill Creek foraging parties may have opportunistically harvested a number of resources from these wetlands including nesting waterfowl, muskrats, and arrowhead tubers.
An interesting waterfowl is the Common Gallinule, which looks like a swimming chicken, bobbing its head forward and back.
Among waterfowl, the Canada Goose is the least loved, especially by golfers.
The only waterfowl with both red forehead and habit of constantly flirting white under tail coverts.
About three dozen boating fatalities per year involve waterfowl hunters.
In contemporary times, nowhere is the difference between wild and farm-raised waterfowl more dramatically apparent than with goose.
Although lead shot is banned for hunting waterfowl in both the US and Canada, it can still be used for hunting upland birds and for trap shooting, which occurs in some of the areas where Trumpeter Swans winter.
You can still buy into waterfowling for much less, a few hundred dollars, and entry-level shotguns are quite good.
It's analogous to waterfowl studies iin the prairie pothole region; they've shown if the habitat is there, enough birds survive.
Whither the Woodcock?
A beautiful lake is inhabited by many species of waterfowl and the delightful formal gardens include herb and sculpture gardens.
East Texas gets the best of it, and hunters with access to sloughs and river bottoms should reap some of the finest moments that waterfowling has to offer.
Despite the setting, we didn't see any waterfowl or shorebirds - no herons or egrets, no ducks or geese.
This isn’t the whole story behind the desmognathous palate incidentally, as it’s also present in waterfowl, ibises, spoonbills, pelicans and other groups (Huxley 1867).
Bucorvids: post-Cretaceous maniraptorans on the savannah
Predominant waterfowl species that breed in the region include the lesser scaup, pintail, scoter, and wigeon.
Upper Yukon Tayga Province (Bailey)
The oasis was my only source for waterfowl, and I spotted a little bittern, a moorhen and a pair of red-wattled plovers with their distinctive - if not extremely annoying - voice.
Birders generally watch shorebirds in summer, raptors in autumn, and waterfowl in winter.
These are only a few of many places to try your hand with waterfowl.
Lowering the water levels in spring stimulated emergent vegetation and raising levels in late summer maintained waterfowl feeding areas.
The wetland areas of the region support numerous waterfowl and native fish including the endemic brown mudfish (Neochanna apoda), which is considered a lower risk globally threatened species.
Northland temperate forests
The ability of many different waterfowl species to hybridize raises a number of important issues about geographic structure and gene flow.
The most abundant and widespread of all waterfowl, the mallard is also the most hunted game bird.
Bird watcher Al Grass says waterfowl, raptors and songbirds can be spotted at Maplewood Flats because it is a critical wintering habitat for many species of birds.
This whole lead thing (excluding lead shot use in waterfowl hunting) really is a somewhat sad current state of affairs.
Thoughts on Lead Bans
While the article touches briefly on trends among women waterfowlers, it mostly follows this group through an unsuccessful Monday hunt, during which they manage to take none of the ducks that pass (some within 40 yards), they smoke, pass around a flask, apparently wear purple bands on their hats and finally leave empty-handed.
Poor Representation
When the prairie droughts of the late 80s and early 90s ended and rains came to the Midwest, wetland basins in idled grass fields made excellent waterfowl nesting habitat and duck populations came back as well.
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Large birds including ptarmigan and waterfowl are the most common prey item of the Gyrfalcon.
A preliminary list of birds is given in MoC which includes Pallas's fish-eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus (VU), five species of pheasant, notably Chinese monal Lophophorus lhuysii (VU), and a number of waterfowl species.
Huanglong National Scenic Area, China
All species of poultry - large fowl, bantams, waterfowl and turkeys - are kept by thousands of people as pets or simply because they have the space and like to see them around.
Ten species of waterfowl nest around the lake; kestrels and buzzards can be spotted in the woodland; and brown hares, stoats, weasels, grey and red squirrels can also be seen.
Animal life is quite varied, consisting of diverse mammals: the wild northern reindeer; furbearing animals such as Arctic foxes, red foxes, rabbit, stoats, musquashes, and so forth; ptarmigan; and waterfowl.
But some natural processes like the migration of waterfowl are not confined to one particular region; a bioregional history of the Pacific Flyway would encompass much of the western half of North America.
A pump shotgun just feels right for waterfowling.
Some species of waterfowl adapted to feeding on rice, barley, lettuce, and other crops grown on farms in California.
Wild turkeys can be spotted in the Poconos' open fields, bobolinks and grasshopper sparrows breed in the area's grasslands, and waterfowl, shorebirds, and herons wade in its wetlands.
Our target species these past weeks were not raptors, waders, or waterfowl, but were, in fact, songbirds, specifically warblers.
The water's crawling with the larvae of brine flies and midges these waterfowl love.
One of the most attractive of our waterfowl, the goose-like shelduck is renowned for its spectacular moult gatherings along the northern coast of Germany.
Despite the setting, we didn't see any waterfowl or shorebirds - no herons or egrets, no ducks or geese.
A number of waterfowl species including goldeneye Bucephala clangula, goosander Mergus merganser, wigeon Anas penelope, teal Anas crecca and bean goose Anser fabalis breed in the area.
Virgin Komi Forests, Russian Federation
Approximately 214 miles of the Illinois River and 272 miles of the central Mississippi River are aerially inventoried for waterfowl weekly from September through late December.
In contemporary times, nowhere is the difference between wild and farm-raised waterfowl more dramatically apparent than with goose.
Clinically normal waterfowl and sea birds may introduce the virus into flocks.
And practiced duck hunters occasionally kill waterfowl over 80 yards away with a 12 gauge shotgun.
The refuse dump-sewage lagoons had the largest numbers of waterfowl, herring gulls, and hoary redpolls, but the lowest diversity index.
Guns gave hunters an advantage, particularly in the use of birdshot to kill waterfowl and small mammals, but guns were costly and men were reluctant to lend them or dispose of them as grave goods.
Wetlands in the desert area of the Western China play an important role in migration, breeding and overwinter of waterfowl.
There is much more wildlife everywhere, many kinds of ducks and waterfowl, paddling by the window of this houseboat at eye level.
Berkeley artist and gardener Marcia Donohue used to have a subtropical aristolochia called "duck vine" whose flowers did actually resemble miniature waterfowl.
SFGate: Top News Stories
Two common examples come to mind - big game hunting and waterfowling.
The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.
No quality, properly choked, 3 pump 12 gauge is ever a bad choice for a waterfowling.
A Proper Waterfowl Gun
We were baffled by a waterfowl just like this one back in September.
The green central island is inhabited by ducks, cormorants, Canada geese and other territorial waterfowl.
But the splendid Arctic goose is popular in waterfowl collections.
Due to the amount of wetlands, as lagoons, marshes, swamps, and mangroves to the coast, and its location in the northernmost part of the continent, the valley is the place of arrival of many migratory species of birds of prey, waterfowl, and songbirds during the northern winters.
Sinú Valley dry forests
If ingestion is the danger, then we are indeed harming waterfowl.
Should Non-Toxic Shot Be Mandatory for Doves?
For example, the waterfowler laboring across a muddy marsh and toting a sack of decoys has no business with a loaded gun in his hand or over his shoulder.
I didn't comment that his gun was really designed for more static field activities like waterfowling and turkey hunting, but it got me thinking about gun weight and design and current ammunition offerings for upland game.
The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.
The new facility will cater for the rarer bird species, like parrots, raptors, waterfowl, cranes, storks, hornbills, and other selected birds.
Right when I started to take an interest in waterfowl hunting is when they mandated steel for waterfowl and it stopped me in my tracks.
Should Non-Toxic Shot Be Mandatory for Doves?
Even through the rain, the waterfowl spotted the bonanza and headed for the car.
You can obviously hunt waterfowl from a boat, but the motor has to be off, and your forward momentum from the motor has to have stopped.
Deer hunting from a canoe...a lost art?
Poultry comprise two groups: major poultry, chicken, duck and goose, the chicken being the most important; and minor poultry, including pigeon, quail, pheasant, chukar, partridge, Guinea fowl, and waterfowl.
The most abundant and widespread of all waterfowl, the mallard is also the most hunted game bird.
East Texas gets the best of it, and hunters with access to sloughs and river bottoms should reap some of the finest moments that waterfowling has to offer.
The 20 gauge is no slouch, but only a starter gun for waterfowl if you can't handle a 12 gauge just yet.
Remington 870
The middle occupation yielded cod, beaver and sturgeon; as well, smaller amounts of deer, moose, seals, walrus, waterfowl, small furbearers, and swordfish were also identified.
With a decent pair of waders costing $100 to $300, it's incumbent on most of us working-stiff waterfowlers to make our waders last at least a few seasons before they fall prey to the inevitable.
Snipe give bonus lessons in dove and waterfowl shooting, too.
How to Hunt Snipe With a Shotgun
Do a bit of wingshooting ... same ethics apply, don't take the shot unless you can make the kill ... plenty of knuckleheads in upland and waterfowl areas where the definition of ethical is a bit more dynamic.
Long Range Hunting
It has been estimated that Canada and the USA add up to 3 1/2 million waterfowl lost every season because of steel shot resulting in waterfowl flying off and dying later.
What are yalls views on the rem 887 nitro mag?
The lake has become well known in birding circles as a fine place to see all types of waterfowl and shorebirds, both rare and common.
The region is a ecological funnel through which millions of waterfowl, raptors and neotropical birds pass each year.
We saw lots of waterfowl, mostly Canada geese and mallards with the odd Gadwall.
Recent changes in the distribution of waterfowl species have been noted, such as a decrease of baldpates and swans, and a concomitant rapid increase of pintails.
The site is a great resource for waterfowlers, offering expert guidance on critical issues like duck calling, decoys, and retrievers.
The actual impact of Mute Swans on native waterfowl and their habitats in North America is poorly known.
The Kizilirmak Delta hosts breeding populations of Pelecanus crispus, purple heron (Ardea purpurea), Ciconia nigra, spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), gadwall (Anas strepera), Netta rufina, Aythya nyroca, crane (Grus grus), stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), collared pratincole (Glareola pratincola) and a high number of wintering waterfowls.
Euxine-Colchic deciduous forests
The black-headed duck most often parasitizes other waterfowl and marsh-nesting birds.
The area is home to a variety of other birds, including nesting bald eagles, hawks, owls, bluebirds and several other songbirds, wild turkeys, herons, and waterfowl.
The largest of the North American native waterfowl and one of our heaviest flying birds, the Trumpeter Swan is large and white.
Waterfowl, such as the gaudy mandarin duck, no longer nest in its wetlands; fish have been driven upriver or out to sea, or have gone extinct.
Waterfowl and shorebirds are often thought of as the ‘reservoirs’ for bird-flu viruses.
He cleaned the waterfowl expertly and made a fire with a box of tinder and a collection of dried sticks on the flat top of an exposed boulder embedded into the earth.
Possibly the best measure of the incredible amount of waterfowling that goes on in the Stuttgart area is the sale of shotgun shells.
A sister-group relationship between gallinaceous birds and waterfowl, the Galloanserae, is also strongly supported.
The food value is equal to that of cultivated cereals and today many want to increase Canada's production for human benefit as a nutritious food source but also to supply food to waterfowl for increased game hunting.
So in selecting a worthy companion for waterfowling, you will not go wrong in choosing a durable, modern 12 gauge with a 3-inch or preferably a 3 1/2-inch chamber.
Raptors, colonial birds, shorebirds, wading birds, and waterfowl can all be found feeding and nesting on various islands in the Bay.
For the past several seasons, waterfowlers in eastern Texas have been allowed to take two whitefronts each day of an 86-day season.
Maggots feeding on the carcasses could pick up the toxin and be eaten by untargeted waterbirds, especially waterfowl, causing additional deaths and creating an outbreak of avian botulism.
A beautiful lake is inhabited by many species of waterfowl and the delightful formal gardens include herb and sculpture gardens.
Wintering waterfowl include pintail, cinnamon teal, American widgeon, surf scoter and ruddy duck.
Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, California
Their dams help to maintain water levels in forest streams, thus providing habitat for themselves, fish, and waterfowl.
Epidemics of botulism and cholera exacted a heavy toll on waterfowl in the West.
For those who prefer to stay on shore, Ocean City's bayside overlooks mudflats that harbor waterfowl, shorebirds, and gulls.
Its cliffs and valleys are habitat for peregrine falcons and endangered gyrfalcon, while its tidal flats and river mouths attract huge numbers of migrating birds and waterfowl.
They are keen hunters with acute vision and feed primarily on small birds and mammals, waterfowl, and reportedly, even bats.
However the impasse is resolved, the fracas that has followed the USFWS bluebill-limit reduction has underscored anew how much Minnesota waterfowlers love this bird.
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At the jhils the various waterfowl are nesting and each one proclaims the fact by its allotted call.
I am also quite forn of exterminating feral hogs. but I also love to deer hunt and am also a fool about upland game and waterfowl.
What's your favorite game to hunt? Why?
In July and August not less than thirty species of waterfowl nidificate.
A Bird Calendar for Northern India
Oh, when I got seriously into waterfowling 35 years or so ago, all waders and hip boots were made of vulcanized rubber, and it was possible to get a perfectly serviceable ‘hot’ patch on a puncture.
Waterfowl were available in the larger river valleys, and they are common at prairie potholes.
High protein content makes duckweed an important food source for waterfowl.
The total population of seabirds, waterfowl, and shorebirds may exceed a million birds.
He's a prize-winning breeder of poultry and waterfowl and started breeding bantams and poultry when he was seven.
Where the trail hugs the edge of the slough, watch for waterfowl - pintails, green-winged teals, and widgeons - and listen for the machine-gun rattle of belted kingfishers.
The Golden Retriever is a breed of dog, historically developed as a gundog to retrieve shot waterfowl and upland game during hunting .
Birders generally watch shorebirds in summer, raptors in autumn, and waterfowl in winter.
Waterfowl were in considerable abundance: but torsk and holibut were almost the only kinds of fish that were caught.
Travels in North America, From Modern Writers With Remarks and Observations; Exhibiting a Connected View of the Geography and Present State of that Quarter of the Globe
There are chapters that walk women through various hunts such as upland game, deer, waterfowl, wild turkey and antelope.
Nonetheless, if the varieties of waterfowl we encountered are any indication, as we paddled up the creek and maneuvered in and out of the high Spartina grass inlets, the waterway and the surrounding park are well on their way to recovery.
No Dumping on Fresh Kills
Many species of waterfowl flourish in the island's lagoons, creeks, and mud flats, which attract many migrating North American species.
Keep your birds separate from wild birds, waterfowl, pets and other animals.
So there'll probably be plenty of waterfowlers afield this Saturday and Sunday.
These results suggested that possible precursor viruses for highly pathogenic avian myxoviruses are still brought into Japan by migratory waterfowls.
For the next many weeks, the Gulf Coast sky will be a constantly changing tableau of hawks and doves, vultures and vireos, flycatchers and hummingbird, warblers and waterfowl.
Ten species of waterfowl nest around the lake; kestrels and buzzards can be spotted in the woodland; and brown hares, stoats, weasels, grey and red squirrels can also be seen.
Oh, when I got seriously into waterfowling 35 years or so ago, all waders and hip boots were made of vulcanized rubber, and it was possible to get a perfectly serviceable ‘hot’ patch on a puncture.
But the big concern was along the coast where waterfowlers worried the bill would prevent them from hunting over natural lakes and other waters connected to public waters.
Other rare and endangered waterfowl that visit Poyang Lake include Oriental white stork (Ciconia boyciana), swan goose (Anser cygnoides), and white-naped crane (Grus vipio).
Changjiang Plain evergreen forests
Although unsuitable for agriculture, areas that have been degraded to reed beds nonetheless are still important sites for waterfowl, providing feeding grounds for the eastern sarus crane (Grus antigone), white-shouldered ibis (P. davisoni), and near-endemic giant ibis (Pseudibis gigantea) (Table 2).
Tonle Sap freshwater swamp forests
The one unfrozen pond at the preserve was overflowing with waterfowl.
Eagles and falcons nested in the crannied cliff, symbols of strength and sources of ceremonial feathers, and in the river lived waterfowl, beaver, muskrat and mink.
Bird Cloud
All species of poultry - large fowl, bantams, waterfowl and turkeys - are kept by thousands of people as pets or simply because they have the space and like to see them around.
The central feature of the refuge, however, is the diversity and abundance of waterfowl and prairie birds.
Waterfowl were in considerable abundance: but torsk and holibut were almost the only kinds of fish that were caught.
Travels in North America, From Modern Writers With Remarks and Observations; Exhibiting a Connected View of the Geography and Present State of that Quarter of the Globe
An alternative to gloves, one that served me extremely well through 14 years of guiding waterfowl hunts, was a hand-warming muff worn around the waist.
Overall duck prospects are good in most traditional waterfowling areas.
Houston Chronicle
And the hundreds of thousands of migrating waterfowl that stop there every winter include mallards, canvasback ducks, blue-winged and green-winged teals, and wood ducks.
Waterfowl, most of whom migrate to the Taiga Plains in spring and summer, include the red-throated loon, ring-necked duck, greater scaup, canvasback, and all manner of other ducks, geese and swans.
The delta is a stopover for as many as 16 million migrating shorebirds and waterfowl every year and home to numerous other species, including wolves, wolverines, lynx and sea lions.
Invasive aquatics also can have serious negative effects on wildlife. Waterfowl depend greatly on seeds and roots of aquatic vegetation such as pondweeds, wild celery, najas, sagittaria and other native plants.
Akyatan Lake, Agyatan Lake and Yumurtalik Lagoon all belong to the same system and support important species such as Marmaronetta angustirostris, black francolin (Francolinus francolinus), purple gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio), stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), spur-winged plover (Hoplopterus spinosus), little tern (Sterna albifrons) and a high number of waterfowl.
Eastern Mediterranean conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests
In previous studies of waterfowl, we used field candlers to age embryos in eggs because candlers are a rapid, simple, and accurate method.
Big, bold, and fiercely territorial, these birds dominate all other waterfowl in their domains.
Repairing holey waders long has been one of those frustrating bits of business for waterfowlers.
I have a pointing lab and she is great in waterfowl and upland. if you interested ill give you the name and info of the breeder i bought her form.
What kind of bird dog should I get?
In contemporary times, nowhere is the difference between wild and farm-raised waterfowl more dramatically apparent than with goose.
The same goes for the 20,000 or so waterfowlers who participate each year in September's teal-only hunting season.
We saw lots of waterfowl, mostly Canada geese and mallards with the odd Gadwall.
Swimmers' itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, is an itchy rash caused by certain parasites that normally live on waterfowl and freshwater snails.
What if you're like me and only occasionally hunt waterfowl and mostly hunt upland birds like dove, quail, chukar and shoot recreational skeet and sporting clays?
The seaplane moored just beyond the jetty dipped and swayed like a waterfowl.
Now that late fall has settled in, waterfowl are the main attraction.
I will then be blasted from the barrels of my favorite shotguns during the upland and waterfowl seasons.
My Green Funeral
While there is no scientific data to support this contention, there is evidence that all recreational boating, including sailing, can disturb waterfowl.
I am not amongst the fortunate people who get to do so much waterfowl hunting that the cost of the ammo is a big concern.
Why Hevi Shot Is The Most Important Shotgunning Invention of the Decade
The commercial, or ‘market,’ hunters at that time used large rigs of finely crafted decoys to attract a smaller and more wary pool of waterfowl.
Lead shot should not be used for any shooting over wetlands important for feeding waterfowl.
The new gun loads look promising for upland game as well as for waterfowling and even target applications.
A modest duck pond becomes exciting when one realizes that not all waterfowl are Mallards and Canada Geese.
For those who prefer to stay on shore, Ocean City's bayside overlooks mudflats that harbor waterfowl, shorebirds, and gulls.