How To Use Watered In A Sentence
I'm looking forward to the Gehry building, though, even though it's been watered down a bit from its original design.
There is a fine square here called Madison, in the centre of which trees rise from fountain-watered grass, and statued figures of people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, dignifying commerce, form the square.
Impressions of a War Correspondent
John, yo 'oncinch thet saddle, an' then, Horatius Ezek'l, yo 'an' David Golieth, taken the hoss to the barn an 'see't he's hayed an' watered 'fore yo 'come back.
The Gold Girl
Where did the rivers that watered Eden come from if there was no rain?
Each evening the horses were bedded down, fed, watered, cosseted and crooned at.

It occurs mostly on sheltered, well-watered cliff faces and damp coastal flats where there is local protection from wind and spray.
It's like drinking club soda that has been watered down and mixed with flat light beer.
They gave the press a watered-down version of what really happened.
During the growing season (late spring to autumn), keep the plant watered and apply a liquid feed every month, as the compost must be moist in winter.
He wore a kind of paletôt of light camlet cloth, with voluminous lapels and deep cuffs of lavender watered silk; very baggy trousers, with lavender stripes down the seams; very shiny boots and quite as glossy a hat; his attire being completed by tightly-fitting gloves, of the hue known in Paris as beurre frais — that is to say, light yellow.
Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
We've all heard of the term guru, and while it's gotten misconstrued and possibly watered down into a layman's term lately, the original meaning of guru was simple -- one who helped to remove darkness in order to reveal the light.
Alanna Kaivalya: 3 Qualifications of a Yoga Teacher
In this vast district watered by the Meuse is the town of Bouillon -- a regular hole, but in my time it was the freest place in Europe.
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 19: Back Again to Paris
He had fed the animals, watered them, fussed over Sport and Cochise, and milked the cow.
The whole area watered by the West River had by the 1840s become violently unstable.
He arrived at length in a narrow and secluded cleuch, or deep ravine, which ran down into the valley, and contributed a scanty rivulet to the supply of the brook with which Glendearg is watered.
The Monastery
Geneva's mouth watered at the pleasant smell of the food.
The usual bottles of watered-down Jameson will be presented.
Then she jumped back onto the gravel, near the spot where I had watered the dog, smiled from ear to ear, waved and ran inside the bungalow to finish packing her mountain of stuff.
The air thickened around him, a metallic brume that watered his eyes.
The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
The report of the investigation had been watered down.
The valley is continuously watered by the melting snow from the mountains.
Coal body is watered by deep hole high pressure above mid-hard coal seam to soften the harder coal so as to improve the working efficience. It's a new way for mechanization mining in harder seam.
In this vast district watered by the Meuse is the town of Bouillon — a regular hole, but in my time it was the freest place in Europe.
The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
After she watered the crops, she went inside the house.
Here in Florida, any road construction requires the entire site be dewatered.
The British government introduced a watered-down version of the proposals.
Described as post-grunge rock, it strips all the guts and glory out of the grunge we know and love, leaving the listener with watered-down middle-of-the-road ambiguity in both music and lyric.
The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
It is more than likely a watered-down version of the original - containing as much as 40% sugar water.
Her eyes watered and she hurried to wipe the tears away from her face as Alex turned around.
However, the official decision appears to be a watered-down version of his tirade against the full-face veil as a custom that had nothing to do with Islam.
But some believe new management will translate into a watered-down editorial focus.
flopper" -- and saying the NBA product had been watered down by such calls.
My upper body wavered precariously and my eyes watered as I caught sight of the drop below.
I normally fed and watered my cats by 11 pm or so local time before I retired at night, in fact.
It's more watered-down than our point of view, but they're reaching a lot more people.
Each time it merely turned an engine around or coaled and watered it, such as when a yard engine came in for a crew change, the roundhouse was credited with a half-dispatch.
She then fed and watered the pigeon and gave it a temporary home - in Stanley's box.
Rood sounds like it belongs in ‘84-a bit o’ punk, a dash of watered-down new wave and a pinch of pop.
What's onscreen is a watered-down version of Solaris's deliciously smart sci-fi.
It dewatered the mine and did some mining and smelting on the site.
Though often criticized as offering a “watered-down” version of Christianity, Warren dismisses this critique.
American Grace
Water-stressed plots were sufficiently watered until plants were on their third trifoliate leaf, and then 50% of the available water capacity (20% w/v water in soil) was maintained until harvest.
The plants were watered regularly throughout their development.
She added a little bit of pepper to the meat and watched as his mouth watered.
The report of the investigation had been watered down.
Timia is a gem of an oasis, a well watered valley, fringed by mountains.
Live animals are transported across the continent packed tightly into lorries, often arriving half dead without having been fed or watered.
We sheltered behind the great beams supporting the windmill, and looked out through them, north and east, over a wide landscape; a plain bordered eastward by low hills, every mile of it, almost, watered by
England's Effort: Letters to an American Friend
I am concerned that the clear recommendations to the Scottish Executive and its agencies have been watered down.
Sufetula was built one hundred and fifty miles to the south of Carthage: a gentle declivity is watered by a running stream, and shaded by a grove of juniper-trees; and, in the ruins of a triumpha arch, a portico, and three temples of the Corinthian order, curiosity may yet admire the magnificence of the Romans.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Timia is a gem of an oasis, a well watered valley, fringed by mountains.
Now I call on you to support me, signorino," she cried one evening, when the three elders sat together in the room while Goneril watered the roses on the terrace.
Tales from Many Sources Vol. V
Where the plants were growing runners I pegged these down into potting compost with unbent paper clips and watered them.
Its walls were ornately corniced in gold and papered in watered silk, a delicate bluebell colour.
I think he is a arogant ass who thinks that he can shove his watered down, outwill your opposition, lack of indepth basketball knowledge style down everyones throat.
Kentucky Sports Radio
CAM also occurs in some resurrection plants that are desiccation-tolerant and can shift between biosis and anabiosis as they dry out and are rewatered, respectively.
The remaining portion was dewatered and filled with a dry infill mix.
They have returned with a watered down and more acceptable version of the proposal.
Randy's mouth watered at the sight of the brown confections.
Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears.
They noticed that if there was a good water supply, low rainfall did not matter… and could even assist matters, as it meant greater control of when the crop was watered.
These techniques give walls the dramatic effect of crushed velvet, parchment, chamois leather, watered silk or brocade.
The term prairie is a misnomer in this case; instead we found a beautiful fruitful valley lying between two low ranges of hills, interspersed with groves of trees and picturesque lakes, and watered by a river winding gracefully through its whole length.
'Three Score Years and Ten' Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West
Her eyes watered up and the tears made their way down her cheek.
A cultural control to use is covering a well-watered patch of grass overnight with a sheet of black plastic or a tarpaulin, so the leatherjackets rise to the surface into the moist space.
For the moment the vegetables are watered by means of a hose, but a sprinkler system is in the process of being installed, funded by Region 4.
They're well watered and under floating row covers with wire hoops, all securely fastened to take the wind we've been having.
Martin, who run the course, are lovely - keeping us delightfully fed and watered the whole time we were mincing meat then squishing it into "casings".
How can I recycle this?
The cavalry horses were watered at the spring, and the men settled in their breastworks.
Maybe someone should ask Olympia Snowe whether she would vote for a bill with watered-down protection for pre-existing conditions.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Negotiating Against Themselves
Rebecca's white-watered silk gown had a high Mandarin collar and short bell-shaped sleeves.
Plant cool-weather vegetables such as beets, kale, lettuce, peas, radishes, spinach and turnips in late July, but keep them well watered and mulched.
I absolutely loved the book, but the adaptation tried so hard to be faithful to the source that it ended up a watered-down, incomprehensible mess.
Who botches the Watchmen?
The dwellers of Nchubula in Kopa west are privileged to have before them the virgin vastness of flat savannah land watered by the Munikashi river that pours into Bangweulu river.
Our mouths watered at the redolent smell of sweet roasted meat.
Plant cool-weather vegetables such as beets, kale, lettuce, peas, radishes, spinach and turnips in late July, but keep them well watered and mulched.
In the west are well-watered hills, rich in iron ore, from which run several rivers to the dry veld in the middle of the country.
It's the danger of indulging Hollywood with a cuddly, watered-down version of Ricky Gervais, who keeps it in its comfort zone.
Danny Groner: Ricky Gervais' Defenders Around the World
Those averse to horses or not yet inclined to pick up a rod or gun could try their hand at zorbing or quad-biking, still be down-with-the-countryside with ferrets and falcons, see artists at work, and be extremely well-fed and watered in the aisles of the food show. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Live animals are transported across the continent packed tightly into lorries, often arriving half dead without having been fed or watered.
They have returned with a watered down and more acceptable version of the proposal.
The two blueberry bushes are sprouting and I've watered them a little bit.
Everything is growing apace, especially the weeds; there are plants to be watered and crops to be gathered.
They're worried about the impact on the weak and vulnerable if the unfair dismissal laws are watered down.
When the velamen is too dry, its color is silvery or white while a watered velamen will appear green or slightly mottled.
He was dressed in a Victorian morning suit, high starched collar, watered-silk cravat.
I made notes and muttered the new words as I watered the garden and hung washing on the line.
They did not need to be watered yet, but I held the plastic plant waterer up to them, to see what it would be like to water them.
The New Yorker Stories
He arrived at length in a narrow and secluded _cleuch_, or deep ravine, which ran down into the valley, and contributed a scanty rivulet to the supply of the brook with which Glendearg is watered.
The Monastery
Then you'd be served fast-food burgers, cold fries and a watered-down soft drink and get a bill for $100.
And the reason of this extraordinary fruitfulness is because their waters issued out of the sanctuary; it is not to be ascribed to any thing in themselves, but to the continual supplies of divine grace, with which they are watered every moment (Isa.xxvii. 3); for, whoever planted them, it was that which gave the increase.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The Cowboys won't lose again - and that includes a win at Mississippi and a sweep of the watered-down Mountain West Conference.
I watered them with liquid fertilizer, repotted them into individual pots and let them grow up a little more before I planted them out in the garden.
For instance, I watered my lawn last night for the first time ever.
We were within the regions watered by the Nile, and the harvests resembled those of the carse of Gowrie.
Round the World
This will be used to make sure drinks have not been watered down by dishonest landlords.
In the '80s, several low-cal wines flopped because they tasted watered-down.
The preparation was top class and credit to the ladies committee who were at their best and made sure everyone was watered and foddered.
I watched the topography that I had grown to love fiercely become leveled, watered, and consumed by sterile stuccoed cubes.
Even though my mouth watered I knew I couldn't eat it.
This is not a watered-down pluralist position—it comes out of a deep commitment to deconstructing the politics of appearance.
Because of their position the water drains away and they have to be watered through the summer.
Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears.
The ads for the top-selling U.S. brand, from longtime agency DDB, cite as the brand's primary attribute its "drinkability" -- that is, "consumers telling us that we're kind of the perfect balance among the major light beers -- not too watered down but also not as harsh or heavy with an aftertaste," Mr. Peacock said.
Advertising Age - Homepage
The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
The position of the flats was rearranged each time they were watered.
The invention is characterized in that the fibre is firstly pre-dewatered in a dewaterer set before the filling screw rod and is dewatered additionally in the filling screw rod.
Because these specimens were collected after the mine had been flooded and subsequently dewatered, the rhombohedra show considerable etching caused by acidic mine waters.
But in the final version, which was issued earlier this month, all these points were watered down.
Those who live on thin, ill-watered, and bare soils, and not well attempered in the changes of the seasons, in such a country they are likely to be in their persons rather hard and well braced, rather of a blond than a dark complexion, and in disposition and passions haughty and self-willed.
On Airs, Waters, And Places
His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.
Since I came home I've hung the washing out (I'm leaving it out in the hope it's sunny again tomorrow), watered my plants and hoovered the upstairs of the house.
Then an enthusiastic student inadvertently overwatered the colony just before a weekend, leaving a flood inside the termites' box.
Everyone accepts that animals benefit greatly from being unloaded, watered and rested, and it also gives you the opportunity to clean and re-bed trucks.
My mouth watered as I remembered how long it had been since I had last eaten.
The containers are made of peat and wood fiber laced with soluble fertilizer and peat pellets that expand when watered.
The all too visible wire that allows it to stand, if not to fly like Mary Martin, is, of course, theism, boldly asserted or watered down as deemed politic for various audiences.
The valley is watered by a stream.
Samos and the shady hills of Ida, in Scyros and Phocaea and the high hill of Autocane and fair-lying Imbros and smouldering Lemnos and rich Lesbos, home of Macar, the son of Aeolus, and Chios, brightest of all the isles that lie in the sea, and craggy Mimas and the heights of Corycus and gleaming Claros and the sheer hill of Aesagea and watered Samos and the steep heights of Mycale, in
Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
Similarly, on the proposed adoption of the services directive to create a single and free market for services within the union, the proposals were watered down to the point where the liberalisation is meaningless in all but name.
These were recovered after the upper level of the Champion mine was dewatered by Nordlander and his partner and some minimal mining on the vein took place.
Although a difference in water content between the different-aged leaves was not always observed in well-watered plants of two species of succulents, it was more commonly observed in plants under drought-stress.
Our country upon the whole is fertile and well watered, has timber enough to supply its demands, and an everlasting amount of stone for building; it has an eternal range of mesquit grass, on which horses and cattle that never smell corn keep perfectly fat all winter.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, March, 1862
= Moire is a waved or watered effect produced upon the surface of various kinds of textile fabrics, especially on grosgrain silk and woolen moreen.
Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
He cut out the terraces, tended his vines, cherished and watered them, worked night and day for a year.
My mouth watered as I placed them on the counter.
Even if the business is able to pay good dividends on watered stock, the crime of overcapitalization is not lessened, though the harm done is now not to the investor but to the public.
Problems of Conduct
The official, watered-down version (in the absence of provable fact) is that Masonry originated from the stone craft guilds.
Within only a few hours all the shafts had been dewatered and mining at the lower levels could continue, providing work for additional men.
Her mouth watered and she cursed the thief who took her money.
That sound was explained directly, for just below me a couple of bheesties, as they are called, were bending low beneath the great water-skins they carried upon their backs, while each held one of the legs of the animal's skin, which had been formed into a huge water-bladder, and was directing from it a tiny spout which flashed in the sun as he gave it a circular motion by a turn of his wrist, and watered the heated marble floor of the court, forming a ring or chain-like pattern as he went on.
Gil the Gunner The Youngest Officer in the East
His eyes watered
When stalled they should be fed twice daily, watered and their stalls cleaned daily.
When they are 95 per cent dewatered, sludges are put into pellet form - superior for disposal purposes because in becoming pellets, nearly all of the pathogenic bacteria are killed.
Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers.
It was a well watered ranch with two streams, one on the north end and another near the middle of the range.
It's a good time for planting evergreens and flowering shrubs, so long as they're watered well until frost creeps into the soil.
The presidential candidate backwatered on several promises when he got into office.
Or, as my grandpappy use to say .., well watered horses don't jump the fence to drink from the creek next door.
Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
The criticisms had been watered down so as not to offend anybody.
The term moiré, by the way, comes from watered silk, as mentioned in Pepys' Diary.
You'd be served fast-food burgers, cold fries and a watered-down soft drink.
Pebbles and old quarry tiles had been used to fill in the gap, with the whole area brushed with a dry mix of sand and cement to fill in the cracks, and watered in using a watering can.
The plants want watering/ want to be watered daily.
I started the wash, watered the lawn, and changed the budgie 's cage.
The tutor breakfasts on coffee made of beans, edulcorated with milk watered to the verge of transparency; his mutton is tough and elastic, up to the moment when it becomes tired out and tasteless; his coal is a sullen, sulphurous anthracite, which rusts into ashes, rather than burns, in the shallow grate; his flimsy broadcloth is too thin for winter and too thick for summer.
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
The TV series is a watered-down version of the movie, especially designed for family viewing.
After planting, soak the bottom of the container in a pan of water until the surface is wet or spray with a mister until well-watered.
I went outside and watered them and picked the fruits and vegetables.
During the 1995-1996 experiment, no seedlings survived in the unwatered interspaces between shrubs, whereas maximal survival was obtained by watering seedlings at shaded sites.
Their underlying design is a spiraling vortex, in which undulating waters magically metamorphose into watered silk, velvet into vaporous cloud and firmament.
Top-dress lightly with sand, topsoil, and sifted compost, and keep the lawn well watered until the new sprouts emerge.
Over-watered lawns will quickly become mold factories and will shower everyone near them with an abundance of mold spores.
The story was watered down so much it was no longer interesting.
Their eyes watered with the keen tang of the peat reek, till, tired with watching the squattering of ducks in farm puddles, they turned as usual upon the family sagaman, and demanded, with that militant assurance of youth which succeeds so often, that he should forthwith and immediately "tell them something.
Red Cap Tales Stolen from the Treasure Chest of the Wizard of the North
While sealing containers with parafilm can adversely affect plant growth, maximum elongation of the well-watered controls on filter boards was similar whether they were sealed with parafilm or grown in a ventilated incubator.
Suddenly her eyes watered and tears fell from her eyes.
In the stables, hands fed and watered the horses, and groomed their white coats until they shone, and polished the tack until they see dull reflections in the leather.
Lawns are watered twice or thrice daily, especially in summer.
Rachel's eyes watered, and tears started flowing down her cheeks.
The story - based on an Isak Dinesen tale but emerging as very watered-down Chekhov - concerns a noblewoman, Vanessa, who awaits the lover she hasn't seen for twenty years.
The rest is overlaid by gradations of watered blue that have soaked into the canvas and recall stylized waves and clouds.
The product was an eau de toilette - a perfume that has been watered-down so that it can be sprayed - aimed at 15- to 25-year-old girls.
In well-watered primary roots, the length of mature cortical cells increased slightly.
The contractors had already sprayed for cockies, fleas, flies and mice but the cockies were guaranteed to re-emerge once the effect of the watered-down spray lost its potency.
There was no stopping the laughing machine and people laughed till their eyes watered and jaws literally ached.
Plants were watered three times a day with an automatic watering system, except in the case of low humidity in the growth chamber, in which the plants were watered daily by hand.
And middle-class buyers are upset because they thought they were buying into the Buick brand and Buick quality but instead received a watered-down car that did not meet their expectations.
Indeed, its watered-down language calling for Saddam Hussein to comply with "disarmament obligations" and readmit weapons inspectors into Iraq is likely why it passed unopposed.
Ryan Berger: NATO and Libya: A Model
In light of the fact that agreement has not been reached, staging posts where animals are unloaded, watered, fed and rested will remain.
His mouth watered at the sight of roast.
The company watered the horses and filled the water skins on the wagon with water, and everything was tied down and given a last check.
Her mouth watered just from the sight of the food.
Top-dress lightly with sand, topsoil, and sifted compost, and keep the lawn well watered until the new sprouts emerge.
Irish livestock hauliers make use of staging posts to ensure that animals are rested, foddered and watered at regular intervals.
Above the granite bedrock is a characteristic soil structure, consisting of seasonally well-aerated and well-watered sandy soils of 0.6 m to 3 m in depth that desiccate and harden during the dry season, with an impermeable "duricrust" of cement-like consistency beneath.
Itigi-Sumbu thicket
She's got long black hair, ratted and dry, and it hangs down over her shoulders like a fern that hasn't been watered in weeks.
The upshot was that, although approved, the reforms were too watered-down to have any serious effect on the deficit.
The man who led the investigation believes the proposals have been watered down so that the staining will not affect the appearance of dog and cat food.
The secondary characters are a stock assortment of supersafe ethnic types, and Carroll's protosurrealism has been watered down into an ultrawholesome sermonette so vapid that Polonius would have blushed to deliver it: "We move too fast / We miss too much / We seldom see / All the miracles in front of us.
Turner, in Her Usual Role
They embody a demoralized liberalism, whose watered-down perspective of reform has been discarded by the ruling class.
The TV series is a watered-down version of the movie, especially designed for family viewing.
His project was a burned pound cake, but it looked burnt and the lemon topping was watered down.
To the fur traders they were commodities who could be purchased and indentured to company stores through watered-down alcohol and cheaply made goods.
The TV series is a watered-down version of the movie, especially designed for family viewing.
Sheep are sheep and they still need to be fed, watered, sheared, bred and lambed, however back 70 years or so ago, it was a little bit different when sheep herders lived alone with their dogs and were housed in sheep wagons with wood heat and enough groceries to last out the week.
A Sunday book review....
As she was doing so, she fed and watered her cats.
The somewhat watered down language of the resolutions is hardly threatening to Sudan, and doesn't indicate a strong political will to me.
Could it be that, having watered down the chicken with non-specific mince you are now further diluting your capital costs with low grade mangel-wurzels?
Small containers that are hanging or placed in windy or excessively sunny areas may need to be watered at least once a day.
First, Foundation Hospitals were watered down to the point of having almost no practical utility; any importance attached to the vote was, as I pointed out below, entirely symbolic.
The eelworm's eggs are watered into the soil, where they hatch and infect slugs, preventing them from feeding.
I eventually arrived home at about 7:30 pm local time, and then I fed and watered my two cats.
Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears.
Rocky Mountains watered by the Columbia River. at least we did not See them untill we reached the waters of that river, nor Since we have left those mountains. they are about the Size of a well grown hen. the contour of the bird is much that of the redish brown Pheasant common to our country. the tail is proportionably as long and is composed of 18 feathers of equal length, of a uniform dark brown tiped with black. the feathers of the body are of a dark brown black and white. the black is that which most prodomonates, and white feathers are irregularly intermixed with those of the black and dark brown on every part but in greater perpotion about the neck breast and belly. this mixture gives it very much the appearance of that kind of dunghill fowl, which the henwives of our Countrey Call dommanicker. in the brest of Some of those birds the white prodominates most. they are not furnished with tufts of long feathers on the neck as other Pheasants are, but have a
The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears.
Spanish, Italian, French and finally into English in the form of "tabby," as the designation of a rich-coloured watered silk.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
Her faultless nature, one sum of perfections, is wrapt up in her affections — if they were hurt, she would droop like an unwatered floweret, and the slightest injury they receive is a nipping frost to her.
The Last Man
It was clear that the site would have to be dewatered before further work could be conducted.