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water strider

  1. long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water

How To Use water strider In A Sentence

  • Water striders are covered stem to stem and toe to toe with a layer of tiny, waxy, feathery hairs in which countless minuscule air bubbles are trapped.
  • The water striders have "unwettable" hairs on their tarsi that do not break the surface tension of the water, so the bugs can walk on top of it. Insecta (Aquatic)
  • One summer day, I spent several idle moments beside a still, shallow creek near my home, trying to goad the water striders there into flying.
  • Water strider is a kind of insect that has the active function of staying, sliding and leaping on water surface.
  • Importantly, sexual selection favors apterous males in several natural populations of a water strider species.
  • The water strider's hairy legs work to keep it afloat.
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