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water boy

  1. an assistant who supplies drinking water

How To Use water boy In A Sentence

  • Water boy carefully feed the birds, but Bird said softly: "Buddha will bless you!
  • He would ask me to do certain things on the set like move the dollies and be the water boy.
  • I dug in the hem of my cloak and found an obol to pay a disheveled water boy to go to Sophocles 'home and request that he meet me back at the theatre on an urgent matter. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Tak a mallard and pul hym drye and swyng over the fyre draw hym but lat hym touche no water and hew hym in gobettys and do hym in a pot of clene water boyle hem wel and tak onyons and boyle and bred and pepyr and grynd togedere and draw thorw a cloth temper wyth wyn and boyle yt and serve yt forth. The Forme of Cury A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390
  • Water Boy loved, loved, loved the full-sized Tyrannosauraus skeleton they have on display in their dinasaur dig exhibit. Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss « A Working Title
  • Water boy carefully feed the birds, but Bird said softly: "Buddha will bless you!
  • Juveniles will not be used as water boys/hurley carriers and players will not be allowed to engaged in ball practice during the half-time interval.
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