How To Use Watchfulness In A Sentence
The sixth rule Tichonius calls the recapitulation, which, with sufficient watchfulness, is discovered in difficult parts of Scripture.
On Christian Doctrine, in Four Books
Unthinking courage in the matter of victuals is rather a relief from the strained and anxious hygienic watchfulness of the overcivilized and the overrich.
Germany and the Germans From an American Point of View
Their alikeness went deeper than just their heavy tans, their silent walk, their watchfulness and complete awareness of their surroundings.
Galactic Derelict
Mr Baptist, never taking his eyes from his dreaded chum of old, softly sat down on the floor with his back against the door and one of his ankles in each hand: resuming the attitude (except that it was now expressive of unwinking watchfulness) in which he had sat before the same man in the deeper shade of another prison, one hot morning at Marseilles.
Little Dorrit
Or, again, if we borrow from Pope Innocent III. his ideas as to the mystical meanings of gems, we find that chalcedony, which is pale in the light and sparkles in the dark, is synonymous with humility; the topaz with chastity and the merit of good works, while the chrysoprase, the queen of minerals, implies wisdom and watchfulness.
The Cathedral

Also from the influence of spiritual beings an injuring of the moral person is possible, so long as the rational creature has not as yet attained to its ultimate perfection, so that here also there is place for the duty of watchfulness, in order that the diverse personalities that are as yet in process of development may not act hinderingly upon each other.
Christian Ethics. Volume II.���Pure Ethics.
The State Department said we preferred a peaceful solution, and our ambassador to South Korea, Jim Laney, described our position as one of watchfulness, firmness, and patience.
But mostly it was defiance, watchfulness and the clarity of mind to know a hittable ball when you saw one.
Times, Sunday Times
Her watchfulness is untiring; she who guarded the sepulcher was the first to approach it, and the last to depart from its awful yet sublime scene.
The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories
All this morbid watchfulness and — and idolisation, or whatever you like to call it —
John Gabriel Borkman
wakefulness, watchfulness, and bellicosity make a good hunter
It was not discovered by the severe indagation and watchfulness of ministers of state from foreign intelligence, -- the usual way of discovering such plots.
The Sermons of John Owen
They descended, passing the man with the pail, who again asseverated that he had let no intruder pass, down to the commissionaire and the hovering chestnut man, who rigidly reasserted their own watchfulness.
The Complete Father Brown
Her accentuation of the disciples' spiritual lethargy is all the more striking because she praises her female readers for displaying watchfulness, the very virtue that the disciples lack.
Brian felt it the moment he entered the city limits - a sudden primeval chill, an instinctive animal watchfulness.
Needless to say, these measures were generally foiled by the watchfulness of the soldiery; so poker, pontoon, crown-and - anchor and the like continued to flourish, along with housie-housie.
Brian felt it the moment he entered the city limits - a sudden primeval chill, an instinctive animal watchfulness.
Brian felt it the moment he entered the city limits - a sudden primeval chill, an instinctive animal watchfulness.
There is another annoyance -- the risk of valuable cattle being houghed or otherwise mutilated; a risk calling for incessant watchfulness.
Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
In collating books in two or more volumes double watchfulness is needed to guard against a missing signature, which may have its place filled by the same pages belonging to another volume -- a mixture sometimes made in binderies, in "gathering" the sheets, and which makes it necessary to see that the signatures are right as well as the pages.
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While the combined use of Hypericum with orthodox medications has even shown an increased favorable response, it is advisable to exert some cautious watchfulness with the prolonged usage of St. Johnswort with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI).