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How To Use Washout In A Sentence

  • The washout means England are certain at least to avoid a 7-0 whitewash in the series after losing the first four. The Sun
  • If summer sun is supposed to turn thoughts to romance, this year 's washout must be making the unattached feel as downcast as the overcast skies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last summer was a washout. The Sun
  • In most cases the model assumes that the activated molecule is diffusible, and the washout occurs whenever the rate of diffusion exceeds rate of formation of the molecule.
  • The crossover design is unlikely to provide valid evidence because infantile colic is an unstable condition, and the effects of dicyclomine may continue even after a washout period.
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  • The village is sheltered by gentle hills and seems immune from much of the washout summer that has afflicted Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • What others might call a washout was exactly what she wanted.
  • He may be charming but he is willful, thoroughly spoiled and a washout in politics.
  • The first half was a total and utter washout. The Sun
  • Which would seem to be somewhat ironic, in this wettest washout of a summer since rain was invented. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wrestling could have been a washout as the rain reached comical proportions and just kept going, with the occasional long brattle of thunder thrown in, but a dense crowd gathered under brollies to watch competitions of the highest quality and intensity.
  • Sometimes a washout of the bowel is also done in the hope of removing unabsorbed toxin.
  • The continued increase in ouabain effect following washout is likely due to slow tissue diffusion of the hydrophobic drug. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The washout was caused by heavy rains on Thursday but did not become apparent until the Des Moines track started to dry out on Friday afternoon.
  • This is compatible with a genuine antagonistic action of the drugs during their gradual diffusion and washout.
  • August was always going to be difficult, up against hot weather and good trading a year before and containing the washout summer bank holiday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Norths and Easts were forced to endure their second washout in three weeks and will be keen to get some game time in coming weeks.
  • Pulmonary function tests in older children includes spirometry, whole body plethysmography, single and multiple breath nitrogen washout, carbon monoxide diffusion capacity, respiratory muscle strength and lung compliance. Pulmonary Function Lab
  • We had a washout summer, followed by a winter that was so wet half the country was turned into a gigantic boating lake. The Sun
  • We then went on to Sri Lanka where the one-day part of the tour was virtually a washout and it meant I played very little cricket at all.
  • The Glenpark side are one of several teams whose campaign has thus far been blighted by a total washout.
  • Many people face a washout. The Sun
  • In this paper, we present and analyze a simple model for a chemostat with predator, prey and periodically pulsed input and washout substrate.
  • The severity of this interaction necessitates a five-week washout when switching a patient from fluoxetine to an MAOI to allow complete elimination of the fluoxetine.
  • Does this mean that we are heading for another washout summer, just in time for the school holidays? Times, Sunday Times
  • New Years was a bit if a washout, which was a bit of a shame.
  • Yesterday was a bit of a washout - it rained on and off most of the day so I spent my time in museums.
  • The pound has plummeted, the summer was a washout and your house is now worth less than your shed. Times, Sunday Times
  • If summer sun is supposed to turn thoughts to romance, this year's washout must be making the unattached feel as downcast as the overcast skies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The summer rains in Britain may feel like a complete washout, but they look puny compared with elsewhere in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through no fault of the organisers, last year's River Festival was a total washout, with torrential rain and flooding.
  • What had actually happened was that she had encountered an unseen, unmarked washout across the road more than three feet wide.
  • It may feel as if this summer has been a complete washout, but far worse has happened in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, there are no guarantees that a summer wedding in the middle of June won't be a washout.
  • After a washout on Wednesday, the queue down Church Road was encouragingly huge and inside the All England Club players were hurrying to the practice courts.
  • But when it comes to human relations, he's a washout.
  • The perception was that I had certain glaring deficits as a reporter, chief being that I could write a pretty feature but was a washout with hard news. A Conversation with Anna Quindlen about Rise and Shine
  • The country's first spell of sunny spring weather will be in stark contrast to yesterday 's washout. The Sun
  • BRITAIN was battered by storms yesterday as forecasters warned of a bank holiday washout. The Sun
  • BRITAIN was battered by storms yesterday as forecasters warned of a bank holiday washout. The Sun
  • Two developed postoperative infection one of which required bilateral antral washout, the other settled with medical treatment.
  • The film is no masterpiece, but nor is it a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • This summer seems to have been written off as another washout, but was it really so bad? Times, Sunday Times
  • But far from being a washout, the fun continued with revellers and entertainers singing and dancing in the rain.
  • It will not be a total washout for Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The washout means England are certain at least to avoid a 7-0 whitewash in the series after losing the first four. The Sun
  • Arthroscopic debridement and washout has a role as a temporising procedure in early osteoarthritis associated with mechanical symptoms.
  • The first half was a total and utter washout. The Sun
  • It was a complete washout and another high-profile failure will not reflect well on Woodward. The Sun
  • If we'd had a more settled weekend, no doubt the numbers would have been higher, but we certainly didn't have a washout.
  • You also want to be sure you don't set up your trailer and the generator in an area that might be subject to washouts or runoff from a slope.
  • The spring rolls are actually pretty good, but the tamarind dipping sauce is a washout.
  • And the odds are stacked in favour of a washout next week, too.
  • The washout heightened expectations for the five-match series against the world's top-ranked teams starting at Wellington tomorrow.
  • After such an abysmal summer it hardly seemed that the weather could get much worse, but the weekend was yet another great washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also wonder if Bo has tightened the batten strings to reduce washout.
  • The film is no masterpiece, but nor is it a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trying to help the beleaguered bee and insect population after last summer's washout we left a section of our grass to grow long this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many people face a washout. The Sun
  • Which would seem to be somewhat ironic, in this wettest washout of a summer since rain was invented. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the first day is a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, the duo's shining moments - even if they occasionally seem accidental - emerge with just enough frequency to justify the prudent skipping of the album's outright washouts.
  • BRITAIN'S washout summer was yesterday declared the wettest for 100 years. The Sun
  • After such an abysmal summer it hardly seemed that the weather could get much worse, but the weekend was yet another great washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm not sure what happens when an antrum washout is performed spontaneously, even on the spur of the moment and in anger shall we say, using a left oblique italic nib via a Mont Blanc pen tanked up with a nice permanent black Nightingale Part Two : The Fountain Pen
  • I am now finding myself on a deserted beach on the brink of a saline washout.
  • Last summer was a washout. The Sun
  • The railway was plagued early on by frequent landslides and washouts, especially during the severe rainy season of 1979.
  • BRITAIN'S washout summer was yesterday declared the wettest for 100 years. The Sun
  • A cowbell and trumpet, coupled with a white noise washout of a climax make for a stunning introduction.
  • It can wheel through thick mud and washouts without getting stuck and without leaving behind big ruts.
  • THREE lonely lifeguards keep watch on a deserted beach - with no one to rescue during yesterday 's holiday washout. The Sun
  • Two developed postoperative infection one of which required bilateral antral washout, the other settled with medical treatment.
  • But he suffered several injuries, and his year was a washout.
  • To prospective employers, let me say that I'd be willing to fail for a fraction of the cost of other corporate washouts.
  • But those hopes were scuppered by Friday's torrential rain which also made Saturday a total washout, and even prevented any play until after lunch yesterday.
  • The country's first spell of sunny spring weather will be in stark contrast to yesterday 's washout. The Sun
  • There were burned trees felled along the way and six foot deep washouts.
  • But now, after four wins and a washout in their last five games, they have climbed from seventh to fifth, and have overtaken England in the process.
  • Does this mean that we are heading for another washout summer, just in time for the school holidays? Times, Sunday Times
  • I wouldn't say that the band is actually a washout, or even really that bad, but listening to all of their best hits back-to-back makes you realize just how little they experimented with their sound.
  • But the rain came down again, leading to two further washouts, and the players christened the game the Match that Refused to Die.
  • Had the agent, a senior man of 30 years service, had a lit hand lamp handy, or had he lit a fusee to wave a ‘washout’ signal instead of yelling at the passing engines it would likely have turned out differently.
  • I was able to get a lot of reading done last week because television, outside the final episode of The Sopranos, was a washout.
  • We stockpiled the material and will utilize it as fill in washouts and other projects around our yard.
  • The railway went through some of Australia's most desolate and flood prone country, often suffering washouts with passengers marooned for several days.
  • When I scrubbed in ENT theatres it used to be called an antrum washout but probably has a completely new and fancy name now, like post-nasal irrigational lavage or something but William Hague was entirely thankful to have his done by this method whilst he was Prime Minister Nightingale Part Two : The Fountain Pen
  • We didn't lose a single Test, and but for two terrible washouts we might have won 6-0.
  • This summer is turning into another washout, the fifth successive wet summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, it isn't a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only thing that was a washout was the Torchlight Procession planned for Sunday evening, which had to be cancelled because of the weather.
  • England have already clinched the series with two wins, a tie and a washout. The Sun
  • It was conceivable the washout could have occurred only an hour before the boys drove down the track.
  • England have already clinched the series with two wins, a tie and a washout. The Sun
  • The first trip was a real washout with the river actually being in the farmers' field in most places.
  • August was always going to be difficult, up against hot weather and good trading a year before and containing the washout summer bank holiday. Times, Sunday Times
  • To resist the washout and soldering, die materials should have high hot hardness, good temper resistance, low solubility in molten aluminum and good oxidation resistance. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1101
  • Last year was a complete washout with few show-stopping performances and some disastrous technical problems. The Sun
  • After years of washout summers, this should all come as a welcome relief, but does hot weather really make for a good mood across the nation? Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is no masterpiece, but nor is it a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water
  • Some DV camcorders also have the +7.5 IRE black level error (aka washout error*) with pass-through. Forum
  • When I scrubbed in ENT theatres it used to be called an antrum washout but probably has a completely new and fancy name now, like post-nasal irrigational lavage or something but William Hague was entirely thankful to have his done by this method whilst he was Prime Minister Nightingale Part Two : The Fountain Pen
  • The vagaries of the British weather render many summer song spectaculars a washout.
  • From the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water.
  • It may feel as if this summer has been a complete washout, but far worse has happened in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • So far this year, we've gotten the construction completed on the Weiskopf layout before the rains hit, but there's been a few washouts.
  • it was several days after the storm before they could repair the washout and open the road
  • Especially if you're a hiker, for whom the after effects of the resultant washouts, debris flows, landslides and more mean that this summer's range of destinations won't be quite the same.
  • She on the other hand is a complete washout and a complete bore.
  • The truth is, when it comes to high school draft picks, there are many more successes than washouts.
  • A shower or thundershower is possible, but shouldn't be a washout. UnitedCast: Not hot... a little wet?
  • She returned to the operating room 5 times for washouts of her open abdomen within the first week after admission.
  • The result is an oxymoron: a mountainous minimalist design, where ridge lines tumbling off mountain flanks are carried through as fairway contours and washouts serve as hazards and even bunkers.
  • Following a 2-week, single-blind placebo washout phase, 12 autistic subjects completed a 10-week, double-blind, crossover comparison of clomipramine and placebo.
  • We had a washout summer, followed by a winter that was so wet half the country was turned into a gigantic boating lake. The Sun
  • This is the Dairy State, after all, and milk is money; washouts, deep mud, and other excuses for missing the daily udder-to-market runs are unacceptable to farmfolk.
  • Last year was a complete washout with few show-stopping performances and some disastrous technical problems. The Sun
  • The abdomen was left open to allow for additional debridements and washouts of necrotizing fasciitis of the abdominal wall.
  • There were washouts, hairpin turns, all kinds of logistical problems, food problems, and fuel problems, but it was a great adventure.
  • Last year was a complete washout with few show-stopping performances and some disastrous technical problems. The Sun
  • A white liquid called barium is then passed through the rectum in the same way as the washout while the specialist views the bowel on an x-ray screen.
  • From the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water.
  • There will be a day when some nice fish are caught, but the next day, in the same place, it will be a near washout.
  • This series will be neither a washout nor a classic - about as good as the last one.
  • Participants must have had a washout period after previous drug treatments, and studies with crossover designs need an appropriate washout period.
  • Last year was a complete washout with few show-stopping performances and some disastrous technical problems. The Sun
  • This summer seems to have been written off as another washout, but was it really so bad? Times, Sunday Times
  • England have already clinched the series with two wins, a tie and a washout. The Sun
  • Thankfully, it isn't a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diversification has been a washout: stock markets have been almost perfectly correlated with each other.
  • It was a complete washout and another high-profile failure will not reflect well on Woodward. The Sun
  • The village is sheltered by gentle hills and seems immune from much of the washout summer that has afflicted Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Hack and I recently took an overnight trip to the Grampians which ended up being a washout.
  • The summer rains in Britain may feel like a complete washout, but they look puny compared with elsewhere in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • THREE lonely lifeguards keep watch on a deserted beach - with no one to rescue during yesterday 's holiday washout. The Sun
  • There were three days of waiting at Port Augusta due to a washout further up the line.
  • Last season was a washout because of injuries (right hand and thumb).
  • Freezing temperatures, blowing snow, landslides and washouts all keep the maintenance of way crews busy on the pass.
  • After years of washout summers, this should all come as a welcome relief, but does hot weather really make for a good mood across the nation? Times, Sunday Times
  • This summer is turning into another washout, the fifth successive wet summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sterilisation of the gut by the washout can even prevent the cleavage.
  • The graduation party was a washout because of the big storm.
  • If summer sun is supposed to turn thoughts to romance, this year 's washout must be making the unattached feel as downcast as the overcast skies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film is no masterpiece, but nor is it a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pound has plummeted, the summer was a washout and your house is now worth less than your shed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will not be a total washout for Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the first day is a total washout. Times, Sunday Times
  • The party was a total washout.
  • The mission was a washout.

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