How To Use Warbler In A Sentence

  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • There too, one May, I had identified a garden warbler singing hidden within a huge candled horse chestnut that spread its great branches across the road as if it were holding its own skirt. A Year on the Wing
  • This and the two following numbers, 26 and 27, are only required for the humming birds; 28 is, however, a good size for the least. 24 will be found a good size for the smaller kinds of warblers and finches up to canaries. 21 is a useful general size for a great number of small birds, and will do for such a bird as the hawfinch. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
  • The highlight of spring migration is without a doubt the return to northern climes of dazzlingly-colored warblers, flycatchers, and tanagers.
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  • Marbled godwit, frigate bird, roseate spoonbill, the palm warbler. OFF THE CHART
  • We have planted over 800 native trees along the embankment, creating a wonderful habitat for warblers such as whitethroat, garden warbler and blackcap, as well as linnets, once a common bird that seems to be disappearing.
  • Down in the canyon, I often see the house wren, acorn and Nuttall's woodpeckers, wrentit, and, in winter, the yellow-rumped warbler.
  • April is the day of a dance of flying swallow of careless long warbler.
  • A palm warbler is sighted in a patch of willows, which also teems with catbirds, warbling vireos, yellow warblers, and a blackpoll or two.
  • The revelation that his favorite warbler is Celine Dion? Ron Artest loves Celine Dion. Really. Or so he says.
  • Most of them are members of the warbler family. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many species of warblers sensitive to forest fragmentation live there, too, along with beavers, muskrats, deer, foxes, raccoons, opossums, groundhogs, and other four-legged animals.
  • Baboons barked an alarm and thereafter bulbuls, warblers, shrikes, robins and other feathered choirs begun to sing.
  • Golden-winged Warbler territories usually included a shrubby field with patches of herbs and shrubs, a field-forest ecotone and adjacent forest.
  • Two who heard the program, Marty Vibul and Linda Patterson, wanted to donate funds to help the project, and with the added assistance of store owners Tim and Margie Griffiths of Wild Birds Unlimited the Peaks decided to supplement their 17 bluebird nest boxes at Audubon Park with some boxes specifically tailored to the prothonotary warbler, which is considered as endangered in some areas of North America. Stories
  • Other rare birds are Fraser's eagle owl Bubo poensis, white-bellied robin chat Cossypher roberti, Grauer's warbler Graueria vittata, short-tailed warbler Hemitasia neumanni, yellow-eyed black flycatcher Melaenornis ardesiaca, montane double-collared sunbird Nectarinia ludovicenis and dusky twinspot Clytospiza cinereoinacea. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • This is how the edge of the forest mocks a birdwatcher: though I'm looking intently for warblers, vireos, and tanagers, I get only house sparrows.
  • Asymmetries in the character transition curves describing these zones suggest that Townsend's warblers have a selective advantage over hybrids and hermits.
  • That's how residents of this area near the tip of Southern Illinois (about two hours southwest of Evansville) describe the Cache River State Natural Area with its wetlands, ancient cypress trees and a yellow songbird known as a prothonotary warbler. Stories
  • Insects, spiders, and other invertebrates make up most of the Hermit Warbler's diet.
  • He confirmed that roadrunners did occur in the state and also added Black-throated Green Warbler, bringing the state list to 345 species and varieties.
  • Round PD, Hansson B, Pearson DJ, Kennerley PR & Bensch S (2007) Lost and found: the enigmatic large-billed reed warbler Acrocephalus orinus rediscovered after 139 years. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The refuge's fan-shaped palms harbor migrating warblers, green jays, and long-billed thrashers, and are part of a wildlife corridor for two endangered wild cats, the ocelot and jaguarundi.
  • But the bird to look out for in the gorse and heather is the Dartford warbler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Removing two other birds - an olivaceous warbler and a yellow-vented bulbul - from the 30-foot-long net, he heads for his base of operations: a folding card table in the middle of a weedy lot.
  • Now, of course, the avid pursuit of lazuli buntings and Blackburnian warblers is no longer merely a hobby.
  • Insect life is increasing rapidly, encouraging birds such as snipe, curlew, grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler, and whinchat.
  • However, there are no babblers, only two sylvine warblers, and just one bulbul species. Nicobar Islands rain forests
  • The blackpoll warbler, weighing .5 ounce, migrates up to 6,000 miles and it has been estimated that it flaps its wings roughly four million times during the journey. The Albert Lea Tribune
  • Polar bears and arctic warblers and whales live on the margin: they survive by energy efficiency. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • Favourite host species include dunnock, meadow pipit and reed warbler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also special: Kurt, who gets a big swoony win as well — no trophy, but a trophy boyfriend, plus a performance spotlight alongside Blaine after schooling the Warblers star on his "numerous" solos: "I feel like we're Blaine and the Pips. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Use suet or specialty suet cakes with added berries or peanuts to attract woodpeckers, chickadees, titmice, Carolina wrens and wintering warblers.
  • They are one of the last warblers to leave their breeding grounds in the fall, and one of the first to return in the spring.
  • On 12 th April, 2 hoopoes, 2 wrynecks, a nightingale, 2 citrine wagtails, a black-eared wheatear, 15 redstarts, a whinchat, a robin, a Menetries’ and 23 willow warblers, a spotted flycatcher and 4 scaly-breasted munias were in Mushrif Palace Gardens.
  • Bellbird, yellow-breasted tit, fantail, grey warbler and silvereye were common in all the forests and weka and robins were found in some areas.
  • While song sparrows and yellow warblers, two of the most common cowbird eggs' hosts, are not deep woods birds, these small songbirds are unable to compete with the wildly proliferating numbers of cowbirds.
  • I am a clumsy beginner and in the hut first a greenfinch escapes from my grip, and then a sedge warbler, both hurtling toward the windows. A Year on the Wing
  • In autumn its mudflats host migrant shorebirds including plovers, yellowlegs, and sandpipers, and warblers are common in woodlands at both ends of the pond.
  • The grassland-associated birds include the Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis), lesser florican (Sypheotides indica), sarus crane (Grus antigone), and large grass warbler (Graminicola bengalensis). Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
  • For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.
  • However, many small songbirds such as robins, thrushes, flycatchers and warblers migrate mainly during darkness, probably to avoid predators and to keep cool.
  • When you arrive, birdsong: waterthrush and golden-cheeked warbler. Smithsonian
  • The new find is thought to belong to a group of small, mainly insectivorous birds called white eyes, which are related to warblers.
  • As you walk you have a good chance of seeing some native birds - brown creepers, bellbirds, grey warblers and fantails.
  • But diet extends to a selection of birds including warblers and even swallows, wheatears and nightingales.
  • Interesting water birds and several species of ducks and warblers nest there.
  • Where is the nest of song-sparrow, or Maryland yellow-throat, or yellow warbler, or chippy, that is safe from the curse of the cow-bird's blighting visit? My Studio Neighbors
  • Otherwise they are typical small birds of the warbler family, brown above and white beneath. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has a very high diversity and good numbers of native birds, including tui, bellbird, weka, yellow-breasted tit, robin, rifleman, brown creeper, fantail, kereru, grey warbler, and silvereye.
  • Typical species are considered the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the bicolored conebill (Conirostrum bicolor), the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), the great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), the spotted tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum maculatum), the rufous crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis), the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the arboreal snake (Corallus hortulanus). Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • EPA officials recently awarded $6.6 million in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grants designed specifically to put unemployed people to work - uprooting invasive plants, stabilizing stream banks and creating habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler and massasauga rattlesnake. Front Page
  • Plenty of parrots and hummingbirds do, and likewise many of what are called oscine songbirds, including the warblers, sparrows, blackbirds, thrushes and so on. Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
  • At one time there were three accepted records of Olivaceous Warbler from Portland, however after review they were all rejected - the last in May 1999.
  • If you walk up through Talbot Forest you will be in native forest with fine totara, matai and kahikatea and you will hear the calls of native birds, especially the trilling song of the grey warbler.
  • Exclusive to the area are the bare-throated tiger-heron (Tigrisoma mexicanum) and the continental subspecies of the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). Magdalena-Santa Marta mangroves
  • Migrating American robins and cedar waxwings fatten themselves on cherries, while tree swallows and yellow-rumped warblers head for the bayberries, an important winter food. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • More members of the large warbler family have been arriving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, if you observe birds hopping around on the ground, you are not going to think ‘warblers.’
  • Among the numerous bird species found here are the prothonotary warbler, white-eyed vireo, wood duck, yellow-billed cuckoo, Louisiana waterthrush, and all the species found in the Southeastern Mixed Forest. Lower Mississippi Riverine Forest Province (Bailey)
  • The Thames Basin Heaths proposed SPA, taken as a whole, supports an estimated 8%, 10% and 28% respectively of the GB breeding populations of (nightjar, woodlark and Dartford warbler).
  • A plain-faced vireo moved silently with the warblers.
  • Common yellowthroats are socially monogamous warblers that exhibit strong sexual dimorphism.
  • In spring especially they come alive with collared fly catchers, woodchat shrikes (and occasional masked shrike) and huge flocks of all kinds of warblers.
  • The bush has abundant bird life, including the bellbird, tomtit, rifleman, wood pigeon and grey warbler.
  • It is the only locality in the country for striped buttonquail Turnix sylvatica, bristled grass warbler Chaetornis striatus andslender-billed babbler Turdoides longirostris. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • In describing warblers, as I do so lovingly, one can draw upon words like avifauna, avians, birds, songbirds, beautiful birds, and, of course, warblers.
  • As you walk you have a good chance of seeing some native birds - brown creepers, bellbirds, grey warblers and fantails.
  • Willow warblers are singing in birch woods where the trees are not too tall. Times, Sunday Times
  • March is a good time to begin to learn bird song with our resident species easier to hear before all the summer warblers arrive to make the task of identification more difficult.
  • Uh, cowbirds used to be very scarce in North America and with our habitat fragmentation their populations have just boomed and the only place that small songbirds like warblers can lay their eggs to get away from these parasitic cowbirds is deep in the forest. A Promise
  • There are birds in the garden that are rarely seen in London, such as the common sandpiper, sedge warbler and lesser whitethroat, with smew and goosander on the lake in winter.
  • Other success stories include the river Nar in Norfolk, which now yields sea trout as well as dace, chub and brown trout, while birdwatchers can enjoy kingfisher and reed warblers as well as admiring 12 species of dragonfly and marsh orchids. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • The clearing of undergrowth for trek paths and human interference had badly affected the thrushes, babblers, warblers and bulbuls in this region.
  • It was my good fortune to find a nest on a copsy hilltop, where the bird's madrigals and lullabies mingled with those of the yellow-breasted chats, the indigo buntings, the blue-gray gnat catchers, and the Kentucky warblers. Our Bird Comrades
  • The controversial series continues despite furious criticism from twitchers who phoned in when last week's opening episode failed to secure the survival of the rare Weeping Warbler.
  • Songbirds like warblers, orioles, tanagers, grosbeaks, and sparrows are far from the only birds that display dimorphism.
  • For instance, if you're looking into a large tree and notice several small birds constantly in motion, you should know that these are likely warblers and not sparrows or finches or thrushes.
  • The redstart is the most active of the active warblers, and the number of gnats, flies, caterpillars, moths, other insects and their eggs that these birds consume or feed to their nestlings in one day is incredible. Ohio Arbor Day 1913: Arbor and Bird Day Manual Issued for the Benefit of the Schools of our State
  • Sedge warblers advertise their presence by a chattering and varied song, but are often invisible due to the dense herbage they haunt.
  • They look like reed warblers, but have a far richer song, and nest among streamside flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking over my notes of this excursion, I come upon the following sentence: "To sit on a stone beside a mountain road, with olive-backed thrushes piping on every side, the ear catching now and then the distant tinkle of a winter wren's tune, or the nearer _zee, zee, zee_ of black-poll warblers, while white-throated sparrows call cheerily out of the spruce forest -- this is to be in another world. The Foot-path Way
  • We walked down one side track and, though it was the quiet time of day, a flock of warblers readily responded to pygmy-owl calls.
  • Key species are the dwarf honeyguide Indicator pumilio, African green broadbill Pseudocalyptomena graueri, Lagden's bushshrike Malaconotus lagdeni, Kivu ground thrush Zoothera tanganjicae, Oberlander's ground thrush Z. oberlaenderi, Grauer's rush warbler Bradypterus graueri, Chaplin's flycatcher Muscicapa lendu and dusky crimsonwing Cryptospiza shelleyi. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • In that time I have seen: startled wallabies bouncing into the distance kingfishers, tui, rosella, warblers wekas.
  • The fertilised females go off on their own looking for hedge sparrow or reed warbler nests. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spectacled warbler from southern Europe was seen at Filey and a taiga flycatcher from Siberia was spotted at Flamborough Head.
  • The nightingale is universally admitted to be the most enchanting of warblers; and many might be tempted to encage the mellifluous songster, but for the supposed difficulty of procuring proper food for it. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 569, October 6, 1832
  • The sparrow, like all street singers, sounds his scrannel note with raucous complacency; but it does not matter here, for no one is critical or talks of Art. Once, on a July morning, I ran through the cornflower-blue shadows of the path to a grove of young fir-trees, and was present at a breakfast party given by the willow warblers. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • An analysis of extrapair paternity in the dusky warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus, revealed that females choose copulation partners on the basis of the quality but not of the quantity of song.
  • the warbler has a white throat and underparts
  • Spooky spotted a Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia), which was a new one for both of us. "The tides will come and go, witnessed by no waking eye."
  • The first garden warblers are back in woods with good undergrowth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fort Hood contains essential nesting habitat for two endangered neotropical migratory songbirds, the golden-cheeked warbler and the black-capped vireo.
  • He can talk of sausages and silkworms, and forestry and agriculture and sheep-grazing, and how they catch porcupines and cure warts and manufacture manna; he knows about the evil eye and witches and the fata morgana and the tarantula spider, about figs in ancient and modern times and the fig-pecker bird -- that bird you eat bones and all, the focetola or beccafico (garden warbler). Alone
  • Even birds rarely tempted by feeders, such as warblers and vireos, may be lured to the garden by water.
  • Fair Isle in September is still the most reliable place in Europe to see a lanceolated warbler, and a text message bouncing up and down between the sky and the earth told me that one had arrived from equally unfathomable distances and had been found just a mile south of where I was. A Year on the Wing
  • Our target species these past weeks were not raptors, waders, or waterfowl, but were, in fact, songbirds, specifically warblers.
  • A drive down a local road flushes out all kinds of sparrows, warblers, and finches.
  • Female cuckoos bear more allegiance to a particular host, be it redstart or warbler, than do their males.
  • Close relatives of the grasshopper warbler, lanceolated warblers are just as skulking and hard to see. A Year on the Wing
  • But still worse is it for that poor thrush, or lintie, or robin, or warbler-wren, if he flutters in his bosom when he spies that cat, and sets up his feathers, and begins to hop about, making a sad little chirp to his mate, and appealing to the sky to protect him and his family. Springhaven
  • I sat on a bench at the edge of the erstwhile dooryard and listened to warblers. Land of Green Gables
  • About 12 percent of European butterfly species hybridize with one another, and in several groups of birds (birds of paradise, ducks, and North American warblers, to name a few), the figure is as high as 25 percent.
  • Shade plantations also provide homes to seasonal migrants like warblers, orioles, tanagers, and hummingbirds.
  • A lone pair of marsh warblers, an extremely rare and tiny bird, has also bred at the centre.
  • Garden warblers are small brown birds with no distinguishing features except that they have none. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use suet or specialty suet cakes with added berries or peanuts to attract woodpeckers, chickadees, titmice, Carolina wrens and wintering warblers.
  • A teacher from Andhra Pradesh writes of sights seen with his children while out in the scrub: spurfowls, warblers, and rose finches.
  • The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, meanwhile, says the Thames Basin is home to 264 male nightjars (about 8% of the bird's total numbers in the UK), 149 pairs of woodlark and 445 pairs of Dartford warblers.
  • Climate change is likely to affect the range and migratory patterns of many species, such as this Canada Warbler.
  • They lay an egg in the nest of another bird, such as a reed warbler, and when the new cuckoo hatches it kicks out the reed warbler chicks.
  • Redbirds, bluebirds, robins, bobolinks, scarlet tanagers, Kentucky warblers, and orchard orioles strut and sing like the cast of a turn-of-the-century revue.
  • December 19th, 2005 at 11: 04 pm thingwarbler says: uhm, hardass, do some research. several of them are; including barbare boxer, russ feingold and others. Think Progress » Desperation.
  • Shade plantations also provide homes to seasonal migrants like warblers, orioles, tanagers, and hummingbirds.
  • Warblers wintering in Britain can claim the best breeding sites.
  • Willow warblers are little olive-brown birds that sing soft cadences, often in birch trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other passerines, such as blackpoll warblers, American tree sparrows and lapland long-spurs, may be similarly affected.
  • Without my binocs, it looked like a chickadee, but as I raised them, I realized it was a Blackpoll Warbler - a bright male with white cheeks, streaked sides, and neon legs.
  • Earlier, three canoeists wended along the quiet millstream on the outgoing tide – passing marsh marigolds and partially submerged trunks of silvery willows towards reed beds, with spears of new growth and the scratchy song of returned sedge warblers. Country Diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
  • Restricted-range birds in this ecoregion include the Santa Barbara screech-owl (Otus barbarus), belted flycatcher (Xenotriccus callizonus), pink-heade warbler (Ergaticus versicolor), and black-capped siskin (Carduelis atriceps) classified as near threatened. Central American pine-oak forests
  • Those species like the pied kingfisher and the Seychelles warbler, which are able to fledge many more young when assisted, are also the same species that are mostly likely to recognize close relatives.
  • On rare occasions, birds such as American redstarts, hooded warblers, and black-throated blue warblers engage in polygyny.
  • In their study, the researchers compared two species of night-migratory songbirds - garden warblers and European robins - with two non-migratory songbirds - zebra finches and canaries.
  • If you're looking into a large tree and notice several small birds constantly in motion, you should know that these are likely warblers and not sparrows or finches or thrushes.
  • There are birds in the garden that are rarely seen in London, such as the common sandpiper, sedge warbler and lesser whitethroat, with smew and goosander on the lake in winter.
  • Willow warblers are singing in birch woods where the trees are not too tall. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the forests the endemic species include, for example, a new genus and species only named a few years ago called the cryptic warbler (Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi), the yellow-browed oxylabes (Crossleyia xanthophrys), and the brown emutail (Dromaeocercus brunneus). Madagascar subhumid forests
  • Finally, we discuss the practical implications of our findings for Cerulean Warbler conservation.
  • Redbirds, bluebirds, robins, bobolinks, scarlet tanagers, Kentucky warblers, and orchard orioles strut and sing like the cast of a turn-of-the-century revue.
  • A birdwatcher said he'd seen two yellow-browed warblers, and that they only come this time of the year on the easterlies from Siberia, rare visitors, they look like goldcrests.
  • The bush has abundant bird life, including the bellbird, tomtit, rifleman, wood pigeon and grey warbler.
  • Garden warblers are small brown birds with no distinguishing features except that they have none. Times, Sunday Times
  • People on the one to two-hour guided walks may also hear warblers such as the blackcap, the garden warbler, the reed warbler, the sedge warbler and the chiffchaff.
  • Those species like the pied kingfisher and the Seychelles warbler, which are able to fledge many more young when assisted, are also the same species that are mostly likely to recognize close relatives.
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • Eggs, on the other hand, like those of the house sparrow, redshank and some of the smaller warblers, are so easily confused with those of allied species that Lord Lilford's caution is by no means superfluous. Birds in the Calendar
  • The close relationship between Sylvia and babblers leads to the nomenclatural problem of naming the babbler and warbler families.
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • Among the birds, the Knysna lourie (Tauraco corythaix), Knysna warbler (Bradypterus sylvaticus, VU), Knysna woodpecker (Campethera notata), chorister robin-chat (Cossypha dichroa), and forest canary (Serinus scotops) are all near-endemic to this ecoregion. Knysna-Amatole montane forests
  • In the bottomland forests and ravines along the river, look for a variety of warblers, including cerulean, blackburnian, and black-throated green warblers, as well as acadian flycatchers and hermit thrush.
  • But the bird to look out for in the gorse and heather is the Dartford warbler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forays off the beaten path led me to a common stonechat, a white wagtail, a plain leaf warbler, and a number of species in the shrike family; great grey shrike, masked shrike, and red-backed shrike.
  • They scan the flocks of seabirds and waders and warblers intently, because they know that, in the midst of a thousand common birds, there may be one rare bird hitching a ride.
  • The fertilised females go off on their own looking for hedge sparrow or reed warbler nests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up to eight warblers may arrive in dense gorse thickets, particularly on clear, cold nights.
  • Several hypotheses have been suggested to explain the finding, albeit rare, of female song among temperate-zone warblers.
  • Use suet or specialty suet cakes with added berries or peanuts to attract woodpeckers, chickadees, titmice, Carolina wrens and wintering warblers.
  • So I wanted to include a lot of information in this poem--to document, as it were, the recent and not so recent history--I needed a new form, something radically more expansive than the lyric condensery of the warblers. Swoonrocket
  • WASHINGTON - Researchers for the Wildlife Conservation Society have discovered in Afghanistan the breeding area of the large-billed reed warbler, which is dubbed "the world's least known bird species". Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • There we were introduced to matai and totara and other natives, and also to birds - tomtits, warblers and fantails.
  • Twice a year hundreds of species of migrating birds pass directly over Manhattan Island; white-throated sparrows, magnolia warblers, hawks and herons and swans.
  • This has been confirmed experimentally in some woodpeckers, wrens, fairywrens and warblers.
  • A study has revealed that a small warbler [from the Indian Himalayas] is now so good at discriminating eggs on the basis of size that cuckoos no longer parasitize the species.
  • Thanks to their dazzling diversity of color, furtive nature, and transient presence, warblers and their fellow neotropical migrants monopolize spring birding.
  • Female cuckoos bear more allegiance to a particular host, be it redstart or warbler, than do their males.
  • Other reedbed species - including marsh harriers, bearded tits, water rails and reed warblers - have also increased on the reserve since the improvements were carried out. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • David Stuart pondered over it that night, as he paced his chamber, restless and sleepless; pondered over it as he stood and saw the pale morning star melt into the hues of sunrise; and heard the confused chirping of a thousand birds, change to the clear distinct song by which every matin warbler raised its separate hymn to the Creator; to Him "who made the lesser light to rule the night, and the greater light to rule the day. Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
  • Since 1972, decoy traps baited with seeds and live cowbirds have been set out across the warbler's breeding grounds.
  • One could scarcely grow tired of seeing such a parade of plumage even if warblers were common.
  • Many small songbirds such as warblers, thrushes, and tanagers migrate at night.
  • For a while I eyed the tree, and presently caught sight of the little triller, and behold, it was -- a summer warbler! Birds of the Rockies
  • Since 1972, decoy traps baited with seeds and live cowbirds have been set out across the warbler's breeding grounds.
  • Birds suffering the steepest falls include the blackbird, dunnock, song thrush, and four types of warbler.
  • There are birds in the garden that are rarely seen in London, such as the common sandpiper, sedge warbler and lesser whitethroat, with smew and goosander on the lake in winter.
  • We have planted over 800 native trees along the embankment, creating a wonderful habitat for warblers such as whitethroat, garden warbler and blackcap.
  • It doesn’t depict an Odedi (sorry), but a Japanese bush warbler C. diphone. Archive 2006-05-01
  • We examined nest-patch vegetation of the Golden - cheeked Warbler, a federally endangered migratory songbird.
  • These tours are the best opportunity to view this endangered songbird, since Kirtland's warbler nesting areas in northern Michigan are closed and posted against public entry during the nesting season.
  • Garden warblers are small brown birds with no distinguishing features except that they have none. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few of these ground-foraging warblers hopped across the grass, close enough to enjoy without binoculars.
  • It suggests you'd abandon a friend who'd just fallen onto the subway tracks if you had a prothonotary warbler in your sights, not that the little yellow and gray birds are known to frequent the no. 6 line. Holding the Fort at Pale Maleland
  • In the agricultural Midwest, more than 80 percent of the nests of some species - veery, wood thrush, hooded warbler, red-eyed vireo, scarlet tanager, and others - host cowbird eggs.
  • Red-tailed hawks, scarlet tanagers, blackpoll warblers and more are lined up in drawers stacked floor to ceiling, their bodies lifelike except for the white cotton where their eyes once were. In Battle on Birds,
  • One of them was an Icterine warbler the other was some other nondescript type of Hippolais species, possibly an olivaceous warbler.
  • But diet extends to a selection of birds including warblers and even swallows, wheatears and nightingales.
  • Willow warblers are singing in birch woods where the trees are not too tall. Times, Sunday Times
  • What makes the blackpoll warbler strike out south in the fall after a cold front is probably not fundamentally different from what motivates me to jog down a country road on a warm and sunny day.
  • The phoebe seemed our sole wild bird for the day (feeders are cheaters!) but on the way back to the car, we chanced upon some yellow-bellied beauty of a warbler.
  • In describing warblers, as I do so lovingly, one can draw upon words like avifauna, avians, birds, songbirds, beautiful birds, and, of course, warblers.
  • Observations of common goldeneye and blackpoll warbler near Baker Lake were farther north than expected.
  • Any other two species with DNA this close (willow warblers and chiffchaffs for instance) are invariably considered members of the same genus.
  • Learn my favourite song: willow warbler. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Myrtle form of Yellow-rumped Warbler is a common migrant and winter resident in Washington.
  • There's heather on it and bullfinches, willow warblers and snipes.
  • Sure enough, on closer inspection, I saw not only these four warblers, but the common yellowthroat as well.
  • This remote region holds several Albertine Rift endemic species such as Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Kivu Ground Thrush and Red-faced Woodland Warbler, along with a wealth of francolins, bee-eaters, honeyguides, sunbirds, robin-chats, akalats, and with luck the striking Ruwenzori Turaco.
  • Each day there seemed to be something special that we saw or heard: the aquatic warbler, a citrine wagtail, a rosefinch, a penduline tit flying in and out of its nest or a bittern booming.
  • Interesting water birds and several species of ducks and warblers nest there.
  • At least in the long term (the cold of last winter was a set-back), the charming little Dartford warbler, predominantly grey and dusky pink, a lover of heather and gorse, which is at the northern edge of its range in Britain, should become commoner as the climate becomes warmer. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • There's heather on it and bullfinches, willow warblers and snipes.
  • Three endemic birds are the Elfin-woods warbler (Dendroica angelae), Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata), and Puerto Rican bullfinch (Loxigilla portoricensis). Puerto Rico
  • A lot of birds from lapwings, robins, mynas, flycatchers, sunbirds, tailorbirds, warblers, babblers, barbets, francolins, orioles, pigeons and doves have nested on our property.
  • Some of the more common birds are the northern pygmy-owl, olive warbler, red-faced warbler, hepatic tanager, mountain bluebird, pygmy nuthatch, white-breasted nuthatch, Mexican junco, Steller's jay, red-shafted flicker and the Rocky Mountain sapsucker. Arizona-New Mexico Mountains Semidesert-Open Woodland - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
  • By the early 1990s, he was noticing that blue-crowned motmots, brown jays, golden-crowned warblers and other birds of drier, lower-elevation rain forests had begun nesting in his study area.
  • Montane forests above about 3,000 feet in the Truong Son are rich in songbird diversity, notably in the flycatchers and Old World warblers and related species.
  • Next, I check off the widespread nesting species: yellow warbler, black-and-white, worm-eating, ovenbird, and yellowthroat.
  • Pine warblers, prairies, and Louisiana waterthrushes are fairly easy to find in their respective habitats.
  • The fourth point is that it has a very high diversity and good numbers of native birds, including tui, bellbird, weka, yellow-breasted tit, robin, rifleman, brown creeper, fantail, kereru, grey warbler, and silvereye.

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