How To Use war hawk In A Sentence
- Real civil war, with hostilities increased in scope and area, had overcome a temporary peace scare for the Obama war hawks in Washington, their generals in Afghanistan, and for the media personnel in the news rooms of the cartelized TV networks of America the righteous. Peace in Pakistan Was Intolerable
- Although he might not agree with my use of the term "Crackpot Christians," Kevin Phillips is certainly correct when he claims that "the radical side of U.S. religion has embraced cultural antimodernism, war hawkishness, Armageddon prophecy, and in the case of conservative fundamentalists, a demand for government by literal biblical interpretation. Crackpot Christianity and America's Current Moral Degeneration
- A jingo is a war hawk, somebody who is very strong for war or for imperial control. First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made Their Country a World Power
- She's an imperial war hawk, for starters, a muckymuck with the corporate DLC, and deeply committed to neoliberalism. Stan Goff: The Debate
- One, it was she and the circle of hard-nosed war hawks who hectored, badgered, and hammered Bush to launch the war that ravaged that country. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Condi's Moving Civil Rights Story Can't Trump Her Role in Bush's Despicable Iraq Folly
- Equally so Gareth Porter who tossed around turns like "manipulable" to explain why Barack's acting like a War Hawk. Trina's Kitchen
- Few believe these same Cold War hawks actually care about foreign peoples, as they were fairly open about their indifference to human rights not so long ago.