
war game

  1. a simulation of a military operation intended to train military commanders or to demonstrate a situation or to test a proposed strategy

How To Use war game In A Sentence

  • Beyond their settings, what these future-war games have in common with the Modern Warfare series is a refusal to forthrightly acknowledge the inspiration for their subject matter.
  • Only blanks were used for the Royal war games when she visited the armed forces at Portsmouth.
  • Navy commander in the region says Iran's war games over the past year amount to what he termed provocation because they come right around the juggler of crucial oil shipping lanes. CNN Transcript Feb 20, 2007
  • The war games starting Sunday and involving the USS George Washington supercarrier display resolve by Korean War allies Washington and Seoul to respond strongly to any future North Korean aggression.
  • Do you remember that little thrilly feeling that used to go up and down our spines when we were green at the war game?" grinned Bart. Army Boys on the Firing Line or, Holding Back the German Drive
  • As far as war games go, the company has raised the bar so high other developers must be reaching for the hemlock.
  • War Game combines simple water colour illustrations with photomontage reproductions of wartime recruiting posters, broadsheets, advertisements, and the like.
  • Most board games, especially war games, use cardboard counters or chits.
  • Typically, a three day war game takes roughly one month to prepare.
  • The U.S. military's favorite way of testing its assumptions and ideas is to run a war game.
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