How To Use War crime In A Sentence

  • In 2007, a jury let the Fairford Two off after they had broken into an RAF airbase to ground B-52 planes and prevent, they hoped, potential war crimes against Iraqi civilians.
  • He was found to have aided and abetted war crimes rather than planned them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The International Criminal Court has agreed to pursue the war crimes trial of Congo's former Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba. Congo's Former VP Bemba War Crimes Trial Gets Go Ahead
  • At the micro level, there are a number of well-defined rules, set out in the Geneva Convention and other war crimes/war-fighting agreements.
  • Those charges were expected to include war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
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  • The Government's restriction of humanitarian law may constitute a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the same perspective, she also comments unflatteringly on the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal.
  • This defense of war crimes is combined with denunciations of those who expose or criticize them and attempts to further cow an already pliant media.
  • Imagine the hypocrisy of John McCain complaining about revealing TORTURE against someone suspected of war crimes. McCain blasts decision on terror suspects
  • If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
  • About an hour earlier, he had been found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet he was concerned that, without the legal cover from Goldsmith, military personnel could be prosecuted for war crimes.
  • Liberal organizations committed to civil liberty will assist Washington in demonizing its next target for military attack while turning a blind eye to the war crimes of President Obama.
  • A Buddhist ceremony was staged in the war crimes court when the news reached Cambodia. Times, Sunday Times
  • White phosphorus is legal if fired as a battlefield smokescreen but it is banned in civilian areas, where its use could constitute a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assad told ABC that he doesn't "own" the country's security forces, dismissed United Nations estimates that at least 4,000 people have died since unrest began in March, and asked for the organization to send "concrete evidence" to support allegations that Syria has committed war crimes, which he called a "distortion of reality. -- Top News
  • Mr. Scheffer, who was America's ambassador-at-large for war crimes, is not shy about his own contribution. Prosecuting the Peace
  • The wave of opposition to war crimes comes from millions of people across all communities absolutely opposed to racism in all forms.
  • The success or failure of a war crimes tribunal, it seems, cannot be gauged in purely legal terms.
  • If captured he will now face an international indictment for war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girl managed to hide behind the refrigerator with her brother and witnessed the war crimes first-hand.
  • If Clinton could be impeached for his perjurous lying and questionable ethics, Bush and his administration are worthy of a war crimes tribunal. Scott McClellan and the Impetus for Impeachment
  • I have no difficulty in labelling most of the bombing campaigns (particularly the firebombing in Japan, arguably also the starvation inevitably caused by the submarine and mining campaigns) as war crimes. War Crimes, Past and Present
  • He faces charges of attempted murder and aiding the enemy and conspiracy to commit war crimes.
  • He then sold out his former comrades-in-arms by accusing them of war crimes as a stepping stone to office.
  • But when we are busy condemning national chauvinism, religious hatred and war crimes abroad, it is no time to whitewash our own past.
  • His compilation is the first to cite a comprehensive list of specific war crimes in four categories — illegality of the decision to go to war, misconduct during war, mistreatment of prisoners of war, and misgovernment in the American occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
  • Similarly, Dutch courts have placed a liberal interpretation on Dutch legislative provisions on jurisdiction over war crimes.
  • Assad told ABC that he doesn't "own" the country's security forces, dismissed the UN's estimate of the number killed, and asked for the organization to send "concrete evidence" to support allegations that Syria has committed war crimes, which he called a "distortion of reality. -- Top News
  • Have you ever been concerned in the commission, preparation or organisation of genocide or crimes, including crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in the course of armed conflict?
  • The invasion of Iraq is cited as a prime example of Bush’s war crimes, where activists insist Bush should be charged under the UN Resolution 3314, Article 5 (codified from the principles of Nuremberg concerning “Wars of Aggression,” [6] which cites as an historical example Hitler’s invasion of Poland) for committing a “crime against peace.” A Tale of Two War Criminals: Bush and Clinton do Toronto : Law is Cool
  • He was never involved in nor did he witness a war crime.
  • I have to be loyal to the decision of Parliament, which passed the War Crimes Act 1991.
  • Those are charges he says he has no intention of answering in the war crimes court, if he can dodge it.
  • He faces charges of attempted murder and aiding the enemy and conspiracy to commit war crimes.
  • Dick Cheney ought to be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity; the World Court should not "dither" about filing such charges against him and George W. Bush. Of Dithering and Ditherers
  • Without this legal reassurance, military leaders and their troops could have laid themselves open to charges of war crimes.
  • Its remit is to try offences of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
  • Violation of the terms of a capitulation by individuals is punishable as a war crime.
  • In other words, in every case I can think of, eschatology is synonymous with war crimes and should be looked upon in the same light. An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • Human rights campaigners say that civilian deaths in many drone strikes amounts to a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • So I think people that are urging war crime trials ought to spend more time trying to assuage worries, e.g. that war crime trials would be seen as illegitimate, would provoke a nationalistic backlash, would start a civil war, or something along those lines, instead of just shouting “principals” and “the law ought to apply to the powerful just as much as the not-powerful” both of which I agree with. pseudonymous in nc Says: Matthew Yglesias » Requests We Can Believe In
  • Mr. Prosper, a Los Angeles-based attorney with the firm Arent Fox LLP, is a former Rwanda war crimes prosecutor who served as U.S. ambassador-at-large in the George W. Bush administration. Family of Ex-Marine in Iran Sets Defense, as Feud Builds
  • This is the time of ongoing war crimes trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues at the State Department.
  • The ideal programme to schedule before a documentary about war crimes? Times, Sunday Times
  • Note that for some reason, despite having British forces accused of beating to death a captive foreign civilian — a war crime by any definition — the British, and world opinion, are quite content to let Britain investigate this on its own — no calls for a UN, NATO or ICC investigation. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • But his commanding officers in the desert know that if they do something like that, they will be personally held responsible for war crimes after the war is over.
  • Several high ranked members of the Wehrmacht like Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl were convicted for their involvement in war crimes. Berlinski's Wisdom
  • Use of chemical weapons is a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • But behind the lurid tales there was humanitarian tragedy and there were genuine war crimes. The Sun
  • They devoted page upon page, day after day, to tales of mass murders, common graves, summary executions, and war crimes.
  • Also, Obama would've lost face if he said that he was wrong in accusing Bush of war crimes and he could not admit that he was wrong. Domestic surveillance program began soon after 9/11
  • he sweepingly condemned the entire population of the country for the war crimes
  • These strike me as slightly schoolboyish--"Well, you say yes, but your friends say no, nyah, nyah"--perhaps reflecting the growing desperation of a government increasingly anxious to extricate itself from what is, in fact, clear involvement in a war crime. Harper's last stand
  • These attacks against civilian population centers constitute war crimes.
  • It is true that there is evidence that some returnees have been persecuted for and convicted of war crimes despite being included in any amnesty or cleared by the authorities before return.
  • Kodama and his kind were to win eventual exoneration for themselves, and the Imperial Family, of any war crimes guilt.
  • A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
  • Liberal organizations committed to civil liberty will assist Washington in demonizing its next target for military attack while turning a blind eye to the war crimes of President Obama.
  • Immediately following the excerpt that you chose to emphasize is this: the traditional armed forces represented by the Wehrmacht committed and ordered (e.g. the Commissar Order) war crimes of their own, particularly during the invasion of Poland in 1939 [5] and later in the war against the Soviet Union. Berlinski's Wisdom
  • They wanted someone else who believes that 24 is a reality show and who thinks torture is a good thing, so obama ignored them, went behind their backs to make sure that he could get confirmation of someone who abhores torture and war crimes to clean up the cia first. Feinstein's Aboard For Panetta
  • If so, the accidental killing of civilians could be tried in German courts as a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because so much time has passed, the case can only be conducted under war crimes legislation.
  • Unless being AWOL from the National Guard is a war crime. Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 17, 2006
  • The maximum sentence for war crimes, which they said he had committed as an abettor, is life imprisonment.
  • This is the time of ongoing war crimes trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • What disturbs me about this kind of rationalization is that it ignores the simple fact that handing over prisoners to an authority that is known to practice torture is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and is therefore A WAR CRIME. Rosie DiManno Downplays Afghan Torture Affair « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • This means that Australians are fighting with and in support of troops who routinely commit what we rightly regard as atrocities - acts of barbarism which are war crimes under Australian law.
  • By acknowledging nothing, denying everything and stonewalling every investigation, we are all therefore complicit in a war crime of unprecedented gravity.
  • Sri Lanka, for example, strongly pressured the UN to try to quash a UN advisory panel on accountability for war crimes committed during its armed conflict with the Tamil Tigers.
  • About an hour earlier, he had been found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're both too young to remember but some famous people had to argue for Nuremberg because Nuremberg was on a neutral ground and they tried a nation who was at war for war crimes.
  • The Geneva Conventions make reference to those acts which constitute war crimes under the Conventions.
  • Democracies are entitled to try officers and soldiers of enemy forces for war crimes.
  • Agreed, Midland: as I’ve noted before, the ICC’s remit is to deal with situations where domestic jurisdiction is either unavailable or politically problematic, and ideally avoiding the “victors’ justice” often associated with war crimes trials. Matthew Yglesias » Inhofe Kinda Sorta Admits Waterboarding is Torture
  • You can deny the fact that the Israeli settlements are a war crime but your denial does not make it an unfact - no matter how often you repeat your denial. ndm On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.
  • For the international agencies the use of the issue of war crimes is an easy way to strike a moral pose and claim legitimacy.
  • About an hour earlier, he had been found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • So all of the conventions created in the wake of the Second World War - the Geneva Conventions, the very concept of war crimes - these are all just polite fictions to be crumpled?
  • Spain's ruling Socialist party thinks he should be on trial for war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • N. war crimes prosecutor said on Sunday it was possible Slobodan Milosevic had committed suicide and his death made it all the more urgent to catch others blamed for the horrors of the Balkan wars.
  • Then we each can hold war crimes tribunals and let justice prevail.
  • White phosporous (MK77) used by Saddam on the Kurds is considered a war crime, and guess who is using in Iraq now? Think Progress » Administration Breaks Pledge Not To Comment On Ongoing Investigation
  • He is charged with 20 war crimes, including genocide and crimes against humanity.
  • I think another way to state the ‘twilight of the idols’ argument that Julian lays out is, if something as uncontroversially popular (from the perspective of Michael Goldfarb) as nuking Japan is a war crime, why should I take seriously the very idea of war crimes? War Crimes, Past and Present
  • You’re not concerned with upholding war crimes and honestly deciding whether the United States under Clinton committed war crimes; you’re simply interested in excusing the Bush administration’s actions. jack Says: Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives’ Unhinged Attacks on Nancy Pelosi
  • Trials for war crimes, collaboration, and genocide continued in several countries for many years after the war.
  • If it ever comes to a war crimes tribunal for him, our town can provide a few witnesses for the prosecution.
  • When Google the word "Interpol issues arrest warrants for 15 Israelis" to search in the computer all you find is "Interpol issues arrest warrants for 5 Iranian leader for bombing in Argentina not 15 Israelis" after reading the article what it said, Iran asking International police if they are right about Israelis committed war crime and if so is that that means interlope can arrest them for war crime? Legitgov
  • He is desperate because he and a number of his staff face War Crimes prosecution, and possibly the death sentence compounder by the loss of the oil. 2008, The Election That May Never Happen!
  • Under the Geneva Conventions it is a war crime to target deliberately innocent civilians.
  • It is a scandal in contemporary international law, don't forget, that while "wanton destruction of towns, cities and villages" is a war crime of long standing, the bombing of cities from airplanes goes not only unpunished but virtually unaccused. Bombs Away
  • The entire war is an atrocity, a war crime, launched on the basis of lies.
  • This is the time of ongoing war crimes trials. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is the way with war crimes such as genocide, the charge which has sent Krstic to prison for the rest of his life.
  • But the many being targeted by witch hunts over'war crimes' need help now. The Sun
  • Fortunately, Mr. Cohen was able to reconstruct what had happened via official U.S. war crimes investigation reports, only recently made available.
  • Refusing to enter a plea or to appoint legal counsel, he challenged the legality and legitimacy of the war crimes tribunal.
  • A Buddhist ceremony was staged in the war crimes court when the news reached Cambodia. Times, Sunday Times
  • That would have been the best way to finally hold Israel accountable for its grave breaches of international humanitarian law, its war crimes, and its crimes against humanity (not least the sealing off an entire civilian population from the outside world, denying it the ability to flee to safety, and then subjecting that same, defenseless, shelterless population -- most of it composed of children -- to an indiscriminate round-the-clock bombardment). Saree Makdisi: Last Straw for the Palestinian "Authority"?
  • • Didn't essentialise the awful war crimes of both sides by appealing to their intrinsic wickedness, their religion, their history, their historically-damaged psyche - instead, they have viewed it as an appalling, yet unsurprising, consequence of a long and bitter ethnic conflict. Harry's Place
  • Human rights campaigners say that civilian deaths in many drone strikes amounts to a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the moment, we are even working with Interpol because one of our clients witnessed war crimes in Kosovar.
  • A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
  • It is surprising that no one is even talking of trying the responsible policymakers for war crimes.
  • The international tribunal the former president lacks the legitimacy needed to punish war crimes.
  • Bemba has been charged with two counts of crimes against humanity and three counts of war crimes. Congo's Former VP Bemba War Crimes Trial Gets Go Ahead
  • One would be the fear that they could face war crimes proceedings if they launched an attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • If so, the accidental killing of civilians could be tried in German courts as a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) is scheduled to announce Monday if a former Congolese militia leader will face trial on war crimes charges.
  • Democracies are entitled to try officers and soldiers of enemy forces for war crimes.
  • The year since the invasion has been marked by further war crimes and atrocities.
  • Their endurance in battle soon became as legendary as their involvement in a number of war crimes and atrocities.
  • He's still waiting for the raddled old hag to be taken to The Hague for her war crimes.
  • The United States advocated war crimes tribunals against foreign miscreants abroad while opposing an international criminal court that might hold our own officials accountable.
  • The commission is charged with investigating war crimes.
  • It is encouraging that various instruments, including war crimes tribunals and the International Court of Justice, have been put in place to address and redress past wrongs.
  • He refuses to allow an independent investigation into alleged war crimes, or account for about 100,000 people who disappeared during the war. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based on information supplied in autobiographical and press sources, the book matches events in Afghanistan, Guantánamo, Iraq, and various secret places of detention with provisions in the Geneva Conventions and other international agreements on war crimes. Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
  • Genocide is a war crime.
  • KKKarl rove is so crooked he has to screw his pants on. crash-cart cheeney has no heart, and engineered this war with some of the other criminals you will no doubt be defending later. war crimes are being committed by these nazis, and you sit back and call someone else a fool. Think Progress » McClellan: Everyone in “the White House Has Been Cooperating Fully With The Special Counsel”
  • The AG that should be in jail is the current AG and the POTUS for war crimes and crimes against humanity and trampling the Constitution. Ex-AG Gonzales lands Texas Tech job
  • The Toshiba vice-president's rhetoric reminds the Chinese people of those Japanese politicians who equivocate over Japan's war crimes against China, " some pointed out.
  • The French probe will focus on charges of defending war crimes and promoting racial hatred. The Sun
  • Alliot - Mali 20 interview in the Israeli media said that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) seized Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit have committed "war crimes.
  • Finally, the US voted against Goldstone because the prosecution of war crimes "hinders" the cause of peace in the Middle East and has "serious implications for conflicts in other parts of the world," said Alejandro Wolff, deputy permanent representative at the UN. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • Council members are scornful of U.S. suggestions that they forgo the death penalty for criminals convicted of war crimes; they think a tougher message needs to be sent to bitter-enders.
  • He was convicted by a special war crimes tribunal which has been criticised by human rights groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is talking, believe it or not, about an overdue, ponderous but worthy apparatus for punishing war crimes.
  • War crimes have no statute of limitations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was found to have aided and abetted war crimes rather than planned them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues, Stephen Rapp, says he is working with a number of African countries to establish domestic justice systems for investigating and prosecuting war crimes. United States Works with African Countries to Address Human Rights Crimes
  • A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
  • Court prosecutors will be able to investigate an alleged war crime via one of three mechanisms.
  • As far as domestic policy on healthcare and other issues the Bush admin sucked … but war crimes? Advocates of a Special Prosecutor for Bush Seek an Answer From Obama - The Caucus Blog -
  • The objective of SL and its apologists is shift the focus of debateinternationally awayfrom war crimes and sanctions for SL's genocide to the fate of a few asylum seekers (78 and 208) forgetting that the asylum seekers is the creation of the brutal genocide in SL. End Sri Lanka's genocide behavior to end flow of Asylum seekers
  • We pay far to much to all our representatives and the cost to bus bushes bloated butt all over world in airforce 1 is in excess of $6,500 per hour … And I agree with Jay, bush should have to pay for his fare but more than that he should have to do some jail time for all his dreadful war crimes and crimes against the American public. Think Progress » American evacuees from Lebanon won’t have to pay.
  • His capture marked the final defeat of the losing side in the civil war and after a dramatic trial in Belgrade, he was executed for treason and war crimes on 17 July 1946.
  • Both are wanted by the UN war crimes tribunal at The Hague for their alleged roles in the massacre and other war crimes.
  • A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
  • He believes that the peoples of the world are stumbling toward an unprecedented consensus on the impermissibility of certain gross collective ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity.’
  • The war crimes commission people tried to locate him in the late ` forties. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The practical import of this was that no feasible mechanism could be brought into being enabling a State official - let alone a Head of State - accused of war crimes or other outrages to be tried.
  • He faces a total of 66 counts on three indictments for genocide and war crimes in Bosnia, and crimes against humanity in Croatia and Kosovo.
  • Violation of the terms of an armistice by individuals is punishable as a war crime.
  • Some bereaved relatives want him to face trial for war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • David Hicks, of course, has been charged with three offences - they are conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder by an unprivileged belligerent and aiding the enemy.
  • But the legal perspective isn’t the only that is relevant when you’re talking about what is probably the most politically sensitive offense that a state can be accused of: war crimes, committed pursuant to a fully detailed plan and orders drafted and executed from the very top of the executive pyramid. It's Often the Cover-Up that Gets You
  • Dont let the white house door hit you in the ass on the way out. googbye to all the imbeciles in Bush administration. i pray and hope that the world court will indite these criminals for war crimes. looking back they have destroyed america and for which it stands for.freedom. they have destroyed americas economy and made her a third world country. Yes They Did! Mall Throng Sang 'Hey Hey Goodbye' as Bush Flew Off!
  • War crimes will only end when potential war criminals fear punishment; that will only happen when we end impunity.
  • Though, under French legislation, war crimes could not be tried more than twenty years after their perpetration, a law of 1964 ruled that crimes against humanity were imprescriptible and could be tried without time limit.
  • Walsh points out that German propagandists and journalists were charged before the Nuremberg tribunal for similar complicity in the Nazi war crimes.
  • The first charge is quite clear and I advise the Court that the particulars in that charge allege or constitute a war crime.
  • You have to love that last line. I bet that defense goes over REAL big at their war crime trials.
  • This is somewhat ironic, since the holding in Milligan was that Congress had, in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1863, restricted the discretion of the President to try enemy collaborators for war crimes. Balkinization
  • But, leaving aside the morality of playing judge, jury and executioner in my own private war crimes proceedings, what good would it have done?
  • But behind the lurid tales there was humanitarian tragedy and there were genuine war crimes. The Sun
  • She alsovoted against the torture bill, co-signed the Restore the Constitution Act which would restore habeas corpus and "nix" the immunity for war crime status granted the PResident in the torture bill, etc .... Rebuttals to Reasons NOT to Impeach
  • Human rights campaigners say that civilian deaths in many drone strikes amounts to a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the Hogs and the Banksters, the Neocons who illegally murdered, imprisoned and tortured countless civilians across the world should be exported - extradited, that is, to stand trial at an international war crimes tribunal. Bill Totten's Weblog
  • THE greed and cynicism of lawyers who accused British soldiers of war crimes is unforgivable. The Sun
  • The visitors were suspected war criminals and Nazi collaborators which the Soviets wanted to prosecute for war crimes.
  • The question remains as to why these gruesome war crimes and massacres were committed against the civil population?
  • The War Crimes act was passed while the Conservative Party was in government.
  • BENJAMIN FERENCZ, A CHIEF PROSECUTOR, NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIAL: I would follow exactly the Nuremberg precedents. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2004
  • On that charge he was found guilty and sentenced to hang by the Tokyo Trials for war crimes.
  • But the many being targeted by witch hunts over'war crimes' need help now. The Sun
  • The question remains as to why these gruesome war crimes and massacres were committed against the civil population?
  • The name of Dr Joseph Mengele, the chief doctor of the Auschwitz concentration camp, who was responsible for unnumbered deaths, through his ‘medical experiments’, is well known in the history of National Socialism's war crimes.
  • The principle of non-interference must be qualified in important respects - war crimes and acts of genocide can never be an internal matter.
  • Ratko Mladic, are brought to justice for alleged war crimes.
  • Under a deal, Saif al-Islam would be taken to The Hague where the ICC shares a detention unit with the UN Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal and the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which is trying the former Liberian president Charles Taylor. Gaddafi's son says he is innocent
  • About an hour earlier, he had been found guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was found to have aided and abetted war crimes rather than planned them. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also gave to his commanders impossible orders, such as to shoot all officers and enlisted men who retreated from a front line later in the war. [citation needed] [edit] War crimes Berlinski's Wisdom
  • Those leaders now perpetrating war crimes and crimes against humanity are celebrated and honoured.
  • We insist that those responsible for conspiring to wage unprovoked wars and carry out illegal coups must be tried for war crimes.
  • Investigators concluded that 18 soldiers committed war crimes ranging from murder and assault to dereliction of duty.
  • The court will try individuals accused of committing genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
  • He was found to have aided and abetted war crimes rather than planned them. Times, Sunday Times
  • War crimes have no statute of limitations. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a foreign unlawful enemy belligerent is actually tried for war crimes before a military commission, he has never enjoyed constitutional due rights under the 5th and 6th Amendments. Balkinization
  • Persson said he was prepared to review the question of the statute of limitations on war crimes and acts of genocide.
  • A unique hybrid of domestic and international law, it will try the 30 ‘most responsible’ individuals involved in the war crimes.
  • Employing poison weapons or asphyxiating gases is classed by the tribunal as a war crime.
  • It also exculpated Hamas from the war crime of using civilians as human shields. Alan Dershowitz: How Goldstone Is Making Peace More Difficult
  • The Government's restriction of humanitarian law may constitute a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some bereaved relatives want him to face trial for war crimes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the media smokescreens are people whose involvement has been documented and exposed, but there is always some African fall guy-the 'embraceable' black subordinate or 'rebel' commander-charged with war crimes and used to deflect attention from the leaders of organized white-collar crime networks. Dissident Voice
  • In many cases, the ICC will have jurisdiction to prosecute for a war crime where a domestic nation state refuses to act: even where the domestic state concludes that a prosecution would be politically inexpedient.
  • negationist" of the genocide or "divisionist" for public remarks made since her return from exile in January 2010 calling for the prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against Hutu by the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF). Amnesty International USA: Most Recent English News Releases
  • The media's complicity in war crimes continues unabated, of course.
  • He was found to have aided and abetted war crimes rather than planned them. Times, Sunday Times
  • He ought to be removed by his people, not for war crimes but for gross incompetence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use of chemical weapons is a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dixon, of course you find talk of war crimes to be "twaddle", after all, it was you that said that the Serbs did the right thing in massacring Muslims. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Alliot - Mali 20 interview in the Israeli media said that the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) seized Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit have committed "war crimes.
  • And, speaking of contempt, there is no restoring the reputation of an administration that has scrupulously sought to sabotage the Bill of Rights, and Geneva, as well as destroy evidence of what can only be called war crimes by U.S. military personnel, acts of torture that were not merely approved, but orchestrated, by the executive brank, as this latest report from the bipartisan Senate Armed Services Committee establishes. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Bush: On the Line

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