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How To Use Walton In A Sentence

  • “And now, Sir John de Walton,” he said, “methinks you are a little churlish in not ordering me some breakfast, after I have been all night engaged in your affairs; and a cup of muscadel would, I think, be no bad induction to a full consideration of this perplexed matter.” Castle Dangerous
  • Said boy was taken up by Thomas Walton, and says _he was free_, and that his parents live near Shawneetown, Illinois, and that he was _taken_ from that place in July 1836; says his father's name is William, and his mother's Sally Brown, and that they moved from Fredericksburg, The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • Police were today searching for a thief who snatched hundreds of pounds from a busy shop in Walton.
  • Walton, imagining that his discomposure was the consequence of guilty fear, called upon him to remember the duties which he owed to England, the benefits which he had received from himself, and the probable consequence of taking part in a pert boy's insolent defiance of the power of the governor of the province. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • Pathfinder_ and T.oreau; the scent of the soil, once again, in rain and in shine, is it not conveyed to us with an astonishing distinctness, that is the product of a literary endowment of the rarest order, by such writers as Izaak Walton and Robert Burns, and among recent writers in varying degrees by Richard Jefferies and by Barnes, by T. E. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
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  • Walton provides a chart with all the instances p.48, and suggests that the evidence points to the term denoting unproductiveness rather than lack of material form. Review of The Lost World of Genesis One, Part Four
  • W. H., and Son, Ltd, a firm of stationers, newsagents, and booksellers, originated in a small newsvendor's shop opened in London in Little Grosvenor Street in 1792 by Henry Walton Smith and his wife Anna.
  • On 27th June 1665 he left London to escape the Great Plague and settled at Hersham, having been appointed churchwarden at the parish church of Walton-upon-Thames.
  • Hutchinson: Yes sir. oh , and Lord Walton, the Grierson Gallery called again.
  • Albert Walton, a Korean War veteran in Carthage and a friend of Heroes or Villains?
  • To compensate for a lifelong stutter, Walton also overpronounces words, which gives his speech an arrogant twist.
  • ‘Things never change here on Walton Mountain,’ I narrated brightly, stepping over Joe's body, as he writhed comically on the floor.
  • The New Walton Pier Company, which owns the site, told hut owners their huts would have to be removed for urgent safety work to be carried out due to land slippage.
  • This pattern, in the style of a Japanese leather paper was produced to match a clado paper of similar design that was among the first Lincrusta papers Walton launched in England in l878.
  • Walton also criticized Sixto for accepting a job in the White House, knowing that he had been stealing from the center, an independent institution that receives millions of dollars in USAID funds for rent, travel and equipment such as shortwave radios and laptops. - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
  • His neoclassicism comes essentially from Hindemith, and his idiom sounds a little like Walton because of it.
  • The charges arise from an alleged incident involving a boy aged four in Walton at the weekend.
  • A spokesman for Walton Hospital said security would be put on full alert in the wake of the incident.
  • And Judge Walton has this reputation of being a tough sentencer, and he was true to that yesterday. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2007
  • Walton has also noticed that the total of the durations of the kingdoms and the total of the ages of the patriarchs are numerically related and are equivalent if the number base of the Sumerian list is changed from sexagesimal to decimal.
  • maryellenwalton 1 March 2011 5:39PM peterNW1 shows the modern version I think - the original was more baglike: The Guardian World News
  • Although Walton was notoriously cheap, he could be convinced to spend money on things that would save the company money in the long run and allow it to grow.
  • The inability to see is an inability to "delineate": a persistent equation in the novel ( "Over him hung a form which I cannot find words to describe," Walton says [152]). _Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
  • Thus the early killing age at Walton need not be a reflection of success in animal husbandry.
  • There were beetle drives, ginger beer and iced biscuits for the choir in the big house, and seaside outings to Walton-on-the-Naze.
  • An emotional congregation packed into a Walton church for the last time.
  • Her given name was Cora Walton, but she was called Koko because she loved chocolate. Blues Queen Koko Taylor Dies At 80
  • Walton also charged the team with the misuse of the pain-modifying drugs Xylocaine and Marcaine, and the anti-inflammatory drugs Butazolidin (phenylbutazone) and Decadron (dexamethasone). filed both a malpractice lawsuit and a contract grievance against the Trail Blazers, and he got what he seemingly wanted: a one-way ticket out of Portland. Basketbawful
  • The guest speaker was Graham Walton, the father of the only girl sextuplets in the world, who proved an entertaining speaker, regaling the audience with anecdotes about life as the only male in a family of seven women.
  • These geese are very small, and not above half the size of the Canada geese; and yet Mr. Waterton found a large old Canada goose on his noble sheet of water at Walton Hall pair with a bernicle gander. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Recently-fired CNN/US President Klein clashed with CNN/Worldwide President Jim Walton on several issues, Sherman writes, including importing Olbermann to CNN in 2006. Rachel Maddow: Bill O'Reilly A 'Race-Baiting F**k,' CNN Wanted Olbermann: NYMag
  • Bartram & Walton, 1991 imply that teachers have to recognize a well known fact that ‘learnability varies from person to person’ and ‘all language learning is based on continual exposure, hypothesizing and, even with the correct hypothesis, testing and reinforcing the ideas behind them’. Error Correction Preferences in Written Work of Higher Secondary Students in Bangladesh: an Evaluation « Esl Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • The fish were hatched at Orielton Mill, reared at Walton Mill and finished at Vicar's Mill.
  • The Walton whizz-kid, tipped to be the most talented on the UK skate scene, was talent-spotted at the resort's skatepark three years ago.
  • He introduced obstetric ultrasound to Liverpool, where he delivered the Walton sextuplets in 1983.
  • The two men who actually built the first accelerator were John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton, graduate students working in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge under the supervision of Rutherford.
  • There is a fundamental flaw in Walton's argument.
  • Walton, who in early days dabbled in atonality, eventually settled for neo-romanticism and his Viola Concerto is a most elegiac composition.
  • His appointment as chaplain at Walton prison opened up a lifelong interest in the criminal justice system. Times, Sunday Times
  • He once worked in kinesiology, the study of movement, and helped such athletes as tennis star Tracy Austin and basketball players Bill Walton and Jamaal Wilkes. Breeders' Cup results
  • Young has a distinctive sound, whether arco or pizzicato, and this comes to the fore in the soulful and passionate performances in his conversations with pianist Walton.
  • Low point: Conducting Walton's Façade, with the former Australian PM and his wife reciting Edith Sitwell poems over the music. Portrait of the artist: Carl Davis, composer and conductor
  • Back at Walton Hall he set grimly to work, applying his taxidermal brilliance to a hideous revenge.
  • The new jardinière, which Marjorie had made out of an old box and some Lincrusta Walton, was filled with tall chrysanthemums, our best cups and souvenir spoons were arranged on the little Turkish table, and last of all we lighted the lamp under the brass tea-kettle, and then seated ourselves to "await the rush," as the Duke said. Three Girls in a Flat
  • The headmaster is the great Reverend Dr. John Newton, a Presbyterian minister from New England who helped found a school over in Walton County. Dream State
  • The present writer possesses a copy of one of Walton’s Lives, that of Bishop Sanderson, with the author’s donatory inscription to a friend upon the title-page. The Compleat Angler
  • They all pulled on their coats and then trekked after Walton up to the small castle.
  • Our own Ernest Walton split the atom using something remarkably similar, but it all sounds so, well, physical, doesn't it?
  • ALONIE WALTON, MOTHER OF MISSING WOMAN LISA HATCHELL: Lisa didn ` t have no enemy. CNN Transcript Jan 25, 2008
  • M.chado and Silvetti Associates LLC, the firm that built the Bowdoin College M.seum of Art and the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, among other academic buildings. Home | The New York Observer
  • The Walton County Board of Commissioners issued a proclamation Tuesday, while the boardof education was discussing budget cuts, supporting the Walton Career Academy as having "a vital role in the education enhancement, economic development and promotion of the general welfare of Walton County and its citizens," and is pushing the system to keep the academy open. The Walton Tribune: News
  • Sam Walton reinvented logistics, turning a five-and-dime into Wal-Mart Stores Inc, which draws almost 140 million shoppers a week.
  • The demesne is a sylvan sanctuary for the wild creatures of the air and the wood, and they congregate here almost as they did at Walton Hall in the days of that most delightful of naturalists and travellers, whose adventurous gallop on the back of a cayman was the delight of all English-reading children forty years ago, or as they do now at Gosford. Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (1 of 2) (1888)
  • I'd worked with her before on Alias and she's always happy and always pleasant to everyone really and when she swears she says thing like 'darnit' and 'darn' - now even The Waltons go a bit (further). Undefined
  • Police were today searching for a thief who snatched hundreds of pounds from a busy shop in Walton.
  • When he was just 12, Mr Walton's father persuaded a local journalist to teach his son shorthand in the hope that it would open doors to a better career.
  • Rutherford arranged for Walton to work full-time on the accelerator project, with Cockcroft working on it part-time to help with the engineering.
  • Walton: Miss Hutchinson , would you send Mr Bean up to the boardroom, please.
  • Walton, who is known as a no-nonsense judge who runs a fair proceeding, seemed livid with how the situation unfolded. NY Daily News
  • With trendy boots, black attire and upswept hair Nicole Walton fits the image of make-up artist for the stars.
  • When we were lads Walton's doorway was where we always used to stand and watch the world go by.
  • He still felt sullied by what he'd had to do - to crawl to some one like Bernard Walton.
  • In the great Cathedral of Winchester (where sleep, by the way, two gentle writers specially beloved, Isaak Walton and Jane Austen) above the choir-screen to the south, you may see a line of painted chests, of which the inscription on one tells you that it holds what was mortal of King Canute. IX. On the Lineage of English Literature (II)
  • Walton, imagining that his discomposure was the consequence of guilty fear, called upon him to remember the duties which he owed to England, the benefits which he had received from himself, and the probable consequence of taking part in a pert boy’s insolent defiance of the power of the governor of the province. Castle Dangerous
  • There are too many powerful men who truly believe that the Waltons offer dandy advice on life and morals.
  • At Waltons, a office furnishings and stationery company in Beach Road, Woodstock, a parking lot was flooded.
  • Walton Community Project, formed to rejuvenate the town, organised a large-scale scheme to get the resort ready before the holiday season gets into full swing.
  • The Waltons and their family-friendly, values-based sentimentalism led the charge for an entire brigade of sentimental sap.
  • Walton expects economic growth to exceed the MPC's base case, due to buoyant exports and investment.
  • It was opposed by Frinton and Walton Town Council and two neighbours also sent in letters of objection.
  • By covering a specimen with transparent balsam, J. Walton was able to peel these films off.
  • Larry Walton, whose team is still managing the land under a short-term timber supply contract, admits the prospects of the state assuming control make him nervous.
  • Sir John de Walton having alighted from his horse, asked Greenleaf what had passed during his absence; the old archer thought it his duty to say that a minstrel, who seemed like a Scotchman, or wandering borderer, had been admitted into the castle, while his son, a lad sick of the pestilence so much talked of, had been left for a time at the Abbey of Saint Bride. Castle Dangerous
  • Although benign congenital hypotonia subsequently came to be known by the eponym of Walton's hypotonia, Walton was not the first to describe this entity.
  • At this time it is unclear as to whether the Walton Way was a salt way or rather the best route to a convenient crossing of the Trent.
  • Thames Coastguard at Walton said swimmers had been getting out of their depth and putting their lives in danger.
  • His appointment as chaplain at Walton prison opened up a lifelong interest in the criminal justice system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walton town centre developer O&H will unveil its long-awaited plans to the community at an exhibition to be held within weeks.
  • But hey Sambo Gilbert nergotiated Alcondor's, Wilke's and Walton's first contracts and no one ever said a word about that - then again it was 'woodie' time. - News
  • We're in Walton-on-Thames in Surrey where Benedetti lodges with her accompanist and the latter's three young children in a trim cul-de-sac.
  • Walton brilliantly captures the glissade from compromise to compromise that leads to dystopia, and the courage of decent people who are betrayed by the laws and people they trust. Farthing
  • City striker Colin Alcide and Brighton goalkeeper Mark Walton squelch to the rain-sodden turf at Bootham Crescent.
  • The elders of Walton Evangelical Church led the induction service.
  • Miss Walton said: ‘He was left in front and he did not really want to be as he idles, but there was nothing he could do when the other fell.’
  • There are too many powerful men who truly believe that the Waltons offer dandy advice on life and morals.
  • Mr. Walton built Wal-Mart from a five-and-dime store in the backwoods of Arkansas into a giant that eventually became the planet's largest retailer. Disney, Walton, Ford, Gates: Tales of When Legends Leave
  • This last item may not have been firewood though, for Thomas Walton practised coopery as a second craft.
  • Walton, Frankenstein "rushes" in frightened disgust from his makeshift laboratory and, finally giving way to exhaustion after long "depriv [ing him] self of rest and health" (Shelley 52), throws himself on his bed, with his most conscious thoughts of escape from his problems being focussed on his fiancee, Elizabeth Lavenza: Hogle, Introduction, Frankenstein's Dream, Praxis Series, Romantic Circles
  • Castle, that it began to be called the adventurous (or hazardous) Castle of Douglas: Whereupon Sir John Walton being in suit of an English lady, she wrote to him that when he had kept the adventurous Castle of Douglas seven years, then, he might think himself worthy to be a suitor to her. Castle Dangerous
  • At Walton-under-the-Naze they find on the shore copperas-stone in great quantities; and there are several large works called copperas houses, where they make it with great expense. A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722
  • The day after those decisions were handed down, I. Lewis Libby was sentenced by Judge Reggie B. Walton to serve a prison sentence of 30 months for obstructing justice and lying to a grand jury about his role in "outing" a CIA agent anathematized by the vice president. David Bromwich: The Day the Laws Came Back
  • John Miles, senior consultant neurosurgeon at Walton, told the inquest that an urgent scan showed a large rounded lesion.
  • Mercy Dee or Mercy Dee Walton, as I knew him, was a typical Texas-style blues and half-boogie pianist, a la Whistling Alex Moore, the great Dallas pianist who is given credit in Texas blues circles as inventing what became known as the "barrelhouse" where they had barrels of whiskey and beer piano style. From The Daily Growler Wastebasket
  • However, Walton is most remembered for his splendid scores for films starring Laurence Olivier.
  • Locally, he was involved in the Walton Green Inquiry, organising an appeal against a council decision to develop the land in the area.
  • Born in east London, Henry Allingham joined the armed forces in 1915 and served on the western front and at the great naval battle with Germany at Jutland in 1916. Nicolas Walton reports.
  • Americans' heroes are outlaws, like wild west gunfighter Jesse James,or entrepreneurs, like Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart chain of superstores.
  • If you've heard the symphonies of Elgar, Walton and Vaughan Williams, these should certainly be next on your list.
  • He cut inside but was halted by a copybook tackle from Elland full back Neil Walton.
  • Thus the early killing age at Walton need not be a reflection of success in animal husbandry.
  • Prof. Walton's first researches involved theoretical and experimental studies in hydrodynamics and, at the Cavendish Ernest T.S. Walton - Biography
  • Charles Cotton, the ingenious young friend of Walton, was all wrong in calling the grayling "one of the deadest-hearted fishes in the world. Little Rivers; a book of essays in profitable idleness
  • The magazine, published by Walton Media, is a bumper 96 pages, packed with news, reviews, previews, pro-tips, sport psychology, the history of the game and much more.
  • The only works in English more frequently reproduced than Izaak Walton's ‘The Compleat Angler’ are the Bible and Shakespeare.
  • Crowds of rowdy youngsters streaming into Walton from outlying towns and villages are causing a problem.
  • His button-down style will accessorize Walton's tie-dyes nicely.
  • Police officers, Clacton and Walton coastguards and the Clacton lifeboat all joined in the hunt along the town's seafront but were unable to find her.
  • Even Walton, who gives instructions for cooking a chavender or chub, is discreetly silent on the cooking of a dace, though he tells us how to catch him. From a Cornish Window A New Edition
  • Walton is splendidly pompous and circumstantial when extolling the Babylonian gods.
  • Walton built a retail giant
  • Also giving heaps of credit to Martindale was co-star Walton Goggins, who, along with series star Timothy Olyphant and guest star Jeremy Davies, also earned a nod on Thursday. Justified Emmy Nominee Margo Martindale: "I Haven't Gotten to Do All the Things I Can Do"
  • Boat accident kills 2 on Branched Oak Don Walton: democrats tag terry on military Effort to recall Neb. county sheriff fails UNL's 'Climate Guy' to Help out Cable Guy - News Articles
  • Teammate Luke Walton suggested another way to settle the bill on Sunday.
  • Walton also plays better defense. He not a good man-to-man defender but he is an efficient team defender.
  • A bid to use more land at a Walton holiday park to site caravans on has been given the thumbs-down by town councillors after protests from nearby residents.
  • Churchill's book with the same title gave its name to a TV series for which Walton wrote this patriotic march.
  • The hapless _piscator_ -- the word ceased to be pretentious after Walton's use of it -- refused to bait his hook again, and said, "I mean, what would happen if there were none of you professional chaps who write criticisms that nobody reads except the other dramatic critics? Our Stage and Its Critics By "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
  • Updated: Boat accident kills 2 on Branched Oak Boat accident kills 2 on Branched Oak UNL's 'Climate Guy' to Help out Cable Guy Don Walton: democrats tag terry on military Effort to recall Neb. county sheriff fails - News Articles
  • That Emma has been flippant rather than villainous is the saving grace that makes Mr. Knightley’s reprimand seem not only tolerable but meliorative, an appeal to a latent, better self, one informed by the "natural charity" of her "heart," as A. Walton Litz puts it (141). Boxing Emma; or the Reader’s Dilemma at the Box Hill Games
  • Described by one resident as a rough area, Walton village lies in the shadow of both Everton and Liverpool football clubs.
  • From its humble beginnings in 1792, as a small newsvendor in Little Grosvenor Street, Henry Walton Smith's little retailing enterprise has become an intrinsic feature of the UK High Street scene.
  • I mean, the Lakers still start Derick Fisher, who is a bottom 10 point guard these days, and give Luke Walton a lot of minutes … They might be deep with good players, but not great ones … Matthew Yglesias » The Ws of Cleveland
  • The charges arise from an alleged incident involving a boy aged four in Walton at the weekend.
  • Though Walton bogeyed the hole, Haas lost the match, and Europe won the Ryder Cup.
  • He started at Walton pit in 1958 before getting a job working for a firm of mining contractors.
  • Walton beat Molesey in Saturday's first qualifying round.
  • Walton, in continuation table of contents/novel texts/ Contents
  • She is being treated at Walton Hospital, where her condition is described as 'satisfactory'.
  • The guest speaker was Graham Walton, the father of the only girl sextuplets in the world, who proved an entertaining speaker, regaling the audience with anecdotes about life as the only male in a family of seven women.
  • “Isaac Walton, whose authority to me seems alike authentick, as is the general opinion of the vulgar prophet,” &c. Letters to Dead Authors
  • Graffiti has been daubed on the newly-opened Walton skatepark.
  • When they land in Blighty they don't miraculously turn into The Waltons! Don`t Mind Us You Come On In
  • Ralph Waite (forever Papa Walton to many of us, though nowadays better known as Jethro's dad on NCIS) makes a welcome return as Booth's grandfather, bearing some unwelcome news that has the very pregnant Bones (Emily Deschanel) wondering how best to reach out to a closed-off Booth (David Boreanaz, who's in especially fine form). The Guide to Thursday TV: Bones, An Office Visitor, A Country Christmas, and More!

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