
How To Use Walter In A Sentence

  • I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education. Can a Godless Society be a
  • Burke's execution was witnessed by the novelist Sir Walter Scott, who sympathized with the general opinion that both men's wives had served as accomplices, and that the anatomists had been accessories to the murders.
  • To my mind, Tom Hank's Forrest Gump is a Walter Mitty , for he sometimes was a Vietnamese War hero and later a table tennis diplomat between America and China.
  • But Walter Mulbry, the USDA microbiologist, also showed that corn and cucumber seedlings could thrive on an organic fertilizer made from the dried-out algae.
  • Walter's wife, Cathy, is the godmother to my second son,’ Andy says in his embracing voice.
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  • Sunday was no exception as Bell was in the thick of Walter's four bobbles and was credited with a forced fumble.
  • I was at home with herds and tramps and roadmen, and I was sufficiently at my ease with people like Sir Walter and the men I had met the night before. The Thirty-Nine Steps
  • He grunted and disappeared, Walter following disloyally at his heels. Last Night at Chateau Marmont
  • In a recent interview, Lee recalled that Walter Kerr, then the drama critic for the Times, said "that 'First Breeze' was the first African-American play that invited him in to share in it.
  • We are told, and can well believe it, that he was "diffident" of Sir Walter's designs. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • Anyway, yes, Walter say, that guy in Ohio who does Nazi-themed cosplay is weird. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • I remember like about three years ago, I remember Walter and his wife Carol were having dinner at Mr. Chow's, and I remember going My God, I've kind of idolized Walter, I've been a fan for very many years, and so I just watched them. CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Walter Matthau and Diane Keaton Discuss the Making of `Hanging Up' - February 10, 2000
  • Walter Lippman (1925) in particular, was skeptical of the idea of an "omnicompetent" citizen who possesses sufficient knowledge to participate effectively in the political process.
  • He goes to Bath, where Sir Walter is now established with his two elder daughters and Elizabeth's companion Mrs Clay, an artful woman with matrimonial designs on Sir Walter.
  • Labels: 2009 mayoral election, craig x rubin, David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg, david hernandez, phil jennerjahn, The Great Debate, walter moore Archive 2009-02-01
  • Though he could be an imposing force on the defensive line, he was downright scary rumbling out of the backfield as a fullback, plowing a path for teammate Walter Payton.
  • Walters said his British rescuers took great risks to pick them up in the stormy seas.
  • Fouled hard by Walter McCarty and Rodney Rogers, Martin clenched his fists but calmly walked to the foul line to shoot his free throws. - Nets' Martin cleans up game
  • Walter, she checked into that hotel alone - don't ask me why, I can't explain it. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Walter Cronkite, American icon and broadcast journalist died in his home in New York City on July 17, 2009 of complications with cerebrovascular disease, a dysfunction where the blood vessels restrict bloodflow to the brain. Get 1000s of People To Look At Your Business in FIVE Months breakthrough – myFiveBest
  • John King's Sunday programming, State of the Union, is a benchmark in unbiased newscasting of current events – I hope his replacement program of Lou Dobbs maintains the high standards he has established with State of the Union. walter keller John King to replace Lou Dobbs
  • English artist Walter Sickert, Ms. Easton notes, pushed for some sort of requirement forcing artists to flag works that were based on photographs. When Artists' Kodaks Were Supercool
  • Fellow IFP MP Walter Felgate, labelled a hardliner, said the party's democratisation included necessary checks and balances to stop abuses of power under the new party arrangement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • These collections were assembled by Faculty Affiliate, Dr. Dave E. Walter, University of Queensland,, Australia, a well-known acarologist.
  • Walter Stockenius, Dieter Oesterhelt had discovered bacteriorhodopsin in halobacteria and later proposed that it acts as a lightdriven proton pump in the framework of Peter Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory. Hartmut Michel - Autobiography
  • The book also describes the British "consol" bond ( "in the four percents", I guess) and shows a picture of Sir Walter AustenBlog . . . she's everywhere
  • Thank you for your input Mr. Walters - I'll take what you've said under advisement.
  • It is in a walled garden next to Sion Hill Hall, an elegant manor house built in 1912 by the York architect Walter H Brierley.
  • But how does the New Jersey native, who moved to Rockland in 2004 with long-time partner PJ Walter, grapple with the prospect of serving a whopping 500 pie-eyed guests? Curtis M. Wong: Bobby Flay-Dubbed 'Pie Town U.S.A.' Celebrates National Pie Day
  • Did this man whose entire life has been spent as an office worker in dull and colorless businesses in rural Pennsylvania just suddenly have a Walter Mitty fantasy that happened to come true?
  • Walters said Hudgins is taking an antidepressant, two medications to help him sleep and a medication to counteract what he called hyper-impulsivity. The Joplin Globe, Joplin, MO Home
  • In a recent interview, Lee recalled that Walter Kerr, then the drama critic for the Times, said "that 'First Breeze' was the first African-American play that invited him in to share in it.
  • Brixton Base, whose patron and "champion" is Lee Jasper and whose director is his close friend Errol Walters, received £535,000 from the LDA over two years to start a "creative training hub. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The best way to get along is never to forgive an enemy or forget a friend. Walter Winchell 
  • Said Walter: "Didst thou find thy foregoer alive here? Wood Beyond the World
  • An anonymous private collector who bought the palimpsest for $2 million at auction in 1998 has loaned the manuscript to the Walters Art Museum and is funding the studies.
  • By Catherine Walter's reckoning, it was at 10 o'clock on Sunday night that the Board members of the National Australia Bank reached a deal.
  • With runners on second and third, Showalter summoned lefty Brian Shouse from the bullpen and let him pitch.
  • Seedlings are able to switch back from phyllode to true leave production when the sunlight reaching them is reduced (Walters and Bartholomew 1990). Chapter 2
  • Asmuch as vinal, Walter is an institution!" jon dee wrote on Apr 3, 2009 11: 12 AM: News from
  • Nothing could be more "apropos" to quote Walter's expression. Hector's Inheritance, Or, the Boys of Smith Institute
  • Walter Collier offered his services as an escort, only too pleased to find an excuse to avoid playing rounders. GOODBYE CURATE
  • 'S a bear, 's a bear, give him gowdy!" cried Colwell; and Uncle Walter laid his best eye on his old queen's-arm, and fired. Summerfield or, Life on a Farm
  • In 1921 Kandinsky received the mission to go to Germany to attend the Bauhaus of Weimar , on the invitation of its founder, the architect Walter Gropius .
  • Siemens CEE compliance head Walter Soelle described how his company had to completely restructure its leadership and ­compliance systems after being fined $1. 6bn (£1. 09bn) for paying more than $1. 4bn in bribes between 2002 and 2006. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • Walter Pater "gambolling," in the moonlight, on the velvet lawn of his own secluded Oxford garden, like a satin-pawed Wombat! Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • His influential essay relies centrally on the fact that sensations are transmitted from Walter's body to the reader's.
  • Walter listened disbelievingly as O, affecting his familiar attitude of solicitous older brother, encouraged him to see the bright side in the bewildering estrangement proposed. O: A Presidential Novel
  • When Walter was courting India, he spoke to her one night of Ruskin (she was impressed), but by middle age he reads only mystery novels, ‘as soporifics.’
  • Sir Walter Scott nearly killed himself writing enough to pay for his home.
  • Love, so soft and warm beside me, If I were to give my heart, It would have to be to you. Ed Walter.
  • We hope he will join us in looking for realistic proposals to solve this problem instead of inventing impractical schemes like some latter day Walter Mitty.
  • “The main mission is [vaccine] development for the American war fighter,” says Colonel Samuel Martin, commander of Walter Reed in Kenya. Containment Strategy
  • ` ` Walter, let's dance just once more, '' Alice said, touching his arm placatively. Alice Adams
  • I usually get my stuff from people who promised somebody else that they would keep it a secret. Walter Winchell 
  • Walter seasoned beef with curry.
  • And at one point on the set she and another actress collapsed in fits of laughter because Walters was unable to glare angrily.
  • ‘These plants are used to restore rangelands that have been devastated by fire, and so far there is no program in the United States to ensure that we have the plants we need,’ Walters says.
  • Sir Walter Scott gave an account of an unidentified friend who had been in Paris and discovered a ‘tall, thin, raw-boned, grim-looking old man’ with a sunburned and heavily freckled face.
  • Above kits: The German football team kits during the international friendly match between Germany and Belarus at the Fritz-Walter stadium on May 27, 2008 in Kaiserslautern, Archive 2008-07-01
  • Today's gossip is tomorrow's headline. Walter Winchell 
  • Yet Walter so idealised the pretty child whom he had found wandering in the rough streets, and so identified her with her innocent gratitude of that night and the simplicity and truth of its expression, that he blushed for himself as a libeller when he argued that she could ever grow proud. Dombey and Son
  • A stupendous drawing of Venus rising by Rubens, 30 artworks by Walter Sickert and a poignant note written by Gandhi that was his tacit approval for Indian partition are among a dozen artworks and archives now in the possession of the nation because of the 101-year-old Acceptance in Lieu scheme. Acceptance in Lieu scheme brings a dozen new gifts to the nation
  • He started negotiating with Walter Warlimont, whom he had known before the war, and four other senior Wehrmacht generals, hoping to have them admit their guilt and testify against two top men, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, the head of the armed forces high command, and his deputy, Alfred Jodl. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Without them, an audience would be hard pressed to sympathize with Walter without their reactions descending into pity.
  • Walter spent about four hours recording conversations with Felt but found it "riddling" to talk to him, he told NEWSWEEK. SHOPPING A BIG SECRET
  • For "OPEN 3," Walter Kravitz an artist whose works typically occupy whole rooms took graphite, ink and charcoal to the surface of his oil-based monotype. D.C. artists showcase looks in the wrong direction
  • Jack Straw, a man so unpleasant that even his son shuns his policies (although, the fact that he was dobbed in for cannabis possession by his own father may have something to do with it), was defending—probably ineptly and with a lie in every sentence—the government's Iraq policy, when Walter Wolfgang "heckled" him (if Jack thinks that's heckling, he should see a crap stand-up gig in Glasgow). Archive 2005-09-01
  • As the recording of Walter Reiter and Cordaria shows, the less well-known Vivaldi does not lack elegance, spectacularity and virtuosity, liveliness and instant communicativeness.
  • Democracy's wellsprings and sustenance were of vital importance to Walter Duncan in 1962, just as they are to us today.
  • Among the Alsatians and poodles in the household dogs section at the Walter Rothschild Museum in Tring stands Mick the Miller, the world's most famous greyhound.
  • But whatever O became, Walter intended to be his most dutiful follower, and so he went, as bidden, to law school. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Iftius ccclefic, cum digno culmine morum Prefuit egregic DiAus Walter us Lyghert cognominc notus Eucllcns acriter mala germina frudtus accrbi Difperlit paritcr diuini femina vcrbi» Antient funeral monuments, of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the islands adjacent
  • African National Congress patriarch Walter Sisulu on Saturday said he was in "tiptop" shape when he visited his Robben Island cell, number 17, which was his home for 18 years. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Two years after his death his son Walter obtained the King's precept to his escheator to hand over the lands of his mother's inheritance to him, and shortly afterwards he secured his father's also. Shakespeare's Family
  • ‘And here,’ Michael Walters says with the quiet weariness of a veteran tour guide, ‘is where they often take their johns.’
  • In a personal email correspondence, Dr. Walter Ewing, Senior Researcher at the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) further criticizes CIS for muddying the national health care debate with their anti-immigrant agenda. Wonk Room
  • In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched an expedition to the East Coast of North America as Queen Elizabeth I had given him permission to colonise Virginia.
  • This use never caught on, but the devilish connotation of the word reappeared over 200 years later when Sir Walter Scott used Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • Walter Schreifels has once again made a superb album with a superb band.
  • Walter and Ned, returning on their ponies from a short jaunt into the country. The Pony Rider Boys in the Rockies Or, the Secret of the Lost Claim
  • With the success of the novel, film rights were snapped up by producer Walter Mirisch.
  • Walter Scott, in one of his rare moments of happy economy, summed up the city skyline as mixed and massive piles - half church of God, half castle against the Scot.
  • To Walter's surprise he ends up with the stunningly beautiful Nadia, a blonde bombshell who seems personable and level-headed.
  • I spotted Walter and Frederich and their gang, and in the distance I noticed Fräulein Eva also moving with us.
  • I was amazed when I actually found a copy of German anthroposophist Walter Stein's The Ninth Century and the Holy Grail, which I had assumed Ravenscroft had also fabricated. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • In 1984, he was re-elected in a landslide over former Vice President Walter Mondale.
  • Because of this stencil, which is from James Tuck, Walter's father, who was in Boort only in the 1880s: Museum Blogs
  • Nothing very original or profound in all this, it may be said; yet the great difficulty of dealing adequately with heroic action in contemporary verse, of writing a poem on a campaign that has just been reported in the newspapers, is exemplified by the fact that Walter Scott's two compositions on Waterloo are failures; nor has any poet since Byron yet succeeded in giving us a good modern battlepiece. Studies in Literature and History
  • Think of John F. Kennedy in the Cuban missile crisis. Or Walter Cronkite during the Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations.
  • Janet and her husband Roland bought the business then called the Kodiak Mortuary from Walter and Mildred Muller almost 30 years ago. Undefined
  • Well, Mother, it just means that I've been stealing Mr. Walters's trout all summer -- _stealing_ them. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901
  • On leaving school, Walter was briefly apprenticed to a chemist in Birmingham and spent his leisure time attending medical lectures.
  • Old Walter kens the ways of this loch, never you fear. Healing the Highlander
  • Walter stood up, not waiting for a reply, and set the chair back before the companel. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • This year, the line figures to make great leaps, especially if Tray Allen recovers from his injury, Mason Walters lives up to his billing and youngsters such as redshirt freshmen Thomas - Highschool
  • It then flourished from 1925 to 1932 in Dessau, an industrial backwater where the school's first director, Walter Gropius, built its image-making headquarters (see illustration on page 25); and it ultimately but vainly sought refuge in cosmopolitan Berlin, where it closed in 1933, when Hitler took power. The Brief, Glorious Life Of Bauhaus (New York Review)
  • Julie Walters is on unassailable form as an irascible retired actress in a bitter-sweet, very British comedy drama.
  • Bennie and Walter play-act in a repetitive chant, as Ruth embarrassingly answers the door to let in George Murchison.
  • Fantasy sequences were nothing new when Thurber wrote "Walter Mitty," but what was new was the elaborate way he connected the fantasies to the real world (having some real-life thing transition Mitty into his fantasy, and having something in the fantasy merge back with reality) and the connections between the various fantasies (like the running gag of having a sound described as "Pocketa-pocketa-pocketa" in each fantasy, coming from a different machine each time). Archive 2007-05-01
  • I usually get my stuff from people who promised somebody else that they would keep it a secret. Walter Winchell 
  • The question was posed in the latter half of the 16th century, when Sir Walter Raleigh asked the English mathematician Thomas Harriot for a quick way to estimate the number of cannonballs that could be stacked on the deck of a ship.
  • Picasso treats Miss Walter who loved swimming and the beach as monument, acrobat and vessel; landscape, bather, crustacean and sandcastle. Picasso's Labor of Love
  • Walter explains to Astrid (and the viewers) that Project Elephant was a military experiment that looked for a way to camoflauge soldiers from the naked eye, but what the scientists didn't account for was that the experiments led to an incurable genetic disorder (aka the deformities). From Inside the Box
  • That helped to nullify Stoke's main threat and, although Jon Walters had an early chance that he dragged wide and Peter Crouch acrobatically volleyed over later in the first half, the home side created little else against a Valencia team that looked menacing whenever they broke forward. Stoke City 0-1 Valencia | Europa League last-32 1st leg match report
  • That Saturday, Irma's 33-year-old nephew, John Walter, moved an elephant's-ear plant that is more than 20 years old into the bed of a pickup for the journey to the living room of the new house. Undefined
  • Walter Scheel was born in Solingen, the capital of West Germany's cutlery industry, just a stone's throw from the giant blast furnaces of the Ruhr and adjacent to the teeming city of Cologne. The Aims and Responsibilities of German Foreign Policy
  • Feminist critic Elaine Showalter has gone so far as to claim hysteria as a root or first step of feminism--a kind of protolanguage of revolt communicating through the body messages that can't be verbalized, especially in a period of time when women or that matter men had no framework for signifying their often largely psycho-sexual repressions. G. Roger Denson: "Old," "Crazy" and "Hysterical." Is That All There Is?
  • The breeding pair of black eagles in the Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden are the proud parents of a new chick.
  • She glanced over and saw that even Walter's shaggy fur had taken on a touch of glamour, and Bill's looked much like her own.
  • JOHN WALTERS, BUSH ADMINISTRATION DRUG CZAR: Well, with the title czar, you are asking for it. CNN Transcript Jun 15, 2009
  • Since the first vndertaking by Sir Walter Ralegh to deale in the action of discouering of that countrey which is now called and knowen by the name of The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest.
  • Mrs. Walter Powell sometimes ventured to take Aurora to task on the folly and sinfulness of what she called indiscriminate almsgiving; but Mrs. Mellish would pour such a flood of eloquence upon her antagonist that the ensign's widow was always glad to retire from the unequal contest. Aurora Floyd. A Novel
  • Within three years, Powell's opus received some fifty performances under such maestros as Sir Donald Francis Tovey, Pierre Monteux and Walter Damrosch.
  • I fancy, that, when he sat at the laird's table, (Sir Walter's,) and called the laird's lady by her baptismal name, and -- not abashed in any presence -- uttered his Gaelic gibes for the wonderment of London guests, -- that he thought far more of himself than the world has ever been inclined to think of him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864
  • Tab Benoit was in the middle of a short speech on the wetlands, and aswe settled in, he finished up and introduced the next speaker, who turned out to be, to my surprise and delight, none other than Walter Williams, creator of that famous pop culture icon, Saturday Night Live's Mr. Bill. Voice of the Wetlands Festival 2008, Part 1: Mr Bill and the Gulf Restoration Network
  • Perhaps this post on Walter Guthrie as an Archaeopteryx in akimbo. moon said ... Negative Manhattan
  • Elton John gave an interview to Barbara Walters .
  • Barry Goldwater even embraced the title extremist ( "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"), George McGovern's anti-war crusade offered an unapologetically leftist platform, and Walter Mondale proudly promised in his convention speech that he would raise the nation's taxes. Dissecting Leftism
  • He has also created commissioned paintings of sailing yachts, including Walter Cronkite's sailing ketch.
  • He became strenuous, diligent, modest, earnest, kind; he too, like Walter and Charlie, began his career "_from strength to strength_. St. Winifred's, or The World of School
  • Two additional dedications to pianists were "This Nearly Was Mine," inspired by the late Walter Bishop Jr., and an Ellingtonian collage of "Prelude to a Kiss" mixed in with an original dedicatory waltz, "To Duke With Love. Swinging Down in the Basement and Out in the Garden
  • It isn't common knowledge today, but Walter Johnson threw his blazing fastball with a sidearm delivery.
  • Walter Jon Williams penned an interesting novel called Aristoi, wherein he taps the idea that we possess fragments of other personalities locked away inside our brains; he called them daimones. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Interview: Ann Aguirre, Part 1
  • Point 1: Anderson begins speaking of a Latin fortune teller named Walter Mercado, who "fascinates" him. Archive 2005-04-01
  • As justiciar, archbishop of Canterbury, and papal legate Hubert Walter stood for harmonious co-operation between king and Church.
  • In 1871, Walter W Skeat published a complete and critical edition of Chatterton's poems, carefully dividing the poet's acknowledged work from his medieval impostures.
  • His banter with newsmen Walter Cronkite and Roger Mudd and his unmistakable "raspy" voice made him famous throughout the country and the world. - Financial News
  • Walter Bruel would have a practitioner begin first with a clyster of his, which he prescribes before bloodletting: the common sort, as Mercurialis, Montaltus cap. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But here, Walters is the stoic and Mirren is the ditz.
  • This week's awesome images are (in order of appearance): NGC 1444, King 7, Eta 3 and Eta 2 Fornacis, NGC 1049 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech), Walter Adams (credit—Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago) and M33 (courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF). Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – December 18-20, 2009 | Universe Today
  • The only thing that makes Fringe watchable is Walter Bishop. 'Twas the Night Before Fringemas
  • The pusher was a man named Jack Mort ... except the thing hiding inside of Mort's head and guiding his murderous hands on this par-ticular occasion was Roland's old enemy, Walter. Wizard and Glass
  • The latest instalment is in today's Daily Mail - thanks to Paul Walter for the link. Take your hands off our Ming
  • Monsignor Walter Rossi met John Paul in 1997 and brought back his zucchetto or skullcap. Roman Catholic Church Set to Beatify Pope John Paul II
  • Sir Walter Scott may be the father of the historical novel but on this evidence his fellow borderer, Michael Scott, was a man ahead of his time.
  • She can still recite passages from Sir Walter Scott's epic poem ‘The Lady of the Lake’.
  • The casualty list is so long that manager Walter Smith can barely face talking about it.
  • I'm excited and energised by being part of Walter Smith's revolution.
  • Timeline: Walter Cronkite’s Life and Career The trouble began when the moderator asked Jennings what he would do if, during a war ­between the U.S. and another country, he’d been given the chance to travel with the enemy and report from behind his lines — only to discover, from this vantage point, that the ­enemy was about to spring a trap and mow the Americans down. Ghosts of Broadcast Journalism Past
  • There's little room to expand on the 100-acre Walter Reed campus in Washington, and city height limits forbid tall buildings.
  • The partnership came to an end in 1947 when Walter got away to the United States.
  • For Walter, disaster followed hard on the heels of his initial success.
  • Portraits and nudes will be on display as well as townscapes and architectural subjects in Abbot Hall Art Gallery's Walter Sickert: the Human Canvas.
  • In a half century in broadcasting, Walters has never learned to write for the eye instead of the ear, and this leads to unintentional comedy. 2009 January 22 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • shepherdess," fed the poultry with Edwin, pulled off her jewelled ornaments, and gave them to Walter for playthings; nay, she even washed off her rouge at the spring, and came in with faint natural roses upon her faded cheeks. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Picasso's iconic paintings of Walter reign supreme as the emblems of love, sex and desire in twentieth century art," enthuses Sotheby's catalog, about the bright, happy, colorful images. Making a Big Impression
  • Here Okisko, king of the Weopomeiocs, in a full council of his people, is said to have acknowledged himself the homager of the Queen of England, and, after her, of Sir Walter Raleigh. Notes on the State of Virginia.
  • When Walter Scott failed, and Abbotsford was encumbered with a large debt, when his dream of restoring a kind of baronial life was all shattered, he did a grander work than in the building of that magnificent estate; for he strove with all the powers of his mind to earn the money which should repay his creditors. Hold Up Your Heads, Girls! : Helps for Girls, in School and Out
  • In 1921 Kandinsky received the mission to go to Germany to attend the Bauhaus of Weimar , on the invitation of its founder, the architect Walter Gropius .
  • Lane who used to sit on his open shop-board, facing the street, a mark for the compliments of passing boys; as frolicsome youngsters in the days of Addison and Steele, as High School lads in the days of Walter Scott, were accustomed to "smoke the cobler. Biographical Study of A.W. Kinglake
  • In fact, a federal bankruptcy court in 1994 refused to allow asbestos claims to go forward against Jim Walter.
  • Walter looked at a loss in his own home; at a Bar table there would have been papers to shuffle, junior counsel to consult. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • If the political scientist Walter Clemens is right, the legislature could assert an even bigger role.
  • If the political scientist Walter Clemens is right, the legislature could assert an even bigger role.
  • Leon: And Walter has the Ebony Stone in his possession?
  • It is true that Atkinson portrays an auld Edinburgh filtered through the works of Sir Walter Scott, with a dash of Dickens thrown in for good measure.
  • Moi complained, ‘Showalter's aim, in effect, is to create a separate canon of women's writing, not to abolish all canons.’
  • The tower portion was built about 1420 by Sir Walter Innes, whose father had married Janet de Aberkerder, heiress to the thanage.
  • Harrison and Steve nobody will care about a new WW, unless its a 1940s period piece with maybe jennifer connelly. the 70s lynda carter is holding the character hostage. most female superheros suck. what we need is a She-Hulk movie. beyonce would be good in that. jada pinkett as Jennifer Susan Walters, beyonce as She-hulk. now thats some extra butter in your popcorn right there. Beyonce Knowles wants Wonder Woman; WB Wants McG to Direct? | /Film
  • Greek Religion (not just the sections on Orphism and Dionysos), Walter Burkert 2008 December « paper fruit
  • I wanted to say that Walter's natural coat acclimates quite well to the seasons. Stephanie Gertler: Creatures of the Wild
  • Daniel Schorr, who worked with Walter Cronkite for 20 years, is senior news analyst at National Public Radio.
  • Walter Scott was all but a dunce when a boy, always much readier for a "bicker," than apt at his lessons. Self help; with illustrations of conduct and perseverance
  • I respectfully disagree with Perloff's theory of citational poetry, and I take issue with her claim that Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project is a foundational example. Isabel Kaplan: Not in Someone Else's Words
  • The caitiff Walter -- mansworn that he is -- he shall abye it; but that can scarce be as yet, and methinks it were not well that I entered Scotland with you and your sister at my side, for then must I seem to have overlooked an offence that, by this holy relic, I will never pardon. The Caged Lion
  • When he sat down she began to sing a welcome to “Uncle Walter” ostensibly from the mayor (Ivancie I believe). Walter and me (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • This breathtaking maneuver would provide Walter Ulbricht, the East German leader, with the authority to truncate Berlin and stop the stampede of refugees. When Kennedy Blinked
  • Love, so soft and warm beside me, If I were to give my heart, It would have to be to you. Ed Walter.
  • Those movies wanted us to see her as a Pre-Raphaelite figure but she verged on a Walter Keane waif.
  • British sculptor Ian Walters will make the statue, and Mandela has agreed to sit for him, organisers said.
  • There are also historical personages with almost mythical status - Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, Admiral Nelson.
  • It was part of a Skipton Civic Society project to restore the area and Gwynne Walters, from the society, made a plea to the local community not to deface the bridge nor vandalise the area.
  • Walter Bassett broke out in ineffectual protest, but was swiftly silenced by the threat of a lunacy commission. Goliah
  • From page 141 on: It turns out that human horns, anomalous growths consisting entirely of concentric layers of keratinized epidermal cells with a tendency to originate on the sites of sebaceous cysts, warts, or scars, are 'far more frequent than ordinarily supposed,' according to Drs. George Gould and Walter Pyle (Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine; New York, Julian Press, 1956, p. 222). Human horns
  • Readers will experience the love and reverence Walter Mosley has crafted into this encouragement affirmation of all humanity.
  • Some animations are clearly more Hollywood than useful display," says Peter Walter, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at the University of California, San Francisco.
  • Almost as well-known as the mischievous re-touchings of the surrealist painters, the heady prose description by Walter Pater was considered by WB Yeats to be so original and poetic that he lineated it himself so as to form the opening "poem" of his 1936 anthology, The Oxford Book of Modern Verse: "She is older than the rocks among which she sits;/Like the Vampire/She has been dead many times … Blogposts |
  • Best of all is the wonderful, pivotal scene in which Tilly Tremayne's well-judged, shrewd widow takes on Harriet Walter's glittering bawd at chess. Women Beware Women; Bingo
  • The address given for Walter Reed is said to have been a non-existant wing, contacts at Walter Reed were said to have no patient named Patrick Heroes or Villains?
  • Walter, she checked into that hotel alone - don't ask me why, I can't explain it. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Barnard, best known as the cantankerous Dr. Hogue in 'Doc Hollywood,' co-starred with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau in the 1998 sequel movie 'The Odd Couple II' and saw his son Doug Hughes win a Tony for directing the play 'Doubt.' Lead Stories from AOL
  • And Walter Kirn, weighing in on Wallace's final collection, Oblivion, heaped opprobrium on Wallace's "unedited" feed: David Foster Wallace Thought Readers Are Smart And Tolstoy Was His Role Model
  • Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater, both advocators of the theory of " art for art's sake.
  • THE first political columnist I ever encountered, after a fashion, was Walter Lippmann.
  • Sir Walter Scott, Marmion: a Tale of Flodden Field. 1809: Publication of the 2 volume stereotype edition of Bloomfield's Poems, containing new prefaces and revised texts of some of his work. A Bloomfield Chronology
  • My uncle Walter is as obstinate as they come.
  • Earlier Monday, Morgan, 45, appeared on The View, and genuflected to Walters' redoubtable interviewing abilities to the point of knee pain. Piers Morgan Debuts on CNN; 25 Years To Go?
  • Sir Walter certainly left his “name unstained,” unless the serious mistakes natural to a sanguine temperament such as his, are to be counted as stains upon his name; and if they are, where among the sons of men would you find many unstained names as noble as his with such a stain upon it? Sir Walter Scott
  • Her mouth turned up at the corners, Mavis walked down the aisle with Walter.
  • Directed by Lewis Milestone, it populates a Norwegian fishing village with several of Hollywood 's finest actors — Walter Huston, Ruth Gordon, Ann Sheridan, Judith Anderson and Morris Carnovsky — all coping differently with German tyranny. Five Flynn Flicks From the War Years
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; featured-posts = 1; media = 1; nickname = murray-fromson; entry_id = 242398; cbs-evening-news = 1; cbs-news = 1; ernie-leiser = 1; peter-kalisher = 1; vietnam = 1; walter-cronkite = 1", Murray Fromson: And That's the Way It Was...
  • Despite this open door, the Americans were again frustrated as Ambassador Walter Hines Page refused to assume authority for the American YMCA POW program. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • As to Gabriel, during a large portion of his splendid youth he exhibited a genial breadth of front that affined him to Shakespeare and Walter Scott. Old Familiar Faces
  • The general communion customary on holy-thursday is prescribed by the English bishop Walter in the 10th century, in the capitulary of Theodulph of Orleans, and by all ancient pontificals and missals, according to Martene T. 3, p. 98. The Ceremonies of the Holy-Week at Rome
  • President Bush has nominated John Walters, to be our nation's next drug czar.
  • Her husband Walter's editing a book called something like Motorway Meditation, or Concrete Karma or something. GOING OUT
  • Upon the death of Walter de Lacy in 1241 his two granddaughters became heiresses to his lands and lordships in England, the Welsh Marches, and Ireland.
  • The latter have included the self-build housing programmes initiated by architects like Walter Segal, the Swiss-born British architect who developed a system of prefabricated timber houses built by local people to his simple, elegant designs. Junkitecture and the Jellyfish theatre

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