How To Use Walpole In A Sentence

  • Not everyone appreciated it; during construction, Horace Walpole, who lived nearby, harrumphed, "In a fortnight you will be able to see it in Yorkshire. Georgian architecture: examples from the era
  • Walpole was quickly successful, reducing the national debt and stabilising prices and wages.
  • Following in the world's track (which he was ever careful not to outstep), when the boy was dead, Walpole bore eloquent testimony to his genius. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • Horace Walpole was as enthusiastic as either of them; good eighteenth century prelates like Hurd and Percy, found in what they called the Gothic an inexhaustible source of delight. English Literature: Modern Home University Library of Modern Knowledge
  • From the time of Walpole they developed into a system of encouraging home manufactures and food producers while disadvantaging competitors.
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  • Horace Walpole, at the beginning of his _Royal and Noble Authors_, has mottoed his book with the Cardinal's address to Ariosto, "Dove diavolo, Messer Ludovico, avete pigliato tante coglionerie?" [ A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)
  • A ponderous and formal man, he succeeded Walpole as first minister in 1742, but old, unwell, and with little taste for leadership, he merely presided for a year until his death.
  • Walpole from then on ridiculed GW, calling him a fanfaron braggart, and saying that he soon “learned to blush for his rodomontade.” George Washington’s First War
  • The way forward required great skill and cunning, both qualities that Walpole possessed in abundance. A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
  • The children of Brendan and Theresa Walsh of Rhue, Lisa and Alan danced jigs and reels to the music from the tin whistle of Nicola Walpole.
  • The way forward required great skill and cunning, both qualities that Walpole possessed in abundance. A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
  • That celebrated interlude is associated with the strong preference for peace of Sir Robert Walpole.
  • All history is a lie," observed Sir Robert Walpole, the corruptionist, mindfull of what was likely to be written about himself; and "What is history," asked Napoleon, the conqueror, "but a fable agreed upon? Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • London, such friends as my Lord Comyn and Mr. Walpole, whose great father he had once had the distinction to serve as linkman, all would have been well. Richard Carvel — Volume 05
  • After the Restoration, November 3rd, 1662, he received letters of denization, and a grant for being engineer of the Mint in the Tower of London, and for using his new invention for coining gold and silver with the mill and press, with the fee of L100 per annum (Walpole's "Anecdotes of Painting").] which are very neat, and like the King. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
  • Lady Walpole was proceeding to panegyrize her other guests, when she was interrupted by their return to the drawing-room.
  • Horace Walpole had written a squib against him, which Rousseau attributed to Hume.
  • Walpole the father made Walpole the son drink too much, that he might not be unfilially sober while his father was unpaternally drunk. A History of the Four Georges and of William IV, Volume III (of 4)
  • It was much broader than Tory or church party and avoided the divisive names of Whig and Tory at a time when many were combining to overthrow Walpole.
  • Sir Walpole was a jolly fellow, eager to seize and to spend money (alieni appetens, sui profusus, as Mr. Crawley would remark with a sigh), and in his day beloved by all the county for the constant drunkenness and hospitality which was maintained at Vanity Fair
  • On the night of September 8, 2008, Santos was working as part of an inexperienced, unsupervised subcontract crew on a remodeling project at Wal-Mart store #2103 on Providence Highway in Walpole. Al Norman: Life & a Cheap Death at Wal-Mart
  • None of his predecessors - not even the autocratic Sir Robert Walpole - ever absented themselves so much from the Commons chamber.
  • His failure to effect reform or root out corruption after Walpole's fall was thought by many to reveal factiousness and self-seeking and he was accused of avarice.
  • Personification of the UK in eighteenth-century prints at the Lewis Walpole Library search 'John Bull' and much, much more. John Bull
  • Sir Walpole Crawley is looking from its black corner at the bare boards and the oiled fire-irons, and the empty card-racks over the mantelpiece: the cellaret has lurked away behind the carpet: the chairs are turned up heads and tails along the walls: and in the dark corner opposite the statue, is an old-fashioned crabbed knife-box, locked and sitting on a dumb waiter. Vanity Fair
  • As we look at his honeyguide eggs and skins he claps his hands to his knees and rocks with mirth telling us of John Walpole-Bond, the Sussex bird man and egg collector of the early twentieth century. A Year on the Wing
  • On January 28, 1754, Horace Walpole coined the term serendipity, which means finding something you're not looking for but which you nonetheless need. Fleshbot
  • An 18th century pamphlet The Budget Opened likened Sir Robert Walpole to a mountebank opening his ` wallet of quack medicines and conjuring tricks '-- a less polite explanation of the term budget in its financial sense than the discreeter view that it refers to the ` Chancellor's leather bag or dispatch box,' hence to its contents. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
  • By the same token, Walpole was a step closer to his avowed aim of seizing power. A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
  • The way forward required great skill and cunning, both qualities that Walpole possessed in abundance. A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
  • Mr Pearce makes only passing reference to what is, for many, Walpole's outstanding monument: the magnificent Palladian house he built at Houghton in Norfolk.
  • French literary patron noted for her correspondence with Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Horace Walpole.
  • It was much broader than Tory or church party and avoided the divisive names of Whig and Tory at a time when many were combining to overthrow Walpole.
  • Wales, Prince of, calls Brother Jonathan _consanguineus noster_, but had not, apparently, consulted the Garter King at Arms. Walpole, Horace, classed, his letters praised. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • Within three days Reverend Thorn approached one of the most gracious villages ever to have developed in America: the tree-lined, white-clapboarded, well-gabled village of Walpole, near the Connecticut River in southwestern New Hampshire. Hawaii
  • Walpole was plainly serious about what he was doing. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Walpole became prime minister in 1722 in the wake of the South Sea Bubble scandal.
  • But our ancestors were necessarily limited in their pleasures, and to them Richmond was a God-send, especially to men like Selwyn, or Queensberry, or Walpole, who delighted in social intercourse, and liked to enjoy what they called rustic life with as much comfort as the age provided. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • Walpole's more aristocratically-detached contemplation of Gothic paraphernalia is precisely what gave rise to the unprecedented amount of Gothic romances in the Haunted Britain in the 1970s
  • Walpole's story of the French lady who asked for her lover's picture; and when he demurred observing that, if her husband were to see it, it might betray their secret -- "O dear, no," she said -- just like Mr. Macaulay -- "I _will have the picture_, but it _need not be like_! Famous Reviews
  • What Walpole calls the absurdest passages are precisely those which possess most interest for posterity; namely, the minute personal details, which bring Johnson home to the mind's eye. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
  • As no writer has contributed so much as Mr. Walpole to depreciate the character of the Duke of Newcastle, this kind of palinode is not unimportant. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • Tony Benn has many of the attributes of a great diarist akin to Horace Walpole or Charles Greville and, like these two, he comes from the outer fringes of the titled classes.
  • Walpole inaugurated the tradition in the hope that the lifelike solidity of realism might be reconciled with the imaginative range of romance.
  • Walpole from then on ridiculed GW, calling him a fanfaron braggart, and saying that he soon “learned to blush for his rodomontade.” George Washington’s First War
  • Robert Walpole, as leading politician at that time, became indispensable to George I, despite their mutual dislike for each other.
  • Though neither the helicopter pilot nor Sergeant Walpole had noticed it, he had opened communication the instant the gyrocar came to a stop. Morale A Story of the War of 1941-43
  • 'I hear,' wrote Walpole of what he calls the coronation at Oxford, 'my Lord Westmoreland's own retinue was all be-James'd with true-blue ribands.' Life Of Johnson
  • Walpole was engaged in playing not one, but two games of chess. A VERY ENGLISH DECEIT: The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble and the First Great Financial Scandal
  • Horace Walpole is no dunce, not a fibre of him is duncish. The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
  • In its narrow sense, the term especially refers to certain English fictions of the period from 1764 to 1820, with The Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story by Horace Walpole as the herald, and Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Robert Maturin as the "terminator".
  • Of the Epistle, when it was remarked, in the hearing of Thomas Warton, that it had more energy than could have been expected from Walpole, to whom others ascribed it, Warton remarked that it might have been written by Walpole, and buckramed by Mason. Lives of the English Poets
  • His anti-religiosity, though sometimes greatly exaggerated, was a bad stumbling-block; although he was free from the snigger of Voltaire and of Sterne, you could not prevent him, as Horace Walpole complains of his distinguished sire, from blurting out the most improper remarks and stories at the most inconvenient times and in the most unsuitable companies; while his very multiscience, and his fertility of thought and imagination, kept him in a whirl which hindered his "settling" to anything. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Walpole from then on ridiculed GW, calling him a fanfaron braggart, and saying that he soon “learned to blush for his rodomontade.” George Washington’s First War
  • Sir Thomas More was a man of stately and handsome presence ( Horace Walpole ).
  • For Walpole, population 3, 000, complying with the legislation will be the single biggest capital expense of the year.
  • Horace Walpole after the so-called annus mirabilis of 1759 when the French had been driven from most of Canada and virtually all of what is now the USA The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Walpole had served George I for many years and George II soon formed an equally successful relationship with him.

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