- a dialect of French spoken in Belgium and adjacent parts of France
- a member of the French-speaking people living in Belgium
How To Use Walloon In A Sentence
- The city suffered economically from the dissolutions at the Reformation, but revived modestly through silk-weaving introduced by Walloon refugees, and later as a social centre for gentry and clergy.
- A couple of good nuggets of info on the Midtown Lunch Twitter Tracker… the La Cense Burger Truck is back in Midtown, Goodburger is having some sort of early bird special, Street Sweets is near the Hearst Building, and get a free dinge from the W&D Truck if you know which animal is on the walloon flag ? Twitter Tracker | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
- Those Belgians from the south speak Walloon, which is a French patois derived from Latin.
- With language this broad, the only way a “new” terrorist threat would arise that could not be shoehorned into an existing intercept authorization is if disgruntled Walloons form the Belgian Liberation Front and begin assaulting the American Homeland with suicide waffles. In Which My Head Explodes
- Mr. Di Rupo, a Walloon socialist who chaired the latest stretch of talks, is likely to become prime minister, but parties still have to agree on the repartition of top government positions, as well as on the concrete economic policy of the future government. Accord Puts Belgium Closer to New Coalition