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wall rock

  1. a rock immediately adjacent to a vein or fault

How To Use wall rock In A Sentence

  • The wall rocks to the pegmatites consist of a sequence of mafic volcanics and gabbroic intrusive bodies. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The white material is quartz and the black is the wall rock from the edge of the vein.
  • The wall rocks are usually strongly altered and in part are replaced by some of the above minerals, forming coarse-grained rocks which are called "greisen. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The gossan is likely to resist erosion and to be conspicuous at the surface, -- though this depends largely on the relative resistance of the wall rocks, and on whether the gangue is a hard material like quartz, or some material which weathers more rapidly like limestone or igneous rock. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The paper carefully analyzes bolt supporting system, and measures the parameters of coal wall rock in Fuxin diggings .
  • The wall rocks have undergone a "propylitic" alteration, with development of chlorite, epidote, and probably sericite, much as at Butte. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • In igneous rock the ore-bearing solutions may have altered the wall rock to a dense mixture of quartz, sericite, and chlorite. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The mineralized vein was less than 2 feet wide, and the old stopes show extensive support timbering, necessary because of fracturing and extensive alteration of adjacent wall rock.
  • Magmas concentrate metals, and magma fluids traveling into the surrounding wall rock plant the seeds for mineral growth.
  • The dykes and sheets sharply truncate structures in the wall rock gneisses and greenstones, and large (several tens of metres) wall-rock xenoliths may be completely engulfed by the intrusive sheets.
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