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How To Use Wall in In A Sentence

  • The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  • [H] adrian be living on, mud and rocks no longer be a physical wall in upper Ruralshire, but like derivatives, the way to take an asset and mystify them so that the common members of Pee can still have voters. on March 26, 2009 at 8: 50 pm | Reply nightjack Location, location, location. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In a number of orchid species, the outer tangential walls of short cells have numerous wall ingrowths that greatly expand the surface area of the plasma membrane and, thus, resemble transfer cells.
  • The space between these anterior and posterior openings makes a large chamber, divided by a vertical wall into halves, each of which is still further separated into three irregular cavities by three bones, called spongy, from the porosity and delicacy of their texture. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • By the way, did you know that there really was a wall in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem that divided Jews from Gentiles?
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  • He dips his chin, and just as an expectant gasp ripples through the crowd, Eddie launches himself over the wall into a bramble of wild roses.
  • He swung from contemplation of the resurrected warrior, standing as still as stone against the canescent wall in the same spot to which Naipal had at last commanded him on the previous night. Conan The Victorious
  • I've had outfielders throw strikes to the plate from the outfield wall in time to catch players well off guard.
  • He clambered over a wall in pitch dark last Sunday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • My photo below shows the rebuilt anchorage on the east wall in the peaceful churchyard surrounded by the bustle of the city centre.
  • The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire.
  • Mr and Mrs Wall invite you to the marriage of their daughter Ann to Mr Thomas Lea.
  • Its energy-saving measures include the installation of new boilers, wall insulation and solar panels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Television writers are usually tiny, weak, sunlight-deprived saps who are kept chained to a wall in a cupboard.
  • Leaning against a wall in the weighing room after his last ride, he played down the threat of that fall, saying he knew immediately that he had not been crocked again. Ruby Walsh grabs a victory to prove readiness for Cheltenham Festival
  • A high wall in an elegant London park is covered in drawings, photographs cut out of magazines and elaborately crafted votives.
  • Eureka! by chaining patients to a eyebolt set in a concrete wall in a dark, cold setting, by denying them food, they lose weight rapidly! Archive 2007-04-01
  • Recently, Jenkins used two pairs of paintings in a home at a slant where dormer windows met a wall in order to create height in a small space.
  • After a period in his twenties doing any work he could find, such as cavity wall insulation, he became a drummer in a rock band. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two batters later, Valentin golfed a 3-2 off-speed pitch well over the wall in right field.
  • The correlation is supported by an analysis of stratal expansion, throw development, and data on the sandstone ratio of corresponding footwall and hanging-wall intervals.
  • He punched the wall in a fit of rage.
  • Hung on the wall in a grid, the paintings resemble a starry night sky - the gorgeous and serendipitous result of a very mechanical process.
  • I was concerned that the standard garage door was not secure enough and wanted to give him extra locking facility for the cycle - so I screwed a padlock type hasp into the wall inside the garage - then provided a steel 'hawser' type rope (from a cycle shop) for him to lock the bike up to, which threaded through the large hasp. Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian |
  • Separating the two conflicting partitions was a thick row of tall buildings and condominiums that ran right down the middle - a minute version of the dreaded Berlin Wall in the smallest of senses.
  • If that all sounds a bit dubious, the less riveting savings option would be to install cavity wall insulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Virtually all extraxial body wall in asteroids is of the perforate variety, since it includes body openings such as papular pores, hydropores in the madreporite, gonopores, and the anus.
  • He punched the wall in a fit of rage.
  • We seem to have come up against a brick wall in this investigation.
  • Fly ash particles act as viscosity increaser wall in the aluminum foam.
  • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
  • USG produces drywall under the name brand "Sheetrock," which is sometimes used interchangeably when referring to drywall in the U.S. News | SH |
  • Restoration work on the damaged footwall infrastructure in the ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They were a family like us doing something that families like us do: enjoying the thrill of fleeing the spray from the big waves that break against the sea wall in stormy conditions.
  • Finally he went to the row of hooks on the wall inside the back door, jammed his hat on his head and took the long horsewhip from its nail. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Now he's talking about stripping off one wall in the living room, too, so he can realign the two halves of this doorway that's gotten kind of torqued by the settling. Icy Tuesday
  • He clambered over a wall in pitch dark last Sunday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most colorful controversies in the first decade of the 20th century concerned how oxygen moved across the pulmonary capillary wall into the blood.
  • Although rare, a large gallstone in the gallbladder will sometimes erode through the gallbladder wall into an adjacent viscus, usually the duodenum.
  • Maybe we should have put a bigger wall in but I'm clutching at straws. The Sun
  • Instead he just gently trailed his finger along her check, his brown eyes staring at the wall in front of them.
  • Arterioles have a relatively thick muscular wall in comparison to their luminal diameter; the lumen of the smallest arterioles can accommodate about three to four red blood corpuscles.
  • The secondary wall in an NTE is mainly in the form of bars so that the wall varies from annular to scalariform.
  • This steam collier grounded off north Cornwall in 1916 and makes for an interesting dive if you don't mind a little deco, says John Liddiard.
  • There is an old brick-built retaining wall in a neighbouring property. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stared blankly at the brick wall in front of her.
  • There is an unexplained niche behind a thick area of curved wall in the playroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism.
  • These involve inserting tubes through the abdomen wall into the stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stick self-adhesive hooks to the wall in the appropriate place behind the curtain.
  • The television is mounted on the wall in the corner of the room, a square window on a small world.
  • We could knock a hole through the wall into the cupboard.
  • Part of the intestinal wall bulges through the abdominal wall into the navel.
  • There is a bake oven set in a wall in the fireplace probably an original outer wall of the former cottage.
  • Mr and Mrs Wall invite you to the marriage of their daughter Ann to Mr Thomas Lea.
  • On Saturday night, Robbie and his partner Ola were tasked with performing the cha-cha-cha, a dance of Cuban origin that apparently involves a bewildered looking man in a black rhinestone-studded hoodie standing ram-rod straight and occasionally flapping his arms about, while his partner gyrates suggestively around him in a manner not dissimilar to a naked Britt Ekland on the other side of Edward Woodward's hotel‑room wall in The Wicker Man. Bad boy Robbie Savage finds life tough outside his comfort zone | Barry Glendenning
  • Lorn circles toward the rear of the villa, where he scales - slowly - a low brick wall in a spot shielded by what feels like a pearapple tree. Scion of Cyador
  • The high ceilings and unbroken expanses of wall in such a house can make the rooms seem awkward and ungainly.
  • Children will be given the chance to use the climbing wall in an effort to get them off the streets.
  • Disease may also include chest wall invasion, with bony erosion, and draining cutaneous fistulas.
  • Every wall in her bedroom was covered with pin-ups of her favourite pop star.
  • These involve inserting tubes through the abdomen wall into the stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word "Watercolour" this being Britain, it gets a "u" occupies the center of a wall in the museum's lobby, hovering over an image of a Turner landscape blown up to the point of grotesquerie. Medium is message at Tate Britain 'Watercolour' show
  • This unusual fourteenth-century Green Man is to be found on a corbel high on the north wall inside Pinchbeck church.
  • The wall insulation is subsequently covered with lath and plaster.
  • Camp David Accords andCarter inin Clinton’s proposalfragmentation ofGeneva Initiative andimprisonment of Hamas members inintifada’s effect onIsrael’s “belligerent occupation” ofJordan’s control ofin Mandate of Palestine1996 Palestinian election andOslo Agreement andPalestinian population ofPalestinians guaranteed ownership ofrefugee camps insettlements inin Six-Day WarTaba peace talks andU.N. Security Council resolutions andvillage leagues inwall in see wallWestern Europe Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
  • Check your loft and cavity wall insulation and make sure all your pipes are properly lagged. The Sun
  • The programmes have all the action from the four days including the seven-foot wall in the Puissance, the National Grand Prix and the Pairs Relay.
  • The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  • It is wrong to characterize the Stonewall Inn as having been a sanctuary for genderqueers (unless that term encompasses non-transgendered gay men).
  • We realised that if we placed a digital photo of the rock wall into the computer and instructed it to recolour the grey or brown pixels (mostly background), we could increase the distinctiveness of the rock.
  • Finally he went to the row of hooks on the wall inside the back door, jammed his hat on his head and took the long horsewhip from its nail. THE THORN BIRDS
  • He thought they should and he was extremely abusive, threw me against a wall in the voting lobby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire.
  • She needed care, gave me exercise, kept gurriers off the back wall in the garden, and provided fun all in one go.
  • The gangs usually get into the cellar of a building that is undergoing renovation work and then make a hole through the wall into neighbouring cellars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Similarly, the White Tower, at that time outside London, was wrapped with a stone bailey wall in 1270-1300 and then by a second one immediately afterward.
  • When delirious crowds tore down the Berlin Wall in 1989 many hallucinated that a millennium of borderless freedom was at hand.
  • The patient has a tube inserted through the abdominal wall into the peritoneal cavity, and this remains in place on a semi-permanent basis.
  • Mr Porter added that it was possible to see through the wall in places because so much stonework had eroded away.
  • Savary, &c. Masson describes a "chillum," or smoking apparatus, found embedded in an ancient wall in Beloochistan. Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850
  • Against my instinct to soar to the bottom of the drop-off, I reluctantly finned up the sheer wall into saner depths.
  • The gangs usually get into the cellar of a building that is undergoing renovation work and then make a hole through the wall into neighbouring cellars. Times, Sunday Times
  • In extreme situations, short cells exhibit elevated potential for ion uptake by developing wall ingrowths.
  • This means that they wanted to keep the WS-RM processing logic unchanged but still allow for the receiving endpoint (the one behind the firewall in our scenario) to initiate the new connections.
  • We could knock a hole through the wall into the cupboard.
  • Here, nutritive material is absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream, while bacteria break down less-digestible substances such as cellulose.
  • These involve inserting tubes through the abdomen wall into the stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • To save the cost of hiring a plasterer, Pamela covered a rough wall in the garden room in a mix of plaster and cream paint to create a sandstone textured effect, lending it a rustic look.
  • How do I add grab bars to my tile shower without destroying the entire wall in the shower?
  • He looked through the glass to see a large rock-like wall in front of them.
  • The over-under shotgun leaned against the wall in front of Stan. The Bottom Field
  • Beyond Rush Limbaugh, the self-proclaimed "last man standing" against Obama worship, mocking Obama for, among other things, painting a wall in a homeless shelter in a call for national service as codling the poor, most criticism of Obama from the right takes the form of criticism of the financial bailout and the economic stimulus plan. Sheri and Allan Rivlin: Who Doesn't Like Barack Obama? -- Part 1
  • It was meant to see consumers sign up for energy-saving improvements such as cavity wall insulation and pay for them via their bills. The Sun
  • Birch branches leaning against a wall in the living room become sculpture, for example.
  • Print Fall from grace for Maldives' democratic crusader Mohamed Nasheed was elected in 2008 on a platform of democracy and change Just over three years ago, supporters of then President Mohamed Nasheed lined up along the seawall in the capital, Male, waving flags to usher in what they called the "dawn of democracy". BBC News - Home
  • The most sensible carriage-horse is liable to step on his master's foot or crowd him against a wall in a moment of excitement; but even inside the keddah, with wild elephants all about, and a captive elephant hemmed in by three or four tame animals, the noosers safely work under the bodies and between the feet of the tame elephant until the feet of the captive are tied. The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
  • Others hit the wall in slow motion, thanks to a combination of family and financial pressures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incidentally, cavity wall insulation should be impermeable to water vapour, or interstitial condensation can occur.
  • There is a segment of ruined wall in the court which is of far more recent origin than the remainder of the tomb. A Guide to Megalithic Ireland
  • A classicist by training, Mr. Toohey argues, to the contrary, that boredom has always been with us, which seems plausible enough if this ancient graffito from a much-scribbled-on wall in Pompeii is anything to go by: Wall! Accidie? Ennui? Sigh . . .
  • The balcony or ledge was higher than the opposite wall, and he was looking over that wall into another swarded court. The Coming Of Conan The Cimmerian
  • Plus, you could drop the thing right through a weakened esophagus wall into the mediastinum. DO NO HARM
  • The monophasic action potentials (MAP) of epicardium (Epi), midmyocardium (Mid) and endocardium (Endo) were recorded simultaneously in left ventricular free wall in vivo by a compound electrode.
  • The company is a company specializing in high-end construction management interior wall paint (KUCK) and wall insulation materials (HOTOW) high-tech enterprises.
  • He was found sitting upright against a wall in the abbey graveyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number had been daubed on the wall in off-white emulsion paint next to the boarded up front door.
  • The sea here is as cold as Cornwall in winter and you have to wear a full wetsuit, boots, gloves and a hood to insulate you from the frigid waters and equally cold winds.
  • These involve inserting tubes through the abdomen wall into the stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, sometimes, after some time of free availability the content may be moved back behind the paywall into some kind of archive.
  • Then I saw an orthodox Jewish man in full garb shinning over a wall in the middle of the night.
  • A structural, or load bearing, brick wall is a wall in which brick supports the weight of the structure.
  • Whether Ed meant to modernize the old house or refurbish it is unclear, but he dug a large pit under it and put up drywall in places drywall had little business being.
  • Within the pod wall vasculature, phloem companion cells also appear to differentiate transfer cell-like wall ingrowths.
  • This steam collier grounded off north Cornwall in 1916 and makes for an interesting dive if you don't mind a little deco, says John Liddiard.
  • They move around Leslie Travers' park design and climbing wall in free-running moves choreographed by Wayne Stables; they play tig, until Nicola plays a more dangerous game.
  • Yirkovsky, a Cedar Rapids, Iowa, man with an extensive criminal record, was back in school pursuing a high-school diploma and working as a drywall installer. As Federal Crime List Grows, Threshold of Guilt Declines
  • All are frontally oriented works that expose conventions of illusionism by carrying them off of the wall into real space.
  • Finally, with a magnificent sense of the dramatic, we were pinioned by headlights against a wall in a blind alley.
  • There's a fire blanket on the kitchen wall in case of emergencies.
  • These involve inserting tubes through the abdomen wall into the stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • It ran into a small fishpond that jutted out from the side of a wall in the courtyard. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • The jury heard he had 'parasomnia' which involved punching a wall in his sleep. The Sun
  • The ratio of the balloon external diameter to vessel wall internal diameter was 1.5-1.6.
  • The note was written on the wall in tomato ketchup. The Sun
  • When we had the chimney cleaned, we were told the problem could be taken care of by adding a firewall instead of replacing the back wall.
  • I liked this thing a great deal and it now sits screwed firmly to the closet wall in the bedroom.
  • It can be done without following some absurd, off-the-wall investment strategy.
  • The music will also explore the associations between the church and the neighbouring Abbey, which was founded by Richard, Earl of Cornwall in the 13 th century.
  • And then the veck with her, who had a hat on his gulliver and had his litso like turned away from me, swivelled round to viddy the bolshy big clock they had on the wall in this mesto, and then I viddied who he was and then he viddied who I was. Where's the show?
  • A digital clock hanging on a wall in the weight room counts down the time until Iowa's first spring practice: 22 days, 06 hours, 08 minutes.
  • Maybe we should have put a bigger wall in but I'm clutching at straws. The Sun
  • As she searched the room her attention was drawn again and again to the Jongkind sketch that hung on the wall in its heavy frame. Angel With No Hands
  • Ahn hooked a shot across goal in the 36th minute, had a free kick ricochet off the Italian defensive wall in the 44th and spiraled a left-foot shot over the crossbar from a free kick in the 58th minute. - Hosts shock perennial powers
  • Getty Images The dinner hosted by the Maharaja and Maharani of Patiala at the Moti Bagh Palace for Prince Charles, prince of Wales, second right, and Camilla, the duchess of Cornwall in Patiala, India, Monday. Prince Charles' Visit to India
  • Slowly, slowly I began to approach the Wall in fear and trembling like a pious cantor going to the lectern to lead the prayers.
  • Stick self-adhesive hooks to the wall in the appropriate place behind the curtain.
  • In seeking the door, I turned an angle: there shot out the friendly gleam again, from the lozenged panes of a very small latticed window, within a foot of the ground, made still smaller by the growth of ivy or some other creeping plant, whose leaves clustered thick over the portion of the house wall in which it was set. Jane Eyre: an autobiography, Vol. II.
  • Below the gallery he divided the long wall into three sections with two Empire chimneypieces and overmantels.
  • We've insulated the loft spaces and put in some draughtproofing, but with solid walls we can't do cavity-wall insulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • General Musharraf was seen thumping his fists vigorously at the only wall in the room.
  • An investigation has been launched in Hoyland after a spy camera was found hidden behind a wall in a council chamber.
  • If alternative panels cannot be used then the ends of the sandwich panels must be sealed and locked together in a non-combustible wall intumescent seal.
  • Reinstate timber wainscot boarding along eastern wall in its original position and remove item 13 to allow the proper installation of wainscoting.
  • Windows or openings in an external wall into a hoistway or eleva - tor shaft shall have three iron bars painted red perpen - dicularly across and equally dividing the window or opening. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Built by designer Simon Clark, of consultants Constructive Individuals, it includes 13 new methods of wall insulation.
  • These involve inserting tubes through the abdomen wall into the stomach. Times, Sunday Times
  • It felt like a ghost town and the roll of an empty barrel against the railings on the wall in front served as the tumbleweed. THE MANANA MAN
  • Plus, you could drop the thing right through a weakened esophagus wall into the mediastinum. DO NO HARM
  • The spring 1998 timetable change makes it possible to photograph this working in Cornwall in daylight
  • The architectural moldings divide the wall into rectangular fields and cusped trefoils, rigorously inscribed by straightedge and compass.
  • ‘Nothing looks worse than the wrong material in the wrong place, say a yellow sandstone wall in a limestone area,’ he says.
  • The squint in the title of the play at Chelsea Theatre, is mainly one of those narrow slots in a wall in mediaeval churches where people excluded from the service can watch the Mass.
  • The cytoplasm associated with wall ingrowths in Treubia contains elements of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • One member of the radio society even has a major collection of cathode ray oscilloscopes, which he displays along one complete wall in his home.
  • Maybe we should have put a bigger wall in but I'm clutching at straws. The Sun
  • There is an unexplained niche behind a thick area of curved wall in the playroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The victim was laying on the floor, propped up against the wall in the corner of the room.
  • Plants recommended for a south-facing wall include callistemon, the beautiful crimson bottle-brush and the startling passion flower.
  • Without warning a cloud of white steam poured forth from the rock wall in front of her, and she lost her footing momentarily.
  • Cornwall in 1952 sees earthman Michael Trehearne discover he is of Varddan extraction in The Starmen Of Lyrdis. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Let's look at the bellicose record of the three presidents from the Lone Star State, starting with the one who was going to nail that coonskin to the wall in Vietnam, Lyndon Johnson. Al Eisele: Why I Don't Want Another President From Texas
  • Salazar now has someone in Sheriff Mink who is willing to help him instead of the term stonewall in his efforts to get to some of these answers. CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2004
  • Walking backwards, he followed her until she was trapped against another wall in a corner of the room.
  • They bore through the intestinal wall into a blood vessel and are carded to muscle tissue where they encyst, or form a protective capsule.
  • The man was unprepared for the assault and the pistol flew out of his hand, striking the wall in a clash of metal against stone.
  • She stared blankly at the brick wall in front of her.
  • In all likelihood, however, ozone has the capacity to diffuse through the fungal wall into the organismic cytoplasm, thus disrupting cellular organelles.
  • The rescue team broke through the wall in the mine shaft
  • The work will include cavity wall insulation, roof insulation, double glazing and installation of energy efficient heating systems.
  • He uncoiled a slim rope from his belt, looped it around a rock, and repelled down the wall into the crevice.
  • It fell off the wall into the handbasin, and cracked the porcelain of the handbasin before sending large shards of glass from its shattered glass doors onto the bathroom fl oor. Death of a Dentist
  • A bard of the Cornish Gorsedd, Gundry published Songs and dances of Cornwall in 1966, and used Cornish subjects, and folk-song material, in his operas The tinners of Cornwall and the comic opera The logan rock.
  • Correlated with the presence of the genital pleurae there is a pair of vascular folds of the basement membrane proceeding from the dorsal wall of the gut in the post-branchial portion of the branchio-genital region, and from the dorsal angles made by the pleural folds with the body-wall in the pharyngeal region; they pass, in their most fully developed condition, to the free border of the genital pleurae. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  • My annual visit to Cornwall involves a round trip of about 475 miles, which will cost roughly £214.
  • The long, dark, rough leaves of the clematis contrast well with the yellow and green foliage of the pittosporum, which grows against a warm brick wall in the sun.
  • We seem to have come up against a brick wall in this investigation.
  • When delirious crowds tore down the Berlin Wall in 1989 many hallucinated that a millennium of borderless freedom was at hand.
  • PSB M 6 X 6.1 inwall inceiling speaker (new in box!) 1: 64 HSV 20th Anniversary x 13 Holden New in box Nib X | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • He also developed a double wall insulated hive box and was one of the first to try splitting nests as a propagation technique.
  • It is a top achievement to get fish of this size but even better to see a nice catch of good sized fish, such as a 14 blackfish haul caught on the Ballina North Wall in the recent swell.
  • The donors' names were displayed publicly on a long blackboard hung on the wall in front of the hall.
  • It ran into a small fishpond that jutted out from the side of a wall in the courtyard. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • The designs were rudely pecked on the moderately smooth felsite cliffs on a nearly perpendicular wall in the foot-hills, about forty feet above the bed of the arroyo, or gulch. Unknown Mexico, Volume 1 (of 2) A Record of Five Years' Exploration Among the Tribes of the Western Sierra Madre; In the Tierra Caliente of Tepic and Jalisco; and Among the Tarascos of Michoacan
  • The work will include cavity wall insulation, roof insulation, double glazing and installation of energy efficient heating systems.
  • The vegetation of this waste undulated and frothed amidst the countless cells of crumbling house walls, and broke along the foot of the city wall in a surf of bramble and holly and ivy and teazle and tall grasses. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • The paint was peeling off the wall in places.
  • By upholstering a wall in damask and then leaving it bare, Ms. Brandolini makes the traditional pattern read as modern. Muriel's Moment
  • They had posters all over the wall in the basement. The Sun
  • It is hoped that a climbing club may be able to use the wall in the future.
  • This text introduces basic conception of the firewall and operation principle mainly. We provide an application instance of PIX firewall in the campus network.
  • I had discovered that I could kick up without fear, and I loved the feeling of flying up against the wall into a handstand.
  • These fragments of wall in London are vestiges of the Roman occupation.
  • The best report I've heard to date was of good numbers of jewfish coming from the Ballina South Wall in the rough water caused by the wind and rain.
  • Security alarms were triggered as the other two ripped the four paintings from a wall in the exhibition area on the ground floor. The Sun
  • He was found sitting upright against a wall in the abbey graveyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • She graduated in art and design at Falmouth in Cornwall in 1991 and was soon in demand as a wildlife illustrator for magazines and books.
  • So weren't we happy when not long after choofing out of Beijing on the Trans Mongolian, we happened to notice a large and pretty looking wall in the hills.
  • He thought they should and he was extremely abusive, threw me against a wall in the voting lobby. Times, Sunday Times

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