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[ UK /wˈɔːkɐbˌa‍ʊt/ ]
  1. nomadic excursions into the bush made by an Aborigine
  2. a public stroll by a celebrity to meet people informally
  3. a walking trip or tour

How To Use walkabout In A Sentence

  • At photo opportunities or on walkabouts, he seemed to see a Private Eye cover picture in every handshake or pram.
  • But the glamorous trio still made time for a half-hour walkabout to greet the 4,000 screaming fans who had packed Leicester Square.
  • The Duchess could commit a faux pas on a walkabout. Times, Sunday Times
  • For exercise, he should try eightsome reels, riding sidesaddle, deer stalking and walkabouts through shopping centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was ambushed by angry protesters during a walkabout in Bolton.
  • On a recent walkabout with my fellow ward councillors, we picked up on numerous problems with litter, bin bags, problem gullies, unswept roads - and I know the situation is similar elsewhere.
  • Former US President Bill Clinton stunned shoppers with an impromptu walkabout yesterday, after enjoying a Yorkshire pub lunch.
  • The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.
  • She also excels at things we think of as entirely modern, such as walkabouts.
  • The Duchess could commit a faux pas on a walkabout. Times, Sunday Times
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