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How To Use Walk out In A Sentence

  • It's quite something to walk out on stage in front of 20,000 people.
  • When attached to your keyring, it can ensure that you never again forget your mobile phone as you walk out the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • All my email's inboxes are down. well from china hotmail and yahoo has been slow .. and they banned youtube in china~~ what a flung 0_o #dinked I heart Creana "True friends walk in, when the rest walk out. GotFrag eSports Stories
  • I was just about to walk out the front door of my office when our receptionist's cellphone rang.
  • He then walked deeper into the darkness, looked at the empty throne, and then turned to walk out.
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  • You walk out of the restaurant with not just the fading gustatory memory but with a razorsharp visual one. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I had him walk out of the door, down the steps, out the gate; and there was a woman waiting for him.
  • When you are eleven, you can walk out by the clothes line to put rubbish out, then come back in and tell the person you are staying with that it is raining, and not even think of bringing in the washing.
  • Other retired chaplains seem unwilling to suggest that chaplains should walk out on the troops if the ban is repealed. Christianity Today
  • I lingered on the sidewalk outside the old house, wondering who lived there now.
  • They walk out into the arena, all nerves.
  • With a few exceptions, the lyrics are somewhat trite and cornily rhymed (on "Empty Pictures," about the negative effects of media and advertising: "They can show you pictures of the world that looks so nice / But you can walk out of your door and see with your own eyes"). Playback:stl Syndication
  • So if you don't want me to throw out my back chucking you out of that there window, you're going to pick this stuff up, walk out of here, and try your damnedest to show a little respect to the dead. Free Excerpt 3/5: Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson
  • Our time together over, I shake hands, thank her for her candour and walk out the door.
  • The director told them not to walk out on the chairman.
  • You don't walk out on the streets and see peeps like that.
  • Ryo stood to walk out of the house, but Kunshi moved toward him and pushed him back into a seat.
  • Alicia watched her mom walk out of the room and then refixed her eyes on Marcus.
  • I walk out into the open, where Josh can see me clearly, with the moonlight glancing off my sleek fur coat.
  • Yet within a few years, she could not walk outside without being mobbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The director told them not to walk out on the chairman.
  • It's the walkback scheme, where he lets these outside groups walk out these slurs/smears against Barack Obama, and then those slurs/smears are walked back with a 'denouncement' from McCain, but once they've been walked out and back, they still leave that behind in the public discourse. Swift Boat Vet Operative Vows To "Attack Obama Viciously"
  • But when I walk out from the shore, tiny purple crabs run for cover at my first step.
  • A short walk out of the centre brings you to the cool stone walls of the cloistered courtyard, a welcome oasis of calm away from the busy city streets.
  • On the day I visited, several manic-looking men whom I took to be junkies were loitering on the sidewalk outside the entrance.
  • It's so good-looking and cheap you walk out with a cartload of stuff and feel richer than when you went in.
  • Eight unions walk out over three days from tomorrow but none had a 50 per cent vote turnout. The Sun
  • She was about to walk out of the restroom when she felt the garrote wrap around her neck.
  • Two accomplices "clamped" the TV to the man before helping him walk out of the store. G4TV - The Feed
  • Just think; tomorrow we shall walk out of this place and leave it all behind us forever.
  • Creed stood on the sidewalk outside the Palace Hotel.
  • They were able to walk out when their jammed cabin door was opened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don Black's gimcrack lyrics range from the instantly forgettable to the indelibly horrific: "Well, who would have thought that a waitress from Rowena / Would have had the balls to bust me out my old .45 / And who would have thought that a farm boy from Teleco / Would outsmart the smartest lawmen and walk out of here alive? Wheel This Barrow Out of Town
  • The walk out was nothing more than pouting from the Bush administration officials. Think Progress » Bush Delegation Stages “Walk Out” at Climate Talks
  • could he walk out in the midst of his piece?
  • Print off a 20% coupon from the internet and walk out for $160 plus tax. The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
  • He would never walk out of the house in anything dirty or unironed.
  • She would undress and put on clean shorts, then walk out to the broodmare pasture. BARN BLIND
  • There was no prim and proper lady to be seen near the Great Hall, for they had no great mind to walk outside whilst it was raining.
  • It was the practice to walk out of a Sunday with the braided leather belt showing just below your waistcoat.
  • A Russian cosmonaut and an American astronaut are on a spacewalk outside the International Space Station.
  • I have been tempted to chuck something at her or walk out of the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was about to walk out of the restroom when she felt the garrote wrap around her neck.
  • She began to walk out the door but she heard him sink down on the bed dejectedly.
  • So, think of it: you walk out of the back door and there is a prison wall near enough to stub your toe on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simultaneously, as if at some undiscernible signal, the three boys hopped off the low concrete retaining wall next to the sidewalk outside the mom-and-pop the entrance to which was not only barred, but protected by a pair of concrete pylons to prevent drive-through break-ins and fell into step behind Missy. Fear Itself
  • So, think of it: you walk out of the back door and there is a prison wall near enough to stub your toe on. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I walk out with my mail, I see a cowboy helping a moderately drunk cowgirl along the boardwalk.
  • This is another good time to walk outside and expose yourself to some natural light.
  • I walk out of the lapping, transparent water in a daze made up of disbelief as much as exhaustion.
  • He said: 'It beggars belief that so many offenders just walk out. The Sun
  • They were tempted to walk out halfway through the performance.
  • She goes to a local dance, where she's swept off her feet by a handsome and worldly pilot who steals a kiss as they walk outside.
  • He said: 'It beggars belief that so many offenders just walk out. The Sun
  • He said: 'It beggars belief that so many offenders just walk out. The Sun
  • Lee looked out between the tempera painted cornshocks and saw people setting up lawn chairs on the sidewalk out front. FAMILY BLESSINGS
  • The levels of poverty hit you as soon as you walk out of the airport and see people trying to eke a living out of the very earth they walk on.
  • I didn't think I would [walk out] but you never know, your circumstances change," added Dave, who admitted that he was feeling 'demoralised' today. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Maybe we only come to fully appreciate many great athletes and artists just before they walk out the door.
  • But it still feels like my dad will walk out of the garage and yell at me to go pick up the dog poop in the backyard, after I get finished mowing the front.
  • We can have a dozen pots in the shade house limping along, but walk outside and look under some racks and WOW! the corydalis is so beautiful it’s ridiculous. The beautiful — and frustrating — corydalis « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • There has been a strong feeling among rank and file workers to walk out over this issue.
  • Now go back and fill receptacle I with blocks (up to 4), pick up 2 blocks, walk out 1 segment, and drop both blocks off in receptacle III. Archive 2008-05-01
  • While women have announced their need to be prim, proper and pampered, spas preach that it's not how you look once you leave, rather how you feel during the treatment and once you walk out.
  • The worst threat at this G20 summit was a remark by French President Nicolas Sarkozy that he would walk out if there was not better regulation of banks and financial markets, not exactly the kind of casus belli that plunged Europe into war nearly 100 years ago. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • If the action were approved, heads and their deputies would walk out during the autumn term. Times, Sunday Times
  • But isn't it good to be able to walk outside after 5pm in the wintertime?
  • This causes him to fear that she will disappear, leaving him with nothing, which in turn instigates him to provoke their break-up so that he can walk out on her before he is abandoned.
  • When I brought him in from a walk outside, he was so happy to be home, and he would approach Chickie and the two cats and caress their faces with his. Mike Schwager: Let's Save Our Best Friends
  • Their first attempt, however, was foiled when they lost the centre leaf and had to walk out at this point.
  • She would undress and put on clean shorts, then walk out to the broodmare pasture. BARN BLIND
  • He shrugs and a moment later the door slams open and a bunch of naked men walk out, their behinds as bright as the full moon shining down on them. The Trouble With May Amelia
  • At midnight I walk outside then walk back in again with a lump of coal, and wish myself a Happy New Year.
  • Improbably, the screening goes off without a hitch and, except for the 30 or 40 people who walk out, the response is very positive.
  • Then he stood up and started to walk out, with my mum following closely behind.
  • Would you walk out of a prison cell into freedom if there was a 25% chance of catching the flu when you rentered society? Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Incentives Matter
  • Having gone into the clinic with some trepidation, I walk out of it feeling like a man who has drunk deep from the fountain of life.
  • Then on the Sunday, when he was off duty, we used to take a walk out to the Torry Lighthouse, or down by the auld brig o 'Balgownie, and then hame to an hour's read of the Bible afore I put down the kebbuck and the bannocks. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • And yes, definitely the homesickness is stronger in the fall -- at least for me -- partly because my brother has an apple orchard and the season is starting to kick in and I just think wistfully about being able to walk out and pick apples. September evenings with roasted chicken
  • I figured it was unlikely I would walk out of the cinema converted to Miller having been a long-time disliker of his comics; since That Yellow Bastard, in fact, though I was never that bothered about anything of his other than Dark Knight Returns and Ronin. Seeing films for peer discussion
  • When someone walk out your life, let them. They are just making more room for someone else better to walk in.
  • They make their way down to the river, walk into the water up to their shoulders, swim across the deeper channel in the middle, their antlers waggling above the ripples, and calmly walk out again on the other side.
  • Isabelle squinted her eyes, opened them wide, tilted her head left, then right, as she watched Grete walk out to the front yard to check on a patch of silverweed she was cultivating by the woodpile. Falling In
  • Being annoyed too at her insistence that they walk outside on a rather chilly morning, he hunched his shoulders and looked glum. Somewhere East of Life
  • I could simply elect to walk out the door, act on reckless impulse without fear of consequences.
  • FITZWATER: Well, the "cockamamy" part of the idea that a President is going to be so intimidated by the press or wilt under the pressure and walk out of the Presidency, or something like that. Call the Briefing! Bush & Reagan, Sam & Helen: A Decade with Presidents and the Press
  • During the first weeks of basic training recruits are not permitted to walk out.
  • If the action were approved, heads and their deputies would walk out during the autumn term. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is furious and expects his friends and colleagues to walk out in protest at the injustice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first time Luke tried to walk outside on his own he was about seven. GOING OUT
  • Researchers found one dangerous germ, acinetobacter, is especially easy to spread — lurking on bed rails and IV pumps and other places that mean even workers not touching the patient could walk out contaminated. Hospital infections fought by new 'preventionists'
  • We get the feeling that seeing a woman walk out the door with her suitcases packed is a biannual event for Don, yet it sets him into a depressive tailspin.
  • At times the silent cottage became unendurable, and Saxon would throw a shawl about her head and walk out the Oakland Mole, or cross the railroad yards and the marshes to Sandy Beach where CHAPTER XV
  • Just before I could walk out the door he caught me by the arm.
  • A Russian cosmonaut and an American astronaut are on a spacewalk outside the International Space Station.
  • Eight unions walk out over three days from tomorrow but none had a 50 per cent vote turnout. The Sun
  • How could Dunlop walk into the AIB with cheques or drafts made out for large sums of money to a company of which he was not a director or shareholder or officer, and walk out again having converted them to cash?
  • A visitor to the city in 1744 was told by his guide “that to walk out after dusk upon this platform was a good way for a stranger to fit himself with a courtezan, for that place was the generall rendezvous of the fair sex of that profession after sun set with a good choice of pritty lasses among them, both English and Dutch.” Angel in the Whirlwind
  • She also said that she missed being able to walk out and jump into the swimming pool at her house.
  • The 28-year-old was seriously unimpressed with the reporting of his decision to walk out and concede a frame while Hicks was still compiling a break on Thursday.
  • One lady told her unsaved husband, ‘You can go to church now, listen, and get up and walk out.’
  • And when the City asked them to leave the sidewalk outside, they asked for an extra allotment of time, in order to be able to leave the site as neat and tidy as they found it.
  • I walk out and am immediately assaulted by a sharp smell in the air.
  • I have been tempted to chuck something at her or walk out of the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • He and his friend throw rocks at each other and walk out of town.
  • He had thought that the two of them might simply enter the termitary, mingle -- perilously, but with at least a margin of safety -- with the blind race it housed, and walk out again whenever they pleased. The Raid on the Termites
  • Let us talk about the brave Opposition leaders who wander up to Maniapoto country, go inside for a hongi, but then walk outside and try to talk tough and say they will put the Te Wananga o Aotearoa in a hangi.
  • Attempts to walk outbye past the friction gear were hampered by smoke coming inbye from the fire. Whitehaven News headlines
  • He is furious and expects his friends and colleagues to walk out in protest at the injustice. Times, Sunday Times
  • A muzzleloader is the only type of rifle I can buy and walk out with. Electrifying Muzzleloaders: CVA's New Electronic Ignition System
  • Is it because the patient would like the therapist to walk out of her life?
  • Nearly every week I would ride into Coolgardie for stores, and walk out again leading the loaded packhorse, our faithful little chestnut "brumby," i.e., half-wild pony, of which there are large herds running in the bush near the settled parts of the coast. Spinifex and Sand
  • She was about to walk outside when an aide pointed out that there was a TV crew waiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I smiled widely when I saw Feodor and Isidore walk out from the gates, both clad in shining armor.
  • Hence, it is the most inviting to the contemplatist, and during a day in October, the genius of melancholy may walk out and take her fill, in meditating on its successive scenes of regeneration and decay. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 276, October 6, 1827
  • I hate to walk out, but I'm a mother first and last.
  • I smoothed a rebellious hair into place and turned to walk out of my room, desperately hoping that the dinner I was about to go to was a pleasant one.
  • To know the truth of that, you need only walk out onto any street in any city in this country; you know that within minutes - seconds - you will see some of the one-third or more of our nation that suffers the miseries of being poor.
  • I have been tempted to chuck something at her or walk out of the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was about to walk outside when an aide pointed out that there was a TV crew waiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • His own backbenchers and members of the opposition have all threatened to walk out of Westminster or resign.
  • He leans on her as they walk out of the park, heading home to a sparsely furnished but comfortable home with hot chapattis and aloo subzi for dinner.
  • I just want to be able to wake up in the morning and know that there is a plenitude of things out there to do and see and experience, and that all I have to do is walk out of my front door and find them.
  • I find it rude when someone lights up during a meal, they could simply walk outside or wait till the meal is finished.
  • On the few occasions he has to bat, Mets pitcher R.A. Dickey, a self-confessed Star Wars nut, borrows his walk out music from Darth Vader—the Imperial March by John Williams. A Player's Big Decision: Intro Music
  • Attempts to walk outbye past the friction gear were hampered by smoke coming inbye from the fire. Whitehaven News headlines
  • It would better if he got a detox programme behind bars, where he can't walk out when he feels like a drink. The Sun
  • Now that she was due to walk out on to the stage herself she became overawed with admiration. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • I open the door to Jake's room, and walk out into the hallway, padding down the stairs slowly.
  • Mr. NORTON: It came out of one of these guys telling us that he had self-destructed in a parole interview and tried to walk out of the room. Edward Norton, Hard Again As 'Stone'
  • One day they took a walk outside of the town.
  • In fact, just walk out and let them turn the country into the cesspool they want (the dems), Folks will be so fed up, they will demand that the term democrat party forever be stricken from the books. Latest Articles
  • What's the matter, did our food editor walk out in a snit because you dumped all over her literary hero or did you overedit the vichysoisse again? Clara Breed
  • He will surely walk out from what is now a family apartment located in part of a wing of the Umaid Bhawan Palace, the largest palace in all of India, and a shrine to all that is Art Deco.
  • I arrange to meet him on the sidewalk outside the hotel in an hour.
  • Let us talk about the brave Opposition leaders who wander up to Maniapoto country, go inside for a hongi, but then walk outside and try to talk tough.
  • Other retired chaplains seem unwilling to suggest that chaplains should walk out on the troops if the ban is repealed. Christianity Today
  • Bus and tram drivers in seaside resort could walk out after pair told to lose 3kg (7lb) within month Strike threatened after Blackpool bus drivers suspended for being 'too fat'
  • So long as people can walk out of a room and say they have decided to leave on their terms, they retain their dignity.
  • I walk out of movies and plays, and I never accept invitations to operas that have no catchy tunes in them.
  • They continued to walk outbye stopping occasionally for short breathers until they met James Henry, the underground manager, coming inbye with a rescue party. Whitehaven News headlines
  • The "limiter" blows like a fuse if usage rises past a set level and electricity is not restored until the device is flipped back on by the homeowner, who must walk outside to the meter. Undefined
  • I had a long walk out hauling my glider and harness on my kayak cart, but got to the party in time.
  • A riskier-than-usual spacewalk outside the international space station was cut short because of a malfunction that left one of the two crewmen with a warm, damp suit.
  • There are, of course, a few sticks of gum, and I pop one in my mouth as I walk out the room.
  • Face-to-face communication was another key aspect and proved key in stopping a staff walk out.
  • They continued to walk outbye stopping occasionally for short breathers until they met James Henry, the underground manager, coming inbye with a rescue party. Whitehaven News headlines
  • Being annoyed too at her insistence that they walk outside on a rather chilly morning, he hunched his shoulders and looked glum. Somewhere East of Life
  • We walk out of the club, and into the muzzy darkness of the City at night.
  • I think the next time I feel stress in my teaching job, this will afford me the opportunity to just "walk out of my classroom" and not tell someone because I need to relax and unstress. Pam's House Blend - Front Page
  • You slip your coat on, walk out the door and into the waiting arms of store security.
  • The footballer has vowed to walk out on the club that he loves if they carry on meeting his heartfelt pleas for talks on his future with a muckle wall of silence.
  • Dean looks forward to the day when he can walk out on the course and play the game of golf.
  • A man lies on the sidewalk outside Tiffany's, passers-by just stepping over him.
  • We just walk out to the freezer in the garage and take our pick.
  • His injuries hurt him, but one of them had to be able to walk out of there.
  • She is pallid and gaunt, like a sexy vampire howling away, yelping out, ‘you're gonna have to step over my dead body before you walk out that door,’ and grabs the mike feverishly with black lacquered nails.
  • Yet within a few years, she could not walk outside without being mobbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why don't you walk out and go cut yourself some more, dorkface? ", yelled Cody Linley from across the room. - Financial News
  • Good to know that you can walk out of the office and still see stabbings and thrustings on the front lawn. RIDDLE OF STEEL!!!!
  • When the river is very low and the pool is not fishable it is usually possible to walk out into the middle of the river and fish directly into the deep water channel.
  • He is not the first person to be sacked for missing targets and to walk out with a fat cheque, but what the bankers really disliked was the cut of his jib.
  • It would better if he got a detox programme behind bars, where he can't walk out when he feels like a drink. The Sun
  • Carrying 1 block, walk out two segments and drop off the block in receptacle IV. Archive 2008-05-01
  • If you can afford to walk out of your job, why not?
  • They had to walk out through the boisterous members' area of the pavilion, then jog back through it a minute later to rush padding up in the 10 minutes allowed, and then walk back through the crowd to start the innings.
  • People who want more must first have the courage to walk out of the door. RVM 
  • As soon as a robot walks out of the printer, Lipson says, Malone can walk out of the lab with his Ph.D. Q: What sort of things are people printing with your fabber? The Desktop Factory | Impact Lab
  • It was the practice to walk out of a Sunday with the braided leather belt showing just below your waistcoat.
  • After dinner, walk outside, take a deep breath of the pine-scented air, and enjoy the moonlight on ponderosa trunks that peek through a layer of fresh powder snow, and the inky mountains in the distance.
  • Walk out of your door and you are soon on a medieval trackway, a medieval pilgrimage route, or a medieval market place.
  • How can someone walk out of a seven-year relationship and commit himself to another so soon?
  • You can't walk out on your wife and children.
  • I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end.
  • She was so dizzy with happiness, she didn't notice them walk out of the door, she didn't care they were walking through the town.
  • It also means that seniors are scared to walk out after the pubs close because of sozzled youths acting funky, smashing shop windows, trashing the public loos, doing drugs in the bus shelter and so forth.
  • They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction.
  • The gold standard divided the party, as 24 Western delegates staged a walk out when the GOP refused to accept the unlimited coinage of gold and silver.
  • Saturday, October 25, 2008 the folks 'visit - day 7 on friday, i took the day off and we drove out to tillamook, up 101 to rockaway beach for lunch, and then to cannon beach for a walk out to haystack. we met dave at the grand lodge in forest grove for dinner. it was a great visit! The folks' visit - day 7
  • When attached to your keyring, it can ensure that you never again forget your mobile phone as you walk out the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ewenki walk out of the mountain and move into the habitat established by the Government.
  • You can't walk out on your wife and children.
  • There we were, four or five clowns and buffoons in silly outfits waiting together backstage to walk out on a wooden platform with a brass pole in the center.
  • You walk out of a bar in daylight, and you see people on their way to work, or jogging.
  • I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end.
  • You're also encouraged to take the helm, visit the engine room or walk out on the bowsprit.
  • I could simply elect to walk out the door, act on reckless impulse without fear of consequences.
  • But I think the thing everyone will be talking about when they walk out of the theatre is the action. Twilight Lexicon » Alphie’s Eclipse Review
  • A sudden panic seized her, and Lila hurriedly tripped her way to the glass doors, managing to arrive there just as he was about to walk out.
  • If brute force isn't your forte, you're also encouraged to take the helm, visit the engine room or walk out on the bowsprit.
  • The outrageously self-regarding George then takes an onstage bow, largely ignoring his angry female co-star, before greeting fans on the sidewalk outside the cinema where he meets cute with Peppy. Nancy Chuda: The Artist: A Review With an Extra Big Shout Out to Uggy
  • October 17, 2007 at 3: 38 pm whoever says phasing is a “stupid power” …. i’d rather have the ability to walk into bank vaults and then walk out, ignoring all the bullets from the cops as they pass through me … instead of having to bust it up, and hulksmash my way through everything. there’s something to be said for “sneaky”. The Flash #232: Wild Wild Wests Part 2 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Anybody who had anything of value in his room was very unwise to walk out of his room without locking the door behind him.
  • I rise from the chair, take off the glasses, flick the lightswitch on and walk out of the door.
  • It was one thing to talk about leaving; it was another to physically walk out the door.
  • So they walk out of a speech and all the freedom warriors will get little stiffies... Ah, yes, the crippling irony.

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