How To Use Waking In A Sentence

  • He was afraid of waking up in the morning and finding that Jessie was dead.
  • I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer. GALILEE
  • Very interesting that our Member of Parliament seems to think spending every waking hour in horning is more important than being in Parliament. Campaigning in Horning
  • Real will is an attribute of consciousness, not of the sleep in which most people pass their waking lives.
  • She stubbed her toe and managed to release the guitar from its holding and it twanged on the ground, waking the two very unstable-temperamental parents below.
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  • And the one faint hope that soothed his troubled dreams was one he dared not cherish in his hours of waking. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • In fact, you are reinforcing the fear and the waking behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It reminded her of waking in the Karien camp the morning of the battle. TREASON KEEP
  • The sunrays streamed through the window waking Caroline from her deep sleep.
  • There are a handful of real tech stormers (like "A Roboter"), a handful of really pretty, nearly beatless minimal compositions (see "Awaking Naked"), and another few, like this one, that find the line between the two and hop back and forth between both worlds. Slippy (Music (For Robots))
  • Thus 12 hours after waking you will feel worse than you thought imaginable.
  • Waking up to that news must certainly make a hangover feel better. The Sun
  • Sport is not a bolt-on extra in the lives of champions, sport is everything to them and victory the aim of their every waking moment.
  • At The Citadel, first-year students, called knobs, are closely supervised every waking minute. Failing at FAIRNESS
  • He wrote most of the songs on the album, once waking up at 6 a. m. with inspiration for lyrics.
  • In the latter case, dreams may be illusory, but their nature is familiar to us from our understanding of the waking world. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • My best moment was waking up on the day of the summer solstice last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medically, insomnia is marked by 'subjective complaints about quantity and/or quality of sleep', leading to 'a feeling of being unrefreshed on waking '. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • They spend most of their waking hours caring for them and are often woken at night, but get virtually no help.
  • They scratched this on a slab of slatelike rock, with a sharp iron awl; and, reckoning the present day as about October first, agreed that every waking-time they would cross off one square. Darkness and Dawn
  • After waking up with a sore throat, slight fever, and aches all over, I'm now realizing it's a good day to be sick.
  • My mother's from Colombia, so I grew up waking up on Saturday mornings with my mom blaring cumbia merengue music, cleaning the house and skipping around.
  • Young company Waking Exploits are reviving this boisterous comedy and taking it out on tour at a moment in time when people's faith in financial institutions is at an all-time low and the word banker has almost become synonymous with villain. This week's new theatre
  • What the little waking dream revealed to me was that INSTEAD of the little allice in wonderland dress I had been planning to go under the FABULOUS crushed red velvet cape edged in wide satin red ribbon and lined with red moire silk; [Did I mention I'm a bit of a seamstress?} Madrigle Diary Entry
  • My pet peeve for the day is waking up in the middle of the night, curled in a warm hollow under the blankets, relaxed and thinking dozily about blogs and mailing lists… and then the harsh bleep of my alarm ricocheting through the dark.
  • But what caught her unawares was the horrid thing that by this fact of sudden, unexpected waking she had surprised these other things in the room, beside the very bed, gathered close about him while he slept. The Man Whom the Trees Loved
  • And in the afternoon we went for a row on the river, pulling easily up the anabranch and floating down with the stream under the shade of the river timber -- instead of going to sleep and waking up helpless and soaked in perspiration, to find the women with headaches, as many do on Children of the Bush
  • Although...the incoherence could be a side effect of my continued insomnia--I've been either lying awake until 4, or waking up at 2 for a few hours, almost every other night, even though I ran out of my exciting cough medicine last week. Ainmosni.
  • It could not be called a transfiguration that sleep had worked in his face; for the features wore essentially the same expression when waking; but sleep spiritualized that expression, exalted it, and also harmonized it. Biographical Essays
  • Waking at Dawn two single thoughts consumed her, -- the Lay Reader, and the humpiest of the express packages downstairs. Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs
  • We are bombarded with information every waking moment!
  • It must have been 1967 when I first had the bejesus scared out of me by this tale - and then learned the strange attraction of re-exposing oneself to this waking nightmare.
  • A sense of destiny pervades your every waking moment, and you prepare with great detail for destiny fulfilled.
  • It was too late to find a room, so they stayed in the car, sleeping propped up in their seats and waking stiff and unrested.
  • Analogies were drawn to waking from a dream, from a hypnotic trance, or from meditation.
  • She is afraid you are waking from her spell, casting it off.
  • She remembered waking to the clink of a spoon in a cup; he was stirring honey into her tea. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • She remembered waking to the clink of a spoon in a cup; he was stirring honey into her tea. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN
  • Waking up to that news must certainly make a hangover feel better. The Sun
  • The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill 
  • I know there are some psychoanalysts who theorize that every creature which appears in a dream or waking dream is an aspect of the dreamer. GALILEE
  • ‘We've arrived at a point where consumption of media and information accounts for more than half of our waking hours,’ he adds.
  • Do you suppose there’s anyone else in the world who’s such a silly-billy, with such feverish little knuckles, so afraid of waking me up and of not making me understand? Within a Budding Grove
  • The United States is waking up from a serious malady.
  • His magnificent grey velvet suit seemed to be floating aimlessly in a raging sea, as if petrified in the expectation of waking.
  • Waking up early that day in order to leave extra early and have time to stop at Starbucks for breakfast, Madison and I both showered and then dressed in matching velour sweats, mine in pink and hers in blue.
  • After a shower I got so wrapped up in playing with my bass fx dsp that I forgot to eat dinner and went to bed too late. fri: Had a hard time waking up this morning. Italianbeef Diary Entry
  • I remember waking to fresh falls of snow, the muffled stillness, and the sense of a world transformed.
  • She tried to wriggle away without waking him but she could barely move.
  • When Ben was born we bought a camcorder in order to capture his every waking moment no matter how insignificant.
  • They were just great camping trips in beautiful Yorkshire countryside, waking up to the bleating of sheep and doves cooing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In hard times, every waking moment was spent foraging for food.
  • In waking life, of course, you were not part of the decisions about promotion and firing in your office, but still you feel guilty about getting ahead under such unhappy and unfair circumstances.
  • No, it is his daughter I seek to escape — the ten-year-old step-bratling who plagues every waking moment of my existence. One Night Of Scandal
  • They suggest that on waking you should eat a few raisins or pine kernels. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • He dedicates every hour of his waking life to playing the best tennis he can, and what is his reward?
  • Sleep researchers generally agree that Stage 1 marks the transition from waking to sleeping states.
  • Nothing would please me more than to sip on his oh-so-delicate tomato soup and spoon soft sweet spoonfulls of crenshaw and almond into my mouth my every waking moment. In praise of Manresa
  • Waking up and stretching everything that happened last night came back to her and she shook in off and went to the garage to get her clothes out of her trunk.
  • His eyes are practically normal, and all his sensibilities (save for tardier response) about the same in hypnosis as in waking. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • It's like a compelling bad dream whose inscrutable images persist in the traumatised moments after waking.
  • South Africans are waking up to the reality of child rape and sexual abuse.
  • It is almost arbitrary to decide where those waking states with high tension of suggestibility end and the hypnotic states begin, and not less arbitrary to call the higher degrees only hypnotism and to designate the lower degrees as hypnoid states. Psychotherapy
  • As you begin to get drowsy, the spoon will drop to the floor, hitting the plate, waking you up.
  • There's nothing like waking up to bright clear skies with spectacular views of the Lhotse and Amu Dablam ranges – and a rubbish dump.
  • It's like a compelling bad dream whose inscrutable images persist in the traumatised moments after waking.
  • Though it's easy to see why Waking Life was better-loved, Linklater's live-action talkathon is still worth watching, even if it never transcends its self-imposed limitations.
  • I go to The White Privilege Conference because I love to be with lots of people who are doing similar work - social justice programs and projects that have the purpose of waking up to the reality of and healing from the "isms" - mainly racism. Abby L. Ferber: White People Confronting Racism
  • Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?
  • Ancient memories of treachery and betrayed trust screamed in warning at the very thought, and Bahzell had muttered of gods and wizards while the dream was upon him, even if he couldn't recall the words to his waking mind.
  • The anhedonia was pervasive, including sleeping problems, waking early and inability to concentrate in school, even in sports.
  • Waking up in a bed, in a room, was strangely silent; no birds, no chickarees, no creek rushing by.
  • He kept waking up unhappy while my husband and I were snuggled under the duvet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nick and I spend most of the waking hours of the day bickering, sniping, and being sarcastic with one another.
  • Revived from my state of walking death, I awoke with an insatiable thirst for that world, a mad desire to recapture it in the waking hours.
  • Through the night it kept awaking me, and on the morrow I found a sea foamier than ever; impossible to reach the Colonna by boat, and almost so, I was assured, to make the journey by land in such weather as this. By the Ionian Sea
  • The fragments of concrete poetry that make up the bulk of Free Cell honor the rapid-fire plausibility of waking thought, which is to say the collection's often self-contained stanzas are by turns intimate, aphoristic, and incoherent -- but never less than truthful. Seth Abramson: December 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • Governments are finally waking up to the fact that the environment should be cleaned up.
  • Each year when I leave Glebe Cottage for Chelsea, our "hot" borders are only just showing signs of waking up, with large clumps of Euphorbia palustris and their brilliant, lime-green tufts stealing centre stage. Gardens: Oriental poppies
  • I ended up sleeping for about four hours - waking up at about 6.45 pm - missing not only my fringe show, but evensong as well.
  • She recalled waking up after sleeping amid the fumes. The Sun
  • I remember waking up one cold and frosty Christmas morning, and after drawing back the blackout curtains the light shone on to the pale green stippled walls of my bedroom, and I saw my stocking hanging on the corner of the fireplace (no fire).
  • Just before dawn he was assisted in waking by the abnormal reverberation of familiar music.
  • But whatever the motive, international business is at least waking up to the fact that a social conscience can be good for business.
  • I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I knew was waking up in hospital.
  • Apparently it's called a hypnagogic hallucination (if it happens as you're going to sleep) and a hypnopompic hallucination if it happens as you're waking. WalesOnline - Home
  • After waking up, her speech was garbled and she was confused.
  • Morvern Callar begins with a young woman waking up to find her lover dead, sprawled on the kitchen floor.
  • The section's title poem, an incantatory piece, again acknowledges the weight of exchange, although the poem feels buoyant and light; it is a kind of waking song for the narrator's yet-unborn baby.
  • Upon waking, he realized he was in the same frustrated and despairing state once again.
  • Other than a ‘piet-my-vrou ‘(red chested cuckoo) waking up at 5 this morning to shout, before it even got light, and my son's awakening at 5: 30 on a SUNDAY morning to ask if he could watch TV, it's been a good start to the week.’
  • Now that imaging technology is used to detect glaucoma and to set off alarms waking drowsy lorry drivers by monitoring facial movements. Times, Sunday Times
  • By this criterion we distinguish our waking from our sleeping hours, we can voluntarily recollect our sleeping ideas, when we are awake, and compare them with our waking ones; but we cannot in our sleep _voluntarily_ recollect our waking ideas at all. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Along with the mysteries there are also plenty of adventures that Magpie encounters: awaking an ancient djinni that must help save the world, having vampire-like creatures sent after her to distract her from her goal, and even having close encounters with the humans known as “mannies”. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It had been quite another waking up starkers in the gray morning light. Kiss & Break Up
  • Even as Floridians brace for a new wave of fraudulence to consume their waking existence, they can happily shut the door on another local bit... Efraim Diveroli, 20-Something Arms-Dealing Fraudster, Sentenced To Four Years In Prison
  • Marked self-reproach, early morning waking, and weight loss were not seen in this type of patient.
  • Anyway, sound recordist Judy Rapley and I mapped out a plan to ensure recording of all communal waking activities, from very early in the morning until bedtime.
  • We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear we might wake the baby.
  • In my former house, there was this preacher that would be out before 5am every morning waking the whole community up with the ceaseless donging of his bell that was often louder than his voice. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Though she was happy with the love and adulation that came with fame, she hated waking up early in the morning.
  • The impact was powerful enough to shake buildings in central Tokyo, waking up many residents, in a reminder of how prone the Japanese capital is to earthquakes.
  • I blushed, waiting a beat before slowly trying to wiggle out of his grasp without waking him up.
  • Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?
  • When they went to summer camps, guards patrolled the perimeter and the inmates spent every waking moment imbibing the thoughts of the master.
  • 'Dissenter?' echoed Esther, the word awaking a long train of old associations; and for a moment her thoughts wandered back to them. A Red Wallflower
  • He rubbed his eyes and yawned as though waking up after a long sleep.
  • I'm a restless sleeper, so I ended up waking up a lot.
  • I can recall having one of my best sleeps since arriving in Australia that night, and waking feeling thoroughly refreshed the next day.
  • A few Arabian soldiers, rousted out-after Zabdas gained himself ill will by waking the qadi, I gather. The Boat of a Million Years
  • Waking up and realising it is Monday was the second biggest letdown. The Sun
  • But gone are the days when fresh milk was served at our doorstep with the milkman's knock at the door waking us up everyday.
  • I guess Camelot is over .... thank God some people are finally waking up to this lunacy. Poll: Obama approval rating dips under 60 percent
  • Businesses are waking up to the need for this high level of protection, but are still being bombarded by virals.
  • My eyes prickle with tears, and I have to stop myself from waking her up to remind her of my love.
  • In like manner if the actions of the stomach, intestines, and various glands, which are perhaps in part at least caused by or catenated with agreeable sensation, and which perpetually exist during our waking hours, were like the voluntary motions suspended in our sleep; the great accumulation of sensorial power, which would necessarily follow, would be liable to excite inflammation in them. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • They had picked the one that was farthest from the beds in efforts to avoid waking up the girls.
  • Only during the first and last two hours of your waking day is alertness significantly impaired.
  • Go Packers! leehoward Great football today - Birmingham v Villa just kicked off, later it's Cardiff v Newcastle and then Fulham v Everton, we're showing them all! leehoward Fulham v Everton - TeleText johncz RT @FiOSTV RedZone Widget is live on your FiOS TV (launch it from the Widget Bazaar) - Now you're ready for some football! jensroeben jark: Waking up at 3am to watch some opening day football! Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • C'mon, just how pathetic is this unionist response to Scotland finally waking up and asserting herself? Calman- "imaginative" and "bold"?
  • Selina began her school day the same way she always had, waking up before the aureate dawn revealed itself to watch the most fantastic thing she'd ever seen: the sun rise.
  • He was their property, heart and soul, body and blood; what they did claimed every atom of him, sleeping and waking; it colored life and dictated the terms of death.
  • They loved to tiptoe dramatically across the bridge grimacing in anticipation of waking their imaginary monster.
  • Bovines in the wild, for instance, spend most of their waking hours in a state of slow, ambulant grazing, walking an average of 2.5 miles a day, all the while taking 50 to 80 bites of forage per minute. Nicolette Hahn Niman: Avoiding Factory Farm Foods: An Eater's Guide
  • Then they would sleep, again awaking at day-dawn when they would arise and seek for spoil, according to their custom, and ransack the heaps where at times they would hit upon a silverling of five dirhams and at other times a piece of four; and at eventide they would meet to spend together the dark hours, and they would expend everything they came by every day. Arabian nights. English
  • Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant.
  • The first course, Professional Hypnotism Training, covers erasing negative beliefs, preinduction interviews, trance management, direct and indirect suggestions, developing rapport, and waking hypnosis. You’re Certifiable
  • For there is a delight in awaking after a night in the open that the finest house in the world cannot give. A Little Bush Maid
  • There should be abetter way to start a day than waking up every morning.
  • _Now just hold hard here, busters, now goddamn it enough is ENO UGH, whaddya wheredya get the idea you can_ and so forth, in the grip of his waking nightmare he drivelled on and on until one of the four, obviously it was the woman, came up, swung her rifle butt and broke his flapping jaw. The Satanic Verses
  • His motherless sons: for them the croft, for them the boat, for them his every waking thought. THE LONELY SEA
  • He narrates how he fanatically read, trained and thought of it all his waking hours.
  • If your child is generally a good sleeper and begins waking in the night, it's a good idea to check there isn't a medical reason.
  • In his immediate postoperative state, in what was neither a dream nor fantasy, but more akin to a prolonged series of hypnopompic hallucinations during a long period of waking up, this 50-plus - year-old man went through vivid images of lying on a concrete slab, while someone opened his heart and collected the blood in large pails and buckets at the side of the table. Dr. Leo Rangell: Music in the Head: Living at the Brain-Mind Border; Part 1
  • About a year ago my body got into the annoying habit of waking up around 5am.
  • Falling asleep stuffed, waking up hungry at midnight, standing over the toilet with Jell-O legs, hoping the forecast for rain is wrong, and savoring morning comforts like an email from home and the first sip of coffee, my commiserative teammate and I wake ourselves up for another race day. Ben King Diary: Inside the Team RadioShack bus – still a novelty
  • All over the country, and in fact all over the world, people are waking up to the horrors being perpetrated by the tyrants of power and authority.
  • Linnea is postponing her afternoon naps as long aspossible now, so I think she's going ot try to phase them out altogether unless I can somehow manage to get enough sleep to start waking at 7 and forcing her awake then too. Quick updatelet
  • He slavers over the idea of streaking her eyes to make her full of "hateful fantasies" and gloats over the prospect of her waking next to some "vile thing. The Guardian World News
  • You were waking up each morning not knowing what was going to hit you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her finger moved down my belly ending with a poke as she slowly pulled away backwards, turned and left me in my waking dream.
  • He spends all of his waking hours hatching schemes to catch the thief red-handed.
  • But it's certainly a little tricky expanding your social circle when your entire waking life is spent in the company of the same six other people.
  • Waking up from its slumber in cool waters, it sluggishly walks around, often opening its mouth to catch the banana thrown by the woman walking along with her.
  • Another theory is that the brain is a complex organ that needs the downtime provided by sleep to recover from the stresses of waking hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waking from a fitful and fevered sleep to the sounds of hip hop blasting through the house is not the kind of experience I wanted this morning.
  • In the dream, his waking life seemed unreal and incongruous.
  • Lastly everytime there is a dispute where government have to step up they announce they are organising a panel to investigate however we never hear anything conclusive from them again this is just a stalling tactic so i think we are past that, they need to sit up and start changing things as it looks like more and more ppl are waking up to the fact that they are serving noone other than themselves. yebo gogo i like toy toy very much it our national sport - lets bring Zuma and it's un educated gang to the gound - we are tired of him - go go go we want new leader maybe Julias Malema he is give us just what we want News24 Top Stories
  • The fort itself was a dismal enough place, on flat land west of the river, with baldhead prairie stretching away forever and coyotes waking the dead at night. Isabelle
  • I've had no periods of black depression about it, no waking up in cold sweats.
  • ‘Where the divil are the folk gone?’ said Latimer, waking up to the fact of their absence, and looking round. Wessex Tales
  • The carefree rain's rhythm, the time samsara, is awaking or sleepwalks, is real or the fairyland.
  • The morning, the grey cold morning, came at last; he had outwatched the stars, and listened to the matins of the waking birds. Henrietta Temple A Love Story
  • Others offend in overmuch fasting: pining adays, saith [1435] Guianerius, and waking anights, as many Moors and Turks in these our times do. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Here are the dirty tricks: Sam Weller tells a tale of unpolled electors being stupefied with laudanum, waking only after the election was over.
  • There's nothing like waking up to bright clear skies with spectacular views of the Lhotse and Amu Dablam ranges – and a rubbish dump.
  • Waking up with them was the most joyful experience, like giving birth. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we take care to see this, if we are canny enough to attend to it and faithful enough to lean into it, then the particular ache of that waking can initiate a response that the Greeks were wont to call kenosis -- an emptying. Scott Cairns: Moments That Wake Us Up
  • At some point Ezra becomes obsessed with the calendar and celebrates important dates, such as the first time he set eyes on a Cardigan Welsh corgi, or the first of the month, by waking up at dawn and running around the house yelling "It's the first day of May! Chantal Sicile-Kira: Following Ezra: Lessons on Raising a Child with Autism
  • I have made it a primary goal to integrate my work with my passionate interests, mostly in order to avoid the mid-life crisis of waking up to a soul-deadening modern job.
  • Why do our legs cramp up as we're waking up?
  • It is almost always given by injecting a drug, which acts so rapidly that you are barely aware that anything is happening before waking up in the recovery ward, or back in bed.
  • Waking up to find a hung-over friend of a relative amongst the presents will certainly help that year stand out.
  • Imagine groggily waking up in a strange house, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, with not a single memory of the past ten hours.
  • They stated that what was required was consistency throughout the waking day, not programmes of special education.
  • If there is any noise in the house that wakes him, this will muffle it cut down on the noise that could be waking him up. Boot Skootin’ Snot Boogerin’ Nobody’s Sleepin’ Boogie | Her Bad Mother
  • They were just great camping trips in beautiful Yorkshire countryside, waking up to the bleating of sheep and doves cooing. Times, Sunday Times
  • My best moment was waking up on the day of the summer solstice last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waking Hour, in fact, might be their best album yet.
  • 'Where the divil are the folk gone?' said Latimer, waking up to the fact of their absence, and looking round. Wessex Tales
  • The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill 
  • Aberdeen supporters do not spend their every waking moment dreamily recalling events in Gothenburg in 1983.
  • Kara had a fitful night sleep before waking up early.
  • It opens simply, with small, sweet notes, awaking from a sleep, much as the game does; and it ends the same way, as the game always does. Darkesword – Ancient Hero « Morgan Dempsey
  • The next thing she recalls is waking up surrounded by ghostly figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • After waking, it is compulsory to start off revelling in your broken grottiness for a few hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the one faint hope that soothed his troubled dreams was one he dared not cherish in his hours of waking. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • In it, there is a young man waking up in the morning after a nite of excess and liquor.
  • The marsh is a mysterious and murky zone where the intricacies of the human mind and personal psychologies are made manifest in a range of characters drawn, in part, from extant folklore and myth, but primarily from the waking dream of the marsh itself. Bill Bush: When the World Was Small and Man Knew His Place in It: This Artweek.LA (May 30 - June 5)
  • Many people spend far more of their waking hours at work than they do with their families or in leisure pursuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is just now waking up in Manitoba in the house mistakable in every detail for the sturdy home from which he is now - and ever shall be - missing.
  • He experienced the unconscious as a living, numinous presence, the constant companion of every waking moment.
  • Apart from his sister, there are no women in his life, and all his waking hours are devoted to his patients.
  • The amount of rest I got though is questionable as I kept waking up at frequent intervals during the night.
  • By now, he was used to waking up in the middle of the night; attire mussed and nightcap askew, and scurrying to open the door for His Grace's wide circle of friends.
  • Dolly and I had a grand siesta right through the oppressive heat of the afternoon, waking to find the early evening cooler and more pleasant altogether.
  • Shahrazad awoke and signalled to her sister Dunyazad who sat up and said, “Allah upon thee, O my sister, recite to us some new story, delightsome and delectable, wherewith to while away the waking hours of our latter night.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The consciousness accompanying dreamful sleep, the state between waking and sleeping, and deep meditation each exhibits a typical combination of EEG waves. Cosmic Symphony: A Deeper Look at Quantum Consciousness
  • Seldom in waking hours without books or spoken argument exerting upon his wheeling brain, yet at the helm of his boat, braced for day-long hours, he would stand rapt in healthful ecstasy of sheer being, lord of life and the harnessed powers - of nature, unheedful of physical strain, his own hand directing fate.
  • The images of his apocalyptic dream life and waking nightmares are mesmerizing, and eventually all-embracing, as the boundaries between reality and dementia blur in what amounts to a psychological thriller. '50/50': Cheerful Illness Tale, With Relapses
  • Communities of all sizes are waking up and relearning old lessons: That many residents want the option of walking or biking to get from A to B.
  • Like those before him, Horowitz pooh-poohs the idea of a recalcitrant left waking up to the error of its anti-war protesting ways.
  • Time's up and he turns to the task of waking a nephew who's now snoring into his New York Yankees baseball cap.
  • Disoriented, waking in a strange bed in a strange house, she would have remained where she was except for the demands of her bladder. FINAL RESORT
  • She recalls waking up from the anaesthetic eager to see her new face. The Sun
  • A watery autumnal sun shines down on the litter scattered across the cathedral green as the bells ring out from the tower to announce the morning service to the waking city.
  • My cat is a love whore, using vertical clawing and pitiful yowling to get attention when we're going to bed or waking up.
  • I slept reasonably well, awaking only for the Erie, PA station stop.
  • Waking up to that penetrating ice-blue gaze was enough to throw anyone off balance for the rest of the day.
  • He didn't allow the man to have his prerequisite two cups of coffee after waking up.

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