
How To Use Wakening In A Sentence

  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • The fall in popularity of the death's head and the subsequent prevalence of the cherub was a reflection of the Great Awakening and the belief in the immortality of the soul: "Cherubs reflect a stress on resurrection, while death's heads emphasize the mortality of man. Headstones for Dummies, the New York Edition
  • But memories of prior political awakenings that ended disastrously were revived when the Polish military cracked down in 1981.
  • What many patients experience is an awakening of emotions which they have never had, rather than a repetition of phantasies from the past.
  • The sharp downturn in the US economy has brought a rude awakening to many in the IT sector.
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  • If they had expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening .
  • If they had expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening .
  • In particular, he must not miss the opportunity offered by an awakening India.
  • But to watch a whiplash rapper ride the crest of an orchestral forte is a genuine awakening.
  • The Banksy Effect, the term coined by journalist Max Foster several years ago, speaks to an awakening of interest in the (often illegal) interventions that artists use to call attention to the way we complacently live under larger-than-life infrastructures built (often) by one-eyed men. Dylan Kendall: Street Art: A Window to a City's Soul
  • Today, he would be called ‘born again’; a spiritual awakening convinced him he was one of the elect, placed on earth as an instrument of God's will.
  • For the intellectuals and the urban lower middle class, the new situation was a rude awakening of disillusionment and broken promises.
  • The promo won the brand 100 new retail accounts, while awakening interest from other Hollywood studios for future tie-ins.
  • The clone's awakening after the embryo has been removed from her body opens the possibility for the emergence of a new type of hero by conflating images of rebirth and transformation.
  • Sukarno began to tour Java, addressing massive crowds on the theme of the awakening of national consciousness.
  • What was it that had awakened her — what in awakening had changed the inpouring human consciousness into this flood of fury? The Metal Monster
  • Elsewhere, again, might be seen the first awakening of this Maytime of the leaves, and those of an ampelopsis, a smiling miracle, like a red hawthorn flowering in winter, had that very morning all ‘come out,’ so to speak, in blossom. Swann's Way
  • People are finally awakening. The Sun
  • But an ugly awakening could well be lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • This trip marked the beginning of my homosexual awakening.
  • But sometimes it can be a rude awakening for students who think of spirituality as a palliative, a pill, or a magic healer of emotional ills.
  • I turned to see the awakening Eli outstretching his arms, mouth wide open.
  • But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.
  • In her mid- to late-20s, she had what she describes as a "reawakening," exploring indigenous, land-based roots in her own religion and culture. Gabe Crane: Tu B'Shvat: An Ancient Jewish Holy Day For Modern Environmentalists
  • The middle of the nineteenth century marked the beginning of the national awakening.
  • At the same time, the awakening interest in international trends at the expense of the Irish landscape tradition and pretty pastel abstraction is revealing.
  • She reflects an awakening need in Seon-woo that he doesn't know how to deal with.
  • He shows moments of consciousness and awakening. The Sun
  • The telephone starts to ring awakening me from sleep.
  • it was an early awakening
  • To measure the action of pentylenetetrazol Ahlgren proposed to employ its awakening action against central depressants. Arvid Carlsson - Autobiography
  • But after their stay in that sun-kissed paradise they got a rude awakening on heading out into the Atlantic, which was to prove stormy and rough.
  • He can also soothe the crying child with the ‘Mozart effect’, and inspire the non-reader to an awakening.
  • With today's vending machines offering an ever wider range of products from fresh pizzas and toasties to women's tights, major companies are fast awakening to the commercial possibilities of vending machines.
  • Awakening but also on his wide reading in the litera - ture of illuminism, especially Scottish and Dutch. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • But an ugly awakening could well be lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • A feeling of awakening power was undeniable to distinguish.
  • Though 19th century translators of Buddhist texts sometimes used the word "enlightenment" to refer to Gautama's moment of spiritual awakening on seeing the morning star, the first time a large number of general English readers saw the word used as a spiritual term was with the publication Essays on Zen Buddhism First Series by D.T. Suzuki in the 1930s. Lewis Richmond: A Cultural History Of The Word 'Enlightenment'
  • And it may also involve early morning awakenings without being able to go back to sleep.
  • The poem balances the driver's sleeping consciousness with her awakening subconscious. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime Pleasonton's three divisions, "stiffened" -- to use one of Hooker's expressions -- by two brigades of infantry, stole down to the fords and lay there during the night, quietly, and without fires, ready at the first dawn of day to spring upon their too-confident adversaries and give them a rude awakening. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg Campaigns of the Civil War - VI
  • I was wary of it awakening all my feelings again but excited too and knew I would not turn her down. The Sun
  • The two actors may be unreasonably good looking, but they capture perfectly the regrets and emotional awakenings that rise to the surface as surely as the more literal monsters that lurk in bottomless oceans.
  • Eric Young's tackle proved a rude awakening.
  • Because the existing word hypnagogic means “of, relating to, or occurring in the state of intermediate consciousness preceding sleep,” and hypnopompic means “of or relating to the partially conscious state that precedes complete awakening from sleep,” many people came up with hyp - coinages. Word Fugitives
  • The same approach for 'awakening' new antibiotic production pathways could also be used to tap other micro-organisms, such as filamentous fungi, for sources of biologically active compounds. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Much imaginative capering ensues as our stroppy young heroine comes of age through the time-honoured route of folly, emergency driving lessons and sexual awakening at the hands of Robert Sheehan the gobby Irish one from Misfits, who plays snoggable townie borrower Spiller as a tearaway in a red biker jacket. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • The libretto is based on Perrault's familiar fairytale, but Petipa did much more with it than tell the story of Aurora's 100-year sleep and magical awakening.
  • Many pastors desire awakening but feel overwhelmed with conflict and stagnant growth in the church. Christianity Today
  • This technique not only guides our gaze towards Ashok's imaginings, but also highlights his awakening rage.
  • They'd forgotten what it was like to run industrial campaigns, and the new, more deregulated system of enterprise bargaining would prove a rude awakening.
  • Always a passionate ornithologist, Messiaen would ask Pasquier, his commanding officer, to assign him the early watch so that he could observe the awakening of the birds. A POW's Awe-Inspiring Act of Faith
  • It's a daring look at contemporary youth culture, exploring issues like identity, religion, sexual awakening and power.
  • With the light nights starting to return, toads across the area are wakening from hibernation to make the journey back to where they were born - to breed.
  • So there was no end to this thing, no awakening and disillusioning, none of the disappointment and dreariness which is likely to attend the translating of a dream into work-a-day life. The Good Comrade
  • Sentiments will run deep awakening dormant feelings that were thought to be successfully repressed.
  • When the fever is accompanied by a stiff neck, confusion, lack of energy, difficulty in awakening or inconsolability. Undefined
  • Those who felt the impact of the pietistically inclined awakenings were often critical of the forms and practices of the state church and the clergy.
  • When things like this happen, we have what is called a short, midterm, and long-term program, relief first, rehabilitation, reconciliation, reconstruction and what we call reawakening, that is the final phase. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2005
  • Spring came to the Bad Lands in fits and numerous false starts, first the "chinook," uncovering the butte-tops between dawn and dusk, then the rushing of many waters, the flooding of low bottom-lands, the agony of a world of gumbo, and, after a dozen boreal setbacks, the awakening of green things and the return of a temperature fit for human beings to live in. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • The idea of a band of hardcrabble rogues having a political awakening is an incredibly cool one, but it never means anything.
  • This was the moment two suspected car thieves received a rude awakening.
  • Awakening from catatonia and diving directly into high-decibel pleading, recriminations, and rants is no mean feat.
  • Behind the stereotype of the genial, cracker-barrel philosopher is a story of avarice, resentment, and political awakening.
  • The blackened hulks of the great ships and the flattened hangars testified to the fact that the American awakening to what was happening in the rest of the world was sudden and painful.
  • Sukarno began to tour Java, addressing massive crowds on the theme of the awakening of national consciousness.
  • On the first page of Allison's Awakening, one of the mucky books on my bedside shelf, the publishers warn that ‘this book is a work of fiction.’
  • So anyone who assumed from her plumpish figure that she was out of shape was in for a rude awakening. Bodily Harm
  • It seems that bacon has a way of awakening carnivorous desires within even some of the preachiest of vegetarians. NPR Topics: News
  • Other than a ‘piet-my-vrou ‘(red chested cuckoo) waking up at 5 this morning to shout, before it even got light, and my son's awakening at 5: 30 on a SUNDAY morning to ask if he could watch TV, it's been a good start to the week.’
  • Well let's just say the happy couple is about to get a rude awakening.
  • As the final battle between the sex-addicts and the neuters unfolds, head injuries multiply, heralding the orgiastic dawn of the neighborhood's sexual - and genuinely moral - awakening.
  • It gained currency during the period of national reawakening in the nineteenth century.
  • I grow the Japanese Wisteria floribunda, as I prefer the greater length of the racemes, but the Chinese W sinensis is good for this slightly earlier awakening. London's fragrant front gardens
  • During his short life he espoused the cause of the Great Awakening. Christianity Today
  • The latter is further symbolized in the awakening lion and the eagle that holds the emblem of the city in its feet.
  • Sooner or later man is shaken out of his unconscious state and is led to his ultimate awakening.
  • Such matters do not, can not, stop the agitations, the incomprehensible simmering of an awakening of the biological urge.
  • Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action. Thich Nhat Hanh 
  • The most plausible accounts of the Buddha's life before and during the awakening are found in bare and simple narratives in which the Buddha seems to speak of his own experience.
  • Largely under the impetus of the odd order theorem, there was an awakening interest in finite group theory.
  • I was expecting the oral exam to be easy, but I was in for a rude awakening.
  • Delude ourselves into that kind of thinking however and a rude awakening will await us.
  • The first part a brief account of the author Kate Chopin and her masterpiece The Awakening.
  • After a summer of doing just about anything on your own time, the alarm bell announcing the first day of school can be a rude awakening.
  • It was a thesis that chimed in seamlessly with the awakening consciousness of women's liberation.
  • It wasn't just the rude awakening which stunned residents, but the fact that the road had been resurfaced just days before, following years of campaigning by the parish council.
  • This major set of experiences were key to me exploring various complementary therapies and to my awakening to the spiritual or ‘energy’ nature of all things.
  • He recounted his journey of spiritual awakening in Haight-Ashbury Flashbacks. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • We have also experienced an awakening of Christianity, especially in the old homelands of Gazankulu and Venda," said ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The next three years will see a rude awakening for Baikal.
  • Violent weekend clashes in Baghdad involving Iraqi soldiers, U.S. forces and a Sunni Arab Awakening Council foreshadow challenges ahead, analysts say. Wonk Room
  • She had powerful faith and confidence in each one of her students, and in the Buddhist techniques of awakening.
  • Of that number, 38 percent had taken longer than 80 minutes to fall asleep in the lab and 51 percent had lost substantial sleep due to nighttime awakenings.
  • This manifest oneness is for Shelley a matter not of belief but of awakening practice, a being Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • Only his awakening to a knowledge of this all-important fact can make it possible for the higher part of himself to develop.
  • The sedative effects of alcohol cause the throat muscle to relax too much and also interfere with the involuntary awakening mechanisms.
  • She walked out of the small shop with an iced mocha latte, just the smell of coffee awakening her completely.
  • Her latest book, Light Body, an intense study of the human aura, spiritual energy and the awakening of the human soul will be published in September.
  • Failure of immediate action may lead to a rude awakening.
  • What deterred her was not so much the idea of displeasing her lover, who would have looked upon such a journey as bad form, as the vague fear of awakening the slumbering shadow. A Mummer's Tale
  • He adds that primary one, with its desks and pencils, can come as a rude awakening to children used to playing with sand, water and paint.
  • If they thought that having a captive succubus meant an angelic gangbang, they were in for a rude awakening. My Fair Succubi
  • Feeling that resonance was an extraordinary experience that was both like listening to a lullaby and an awakening song.
  • But we were in for a rude awakening when a savage thunder and lightning storm struck right over the stadium during the match.
  • The sweet madness of n|om talk is spiritually lubricating and awakening. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • It's a jolt, a rude awakening, trying to exist without light or water in the home when they are taken away suddenly.
  • Confident that he would win, he had a rude awakening on election day.
  • In the dictionary its meaning is given as lofty, elevated by joy, exalted in character; awakening or expressing an uplifting emotion, producing a sense of elevated beauty, nobility, grandeur, solemnity or awe.
  • Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming, they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action. Thich Nhat Hanh 
  • We are at a new level of consciousness brought about by a series of spiritual awakenings, moments of metanoia, and painful, profound, and penetrating personal insights.
  • Thanks do not go out to my alarm clocks, which failed to work this morning resulting in my awakening in absolute panic at 2 pm, with only one third of the moot prepared.
  • Due to awkward sexual awakenings and a suffocating family life, Rita is a ticking time-bomb.
  • I suspect you are looking at the Novello Theatre ad which is for Spring Awakening - which has up to 8 shows a week and you'll be expected to work for the entirety of each performance, with a minimum of a 3. 75hr calltime. Undefined
  • For the old and withered Nonna Rosa, he restores her youthful dewiness, awakening all the passion deadened by her long passionless marriage.
  • Hypnic headaches begin during sleep, awakening the person - usually at the same time every night.
  • Houseproud homeowners are feeling the annual reawakening of desire for a dramatic domestic makeover. Times, Sunday Times
  • Salammbô is as inarticulate for us as the serpent, to whose drowsy beauty, capable of such sudden awakenings, hers seems half akin; they move before us in a kind of hieratic pantomime, a coloured, expressive thing, signifying nothing. Figures of Several Centuries
  • He uses everything from chemicals to computers to achieve his effects; but his processes really seem a kind of alchemy or magical transformation, awakening swaths of cloth to the play of the body.
  • Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies.
  • Backed by an ensemble of drummers, dancers and a guitarist, Thornhill explores the awakening spirit of a young black woman through song and spoken word.
  • A week or so before the horrific events of September 11, 2001, I had a dream, a nightmare about something that happened, something big and awful, and in those gauzy in-between moments upon awakening I began to imagine a story about a global nightmare, an epidemic cauchemar that would breach the fourth wall of sleep and change the way people would relate to one another. Hasta la vista
  • Most individuals experience the urge to defecate on morning awakening and after meals, when colonic motility is known to peak.
  • It was as if they had landed on an alien planet, his fear that of awakening the denizens, giant and menacing.
  • Both knew their civilization was headed for a rude awakening soon.
  • A rude awakening, however, occurred on July 16th, 1936.
  • It is a kind of gnosis, or direct apprehension of truth, which deepens over time and eventually reaches full maturity in the complete awakening experienced by the Buddha.
  • Iran's Foreign Ministry also condemned Libya for suppressing what it called the "righteous demands" of Libyans engaging in a regional Islamic awakening. 'Outraged' UN Chief Tells Libya's Gadhafi to Stop Violence
  • For Time, all-edacious and all - feracious, does run on: and the Seven Sleepers, awakening hungry after a hundred years, find that it is not their old nurses who can now give them suck! Past and Present
  • I noted how a number of these patients experienced a personal transformation or an awakening following their consultation.
  • This awakening symbolises the triumph of good, winning against the evil forces of darkness that are represented by the winter.
  • The presence of what we call motive is something that comes and goes intermittently and which may or may not be present from the first awakening of consciousness. The Complex Vision
  • We follow these sleepers as they go through the 'reawakening' process that Bourne went through. Paul Greengrass Quits Bourne 4 | /Film
  • He credits his spell in prison with awakening him to the harsh realities of crime - so he became determined to earn his millions as a music star.
  • This account alludes only indirectly to the Buddha's original meditative accomplishments before the awakening.
  • This masterpiece is all about the reality of awakening the creative imagination. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Unless there's an increase in patricide and matricide twentysomethings who are on a bender with huge debts could be in for a very rude awakening,’ he joked.
  • Senior staff, classroom teachers, governors and parents have all had a rude awakening since James' arrival, me included.
  • If they had expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening .
  • This thesis attempts to analyze wifehood, motherhood and selfhood in Kate Chopin's The Awakening by feminist criticism.
  • Other surveys have found that children with nocturnal enuresis are more subject to ‘confused awakenings,’ such as night terrors or sleepwalking, than children who do not wet the bed.
  • The tar pit, although drying out, still delayed and frustrated the reawakening army of neurological messengers. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • They make the loudest racket, keeping me away from sleep, robbing me of gentle awakenings.
  • The disruptions in sleep included awakenings and insomnia.
  • The genuine seekers of truth will receive the spiritual awakening not by psychedelic drugs nor by occult practices.
  • He [an old bull-walrus] heard us, and lazily awakening, raised his head and prepared to absquatulate.
  • People are finally awakening. The Sun
  • I convey the further information that with awakening awareness I am stirred to approach, and as I approach awareness quickens.
  • He also had dripped cold water into our ears as we slept causing a rude awakening.
  • The most frequently encountered secondary sleep disturbances are night awakenings and bedtime resistance, which occur most commonly in toddlers and preschool-aged children.
  • That thought of being so scared and undeceived, strangely shuddering with doubt gave her a rude awakening to something she never had experienced before.
  • Before dawn broke on Tuesday, drug crime suspects had a rude awakening as officers with battering rams smashed down doors around the town in an operation to target dealers.
  • Then we had this spiritual and intellectual awakening that came out of Alma-Ata, and suddenly some proponents of primary health care went back to the old selective approach again.
  • Most notably from the perspective of an inter-Sunni breakdown in Anbar Province, which had the potential to flare into violence: after election overseers nullified several fraudulent ballot boxes, the party of the Awakening Councils racked up a narrow victory. Add It Up | ATTACKERMAN
  • A way out of the current impasse lies less in a thorough overhaul of the Constitution than in a public awakening to the need to strengthen citizens' participation in politics.
  • It was during the period of 1943-1945 that his political awakening took place.
  • It has been a singularly rude awakening for France and the country has embarked on a deep, soul-searching, introspection on how things could have gone so horribly wrong.
  • Night was quickly descending, and despite the fact that the teens had slept late into the day, their actions since awakening had tired them out considerably.
  • Hart crossed the desert awakening to its subtle wonder, and wormed his way through canyons thick with brush or cottonwood. PAINT THE WIND
  • The First Great Awakening, the wave of Protestant evangelical revivalism that swept from England through the colonies from about 1730 to about 1760, was thoroughly infused with egalitarian ideology and formed part of the background to the American Revolution. American Grace
  • He faced her suddenly, and a new expression dawned in his eyes, as if he were only just awakening to the fact that she was beautiful. Winding Paths
  • In the name of 'reawakening' Christianity in government, Bush, et al, have shown us why it should be locked out. Tom Gilroy: Bush's Trojan Christ
  • They were born into the misty morning twilight of the medieval renaissance, of an age when intellectual curiosity was awakening, when philosophy, the sciences and Latin literature were studied with a lively but uncritical enthusiasm, when the rhetorician and the sophist were the uncrowned kings of intelligent society. Medieval Europe
  • In a tenure marked by cocksureness and ineptitude, his greatest accomplishment may be inadvertently awakening a media reform movement.
  • While the sudden about-turn by the Obama Administration may have been a rude awakening for some folks in Calgary's Petroleum Club, in the end it only serves to reroute Canadian oil to where world markets will ultimately dictate that it flow. Jeffrey Rubin: Chilly Reception Awaits U.S. Energy Companies in Canada
  • The performance almost becomes a holy place-where a spiritual awakening seems to take place.
  • Zen has an iconoclastic tendency, and seems to regard the study of texts, doctrines, and dogmas as a potential hindrance to spiritual awakening.
  • The discovery that her husband had an extramarital affair was a rude awakening.
  • We think there are certain elements in sport that make it a vehicle for spiritual awakening.
  • Polysomnography is diagnostically important in these cases and records periodic limb movements in sleep and frequent awakening throughout the night.
  • Renters who move into a vacated apartment face the rude awakening of the market rate an owner is permitted to charge.
  • And side by side with this wholesome admission has come a great awakening in the last fifteen years to the curative value of the _outdoor runway_, whether that runway be a field track, energetic walking in a park or campus, or a cross country run. A Girl's Student Days and After
  • Our first rude awakening was at Naushki for Soviet border formalities.
  • As a series of images flick by, she disconnectedly narrates the awakenings of her ostensibly conventional sexual and social consciousness.
  • Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies.
  • Blegvad even shifts into a non-representational style to draw impressions of sounds for a strip where Levi is awakening to the sounds of his neighborhood.
  • I am getting a rude awakening to the Conference League and some of the frightening decisions that are made in it.
  • Oh, and Tuesday morning, before dance started, this guy Ahren, who's an MTP, was talking about how he was in Chicago for the weekend for 'Spring Awakening' callbacks. Eros-archer Diary Entry
  • We assessed total sleep time, number of awakenings, and sleep onset latency as continuous variables.
  • As for what repels me in historical fiction, I'm not keen on novels about heroines they always seem to be heroines who have visions or mystical leanings or on novels about heroines who experience a sexual awakening at the hands of an obliging artist, peasant, or ratcatcher. Appealing historical fiction
  • This rude awakening came from underestimating the non-designer's understanding of design principals.
  • On awakening he found the figure on the kakemono seemed to be alive.
  • Delude ourselves into that kind of thinking however and a rude awakening will await us.
  • Some people go through something called kundalini awakening, which can be feel like mental illness (link below). Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • The house was of no marked antiquity, yet of well-advanced age; older than a stale novelty, but no canonized antique; faded, not hoary; looking at you from the still distinct middle-distance of the early Georgian time, and awakening on that account the instincts of reminiscence more decidedly than the remoter and far grander memorials which have to speak from the misty reaches of mediaevalism. The Woodlanders
  • The fourteenth century is interesting for the awakening, especially in Italy, of literature and art; for the wars between the French and English, and the English and the Scots; for the rivalry between the Italian republics; for the efforts of Rienzi to establish popular freedom at Rome; for the insurrection of the Flemish weavers, under the Van Arteveldes, against their feudal oppressors; for the terrible "Jacquerie" in Paris; for the insurrection of Wat Beacon Lights of History
  • I use the word abrupt, because in spite of the scattered instances of female prosiliency throughout history, and the long struggle beginning in the last century for the vote, or the individual determination to strive for some more distinguished fashion of coping with poverty than school-teaching or boarding-house keeping, the concerted awakening of the sex was almost as abrupt as the European War. The Living Present
  • She poured every moment of her life in awakening us to this truth.
  • If the cost of repairing the damage could be laid squarely at the door of those people, it would be a rude awakening and remind them of their parental responsibilities.
  • In response to a vague stirring of something within him -- a thing which might have been the primitive underman yawning and stretching to its awakening -- he had been trying in the window-facing intervals to reconstruct the passing panorama of mountain and plain upon the recollections of his boyhood. The Honorable Senator Sage-Brush
  • During his short life he espoused the cause of the Great Awakening. Christianity Today
  • Richter later spent some time in America, where, among other things, he collaborated with Jean Cocteau on the late surrealist romp 8x8: A Chess Sonata (portions of which are also online — check out this sequence featuring Paul Bowles awakening to compose from a slowly draining swimming pool.) posted by Matthew @ 10: 00 AM Hats Off
  • All in all, as the spokesman of Kate Chopin's awakening and awakened women, Edna initiated women's awakening and pursuit of autonomous identity as a woman warrior.
  • The character of Michael Moran is at the same time antipathic and yet awakening pity.
  • But anyone expecting softcore liberal humanism is bound to get a rude awakening.
  • Fortunately, Congress, awakening to the problem, has made job training reform an early priority.
  • This masterpiece is all about the reality of awakening the creative imagination. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sleep deprivation resulting from multiple, erratic awakenings may produce a very different effect compared to controlled and predictable sleep deprivation.
  • There was something of an evangelical awakening going on at this time, and the people of this region were ready to participate fully in the debates.
  • When high levels of L-dopa were used to treat Parkinson's Disease type symptoms (immortalised in the film, ‘Awakenings’), the individuals concerned developed acute paranoid psychoses.

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