How To Use Waken In A Sentence

  • The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby.
  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • I was partly awakened by noise and a couple of guys crowding me as they sat on the edge of my cot.
  • The fall in popularity of the death's head and the subsequent prevalence of the cherub was a reflection of the Great Awakening and the belief in the immortality of the soul: "Cherubs reflect a stress on resurrection, while death's heads emphasize the mortality of man. Headstones for Dummies, the New York Edition
  • Twice through the following night was I wakened by the boat being hurled upon her beam-ends by the blows of the seas; but she righted easily, and took scarce any water, the canvas proving a very roof of safety. The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
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  • Until you awaken this feeling, you should not expect the affirmation to work.
  • This magnificent bit of luck, the finding of the calisaya, awakened in the susceptible bosom of Mr. Marcoy an ardent desire to explore for himself the site of its discovery. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Every morning he would be up before sunrise raring to go, throwing clods of earth at the windows of staff to awaken them.
  • But memories of prior political awakenings that ended disastrously were revived when the Polish military cracked down in 1981.
  • Closing his eyes he fell into a light sleep, ready to awaken at the slightest noise.
  • Or the first man awakened to a sense of the divine. Christianity Today
  • What many patients experience is an awakening of emotions which they have never had, rather than a repetition of phantasies from the past.
  • If anyone can help to reawaken people's interest and support in Christianity, our new archbishop certainly can - and I wish him well in his new and elevated position.
  • Do you think the newly awakened lionhearted people are going to be frightened by an official hat? An Enemy of the People
  • He contends that ‘public pressure can awaken Congress to an opposition role.’
  • The sharp downturn in the US economy has brought a rude awakening to many in the IT sector.
  • He was wakened by a savage whiskerando of the other watch, who, seizing him by his waistband, dragged him most indecorously out, furiously denouncing him for a skulker. Israel Potter
  • It cures the sexually frigid and the easily upset; it reawakens interest in sex for those suffering from physical or psychological problems.
  • The matter was urgent and he crept out, trying not to make the sort of noise which would waken fellow guests. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • Three cars forward the steward unlocks the kitchen, the pantryman begins to prepare bread and muffins, and Ashby's Tavern awakens for breakfast.
  • If they had expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening .
  • Coinciding with the moon landing of Apollo 11, the gates of Faerie flood open and Trods and balefires reawaken.
  • the sound awakened them
  • If they had expected a warm welcome, they were in for a rude awakening .
  • In particular, he must not miss the opportunity offered by an awakening India.
  • But to watch a whiplash rapper ride the crest of an orchestral forte is a genuine awakening.
  • The Banksy Effect, the term coined by journalist Max Foster several years ago, speaks to an awakening of interest in the (often illegal) interventions that artists use to call attention to the way we complacently live under larger-than-life infrastructures built (often) by one-eyed men. Dylan Kendall: Street Art: A Window to a City's Soul
  • Today, he would be called ‘born again’; a spiritual awakening convinced him he was one of the elect, placed on earth as an instrument of God's will.
  • I secretly revere it, as the idolater in me awakens once again. Learning to Die in Miami
  • At about midnight they were suddenly awakened from their sleep by a loud noise and the earth trembling, which caused the whole building to shake about them. The Gods of Asgard
  • He noticed a phrase that was occasionally repeated throughout the book: Do not arouse or awaken Love until it so desires.
  • For the intellectuals and the urban lower middle class, the new situation was a rude awakening of disillusionment and broken promises.
  • The promo won the brand 100 new retail accounts, while awakening interest from other Hollywood studios for future tie-ins.
  • The clone's awakening after the embryo has been removed from her body opens the possibility for the emergence of a new type of hero by conflating images of rebirth and transformation.
  • They would be awakened before daybreak and by eight had already had prayers and a math or science lesson.
  • Thus a South Slavonian housebreaker sometimes begins operations by throwing a dead man’s bone over the house, saying, with pungent sarcasm, “As this bone may waken, so may these people waken”; after that not a soul in the house can keep his or her eyes open. Chapter 3. Sympathetic Magic. § 2. Homoeopathic or Imitative Magic
  • The King would awaken and the nobles of the realm would compete to take away his chamberpot, remove his nightshirt, and dress him with his britches. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Status Symbols and the American Express Black Card
  • To do so would, but unchristianize the deep grief which bereavement awakens, and which true piety sanctifies; it would unhumanize the very constitution of home itself. The Christian Home
  • The kiss of a young prince awakens Sleeping Beauty.
  • Sukarno began to tour Java, addressing massive crowds on the theme of the awakening of national consciousness.
  • Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.
  • Currado, began to consider Giannotto and some remembrance of the boyish lineaments of her son's countenance being by occult virtue awakened in her, without awaiting farther explanation, she ran, open-armed, to cast herself upon his neck, nor did overabounding emotion and maternal joy suffer her to say a word; nay, they so locked up all her senses that she fell into her son's arms, as if dead. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • What was it that had awakened her — what in awakening had changed the inpouring human consciousness into this flood of fury? The Metal Monster
  • The light flashes on and I am rudely awakened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond sentimentality and self-indulgence, these backward glances at a naïve landscape awaken - or reawaken - the conservationist within us.
  • Elsewhere, again, might be seen the first awakening of this Maytime of the leaves, and those of an ampelopsis, a smiling miracle, like a red hawthorn flowering in winter, had that very morning all ‘come out,’ so to speak, in blossom. Swann's Way
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • People are finally awakening. The Sun
  • By degrees, perhaps under the spell of some influence which stirs us when sleeping nature awakens once more to life, I lost myself in reverie, and recalled drowsily Lorimer of the Northwest
  • Now, at 8: 00 a.m., the calliope hauled out of the local museum each year awakens the open-windowed slothful for blocks around.
  • But an ugly awakening could well be lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • And look at what happened to him by the end of his life because those of us who spoke out awakened him to understand that what he's doing is not acceptable.
  • This trip marked the beginning of my homosexual awakening.
  • But sometimes it can be a rude awakening for students who think of spirituality as a palliative, a pill, or a magic healer of emotional ills.
  • As we trickle day by day through the end of October and move ever closer to November, the weather is switching to a uniform foggy grey that wakens memories of my time in Lincolnshire back in the very early sixties.
  • I wanted to sleep a little longer, but the faint light of the sun had awakened me.
  • I have heard, that if these sublime genuises are wakened from their reveries by the appulse of external circumstances, they start, and exhibit all the perturbation and amazement of cataleptic patients. Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.
  • Arianna Huffington, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (Dailykos) Josh Marshall (talkingpointsmemo. com) are all opening up venues where people who practice the occupation of awakener can do their good work. Awakener; My Occupation. And yours?
  • I turned to see the awakening Eli outstretching his arms, mouth wide open.
  • He recalls how the young woman's aim was to travel further west, to awaken a sense of pride and importance among the islanders, in their culture, language and education.
  • But there was nothing but the unrelieved monotony of dormant fields, no significant growth yet awakened by the spring. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The celtic crone, having slept through the dead winter, awakens restored to maidenhood.
  • An important qualification in many of these studies is that no measures were taken of whether the person was actually asleep or instead had been wakened to some degree by the taped message.
  • But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening.
  • In her mid- to late-20s, she had what she describes as a "reawakening," exploring indigenous, land-based roots in her own religion and culture. Gabe Crane: Tu B'Shvat: An Ancient Jewish Holy Day For Modern Environmentalists
  • But the civilized world has awakened, as if from a long sleep, to look for the first time upon a real new day for the underman. My Own Life Story
  • He had finally dozed into a fitful sleep only to be awakened by a horrible dream, his only problem, he couldn't remember it.
  • History was a realm of illusions, a dream or a nightmare from which the wise seek to awaken.
  • The middle of the nineteenth century marked the beginning of the national awakening.
  • Once dawn came, she could awaken from an unsatisfying sleep, turn off the light, and feel the kind of physical and mental peace that comes after a fever has broken.
  • Visually and choreographically, the show is a snore, but you might be awakened by the hyperboisterous audience carrying on like a claque, which it may have been.
  • Old people awaken early in the morning.
  • I was awakened before cockcrow by the sound of distant rifles.
  • Every summer it seems America is reawakened to the destructive forces of forest fires.
  • Increasingly now those who "ignorantly" voted for him ... literally not pejoratively have awakened saying to themselves over and over and over again, "What the heck have I done? Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog
  • At the same time, the awakening interest in international trends at the expense of the Irish landscape tradition and pretty pastel abstraction is revealing.
  • She reflects an awakening need in Seon-woo that he doesn't know how to deal with.
  • A note from the other world will strike upon the chord of my being, and the spirit which has been dozing within me awakens and fiercely beats at its bars, demanding some nobler thought, some higher aspiration, some wider action, a more saturnalian pleasure, something more than the peasant life can ever yield. My Brilliant Career
  • He shows moments of consciousness and awakening. The Sun
  • What little sleep she managed to get the night before had been troubled by dreams of violence and talking animals, and she had awakened, time and again, wringing wet.
  • The telephone starts to ring awakening me from sleep.
  • it was an early awakening
  • These men who had awakened, laughed dissolvent laughs, and the old muddle of schools and colleges, books and traditions, the old fumbling, half-figurative, half-formal teaching of the Churches, the complex of weakening and confusing suggestions and hints, amidst which the pride and honor of adolescence doubted and stumbled and fell, became nothing but a curious and pleasantly faded memory. In the Days of the Comet
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • To measure the action of pentylenetetrazol Ahlgren proposed to employ its awakening action against central depressants. Arvid Carlsson - Autobiography
  • After a century of "noble savage" idealization, the peasantry's violence during the French Revolution had reawakened fears of more "ignoble" savagery.
  • Buelow was appointed kapellmeister of the Court Theatre; reforms, peculiarly disagreeable to those reformed, were set on foot; and singers, players, regisseurs, who had anticipated sleeping away their existence in the good old fashion, were violently awakened by this reckless adventurer, charlatan, and what not, who had won the King's ear. Wagner
  • Be your own awakener to the beauty and power that are alive in you right now. Anne Naylor: 12 Ways To Build Your Inner Strength
  • But after their stay in that sun-kissed paradise they got a rude awakening on heading out into the Atlantic, which was to prove stormy and rough.
  • She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.
  • Fighting the infowar is our last resort, we must inform people on the truth and awaken peoples mind …. Alex Jones' Prison
  • He can also soothe the crying child with the ‘Mozart effect’, and inspire the non-reader to an awakening.
  • With today's vending machines offering an ever wider range of products from fresh pizzas and toasties to women's tights, major companies are fast awakening to the commercial possibilities of vending machines.
  • His alarm clock had failed, and he had not wakened until 9.10 am, ten minutes later than the time he was due to start work.
  • Awakening but also on his wide reading in the litera - ture of illuminism, especially Scottish and Dutch. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The entire team awoke early, all unable to sleep when they were awakened.
  • I could maybe deal with being awakened in the night by a precognitive event, especially if it was a specific one. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • As new imaging technologies offer us graphic evidence of the visible humanity of the growing fetus, our moral sentiments may be powerfully awakened or reawakened.
  • But April, with its whimsical showers and surprised days of panting heat, unnerves me and awakens animal desires.
  • Weren't you wakened by the earthquake last night?
  • But an ugly awakening could well be lurking around the corner. Times, Sunday Times
  • A feeling of awakening power was undeniable to distinguish.
  • Two days later the former Enniskillen high school principal slipped into a coma from which he never awakened.
  • Though 19th century translators of Buddhist texts sometimes used the word "enlightenment" to refer to Gautama's moment of spiritual awakening on seeing the morning star, the first time a large number of general English readers saw the word used as a spiritual term was with the publication Essays on Zen Buddhism First Series by D.T. Suzuki in the 1930s. Lewis Richmond: A Cultural History Of The Word 'Enlightenment'
  • And it may also involve early morning awakenings without being able to go back to sleep.
  • The poem balances the driver's sleeping consciousness with her awakening subconscious. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I hadn't wakened and it had got up to the roof the whole house could have been burned.
  • The prediction of this calamity is here given very largely, and in lively expressions, which one would think should have awakened and affected the most stupid. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Before their imaginations had fully wakened out of the primeval dream, the cosmogonies and theogonies, gross and monstrous, of their national infancy, they were asked to have an opinion about the classical mythology, as represented by the Latin poets; they were made acquainted with the miracles of the lives of saints. Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
  • The first advance of the little army of the elect reawakened their rage; they grasped their arms, and waited but their leader's signal to commence the attack, when the clear tones of Adrian's voice were heard, commanding them to fall back; with confused murmur and hurried retreat, as the wave ebbs clamorously from the sands it lately covered, our friends obeyed. III.4
  • Some have foreshocks signalling what is to come - but, as those so rudely awakened last night know only too well, others do not.
  • In the meantime Pleasonton's three divisions, "stiffened" -- to use one of Hooker's expressions -- by two brigades of infantry, stole down to the fords and lay there during the night, quietly, and without fires, ready at the first dawn of day to spring upon their too-confident adversaries and give them a rude awakening. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg Campaigns of the Civil War - VI
  • Could this sleeping giant, if awakened, play a role in the revival of labor unions and progressive politics?
  • I was wary of it awakening all my feelings again but excited too and knew I would not turn her down. The Sun
  • The two actors may be unreasonably good looking, but they capture perfectly the regrets and emotional awakenings that rise to the surface as surely as the more literal monsters that lurk in bottomless oceans.
  • I am sorry to awaken you rudely from this daydream.
  • Nightmares are vivid and terrifying nocturnal episodes in which the dreamer is abruptly awakened from sleep.
  • Either the valorization of accumulation, profit, and the subjection of human beings to mechanistic systems will wind down into the sort of dystopia so widely and lavishly depicted to scare us witless; or we will awaken from our trance, take a deep breath to dispel the catecholamines, use our big neocortices to recognize that we still possess the resources, intelligence and skill to enact a redemptive vision—and then do it. Annals of The Culture of Politics: Tea and Empathy
  • The kiss of the prince breaks the spell of narcissism and awakens a womanhood which up to then has remained undeveloped.
  • Soc. _, 1899, 1084-1089) drew attention to bromine absorption methods and tried to rewaken interest in them. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Eric Young's tackle proved a rude awakening.
  • Because the existing word hypnagogic means “of, relating to, or occurring in the state of intermediate consciousness preceding sleep,” and hypnopompic means “of or relating to the partially conscious state that precedes complete awakening from sleep,” many people came up with hyp - coinages. Word Fugitives
  • Something that always awakened a cold beast deep in my gut. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • The same approach for 'awakening' new antibiotic production pathways could also be used to tap other micro-organisms, such as filamentous fungi, for sources of biologically active compounds. - latest science and technology news stories
  • When we hear the calling and our caring is awakened, we respond, and then we are able to find solutions. Agapi Stassinopoulos: Rethinking Our Conception of Leadership
  • Much imaginative capering ensues as our stroppy young heroine comes of age through the time-honoured route of folly, emergency driving lessons and sexual awakening at the hands of Robert Sheehan the gobby Irish one from Misfits, who plays snoggable townie borrower Spiller as a tearaway in a red biker jacket. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • Something was awakened in me really quick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The King's stand is bound to reawaken the painful debate about abortion.
  • The libretto is based on Perrault's familiar fairytale, but Petipa did much more with it than tell the story of Aurora's 100-year sleep and magical awakening.
  • Many pastors desire awakening but feel overwhelmed with conflict and stagnant growth in the church. Christianity Today
  • Some inoculates aver that they awaken from the first night's sleep with a dark brown taste in their mouths. Stalking the Pestilence
  • It could reawaken the bitter legal battles of more than 10 years ago, when the council and stallholders clashed over plans to regulate the market.
  • Anger she had none, but apprehension and conceptions strange, such as disturb the awakened soul of woman, ere the storm of passion comes to overcharge it. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • At daybreak, as he awakened again and struggled to sit up, a crowd of peasants gathered around him.
  • This technique not only guides our gaze towards Ashok's imaginings, but also highlights his awakening rage.
  • A year of holiday practice in such work will, if the tasks occupy somewhere about a hundred hours of his time, serve greatly to extend or reawaken what may be called the topographic sense, and enable him to place in terms of space the observations of Nature which he may make. Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
  • They'd forgotten what it was like to run industrial campaigns, and the new, more deregulated system of enterprise bargaining would prove a rude awakening.
  • She had just awakened, her eyes sleepy and her hair tousled.
  • Always a passionate ornithologist, Messiaen would ask Pasquier, his commanding officer, to assign him the early watch so that he could observe the awakening of the birds. A POW's Awe-Inspiring Act of Faith
  • It's a daring look at contemporary youth culture, exploring issues like identity, religion, sexual awakening and power.
  • With the light nights starting to return, toads across the area are wakening from hibernation to make the journey back to where they were born - to breed.
  • She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.
  • So there was no end to this thing, no awakening and disillusioning, none of the disappointment and dreariness which is likely to attend the translating of a dream into work-a-day life. The Good Comrade
  • Sentiments will run deep awakening dormant feelings that were thought to be successfully repressed.
  • When the fever is accompanied by a stiff neck, confusion, lack of energy, difficulty in awakening or inconsolability. Undefined
  • At 2:30 this morning I awakened suddenly from a sound sleep convinced I'd heard a keening cry.
  • And I slept all but six hours, and did waken very sudden there in the utter dark; and I got me to mine elbow, and did listen very keen; for I had waked immediately, as that something had touched me or come nigh unto me; and I gript the Diskos, and listened; but there did not even a little sound come to me out of all that night. The Night Land
  • The learned haue their curiositie wakened vppe; and fedde by that which I call his schoole: this is the _Astrologie_ judiciar. Daemonologie.
  • I thought that here was a fit illustration for a fairy tale; then I remembered the Colonel's account of how he had awakened in the act of entering this romantic plaisance, and I was touched anew by an unrestfulness, by a sense of the uncanny. Bat Wing
  • Those who felt the impact of the pietistically inclined awakenings were often critical of the forms and practices of the state church and the clergy.
  • When things like this happen, we have what is called a short, midterm, and long-term program, relief first, rehabilitation, reconciliation, reconstruction and what we call reawakening, that is the final phase. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2005
  • We must waken, Muske-Dukes admonishes, to our need to empathize, to overcome our great human tendency to forget, to distance, to protect ourselves from the conditions of others, to things happening elsewhere, something that is perhaps most dangerously possible in language. Carol Muske-Dukes: "To a Soldier" Poem
  • Spring came to the Bad Lands in fits and numerous false starts, first the "chinook," uncovering the butte-tops between dawn and dusk, then the rushing of many waters, the flooding of low bottom-lands, the agony of a world of gumbo, and, after a dozen boreal setbacks, the awakening of green things and the return of a temperature fit for human beings to live in. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • Anest was awakened from the deep, dream-filled, restorative sleep of the travel-weary by an annoying, persistent knocking at the door.
  • They would be awakened by a weight pressing on them, or the clothes would be pulled from the bed, or they would hear the sound of a dress sweeping the floor.
  • unawakened emotions
  • Incidentally, some years Great Basin bristlecone pines awaken in late June, discern (exactly how remains a mystery) that pending summer conditions will be inhospitable; drop back into dormancy drawing upon meager sugar reserves, enabling them to survive for another sleepy 12 months: Giving an entirely new meaning to Fastina lente or make haste slowly. Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
  • Will the hounds awaken and chase another beast? Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • Revelation should not merely shock; rather, professionally we use shock to awaken surprise, a fundamental, for human constructive movement toward moreness. Humanistic Nursing
  • It is frightening to most children to waken and find a stranger.
  • The idea of a band of hardcrabble rogues having a political awakening is an incredibly cool one, but it never means anything.
  • Following a cozy soak, they retired to the bedroom, eventually fell to sleep but were awakened by the smell of smoke.
  • The gentle exfoliant gets the circulation going again and the fresh mint fragrance awakens the senses. Times, Sunday Times
  • She hopes to waken the black dragon and merge with it, like Momoka has merged with a dragon. Viz Chibis: Kaze Hikaru 13, Detroit Metal City 3, St. Dragon Girl 4, Dogs » Manga Worth Reading
  • When these daff legislators will have to actually go to Chicago to talk to the president and see him in his own environment, playing with his daughters, visiting with his friends, walking along the lake shore with his wife, perhaps they will be re-awakened to what normal life is like. Why the Obamas Should Move Back to Chicago
  • He ruminates, at one point, that maybe awakened men and women of old were copied by students and initiates observing this movement in the hope that it would be beneficial or move them towards the ‘goal’.
  • She wore a white muslin dress, a rose-colored sash, and rose-colored ribbons in the pretty cap on her head; her chemisette was moulded so deliciously by her shoulders and the loveliest rounded contours, that the sight of her awakened an irresistible desire of possession in the depths of the heart. The Message
  • This was the moment two suspected car thieves received a rude awakening.
  • As the late eighties approached interest in disco was reawakened.
  • -- Ipley crooned a ready accompaniment: the sleepers had been awakened: the women and the men were alive, half-dancing, half-chorusing here a baby was tossed, and there an old fellow's elbow worked mutely, expressive of the rollicking gaiety within him: the whole length of the booth was in a pleasing simmer, ready to overboil with shouts humane and cheerful, while Sandra Belloni — Volume 2
  • Another over-watchful Newbury "awakener" rapped on the head a nodding man who protested indignantly that he was wide-awake, and was only bowing in solemn assent and approval of the minister's arguments. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • Awakening from catatonia and diving directly into high-decibel pleading, recriminations, and rants is no mean feat.
  • Honorable beginnings should serve to awaken curiosity, not to heighten people's expectations. We are much better off when reality surpasses our expectations, and something turns out better than we thought it would. Baltasar Gracian 
  • After a night of guzzling beers in a field, the group awakens to find the fan belt in one of their pimped rides has been tampered with.
  • Behind the stereotype of the genial, cracker-barrel philosopher is a story of avarice, resentment, and political awakening.
  • The sound of gunshots and bombs awakened the dreamers to the nightmare that was real life.
  • An upstairs neighbor, wakened by her car horn.
  • The blackened hulks of the great ships and the flattened hangars testified to the fact that the American awakening to what was happening in the rest of the world was sudden and painful.
  • M'liss's readiness and brilliancy, of course, captivated the greatest number, and provoked the greatest applause, and M'liss's antecedents had unconsciously awakened the strongest sympathies of the miners, whose athletic forms were ranged against the walls, or whose handsome bearded faces looked in at the window. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • Sukarno began to tour Java, addressing massive crowds on the theme of the awakening of national consciousness.
  • He has rapidly figured out that now the least whisker tickle on my cheek awakens me and food appears in his bowl without argument.
  • On the first page of Allison's Awakening, one of the mucky books on my bedside shelf, the publishers warn that ‘this book is a work of fiction.’
  • I choose for my subject faith wrought into life, apart from creed or dogma. By faith I mean a vision of good one cherishes and the enthusiasm that pushes one to seek its fulfillment regardless of obstacles. Faith is a dynamic power that breaks the chain of routine and gives a new, fine turn to old commonplaces. Faith reinvigorates the will, enriches the affections and awakens a sense of creativeness.
  • So anyone who assumed from her plumpish figure that she was out of shape was in for a rude awakening. Bodily Harm
  • Experts say such wells can repressurize, much like a dormant volcano can awaken. Gulf Awash In 27,000 Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells
  • At a time when the English stage trafficked in romantic fripperies, he awakened complacent audiences to a host of social ills abetted by conventional morality, bourgeois respectability, and ossified institutions.
  • The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are inaccessible; but all natural objects make a kindred impression, when the mind is open to their influence. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 6373
  • As I think of it today, China has awakened, and Dr. Liu has stood before us today and given in faultless English this great presentation. The Fight for Democracy in China
  • If the mental process of Herbart's four periods is to come naturally, it would be essential that great interest in the object should exist; it is interest which would keep the mind amused, or, as the famous pedagogist would say, plunged in the idea, and would maintain it in a system nevertheless embracing multilateral ideas; and hence it is necessary that "interest" should be awakened and should persist in all instruction. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • My holiday in Paris awakened a passion for French food in me.
  • It seems that bacon has a way of awakening carnivorous desires within even some of the preachiest of vegetarians. NPR Topics: News
  • It could've only been about an hour and a half before I feel asleep, but I slept until I was awakened by the front door opening.
  • Other than a ‘piet-my-vrou ‘(red chested cuckoo) waking up at 5 this morning to shout, before it even got light, and my son's awakening at 5: 30 on a SUNDAY morning to ask if he could watch TV, it's been a good start to the week.’
  • It was, moreover, immeasurably superior to the classic attempts of the architects of the middle Georgian period, who, carried away by the enthusiasm awakened by the perusal of the newly-published "Antiquities" of Stuart and Revett, attempted to adapt Doric porticos, hexastyle, octostyle, etc., to modern domestic architecture. Lippincott's Magazine, November 1885
  • I was wakened from sleep by the earthquake last night.
  • Well let's just say the happy couple is about to get a rude awakening.
  • Her father's emphasis on 'soundly' declared an approval of the deed, and she was chilled by a sickening abhorrence and dread of the cruel brute in men, such as, awakened by she knew not what, had haunted her for a year of her girlhood. Beauchamp's Career — Complete
  • As the final battle between the sex-addicts and the neuters unfolds, head injuries multiply, heralding the orgiastic dawn of the neighborhood's sexual - and genuinely moral - awakening.
  • It gained currency during the period of national reawakening in the nineteenth century.

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