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How To Use Waggle In A Sentence

  • His bottom waggles in a funny way when he walks.
  • Without a doubt, the best wagglers are made from the tail feathers of the peacock.
  • She reached out a hand and waggled a finger at him, thumping him on the chest as she spoke, like a mother remonstrating with a difficult child. Fatal Error
  • He waggled his eyebrows at me, his expression bordering on a leer. Brush of Darkness
  • ‘I'll be busy,’ he said, with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows.
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  • The latter had an ivory plate bearing "statoscope" and other words in French, and a little indicator quivered and waggled, between Montee and Descente. The War in the Air
  • If I see a telling idiosyncrasy in his behavior, such as taking an extra waggle, clearing his throat or displaying trembling hands when he's teeing his ball, something is going on.
  • A hit with stick float anglers but could be won on the pole or waggler.
  • And when all we have to look forward to this year are re-releases of gamecube games with waggle controls, that's a problem. What Can Nintendo Say That Will Impress You?
  • This style of fishing uses a waggler to present a bait well up in the water.
  • Ben Hogan has a solid piece of advice: don't groove your waggle. THE LAST GENIE
  • After a stylish waggle, I made a graceful swing and clean socketed the ball straight into the middle branches of a beautiful willow that guarded the 17th green.
  • Then, with minor waggles of a few degrees, global warming continued, giving us our island status by filling up the English Channel with water.
  • The contrast between the sunny petals and the vibrant green of the stems; the joyous waggle of each flower.
  • But she's not a pop performer - she can't put across the song through anything more than a slightly desperate bum waggle.
  • Standing up, he twisted his right hand into the shape of a phone and waggled it in front of his ear.
  • Might Lou Reed's monstrosity of non-stop feedback noise, Metal Machine Music, be a good record to help people shake their sillies out and wiggle their waggles away?
  • Watching cricket in this state you feel a bit like an American, or a toddler, or someone's press-ganged girlfriend: wreathed in mute bafflement, surprised by applause, wrenching your neck round to shriek "eh?" or "what?" every time the ball is hurled skyward or a bat waggled in triumph. Sozzled - how English cricket got lost in drink | Barney Ronay
  • ‘The only person who could get me a present this nice is you,’ he said as he gave his arm a waggle, displaying the shining face of the watch.
  • Bam-bam's moth-eaten eyebrows waggled with pleasure at Crook's appearance. STAGE FRIGHT
  • To create a consistent tempo, it helps to have a little movement before the takeaway, such as a waggle of the clubhead back and forth above the ball.
  • A hit with stick float anglers but could be won on the pole or waggler.
  • Sister was unimpressed by Kemp's demonstration of his ability to waggle his fingers. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • A waggle is a rehearsal for what you're going to do with the real swing.
  • ‘And waggle your arms more,’ chimed in Elaine, regarding him critically.
  • The dog waggled its tail.
  • You might be willing to pull a driver off the rack, waggle it a little, then lay down your credit card, but the stakes are higher in the professional game.
  • I have a small tackle box that holds a variety of wagglers, trotting floats, leads, spinners, shot and hooks.
  • And it was a problem for him in the US Open - some people counted the waggles and he was getting upset.
  • Here an earthquake (prophetic as it turned out) overtook us one hot break of dawn, and we fled out into the garden, where a tall cryptomeria waggled its insane head back and forth with an ‘I told you so’ expression; though not a breath was stirring. The “tulip bubble”: not so bubbly? (and, “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”) | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • He fisks the project fairly strongly, giving it several pieces of his mind and an angry waggle of the finger for good measure.
  • By day, eagles fly and bears waggle before the crowds, men somersaulting and jeweled, bedecked women of all ages eliciting loud shots of "beso" - kiss - from the eager crowd. Nathaniel Loewentheil: Deviled Dancers, Drunken Pilgrimages and the Magic of Bolivia's Carnaval
  • The waggle dance research is the second of four projects in the five-year Sussex plan, which is officially launched next week at Ratnieks's bee laboratory at Sussex University.
  • It was, according to Martin Luther, a “wag” or “waggle” resembling “the affected gait of coquettish females.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • For example, shuffle your feet, waggle the club slowly twice, look at the target once and then go.
  • The 60-degree bat waggle while tracking the delivery ought to decrease bat speed.
  • Waggler or pole with bronze maggot best.
  • If I see a telling idiosyncrasy in his behavior, such as taking an extra waggle, clearing his throat or displaying trembling hands when he's teeing his ball, something is going on.
  • Ben Hogan has a solid piece of advice: don't groove your waggle. THE LAST GENIE
  • His beard waggled as he ate.
  • And "dillydally" is underused, as is "hornswaggle" and anything referring to swinging dead cats. The Pioneer Woman - Full RSS Feed
  • A long, unstockinged shin thrust up into the air, and a bony, slender foot waggled back and forth. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Among the bees that depart are scouts that search for the new nest site and report back using a waggle dance to advertise suitable locations.
  • ‘Didn't know you smoked,’ he said, allowing his short beard a brief censorious waggle.
  • He looked hopefully at Zen who waggled his finger and walked off up the street.
  • “statoscope” and other words in French, and a little indicator quivered and waggled, between Montee and Descente. The War in the Air
  • Garcia has come particularly close, especially since finally learning to cut his pre-shot waggles and regrips to single digits.
  • A good cane barbel rod feels really quite stiff, and when given a waggle it stops moving around very quickly.
  • He waggled his fingers in front of me, trying to make it exciting. Odd Girl In
  • With a waggle of her finger and a flick of her apron, Lopa shooed him out of the chamber to the corridor, where Garin waited. A TIME OF WAR
  • Some tour pros ‘milk’ the golf club by regripping it, others bounce the club-head off the ground or waggle it above the ball.
  • The old scale was analog, with a dial and a pointer that waggled a bit unless you stood perfectly still.
  • His bottom waggles in a funny way when he walks.
  • I also carry a good selection of straight peacock wagglers for fishing further out and when there is not much flow in Winter.
  • But for a body-on-frame vehicle, the waggle is minor.
  • Just before he turned away, he waved at me, one of those little finger waggle waves people with secrets give each other.
  • She writes lucidly on media in the country, giving it a pat on the back and a little waggle of the finger at the same time.
  • Aftershocks continued for several years, and small earthquakes still waggle seismographs in the region.
  • With a waggle of her finger and a flick of her apron, Lopa shooed him out of the chamber to the corridor, where Garin waited. A TIME OF WAR
  • Hot hurricane action: water crashes furiously over the sea wall, palm trees whip back and forth in an orgiastic frenzy and street signs waggle suggestively in the wind.
  • He also hopes to involve the public in decoding the waggle dances online at a later stage of the four-year project.
  • He went through the same routine, the same wiggles and waggles that he did on the golf course.
  • The waggle-dance of these remarkable insects – a symbolic system of behavioral communication that conveys information on direction and relative distances to flower patches from the hive, and is perhaps the most complex form of communication known outside the world of humans – would not be discovered for another hundred years. The OLM Blog
  • Kingdom Kum laughed his flutey laugh and waggled a finger at me. Black Butterfly
  • waggled" his club so as to deceive those who know the game. John Henry Smith A Humorous Romance of Outdoor Life
  • When Doane glanced the other way, he looked at Hap and waggled an eyebrow. End of Time
  • There are situations however when a big bodied waggler can outscore the feeder.
  • I have used ordinary coarse fishing wagglers as bite detectors when fishing a sprat close in and believe me it catches plenty of pike.
  • The giggles ceased, mainly because Jocelyn at this awful ultimatum also ceased to waggle her ears. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • The giggles ceased, mainly because Jocelyn at this awful ultimatum also ceased to waggle her ears. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • She waggled her behind at me, reaching back and running her fingernails along the wetness of her sex. Crossed
  • Without benefit of poles or much of a slope, I waggled my arms back and forth to get going.
  • Three pairs of US army shades turned on me, and a couple of American guns waggled discouragingly in my direction.
  • She would laugh up at him and pat his shoulder and that shoulder would straighten spryly and he would waggle his head doggishly. Gigolo
  • The giggles ceased, mainly because Jocelyn at this awful ultimatum also ceased to waggle her ears. CHALLENGE FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • The old scale was analog, with a dial and a pointer that waggled a bit unless you stood perfectly still.
  • Dera ignored him and the councilman both and waggled one finger under Meer's flat nose. A TIME OF WAR
  • I will then look at my target - remember it might not be the flag stick, but a safe point on the green - and waggle the club to keep loose.
  • With a waggle of her finger and a flick of her apron, Lopa shooed him out of the chamber to the corridor, where Garin waited. A TIME OF WAR
  • And all of this scrapping with Britney has apparently left Lynne Spears 'brokenhearted' – although hopefully not to the extent where Lynne will shave her head and waggle her vagina around in public a lot. Britney Spears Being Sectioned
  • Irene waggled her eyebrows, but the gesture was odd. Crossed
  • Bam-bam's moth-eaten eyebrows waggled with pleasure at Crook's appearance. STAGE FRIGHT
  • At the start of the sixth a stunning uppercut by Harrison rocked McCulloch and he responded with the waggle of a boxer trying to disguise the fact that he had been hurt by showboating.
  • The off-course discount store also offers a buyer the opportunity to hold a club, to waggle it, even to hit it, albeit often in a netted indoor cage.
  • Hythe for roach on bread punch and waggler.
  • Sister was unimpressed by Kemp's demonstration of his ability to waggle his fingers. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • Sister was unimpressed by Kemp's demonstration of his ability to waggle his fingers. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • The Citizen waggled a finger at him admonishingly, smil - ing, and Stile suddenly found himself liking this expressive man. Blue Adept
  • To reduce this effect I tend to use large bodied wagglers, which are more stable in the water and are not dragged out of position so easily.
  • A child wearing an ordinary-looking glove and cap embedded with hidden sensors can raise her arms or waggle her head to make CosmoBot do the same.
  • Lenny nodded, he stroked the mole on his cheek, he waggled his fingers and looked out over the massed heads humming autonomically in the low smoke. Underworld
  • Ben Hogan has a solid piece of advice: don't groove your waggle. THE LAST GENIE
  • Rummaging through his fridge, he pulled out a bottle of champagne and waved it at her with a waggle of his eyebrows.
  • Clay, who was standing awfully close to Teresa, waggled his eyebrows at me. The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf
  • He was drawn over a gravel bed and used a loaded waggler float with double white maggot hookbait.
  • Otherwise our first recollection would doubtless be of the grimly flushed large face of a resolute parent, bending hotly downward in effort to make both ends meet while we wambled and waggled in innocent, maddening sport. Pipefuls
  • His thin arms waggled around in the air balancing himself on on his stool as he laughed with conviction at everything.
  • As if Damien Hirst were some kind of thaumaturgical icon that could save the day with his formaldehyde sacred cows and sharks, or that Russian and Middle Eastern collectors, with their seemingly unlimited wealth, would shield the market by continuing to waggle their bidding paddles with abandon at auction. News
  • After quarterback Jay Fiedler waggled to his right, he found himself face to face with Armstrong.
  • Every hour, it jerkily rears up on its hind legs and waggles its forelegs a bit.

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