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  1. living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey
    a predatory bird
    raptorial birds
    a vulturine taste for offal
    the rapacious wolf
    ravening wolves

How To Use vulturous In A Sentence

  • The report, the product of a two-year investigation, paints the firm as Exhibit A of Wall Street's evolution from a place that raises and deploys capital to worthy businesses into a vulturous creature that preys on unwitting investors. Goldman Sachs Ripped Off And Misled Clients, Senate Report Says
  • Many of the aforementioned agencies do gift suites at award shows where your product is there for the taking (hoarding - it is a vulturous experience). Karen Robinovitz: Stalkerazzi! How to Get Products in the Hands of Celebrities!
  • A few days after HRW released its report, a gathering of vulturous poverty pimps known as the Development Assistance Group DAG representing donor states issued a statement denying the undeniable. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Feed Them and Bleed Them
  • Alas, vulturous Christmas shoppers had already picked brutally over the carcass of the shelves, and the choice was slim.
  • But to dismiss them as exceptions to the rule, rather than products of a systemic, vulturous culture that must be attacked, is to choose a perilous path. David A. Love: Absolute Corruption Is the Rule in America
  • A few days after HRW released its report, a gathering of vulturous poverty pimps known as the Development Assistance Group (DAG) representing donor states issued a statement denying the undeniable. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Feed Them and Bleed Them
  • It does say a lot about the awarding committees that the unfeeling--vampirish and vulturous--narrator in Olds's poetry is taken as the paragon of womanhood these days. Anis Shivani: Philip Levine and Other Mediocrities: What it Takes to Ascend to the Poet Laureateship
  • As for the musical's other antique qualities, we're not even going to get into the slightly creepy circumstances of Cable's liaison with gentle, younger-than-springtime Liat, arranged by her vulturous mother, the trinket peddler Bloody Mary. Smooth sailing
  • Newspapers' duty is, ultimately, to the many, not the few, and there is no way to conduct a news business without seeming, especially to certain people related to what's being reported, callous or even vulturous.
  • And likewise, Mr. Letterman was back in the Ed Sullivan Theater, defending his staff from the vulturous press. Bizarre Late Night Love Triangle
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