
How To Use Vulture In A Sentence

  • It's an hour after sunrise on day three of the photographic safari and a solitary vulture is crossing a flat sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • The turkeys themselves are mangy critters - snowy feathers dirty from sitting on mud, bald heads vulture-like.
  • Among the nearly 200 species found here are thicket tinamou, brown pelican, osprey, king vulture, and laughing gull.
  • Due to the pressures of so many birds trying to feed, the vultures gobble down chunks of flesh and can fill a crop with more than one and half a kilograms of meat in four to five minutes.
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  • Sometimes seen feeding alongside vultures at carcasses is the longer-necked and larger-headed crested caracara (Polyborus plancus), a hawk with distinctive markings. Did you know? Mexico's vultures have very different eating habits.
  • The site, which is run by volunteers and houses more than 60 birds including owls, eagles and vultures, is a popular destination for families and school groups.
  • Casting him as the corrupt and vicious Cuban police captain known as the Red Vulture struck me as inspired until I remembered how often Kovacs the absurdist, iconoclastic comedian appeared in movies playing establishmentarian authority figures straight. For todays active man
  • It is known to harass birds as large as Red-tailed Hawks or vultures, causing them to disgorge food.
  • Culture vultures looking for more sightseeing than shopping. The Sun
  • Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer.
  • Think it’s a black vulture Fr.: urubu noir, not a turkey vulture. There was a Vulture | clusterflock
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • Around this time in every midterm election cycle, the vultures of political prognostication begin hovering over incumbents in trouble.
  • This vision gave rise to slender black suede and velvet sandals embellished with soaring plumes of vulture feathers, based upon a "Mohican" haircut, with a little 'pochette' to match. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Unless it makes interest payments to so-called vulture funds holding its bonds by tomorrow, the country will be officially declared in default. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, standing on the top of Jodhpur's Meherangarh Fort watching hanuman langurs playing over the battlements and vultures spiralling on thermals above the blue-washed houses below pretty well sums up the charms of Rajasthan.
  • The reserve is home to not only goats, red deer, and boars but also brown bears, chamois, lynx, roe deer, and wolves, as well as numerous eagles and large vultures called lammergeiers.
  • Its powerful bill enabled it to break, and its capacious, stone-supplied gizzard to digest, the hardest shells and kernels; and thus a kind of frugivorous vulture, it cleared away the decaying vegetable matter. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 440 Volume 17, New Series, June 5, 1852
  • Although bearded vultures were nearly eliminated from Europe and northern Africa, they continued to inhabit their range in Asia in good numbers.
  • The latest appearance of Vulture Lake; quite lovely and already mature; cohunes everywhere.
  • The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • Rich explained the low relative abundances of vultures and other raptorial groups as consistent with the pattern of relatively low representation in modern avifaunas.
  • The scene that confronted us appeared tranquil: a flock of vultures perched, on watch, up in a clump of trees overlooking a large herd of waterbuck browsing on the near bank.
  • Birds of prey such as griffon vulture, golden eagle, and short-toe eagle, are other prominent species. Northwest Iberian montane forests
  • On the coasts, the Caribbean to the east and the Pacific to the west, there were mangrove swamps with frigate birds, great egrets, pelicans, skimmers, sanderlings and vultures.
  • A bright half-moon clung to the side of the main house like something unfinished, and Neal could see the fever trees that lined the drive, thick with roosting vultures, bald-headed and silent, and the rolling tilt of the hills that clustered on the horizon and then dropped off into Ngorongoro. The Laugh
  • In ‘The Vulture’ he tells of the dreaded bird building a nest on the highest branch of the tree in front of their house.
  • Even in those parts of des where peculiar means are used to get rid of the dead – the Tibetans, for example, grind up corpses into keema which is fed to the local vultures – it is an act of desperation, in this case a reaction to the unfortunate habit corpses have of refusing to decay at high altitudes. Ways of Dying
  • Scenes such as this where a group of vultures gather are becoming more rare in many places of Africa.
  • Watch eagles and vultures flying from the castle ramparts and the world's largest working catapult launching a fireball 150m into the air! The Sun
  • Then the scorpion changed to a vulture and the serpent became an eagle which set upon the vulture, and hunted him for an hour's time, till he became a black tom cat, which miauled and grinned and spat. Arabian nights. English
  • The site has a rich marine fauna and is a key site for species such as osprey and bearded vultures. Scandola Nature Reserve & Capes Girolata and Porto, France
  • The common buzzard bears little resemblance to the vulture (not shown), which is a buzzard in nicknameonly.
  • And now they both broke down and sobbed aloud without a pause, like birds bereaved, like the sea eagle or taloned vulture, when villages have robbed the nests of their unfledged young.
  • The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • Some classic examples are Egyptian vultures, New Caledonian crows and bowerbirds.
  • Unexpectedly, just gave a city, fly from inside sky suddenly a vulture holds the flesh.
  • As far as other raptors go, you'd be hard-pressed to mistake an accipiter for a vulture or an eagle.
  • Oh, and while you're there, if you also get a chance to fill Jimmy Carr's pockets with birdseed and take him down the vulture display at the zoo, we'd appreciate that, too.
  • Though these behaviors might distress people, they serve turkey vultures well.
  • Black vultures choose less precarious rocky perches on which to nest but join the lammergeiers on the thermals in their quest for food.
  • She glanced at the study door, caught the vulture look in Primus's eyes, and smiled sweetly.
  • Turkey Vultures wheeled over the highway; another flapped awkwardly against the cool air.
  • The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Birds common to the mountains include rosefinches, Guldenstadt's redstarts, Himalayan monals, raptors, and vultures.
  • The reserve is home to not only goats, red deer, and boars but also brown bears, chamois, lynx, roe deer, and wolves, as well as numerous eagles and large vultures called lammergeiers.
  • Remaining vultures grab slabs of softened gristle and greedily devour them.
  • His long, curved neck, wrinkled face and hooked nose gave him an appearance similar to that of a vulture.
  • Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.
  • The bureau confirmed it to Anderson even though J. Edgar Hoover had called him "a flea-ridden dog" who was "lower than the regurgitated filth of vultures. A new book reveals depths of columnist Jack Anderson's anti-Nixon tactics
  • The vulture paparazzi caricaturised themselves and the passing of time has put that photo shoot into its true perspective.
  • A black vulture rose up out of the depths on widespread pinions and floated past them almost within arm's length, turning its gruesome naked head of pink lappeted skin to stare at them with inscrutable black eyes before sailing away. The Seventh Scroll
  • Every Wednesday at work, they bring in bagels and cream cheese, several types of each ... and the floor descends on them like vultures. Mmmmm...Bagel Day....
  • Now, if they're in an industry suffering from overcapacity and bloated asset prices, they should worry if vultures aren't in sight.
  • Although many citizens have taken a keen interest in the bearded vulture's recovery, old prejudices about the bird die hard.
  • Meat was abundant, for those who could catch it or wrest it from the competition, i.e. leopards and lions, not to mention hyenas, jackals, and vultures.
  • Ugh, you brutes!" exclaimed Quashy, referring to a number of urubu vultures which stood on the shells, all more or less gorged, some still tearing sleepily at the meat, others standing in apoplectic apathy, quite unable to fly. The Rover of the Andes A Tale of Adventure on South America
  • Two days later, the professors found themselves confronting another polar bear, two mandrills, two agoutis, a tiger, a vulture, two eagles, and two more animal proprietors, who, like the first, were retained to care for the animals.
  • One of four species of vulture found in Europe, bearded vultures earned their name from a small tuft of dark feathers below their beaks.
  • The other memory is of a small group of turkey vultures that, every morning, sunned their wings in a dead oak tree next to our house in Oakland where I grew up.
  • What was wrong with the system that was in place before all these vulture companies came along?
  • Diclofenac residues have virtually annihilated the Oriental white-backed vulture in Pakistan.
  • I am glad this woman is moving on with her live and her family peacefully with having to listen to this vulture of so called news destructionist medias. Elizabeth Edwards puts politics aside, opens store
  • There was the vulture, a magnificent image of the bird, the fierce eyes glaring and the yellow beak hooked and spread wide, with each feather ointed. The Seventh Scroll
  • They were needed for a certain time at least, and only after the Moors had done their duty,1 could the wirepuller venture to give them the kicks they had coming to them and take the Republic out of the hands of the old state servants and surrender it into the claws of the revolutionary vultures. Mein Kampf
  • The birds include ten species of herons including grey heron Ardea cinerea, goliath heron A. goliath and yellow-billed egret Egretta intermedia, hammerkop Scopus umbretta, four of the six West African species of stork, ducks, five of the six West African species of vulture, hawks, plovers and francolins and black-winged stilt Himantopus himantopus. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • After their release, the vultures are monitored by biologists and a network of observers across the Alps.
  • With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.
  • This is not the first time that the vultures have circled. Times, Sunday Times
  • And to make matters worse, Aegypius monachus is known in English as both cinereous vulture and cinerous vulture. ASHES TO ASHES.
  • On this 13-day tour you'll see imperial eagles, Egyptian vultures and Dalmatian pelicans, plus frescoed monasteries, Roman ruins and the monuments of the Thracian horsemen.
  • Coupled with the poor writing is a certain carelessness in the story development: early on, for example, we learn of the high-tech processes Space Vulture uses to make himself superhuman. Book Review: Space Vulture
  • His Republican rivals have done him damage by focusing on his record as chief executive at the Bain company, which they described as a coven of corporate raiders and vultures, taking over smaller firms and laying off workers. Mitt Romney cruises to victory in New Hampshire primary
  • Along with some wild, hallucinatory sculptures e.g., a vulture feeding a shrieking calavera to its young, all atop a gaily mosaicked skull, this was probably the highlight. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • Vultures circled over a dead animal.
  • The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
  • Culture vultures are invited to work with local artists for a unique May celebration.
  • As far as other raptors go, you'd be hard-pressed to mistake an accipiter for a vulture or an eagle.
  • Mexico is home to toucans, vultures, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, parrots, macaws, and quetzals.
  • Those toiling under the vultures mutter to one another in Warao, an indigenous language spoken in the nearby delta where the Orinoco, one of the world's mightiest rivers, meets the Atlantic.
  • We made our way through the vultures answering a bare minimum of questions and sped away from the hospital.
  • Other vultures observe these rapid flying actions in the distance and then move in themselves.
  • The silhouettes of eagles flatten out, while the wings of vultures show a dihedral curve (bird guides love throwing in words such as "dihedral," forcing you to not only look up birds but words as well). Confessions of a Lousy Bird Watcher
  • A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.
  • A light onshore breeze ruffled the surface of the bay, a few feet away I watched a turkey buzzard or vulture fly by.
  • On the forehead of the mask are a royal uraeus and a vulture's head, symbols of the two tutelary deities of Lower and Upper Egypt: Wadjet and Nekhbet.
  • We circle around him to make sure he will be alright like vultures around a dead coon.
  • Finally, the honey buzzards, young griffon vultures and hobbies mark the end of the spring or prenuptial migration, around the end of June.
  • With no buyer in sight for the company as a whole, the vultures started to circle.
  • Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the carcass of the deer.
  • A turkey vulture is a slow pinwheel in the sky, a marker above Cather's prairie.
  • For birdwatchers, several hundred species call India home, including the rare narcondum hornbill, megapode, and griffon vulture.
  • Possessing keen vision, the vulture can see the carcasses of dead animals and the movements and activities of other scavengers, birds, or mammals from great distances.
  • The turkey vulture is not the only opportunist circling in the roasting sun of the Chihuahuan desert.
  • The white droppings of birds served as location pointers for eagles and vultures nesting in the craggy reaches.
  • Beck has followed up 1999's electro-manic "Midnite Vultures" with a return to gloomy acoustic mode (just as he followed his antic breakthrough "Odelay" with the penitentially somber "Mutations"). Fall Arts Preview: Music
  • Astarte recognized the uraeus, the vulture of Upper Egypt, and knowing the stranger at her door was Auset, bade the servant to make her welcome.
  • Common bird species of the montane region are found here and include rosefinches (Carpodacus spp.), Guldenstadt's redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogaster), Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), raptors, and vultures. Karakoram-West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe
  • He cursed the vultures circling above his head, for he knew now his flesh would soon be torn to pieces by their cruel hooked beaks and he could hope for no salvation, nor a proper funeral pyre.
  • They carry extra feed for some of the animals and leftover meat from a local butcher to stock what they call the vulture restaurant Africa Dispatch: Homes on the Range
  • Now big clubs come like vultures to pick individuals they think can win trophies. The Sun
  • Lets go Yo, We are Young Money, Nigga you cant chocha Its bout to get real ugly, Amarosa, YM vultures, it aint a family doper, We done changed the way the game look, Sammy Sosa, (Ha Ha) - Business News
  • The decline of the vulture is due to the success of livestock farming and loss of habitat.
  • Vultures circled over a dead animal.
  • The countrey people, when they have any dead beast, they cary it into the mountaines, or where they suppose the sayd Vultures to haunt, they seeing the carion doe immediately greedily seize vpon it, and doe so ingraft their talents, that they cannot speedily rise agayne, by reason whereof the people come and kill them: sometimes they kill them with dogs, and sometimes with such weapons as they haue. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Gulls, hawks and vultures soar, swallows and terns skim the surface of water.
  • And now they both broke down and sobbed aloud without a pause, like birds bereaved, like the sea eagle or taloned vulture, when villages have robbed the nests of their unfledged young.
  • Horrigan reports that "the freshness-expiration date on a dead and dangling vulture is about a month". Lance Mannion:
  • Children were thrilled to be able to stroke a beautiful barn owl, while an enormous eagle owl, a tawny owl, a kestrel and a turkey vulture called George looked on.
  • Tens of thousands of hawks, kites, falcons, eagles, osprey, vultures, and harriers appear in the skies over the Golden Gate from August through December.
  • Others have simply "disappeared," as if the U.S. government were some Latin American junta whose generals wear gold-braided epaulets as big as vultures. 05/03/2005
  • No other animal species have so far died, but nature officials were worried that predators such as lions, vultures, jackals and hyena may feed off the flesh of the dead animals.
  • The most sinister bird is the giant, vulture-like lammergeier that drools upon the banks.
  • Other vultures observe these rapid flying actions in the distance and then move in themselves.
  • Pete takes us inside the lives and minds of all thirty-four species of diurnal raptors found in North America - hawks, falcons, eagles, vultures, the osprey and the harrier.
  • Eodem crimine tenentur, quicunque; Islandiæ, coruos albos, picas, lepores, et vultures adscripserunt: Perrarò enim vultures, cum glacie marina, sicut etiam vrsos (sed hos sæpius quam vultures) et cornicum quoddam genus, Islandis Isakrakur, aduenire obseruatum est. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • There are 25 species of raptors including lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus and four other vultures. Simen National Park, Ethiopia
  • Critics, especially the press, both local and foreign, have descended like veritable vultures.
  • The regular flying demonstrations give visitors the opportunity to see some of the 75 eagles, falcons, hawks, vultures and owls at close range.
  • But the common buzzard, found across much of Europe and Asia, is a hawk, not a vulture.
  • Bent like vultures, and with limbs akimbo, the dancers perform barefoot or in heavy shoes.
  • We deal with everything from the smallest white-eye to a black vulture, from hedgehogs to jackals.
  • Andean vultures become avid for the life-giving molecule with quite a different set of mutations.
  • DEU 14: 13 And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind, Think Progress » VIDEO: House Conservatives Reveal What God Thinks About Gay Marriage Amendment
  • She pointed to a crevice in the wall of the mountain surrounding the vulture resting place.
  • Collaring another guest, we piled into the Land Rover and roared off, past herds of roan antelope and puku, under baobab trees and circling vultures, to where the last of the forest clumps gave way to limitless plain.
  • There is also the phene (or lammergeier) and the vulture. The History of Animals
  • For bird species we can cite the red and blue macaw, the brown-throated parakeet, the king vulture, the white bellbird, the hummingbird, and capuchin bird.
  • It's one of those stuffy phrases coined by the bureaucrats upstairs, hunched at their desks with a drip on their nose and frayed cuffs and patched elbows, their chilblained feet squeezed into their cracked patent-leather shoes and a mug of cold tea beside them as they scratch the epitaph across the file in longhand, like vultures picking at the bones of a dead mission. Northlight
  • ‘I daur ye to touch him,’ spreading abroad her long and muscular fingers, garnished with claws which a vulture might have envied. Waverley
  • But Mitt Romney and Bain Capital were involved with what I call vulture capitalism. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The vultures groused, ‘Just look at how tiny you are.’ Dreamseller: The Calling
  • When we had the opportunity to add five Cape griffon vultures to the pair we already had, we decided to try them in the large aviary.
  • I think looking at us as vultures soaring over dispossessed people is a view born of ignorance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zoroastrian daffiest doctrine is leaving corpses out for the vultures. Pharyngula
  • Eagles, vultures, penguins, ravens, crows, doves, and ostriches are just a few of the birds that do double time as species and symbols.
  • The falconers show us their range of beautiful but fairly sinister birds - hawks, eagles, vultures etc - and then treat us to an outdoor display with a falcon.
  • Heading south on Highway 45 just outside of Huntsville, the Death Capitol of Texas, one might see vultures circling the dark piney woods that surround the little town.
  • I think looking at us as vultures soaring over dispossessed people is a view born of ignorance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glimpses of the underlying complexities of a facade of ducting and painted blockwork are revealed in the upper levels when viewing the building from the Vulture Street corner, particularly at night.
  • Their nests are a bed of feathers which are arranged on the ground and the larger-than-vulture bird lays two eggs at a time, ivory white in colour, add the Park authorities.
  • He rounded on journalists, calling them 'a pack of vultures'.
  • No wonder the wolves start back in affright; no wonder the vultures, after stooping low, ply their wings in quick nervous stroke, and soar up again!
  • Vultures and hawks circled in the flat blue skies above; clouds flecked and passed as ships of ghostly steam; the sun was hot but not scorching.
  • An altar standing vpon goates feete, with a burning fire aloft, on the foreside whereof there was also an eie, and a vulture. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Eodem crimine tenentur, quicunque; Islandi�, coruos albos, picas, lepores, et vultures adscripserunt: Perrar� enim vultures, cum glacie marina, sicut etiam vrsos (sed hos s鎝ius quam vultures) et cornicum quoddam genus, Islandis Isakrakur, aduenire obseruatum est. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in South America in the 16th century, the giant vulture was a common sight.
  • I think looking at us as vultures soaring over dispossessed people is a view born of ignorance. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some vultures, the adults instead regurgitate food into the mouths of the chicks.
  • The flying scavengers - they are called aasvogel in the dominant language, vultures in English. I Don’t Understand ?
  • Then Harrison and his team darted in like a team of vultures to take their pickings away, and their vans moved off. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • Atque interim aues regionis rapaces, et immundæ, vt corui, vultures, et aquilæ, quæ pro consuetudine optimè morem norunt, aduolant magno numero in aere: Tuncque Relligiosi cum sacerdotibus detruncant corpus in frusta velut in macello, proijcientes pecias in altum auibus, ac decantantes certam ad hoc compositam orationem, tanquam si nostri sacerdotes cantarent. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • A buzzard—not an American vulture, but the European hawk buteo buteo, which looks like a small golden eagle—killed and devoured a pigeon in our front garden this morning. The WritingYA Weblog: Winter Blog Blast Tour: Elizabeth E. Wein
  • Lead from shotgun pellets and other ammunition is poisoning many of the vultures as they scavenge abandoned carcasses and gut piles, a new study confirms.
  • As the reality of politics staggers to its knees, so TV scriptwriters turn up like speculative vultures. Times, Sunday Times
  • hussies" lay in wait like vultures for the Indian youths, took their government allowances, took their ancient Indian decency, and cast them forth to pollute their tribe with drink and disease. Lydia of the Pines
  • There is no doubt in my mind that the business vultures are circling the inventor of this robot at this very moment, offering him lucrative incentives to sell them his product so they can repackage it and market it as the ultimate sexually abusable sex toy. Female robot is the perfect companion, receptionist, sexual assault victim - Feministing
  • Basque Country. Walkers fall head-over-heels for the Pyrenean vistas where huge vultures soar on the thermals, art fans love the futuristic fantasy of Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum (pictured).
  • The "bad guy" in Horton, a vulture, is voiced by Will Arnett, an American actor imitating a Russian speaking English. I Think She Might Have Liked Mine More
  • Vultures flew around in the sky waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of the deer.
  • Vultures don't have the brains to know how to cut a rope.
  • The naked vulture neck with its pouch-like appendage of brick-red hue; the silken feathers of bluish white under the tail -- those precious plumes well-known and worn by the ladies of many lands under the appellation of _marabout feathers_ -- all were recognised at a glance. The Cliff Climbers A Sequel to "The Plant Hunters"
  • In the NHS, for example, vulture private firms now make a fortune from privatisation schemes, while nurses and other health workers suffer low pay and long working hours.
  • THE other species may very properly be called the coped vulture, and is by the inhabitants called the carrion crow; as to bulk or weight, he is nearly equal to either of the others before mentioned. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • Scattered across the dirt are the Vulture Mine's remnants: rusted equipment, tumbledown shacks, bunkhouses, corked whiskey bottles, and cracked furniture.
  • Looks a bit like a vulture spreading its wings. Times, Sunday Times
  • A light onshore breeze ruffled the surface of the bay, a few feet away I watched a turkey buzzard or vulture fly by.
  • Farmers who traditionally leave dead animals to the vultures have to develop new practices.
  • But if you chance to see a vulture up close, you will notice that this iridescent black bird's underwings are a satiny gray.
  • Vultures live on the flesh of dead animals.
  • Culture vultures looking for more sightseeing than shopping. The Sun
  • The bird life is exquisite, and we saw saddle-billed storks, black vultures, ground hornbills and a number of eagles, among others.
  • Eagles and vultures circle the long straight road. Times, Sunday Times
  • All condors belong to the same order as the vulture.
  • The scene was recreated for a photograph on the spot: the white headpiece Mr. Santos wears is his shirt and the "pen" in his hand is a vulture 's feather. A Modern Marat
  • They are generally considered among the raptors, yet DNA studies show New World vultures to be ancestrally more closely related to storks.
  • They resented the invasion of their town and spoke contemptuously of the culture vultures who winged in from London, jumping the taxi queues and packing out restaurants.
  • We were wowed by the birds of prey demonstration, featuring an owl, vulture and eagle. The Sun
  • Gulls, hawks and vultures soar, swallows and terns skim the surface of water.
  • But you couldn't walk past a black vulture, particularly since a black vulture is a rarity. Lance Mannion:
  • News of the vulture poisonings has coincided with the release of an alarming report on a suspected decline in numbers of South Africa's rare bearded vulture, also known as lammergeyer.
  • Above us, on the roof, a couple of vultures were waiting for someone to make a mistake crossing the road. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Basque Country. Walkers fall head-over-heels for the Pyrenean vistas where huge vultures soar on the thermals, art fans love the futuristic fantasy of Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum .
  • Other birds include Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus, booted eagle H. pennatus, marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus, lanner falcon Falco biarmicus, peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus (threatened), collared pratincole Glareola pratincola and Moussier's redstart Phoenicurus moussieri. Ichkeul National Park, Tunisia
  • Today's Animal Oddity is the griffon vulture that was detained by officials in Saudi Arabia as an Israeli spy. David Mizejewski: Vulture Accused of Being a Spy
  • There are also Siberian ibex Capra ibex sibirica, and musk deer Moschus moschiferus (VU), Pallas's cat (manul) Otocolobus manul, Mongolian (bobak) marmot Marmota sibirica, Altai snow-cock Tetraogallus altaiacus, bearded and black vultures Gypaetus barbatus and Aegypius monarchus. Uvs Nuur Basin, Russian Federation, Republic of Tuva and Mongolia
  • Only the action of vulture investors buying into the company has prevented the share price falling into single digits.
  • The first scavengers one sees in Cambalache, a sprawling trash dump on the edge of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, are the vultures.
  • The vultures were all perched upon tree roots, all looking hungrily at the same place.
  • Bearded vultures are the only living birds known to access bone marrow, which they do by dashing bones onto rocks from great heights.
  • The vultures inhaled and sucked the largress dry – belched and didn't look back. How a capital gains tax break could get cash to startups
  • Without the vulture, many earthbound scavengers would not be able to locate food as quickly as they do.
  • When the white backed vulture, as a species, faces the threat of extermination, what hope is there for other wildlife?
  • In the animal world, vultures serve a useful and necessary function - they clean up in the aftermath of death.
  • Instead, they should be left in the open to be devoured by vultures and other birds. Times, Sunday Times
  • This tribe has a very strange custom in that they always leave the corpse of their decease relatives exposed until the vultures eat the flesh up.
  • The regionally threatened Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) and lanner falcon (Falco biarmicus) also occur. Middle East steppe
  • He works with a white headed vulture called Ethel.
  • Unlike birds of prey, the talons of Old World vultures are relatively weak and unsuitable as weapons of attack.

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