How To Use Voyeurism In A Sentence

  • The areas of troilism and coprophilia are covered in some detail to establish to what degree they belong to the deviation of voyeurism.
  • Whilst voyeurism is studied in other films of note, rarely has it been handled in such a touching and detailed way.
  • Because I very much enjoy reading about people's lives an unappreciative therapist might term my predilection voyeurism, I gravitate toward the biography and memoir section of libraries and bookstores. NPR Topics: News
  • Films about mental illness do provide more than voyeurism.
  • Hardhats also indulged heavily in pornographic imagery and — if opportunity arose — in voyeurism. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
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  • Eventually the narrative reaches its climax and the tantalizing underworld of desire and fear destroys itself in an orgiastic frenzy of voyeurism, a chase with guns, violence, and an Oedipal parricide.
  • Sporting activities must be organised so that they are for leisure and not exploited for profit or voyeurism.
  • This is called voyeurism, which is the only real sexual kink some of these books are engaged in., are you reading this ..?
  • Her photographs evoke a similar sense of sleazy voyeurism.
  • They include auto-mutilation of her genitals with a razor, voyeurism, taking sexual pleasure in urination, sadism, and masochism.
  • Or the code can be brutally direct, as it is in Poussin's Rape of the Sabine Women, whereby the artist constructs a theater of heterosexual rape with a pictorial homosocial subtext--filling the intervals between male figures with the commutable spoils of swords, horses, and--yes--women, signifying an apparent hetero-male structure of commodity overlaid an otherwise evocative, but implicit, homoerotic voyeurism and phenomonology. G. Roger Denson: XX Chromosocial: Women Artists Cross The Homosocial Divide
  • Portraiture merges here with voyeurism and surveillance.
  • Peeping through the lowered venetians of yesteryear (recollection as a species of voyeurism is very Ishiguro), the retrovert is privy to a series of partial visions that eventually reveal a life guided by calamitous misapprehension on his part. New Fiction
  • One corollary is a reduction in potentially problematic voyeurism that often accompanies images of vulnerability.
  • From being the object of voyeurism Magda becomes the voyeur, and from being the loved one turns into the lover.
  • He concedes that the personal and emotional focus “can easily degenerate into voyeurism or exoticism or routinism or disillusionment.” Utopianism and Joanna Baillie: A Preface to Converging Revolutions
  • It was total voyeurism, and several people who were on the show had trouble afterwards adjusting to the fact that their fame was illusory - a deceiving phantom.
  • Peeping through the lowered venetians of yesteryear (recollection as a species of voyeurism is very Ishiguro), the retrovert is privy to a series of partial visions that eventually reveal a life guided by calamitous misapprehension on his part. New Fiction
  • This is not only the case in exhibitionism or voyeurism, but in sadism, too. The Noodle Place
  • For others, addiction can involve illegal activities such as exhibitionism , voyeurism, obscene phone calls, child molestation or rape.
  • The sexual activity may include fondling, oral-genital, genital and anal contact, as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism and exposure to pornography.
  • The photos aren't being misogynist and voyeuristic: they are making a statement about misogyny and voyeurism.
  • There’s a crime defined as voyeurism which encompasses pepping tom-esque behavior, but I can’t find any reference to the actual phrase anywhere. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Peeping Person”:
  • He finds himself with addictions to voyeurism and narcissism, as well as a nasty coke habit.
  • Attempts to read this as late neorealism were problematic too, given the writer's drooling voyeurism in rendering an endless parade of naked male flesh.
  • Good list, butI think in the truest sense of the word voyeurism you should have included Dancing at the Blue Iguana. Top 10 Voyeuristic Films » Scene-Stealers
  • It seems like the director wants to drag it on to make the viewer uncomfortable, to confront the voyeuristic tendencies of the genre, but someone somewhere stopped this plan by cutting it shorter and throwing in some shots that attempt to sensualise the experience – which is not just a change of directorial intention, but an introduction of the exact voyeurism that it wanted to confront. Mike says it’s worth entering THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT | Obsessed With Film
  • Las Vegas encourages tourists to indulge in sexual voyeurism with a wealth of cheesy, chesty revues - your choice of gender.
  • Voyeurism should never be mistaken for reality, because the reality of those horrors is only truly experienced by those living through them -- either the victims or those piecing together their "story" for the judicial system. When Reality Intrudes
  • Aside from the matter of expensively educated men in white coats calling voyeurism 'science' Ms R reckons that there are plenty of women who would fake an orgasm for the latest Balenciaga handbag. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Keyes' latest masterpiece dwells on all of these, depicting voyeurism at its playful, charming finest.
  • The show is about voyeurism, but let's keep it seemly.
  • Hitchcock indulges his and his viewers' voyeurism while also positioning them as guilty perverts - Peeping Toms.
  • The affectless voyeurism and exhibitionism of reality TV has undoubtedly inspired the movie.
  • It is most evident when he refers to the middle class - especially those members of it who, through idealism or voyeurism, decided to slum it with their social inferiors.
  • The work displays a fascination with sensuality in film and parallels this with voyeurism and the desire to touch.
  • It seemed an odd sort of voyeurism, titillation without a tittle of anything much going on, boredom elevated to a modern art form.
  • Whilst the narrator poses questions to himself and the viewer, the nature of death, bloodlust and voyeurism is brought home.
  • I must confess that my initial thought on seeing the name Toulouse Lautrec was to wonder whether alcoholism, syphilis, voyeurism, dwarfism, osteopetrosis and inbreeding make the ideal image for a family eaterie. Aidan Brooks: Trainee Chef
  • The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism.
  • This unfashionable voyeurism is perhaps the reason why British mainstream channels left live transmission of the event to Sky broadcasting corporation.
  • But this was going way beyond the seedy frisson of virtual voyeurism.
  • Moro stages a sort of dramaturgic coup, wresting control of the film from the director for his own purposes—namely, to expose moviegoing for what it really is, a socially approved dangerous voyeurism. Hollywood novels
  • This obverse voyeurism involves a gaze that is marked by a global optics filtered through nostalgia.
  • Part documentary, part historical record keeping, and part voyeurism is the triumvirate of this disc.
  • People have an in-built prurient curiosity and voyeurism so why should we blame the programme makers for that?
  • But we should appreciate that reality TV, particularly, traffics in and relies upon voyeurism, one-upmanship, humiliation and often soft-core pornography.
  • All this is suggested by a scattering of clues - text fragments that reckon the effects of exploitation and cultural voyeurism.
  • REALITY SOAPS AND VOYEURISM The dependence of this kind of programming upon non-actors raises some significant issues about the morality and ethics of putting ordinary people into situations where they reveal private, personal behaviours for the vicarious pleasure of a television audience.
  • Wrapped in luscious cinematography, while exposed to vague fascist sympathies during El Duce's love affair with power, the film is a eulogy to masturbation and voyeurism.
  • As the sites gain traffic, home-price voyeurism is reaching new heights. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Roland’s Sunday Smart Trends #109
  • It's called voyeurism, and in most places is considered to be a crime. Undefined
  • The camera work by the cinematographer is first rate, and the film goes over many standard Hitchcock themes such as voyeurism - especially apt in this cyberworld of 24/7 voyeurism. Blog De Ganz | Archive | September
  • Yet this hopelessly overbroad generalization about the connection between art and life that motivates 600-page biographies of writers and artists is what is usually trotted out as justification for these exercises in voyeurism and speculation. The Biographical Fallacy
  • He was reviled and revered for his glossy spreads of naked co-eds in erotic photos, which followed "the philosophy of voyeurism," he once said. Bob Guccione's life in photos
  • With its mix of voyeurism, suffering and pointlessness, this is a lovely, mute excursion into the theatre of the absurd.

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