
How To Use Voyeur In A Sentence

  • The areas of troilism and coprophilia are covered in some detail to establish to what degree they belong to the deviation of voyeurism.
  • Voyeurism should never be mistaken for reality, because the reality of those horrors is only truly experienced by those living through them -- either the victims or those piecing together their "story" for the judicial system. When Reality Intrudes
  • But why do successful people allow voyeurs to poke around their personal lives in the certain knowledge that they will end up looking chumps?
  • Hitchcock also a perverse thrill out of taking audiences on a voyeuristic roller - coaster ride.
  • While it may fulfill a voyeuristic impulse, it was hard to make a business case for this social metaphor.
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  • Filling the role of Fiona Belli places the player in limbo between voyeur and subject, exploiter and exploited, violator and violable, and for most players, between masculine and feminine. Critique: Haunting Ground
  • Though I am not a voyeur, I do take some enjoyment from watching these idling drivers punch their car radios, and, if their windows are down, listening to the cacophony of sounds that emit from their sound systems.
  • Did they feel he was a voyeur, peeking in windows, watching their naked bodies, making them feel ashamed?
  • We have become voyeurs getting our kicks out of other people's fun and misfortunes.
  • Keyes' latest masterpiece dwells on all of these, depicting voyeurism at its playful, charming finest.
  • The show is about voyeurism, but let's keep it seemly.
  • The advance of new technology, and in particular the use of cellphone cameras, has enhanced the ability of voyeurs to engage in such recordings.
  • Evans skilfully avoids the gratuitously voyeuristic while never sinking into safe but dull academicism.
  • Poetry can't compete well with movies, videos, computer interaction, talking novels geared to a voyeuristic spectatorship that may render page readers obsolete.
  • In many of these poses she is represented as if she thinks she is unobserved; the observer is thus cast as a voyeur.
  • We as a society are growing more commercial and voyeuristic all the time.
  • Like peep-show voyeurs, they want to read erotic materials and repudiate any interest in them at the same time.
  • He is a very self-involved, vain, voyeuristic, childlike, power-hungry but brilliant guy.
  • Hitchcock indulges his and his viewers' voyeurism while also positioning them as guilty perverts - Peeping Toms.
  • The affectless voyeurism and exhibitionism of reality TV has undoubtedly inspired the movie.
  • This device also draws in listeners in that it asks us to be more than voyeurs; it asks us to be activists who save others from lynching.
  • Never voyeuristic, his projects are as much ones of personal exploration – of himself and his own relation to the environment – as they are of America.
  • It is most evident when he refers to the middle class - especially those members of it who, through idealism or voyeurism, decided to slum it with their social inferiors.
  • The fact that the economy is stuck in neutral and that good jobs are hard to find makes the overcompensated especially tempting targets for TV voyeurs.
  • People who mortify the body in some way will always command a voyeuristic interest.
  • This is not a film where we find ourselves empathizing with the heroine; instead, we are dispassionate voyeurs, observing her actions and unraveling clues about who she was, is, and will be.
  • The work displays a fascination with sensuality in film and parallels this with voyeurism and the desire to touch.
  • There is a voyeuristic car crash quality in Baker's deterioration from being the ‘James Dean of Jazz’ to the junkie scarecrow of his latter years.
  • Obviously many men did not survive the crashes I witnessed, and I felt a bit like a voyeur watching it on screen.
  • It seemed an odd sort of voyeurism, titillation without a tittle of anything much going on, boredom elevated to a modern art form.
  • They had to endear themselves both to the other people in the house and to the nation at large, and so we became voyeurs into their most cunning manipulations and most private moments.
  • In slightly different circumstances, the scene would be enough to sweep even the most demanding of voyeurs from impotence to premature ejaculation in a few hazy moments.
  • I believe (and have believed from the beginning of the affair) that the "clerical sexual abuse" scandal is a gigantic red herring ginned up by an unholy alliance of anticlericals, homosexual activists (tu quoque, perhaps!?), Modernist "Catholics" and media voyeurs. What planet...?
  • Whilst the narrator poses questions to himself and the viewer, the nature of death, bloodlust and voyeurism is brought home.
  • The restrictions put by the police after fall of dusk and the nuisance created by voyeurs, flashers, wayside Romeos, drug addicts and gays are just some of the issues that people face.
  • With Britain atremble with the thought of another summer of voyeuristic frenzy, Channel 4 was pumping out story after story about the adventures of the 10 new housemates.
  • Curiosity is their driving instinct, so these flitting voyeurs get their highs from watching rather than doing.
  • I must confess that my initial thought on seeing the name Toulouse Lautrec was to wonder whether alcoholism, syphilis, voyeurism, dwarfism, osteopetrosis and inbreeding make the ideal image for a family eaterie. Aidan Brooks: Trainee Chef
  • The BBC yesterday defended a series featuring dramatic crime reconstructions against suggestions of voyeurism.
  • ‘Dave has told me he often feels like a voyeur watching the intimate dance unfold or a puppet master manipulating us with his guitar strings,’ says Webb.
  • But the truth can be told with powerful understatement as well, in words and visual images that create empathy without turning the American people into paranoid voyeurs.
  • I felt like a voyeur visiting the war zone and seeing badly injured people being dragged from their bomb-shattered homes.
  • Reading a diary - even if its author is several hundred years dead - sometimes feels voyeuristic.
  • This unfashionable voyeurism is perhaps the reason why British mainstream channels left live transmission of the event to Sky broadcasting corporation.
  • Jefferson is an obsessive voyeur, through a carefully concealed camera he watches the women at home, cooking, bathing, entertaining guests and making love.
  • In addition to plucky songwriting, its sheer honesty offers a voyeuristic thrill: Clark sounds naked to the point of sexual, even when her subjects are far removed from impure thoughts.
  • But this was going way beyond the seedy frisson of virtual voyeurism.
  • On the one hand, it really isn't "news" in any meaningful way, and can pretty accurately be labelled voyeuristic, objectifying, "Othering", etc, etc. Disability in China
  • It's not erotic, it's not titillating at all, and it's not particularly voyeuristic.
  • Moro stages a sort of dramaturgic coup, wresting control of the film from the director for his own purposes—namely, to expose moviegoing for what it really is, a socially approved dangerous voyeurism. Hollywood novels
  • Through these responses, viewers are checking their own desire to participate as voyeurs and to be entertained by the house guests' interpersonal dramas.
  • That emotion, when it comes, releases us from the amorality and nastiness of our situation as voyeurs.
  • The question is, does images of men having "bareback" (unsafe, no condoms) sex with each other cause people to fetishize and long to also engage in such behavior, or is it a safe sexual outlet to watch sexual behavior that the viewer (or voyeur) will not engage in, but is still aroused by? Archive 2005-08-01
  • It is an interesting game that won't exactly tax the brain but feeds the public even more of the voyeuristic TV is so obviously craves!
  • Reading my sister's letters was a strangely voyeuristic pleasure, and I imagined a reader could feel that way, as if he'd discovered a trove of letters in the floor of an old house.
  • Aside from the matter of expensively educated men in white coats calling voyeurism 'science' Ms R reckons that there are plenty of women who would fake an orgasm for the latest Balenciaga handbag. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The media has made unfeeling voyeurs of all of us.
  • Part documentary, part historical record keeping, and part voyeurism is the triumvirate of this disc.
  • his voyeuristic pleasures
  • People have an in-built prurient curiosity and voyeurism so why should we blame the programme makers for that?
  • And for the voyeurs, Tessa's steamy shower scene is shocking for TV fare.
  • Taken out of the theatre, the 13 spectators become voyeurs of a slightly dated reality show.
  • While some Site Platform projects have been conducted in an awkward atmosphere of voyeuristic and exhibitionistic embarrassment, the collaborative duo of Ellard & Johnston, specialists in complex assemblages of assorted fragments, promise to stage something special. This week's new exhibitions
  • A 1926 portrait of her nymph daughter Kizette, coquettishly posed, offers the girl as a blonde lamb to the voyeur's gaze.
  • But we should appreciate that reality TV, particularly, traffics in and relies upon voyeurism, one-upmanship, humiliation and often soft-core pornography.
  • The emphasis on celluloid as the medium for voyeurs, pornographers and for exploitation rings true with other more high minded explorations of the moving image.
  • All this is suggested by a scattering of clues - text fragments that reckon the effects of exploitation and cultural voyeurism.
  • REALITY SOAPS AND VOYEURISM The dependence of this kind of programming upon non-actors raises some significant issues about the morality and ethics of putting ordinary people into situations where they reveal private, personal behaviours for the vicarious pleasure of a television audience.
  • Plus, you can sit in the back and kiss your boyfriend all you want without having to worry about Peeping Toms or voyeurs.
  • Now, for instance, we can be real-time public voyeurs in a bitchfest that used take place in the quiet confessional between a reporter and her editor. Phil Bronstein: @BPGlobalPR "Twitter-Gate" Shows That Even Digital Tools Have Rules
  • So, you know, I think it's a disservice to talk about the voyeuristic qualities or this business about her maidenhood and that kind of stuff.
  • You know…I mean I’m just a technical guy, but doesn’t the word voyeuristic come to mind? Orbit
  • Wrapped in luscious cinematography, while exposed to vague fascist sympathies during El Duce's love affair with power, the film is a eulogy to masturbation and voyeurism.
  • Like gawking through a keyhole, every situation is richly textured, minutely detailed, and jammed full with voyeuristic glee.
  • he sneaks voyeuristically around the swimming pool
  • I felt like a voyeur visiting the war zone and seeing badly injured people being dragged from their bomb-shattered homes.
  • The Guardian accused its competitors of pandering to a voyeur instinct by prying into Blunkett's life.
  • The overtly sexual nature of the body compels the viewer into the position of voyeur, only to reveal itself as an inanimate object.
  • His girlfriend (Grace Kelly at her most beautiful) worries that he has turned into a voyeur, and when he tells her he thinks one of the neighbours has been murdered, she's ready to chuck him.
  • As the sites gain traffic, home-price voyeurism is reaching new heights. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Roland’s Sunday Smart Trends #109
  • It's called voyeurism, and in most places is considered to be a crime. Undefined
  • They differ only in the degree to which they exploit viewers' voyeuristic and sadistic urges.
  • It is the voyeur in the audience who is the reason for offensive and obscene scenes in films.
  • The camera work by the cinematographer is first rate, and the film goes over many standard Hitchcock themes such as voyeurism - especially apt in this cyberworld of 24/7 voyeurism. Blog De Ganz | Archive | September
  • And particularly that poor kid with that skin disease - I mean, I felt voyeuristic.
  • Secretly filming people in intimate situations without their consent should see voyeurs jailed for up to three years, the Law Commission recommends in a report released today.
  • Yet this hopelessly overbroad generalization about the connection between art and life that motivates 600-page biographies of writers and artists is what is usually trotted out as justification for these exercises in voyeurism and speculation. The Biographical Fallacy
  • They differ only in the degree to which they exploit viewers' voyeuristic and sadistic urges.
  • He was reviled and revered for his glossy spreads of naked co-eds in erotic photos, which followed "the philosophy of voyeurism," he once said. Bob Guccione's life in photos
  • Epstein is occupied mostly as a "real life" reporter for voyeuristic gossip magazines, cold-calling bereaved parents and such. The Register
  • Pornographers and voyeurs communicate with each other and learn how to articulate fluctuating sexual scenarios and pornographic roles.
  • Intruders and accessories to crime, we had our voyeuristic detachment demolished twice over.
  • All of the shots have a voyeuristic purpose intended to satisfy the desire for titillation among television viewers.
  • With its mix of voyeurism, suffering and pointlessness, this is a lovely, mute excursion into the theatre of the absurd.
  • This obverse voyeurism involves a gaze that is marked by a global optics filtered through nostalgia.
  • Anna Nolan, 29, is one of ten strangers who has been locked in a house complete with 25 cameras and dozens of microphones so that Net voyeurs can satisfy their craving for warts-and-all people gazing.
  • Jackson's lawyers and prosecutors endorsed Melville's secrecy rulings, using their few public filings to lambast the media as purveyors of salacious stories aimed at a voyeuristic audience.
  • One film which was far less acclaimed is the kind of film that brings audiences together in a sick and voyeuristic way. GreenCine Daily: Park City Dispatch. 9.
  • The characters are crooked, almost scribbled, and they make the hand of the artist feel all the more present in the work, as if these were notes from the voyeur to the watched, a hand reaching out to people lost in moments of care and lonesomeness. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » From the Galleries: 2010’s First Openings
  • Whilst voyeurism is studied in other films of note, rarely has it been handled in such a touching and detailed way.
  • The mixture of repulsion, fear, fascination, and reassurance conjured up by Moki Snake Dance speaks to both the voyeuristic appeal of the ceremony and the comforting distance provided spectators by the moving picture apparatus.
  • The results can be so intimate that we feel like voyeurs or, alternatively, aggressively confrontational, but Degas's engagement with the expressive possibilities of a glimpse of an apparently unposed, unclothed body remains constant. Stolen Moments and Persistent Poses
  • Films about mental illness do provide more than voyeurism.
  • Porn voyeurs are in for a treat next month, with the promise of a record-breaking online orgy.
  • Hardhats also indulged heavily in pornographic imagery and — if opportunity arose — in voyeurism. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • After the car keys parties of the 1970s, hedonists are nowadays more likely to opt for pursuits such as ‘dogging’ - having sex in car parks while voyeurs watch.
  • The entire exercise is at once scientific and voyeuristic. Like they're filming the most cerebral, least sexy porno in the history of the world.
  • Weingartner seems to be agonised by the fact that today's twenty-year-olds are the ‘used car generation’, voyeurs and poseurs who have nothing to express but a lack of confidence and narcissism full of envy.
  • Eventually the narrative reaches its climax and the tantalizing underworld of desire and fear destroys itself in an orgiastic frenzy of voyeurism, a chase with guns, violence, and an Oedipal parricide.
  • Peopleeating from themass mediaslop troughfilled withthe voyeuristic disaster blaster, tabloid trash, andlocal police blottercan't be held accountable for not hearing about the movement to impeach Cheney AND Bush, because it really isn't allowed past most of the media filters. Corporate Media Blackouts Continue as Iran War Looms and Impeachment Moves Ahead
  • Sporting activities must be organised so that they are for leisure and not exploited for profit or voyeurism.
  • While they are small in numbers relative to the whole population, with the help of wealthy patrons like the Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch, who gives both financial aid and a political public address system to blare their message, they have whipped up public frustration with "the system" to give elements of the disgruntled silent majority the same kind of voyeuristic vent that they get from watching Simon Cowell rip into aspiring singers. Brian Ross: Throw the Bums In!
  • Voyeuristic views of activities in apartment and office buildings imply domestic abuse, adulterous affairs, satanic rituals, suicide and criminal action.
  • I suppose I have an exhibitionist component to my character as well as a voyeuristic one.
  • This is called voyeurism, which is the only real sexual kink some of these books are engaged in., are you reading this ..?
  • Her photographs evoke a similar sense of sleazy voyeurism.
  • A large keyhole enhances the mood of voyeuristic darkness.
  • And for the voyeurs, Tessa's steamy shower scene is shocking for TV fare.
  • They include auto-mutilation of her genitals with a razor, voyeurism, taking sexual pleasure in urination, sadism, and masochism.
  • It was a startlingly original format, combining the popular docusoap and game show genres with the voyeuristic qualities of the webcam and closed-circuit television.
  • Most war movies come off as voyeuristic or dilettantish, but there are three that come to mind which don't seem altogether frivolous.
  • If lack of melanin doesn't disqualify Olsson than perhaps mentality should; when Olsson uses the word "outsider" to describe himself he assumes this is a novel way of approaching black culture, despite the fact that this voyeuristic way of documenting is a favorite for white American filmmakers Hoop Dreams, Waiting for Superman... Naima Ramos-Chapman: 'The Black Power Mixtape': Who's Telling You Your Stories?
  • The stress on her psyche is made worse by a voyeuristic website that seems to have gotten into her head.
  • Now, if you've suddenly turned into a voyeur, well, your sex life is your own business, not mine, and I don't have any right to demand an explanation of what turns you on these days.
  • He seeks to recast the voyeuristic impulse into terms of love rather than violation.
  • Intruders and accessories to crime, we had our voyeuristic detachment demolished twice over.
  • Why people would want to read the raving, uninformed postings of anonymous blowhards and braggarts for voyeuristic sport is beyond me.
  • Consider the proliferation of reality television shows that allow us to voyeuristically observe the competitive, petty, and often mean-spirited behavior of the colorful cast of characters.
  • Or the code can be brutally direct, as it is in Poussin's Rape of the Sabine Women, whereby the artist constructs a theater of heterosexual rape with a pictorial homosocial subtext--filling the intervals between male figures with the commutable spoils of swords, horses, and--yes--women, signifying an apparent hetero-male structure of commodity overlaid an otherwise evocative, but implicit, homoerotic voyeurism and phenomonology. G. Roger Denson: XX Chromosocial: Women Artists Cross The Homosocial Divide
  • Although maybe the show's ghastly appeal may attract voyeuristic interest.
  • Why people would want to read the raving, uninformed postings of anonymous blowhards and braggarts for voyeuristic sport is beyond me.
  • Portraiture merges here with voyeurism and surveillance.
  • At night, dozens of voyeurs prowled the hills spying on people making love in parked cars. The Monster of Florence
  • The paintings are voyeuristic vignettes cobbled together from a fragmented narrative with no beginning and no end.
  • The penchant for sports wear among middle-class youth resided on an almost voyeuristic fascination with American hip-hop subcultures.
  • During this sequence, Glen, and Wood's alter ego, Lugosi, become male voyeurs who are both disgusted, yet strangely excited, by the activities of the women.
  • Am I the only one thought beginning to feel somewhat voyeuristic where Ahmed is concerned?
  • I'm attracted to photography for its voyeuristic quality, and I approach the subject in an abandoned, playful, intuitive way.
  • Peeping through the lowered venetians of yesteryear (recollection as a species of voyeurism is very Ishiguro), the retrovert is privy to a series of partial visions that eventually reveal a life guided by calamitous misapprehension on his part. New Fiction
  • She also is nicely complicated: at times arrogant, stubborn, wrong-headed and voyeuristic.
  • One corollary is a reduction in potentially problematic voyeurism that often accompanies images of vulnerability.
  • From being the object of voyeurism Magda becomes the voyeur, and from being the loved one turns into the lover.
  • As in other albums, the listener is promoted to voyeur of miserablism: each track has a feel of a torn out diary entry, left to wilt on adeserted marital bed for our perusal.
  • He concedes that the personal and emotional focus “can easily degenerate into voyeurism or exoticism or routinism or disillusionment.” Utopianism and Joanna Baillie: A Preface to Converging Revolutions
  • Socially, this in-between condition generates ambiguity - both public and private - and establishes a voyeuristic relationship with the street.
  • The pleasure of the caricature is therefore like that of a voyeur witnessing a sexual aggression against the 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • This is also, unfortunately, a quintessentially human thing: to expect others to fail spectacularly before your eyes in order to fulfill a kind of voyeuristic pleasure in their incompetence, to laugh at the delusional aspirants of greatness who are too foolish to recognize their own personal shortcomings. I Dreamed A Dream « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It was total voyeurism, and several people who were on the show had trouble afterwards adjusting to the fact that their fame was illusory - a deceiving phantom.
  • Rather than posit the voyeur -- I mean viewer -- in a demimonde of hustlers, junkies and transvestites of his classic films, in News From Nowhere Morrissey looks to the suburbs for darker lurkings, specifically the coastal town of Montauk, situated on the eastern-most point of Long Island, where the land finally ends, and gives way to a vast ocean. Michael Vazquez: Warhol Factory Auteur Paul Morrissey Premieres News From Nowhere In-Person at Lincoln Center Tonight
  • People who mortify the body in some way will always command a voyeuristic interest.
  • The effect is vaguely clinical, dispassionate, like academic anatomical studies, but also enigmatic and voyeuristic.
  • That Peeping Tom was not just a chiller but a meditation on those voyeuristic impulses that make the film industry possible in the first place seems to have been lost on most critics of the day.
  • Such explicitness forces us into the role of voyeurs, and makes engagement with the paintings so fraught we loose sight of their symbolic dimension.
  • There's no voyeuristic, titillating side to the film.
  • Lisa Rinzler's cinematography allows an up-close yet voyeuristic view of this awkward figure that everyone can, at one point of another, identify with.
  • But, the cameras also pick-up your intimacies, including if you and your date get a little smoochy, providing voyeuristic fun for the kitchen staff.
  • I feel like a reluctant voyeur, watching a flower die in heart wrenching, time lapse photography.
  • A high-tech voyeur who used a miniature camera hidden in his shoes to record "upskirt" footage of women's knickers as he wandered the streets of Florida just can't kick the habit. Boing Boing: December 9, 2001 - December 15, 2001 Archives
  • He believes Americans watch not as voyeurs but as crusaders: We want to see justice done and evildoers vanquished.
  • Peeping through the lowered venetians of yesteryear (recollection as a species of voyeurism is very Ishiguro), the retrovert is privy to a series of partial visions that eventually reveal a life guided by calamitous misapprehension on his part. New Fiction
  • On first viewing I remember feeling like a voyeur who should not be watching the anguish of a family under such strain and shock, all the while trying to maintain its coherence and dignity.
  • The king is the cause of his own jealousy because he is a voyeur, at once aroused and made jealous by watching the object of his desire perform an act of seduction at his bidding.
  • This is not only the case in exhibitionism or voyeurism, but in sadism, too. The Noodle Place
  • Consider the proliferation of reality television shows that allow us to voyeuristically observe the competitive, petty, and often mean-spirited behavior of the colorful cast of characters.
  • I had heard strange, titillating details about Morrison's life, and wanted to voyeuristically experience them.
  • For others, addiction can involve illegal activities such as exhibitionism , voyeurism, obscene phone calls, child molestation or rape.
  • Voyeurs are scary, but they are usually harmless.
  • Voyeurs are scary, but they are usually harmless.
  • The focus of the voyeuristic mirror's gaze are two plump, tasselled purple cushions which are probably intended to serve as pillows.
  • Spend a lot of time reassuring this woman that you see beyond the bod and aren't just another voyeur looking to put another notch on your stripper pole.
  • We watch like greedy voyeurs as he walks away from the world and its troubles.
  • The sexual activity may include fondling, oral-genital, genital and anal contact, as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism and exposure to pornography.
  • The religious themes are cleverly handled so as not to appear preachy or judgemental, while the coming-of-age material is frank but never voyeuristic.
  • The photos aren't being misogynist and voyeuristic: they are making a statement about misogyny and voyeurism.
  • Just for the simple fact the sliver is the most voyeuristic movie I have ever seen. Top 10 Voyeuristic Films » Scene-Stealers
  • Brendan Fletcher plays a teen voyeur who likes to spy on gay men having sex in a park.
  • There’s a crime defined as voyeurism which encompasses pepping tom-esque behavior, but I can’t find any reference to the actual phrase anywhere. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Peeping Person”:
  • The religious themes are cleverly handled so as not to appear preachy or judgemental, while the coming-of-age material is frank but never voyeuristic.
  • He finds himself with addictions to voyeurism and narcissism, as well as a nasty coke habit.
  • The further matter, that of being scurrilous and spreading speculation, is a matter for voyeurs, not Ministers.
  • Attempts to read this as late neorealism were problematic too, given the writer's drooling voyeurism in rendering an endless parade of naked male flesh.
  • Good list, butI think in the truest sense of the word voyeurism you should have included Dancing at the Blue Iguana. Top 10 Voyeuristic Films » Scene-Stealers
  • It seems like the director wants to drag it on to make the viewer uncomfortable, to confront the voyeuristic tendencies of the genre, but someone somewhere stopped this plan by cutting it shorter and throwing in some shots that attempt to sensualise the experience – which is not just a change of directorial intention, but an introduction of the exact voyeurism that it wanted to confront. Mike says it’s worth entering THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT | Obsessed With Film
  • The more you flip out the more entertaining it is for the voyeurs, pervs and lurkers on here who love a stoush. Cheeseburger Gothic » Jeezus Keerist Bob, I said make yourself at home… not make yourself a home, like a fucking homeless person.
  • The voyeurs goggling at Big Brother are no longer disturbed by the suspicion - though it ought to be obvious - that this domestic ‘reality’ has been thoroughly manipulated.
  • Was it cinéma vérité, produced for our voyeuristic enjoyment?
  • Is photography what happens when a voyeur meets a narcissist?
  • According to the dominant mores of academic film theory, narrative cinema is about the process of voyeuristic watching.
  • The strictly post-watershed voyeuristic peek into saucy student life hits screens at the start of the new college year, with a body of fresh and sexy new faces.
  • Las Vegas encourages tourists to indulge in sexual voyeurism with a wealth of cheesy, chesty revues - your choice of gender.
  • The domestication of the nation's tastes has become so banal that we are content to watch, as voyeurs, a middle-aged woman on Changing Rooms cry for joy at her new dining room.
  • The keyhole supposedly provides a kind of voyeuristic pleasure in observing while being unobserved, but this pleasure is predicated on disavowing the possibility that the object of spectatorship is aware of your gaze.
  • Because I very much enjoy reading about people's lives an unappreciative therapist might term my predilection voyeurism, I gravitate toward the biography and memoir section of libraries and bookstores. NPR Topics: News

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