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How To Use Voluntary In A Sentence

  • At election time the party needs a lot of voluntary helpers.
  • The coulpe or peccavi, is made for a very small matter — a broken glass, a torn veil, an involuntary delay of a few seconds at an office, a false note in church, etc.; this suffices, and the coulpe is made. Les Miserables
  • Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
  • The voluntary muscles are regulated by the parts of the brain known as the cerebral motor cortex and the cerebellum.
  • I'm delighted that our local communities and voluntary groups are taking the lead on renewable energy for lighting and heating.
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  • Comparison of voluntary food and water intake and digestion in Kirk's dik-dik and suni. Chapter 11
  • We are totally reliant on voluntary donations. The Sun
  • Otherwise you'll just have to pump as much as you can into the scheme through voluntary contributions, although scope here is limited as you are restricted to a maximum of 15% of your annual salary.
  • Lawyers expressed concern that women could be coerced and forced to accept apparently voluntary agreements to their disadvantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hats bowl away, coats fly open, skirts cling, umbrellas flype themselves: and their owners, grotesquely running, grabbing, snatching, struggling, are consumed with rueful and involuntary mirth. Try Anything Twice
  • Heath adds that the rent of land ‘is a voluntary recompense for distributive services.’
  • He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis.
  • Nearly three-quarters of staff took part in voluntary charitable activities during work time last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latter programme was specially designed to assist voluntary groups in getting new projects established.
  • Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level.
  • In general, an effective rebuttal will require evidence that Marjorie's actions were voluntary.
  • The fact that compassion is both voluntary and learned differentiates it from other kinds of suffering, which are involuntary and connate.
  • As a woman of independent means, she spent most of her life in voluntary work.
  • His criticism of the Moscow frame-up , and his exposure of the psychological mechanism of the "voluntary confessions", are excellent.
  • Janet had also done voluntary community work for her local church group, helping the elderly. AFTERMATH
  • It imposes an involuntary moratorium on a third superdistrict for two seasons.
  • But now Girobank are offering free banking to clubs and voluntary organisations as long as the account stays in credit.
  • Meals-on-Wheels urgently requires 2 voluntary helpers/cooks to assist in the preparing, cooking and dishing out dinners and deserts.
  • The reductions will come through voluntary departures and by leaving open positions unfilled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organ voluntary was the Arrival of the Queen of Sheba from Solomon, Handel
  • This reduction was largely achieved on a voluntary basis, and our employees showed remarkable resilience and loyalty, despite such difficulties.
  • Most of the jobs will disappear through hiving off divisions and seeking voluntary redundancies.
  • Hiccups, more officially referred to as singultus, from Latin - to catch your breath while sobbing are repeated, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm causing a quick inhalation, which is then cut short by an involuntary closing of the glottis. NYT > Home Page
  • In India, these are used by a number of voluntary organisations and educational institutions to convey social and environmental related messages.
  • They established a more sophisticated system of elementary education. The monitorial system created the voluntary system.
  • This means that if the voluntary sector does not take action, virtually nothing gets done.
  • Chereet has been involved with EF for fifteen years, working in a voluntary capacity since her retirement.
  • With voluntaryism and self-improvement went self-respect, a code of honesty and a sense of respectability.
  • True mnemonists, or memorists have the ability to remember lists of words, number or pictures as an involuntary act.
  • It can offer advice and support to you and your mother and suggest local voluntary organisations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.
  • He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.sentence dictionary
  • She felt an involuntary shiver go through her.
  • Article 98 Voluntary payment of tax by a taxpayer and payment of tax withheld by a tax withholder as provided in this Act shall each be made with a paying-in-slip completed by the payer.
  • The anaesthetist and the trainee nurse were found guilty of involuntary wounding and given one-month suspended jail sentences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Passing an amendment to end slavery and actually banishing involuntary servitude are two different things.
  • Whatever the level of voluntary service, we want to hear from you.
  • Such schemes include tax amnesties, voluntary disclosures and special bearer bonds.
  • The village ceased to be a voluntary, personal association and became an administrative division existing for the convenience of the state.
  • And that may be faid to be impure or mixt, which is partly voluntary, and partly involun - tary; voluntary abfolutely or upon the whole, but fecundum quidy or in a certain refpefit in - voluntary, or againft the inclination of the Will. An Essay Towards the Theory of the Ideal Or Intelligible World. Design'd for ...
  • The action of pilocarpine upon the involuntary muscles is caused in the same manner as upon the sudoriferous glands - by impressing the myo-neural receptors.
  • Third, the move towards compulsory admissions to residential care should be discouraged in favour of voluntary and planned admissions.
  • On another occasion Heine writes that Kalkbrenner is envied for his elegant manners, for his polish and sweetishness, and for his whole marchpane-like appearance, in which, however, ihe calm observer discovers a shabby admixture of involuntary Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • The man Christ's voluntary and most innocent, most shameful, and most cruel death on the Cross was the deletion and purgation of, and the satisfaction for, all the carnal desires of human nature.
  • My stomach gave an involuntary lurch at the word dying, but I tried not to show it. The Year I Turned Sixteen
  • voluntary manslaughter
  • Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level.
  • Recently I attended a meeting jointly held by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a voluntary standards certification organization, and the Toy Industry Association (TIA), a trade group that represents toy makers. Toy industry moves toward safety certification program
  • We are totally reliant on voluntary donations. The Sun
  • This kind of connection we shall term irritative association, to distinguish it from sensitive and voluntary associations. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Therefore, if we are foolhardy enough to tax the desirable voluntary activities of individuals and firms, we should expect the ill effects to be numerous and serious.
  • Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
  • Finally, in a free democratic society, voluntary associations provide a training ground for participation in wider politics.
  • Lamar Smith, R-Texas, wants an amendment to make program voluntary and nationwide.
  • Religious organisations are no different from any other members' club or voluntary association. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took an involuntary pace forward and raised the shotgun to point straight at Angel One's face.
  • She works there on a voluntary basis.
  • But when it comes to compliance with the law, it has got to be largely voluntary.
  • She's been making up for her past misdeeds by doing a lot of voluntary work.
  • There's no psychological profiling or involuntary behavioural modification going on here, just a cassette playing a muffled selection of old dance anthems, the hits of Ibiza '97.
  • An agreement was reached during Maude's visit to increase the rate of voluntary repatriation of boat people from Hong Kong.
  • The so-called Hotels Initiative "vastly" increased the number of assessable rooms after 33 hotels entered into voluntary compliance agreements with the government, prosecutors said. Top Eateries Face Disability Review
  • HD is a widely misunderstood condition: symptoms include involuntary muscular movements, memory lapses and mood changes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Solitariness cause of melancholy; coact, voluntary, how good; sign of melancholy Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Use the expertise and facilities of your local authorities and voluntary services for practical help, advice and social activities.
  • There are few qualified teachers or other professionals who are able to work on a semi-voluntary basis.
  • The word once meant very literally the voluntary descent from one's rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior.
  • The organization is run on a purely voluntary basis.
  • gave an involuntary start
  • The Project is a voluntary humanitarian organisation which helps with the medical and educational needs of less abled children in orphanages and schools in Belarus.
  • Tardive dyskinesia is an involuntary movement disorder usually consisting of athetoid or choreic movements in the oro-facial region, but may affect any part of the body.
  • Fresh research suggests that, while people will happily put up with voluntary restrictions on movement, they balk at the idea of compulsory quarantine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voluntary redundancies and staff moving to part-time work enabled the carrier to reduce its headcount without resorting to compulsory redundancies. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few years back charities and voluntary organisations had a mutual respect for one another's services and duplication did not happen.
  • She took voluntary redundancy.
  • The inhabitants of the shanty towns have frequently achieved stability and social organisation through the establishment of personal networks and voluntary associations.
  • The scheme remains entirely voluntary and open to abuse.
  • She does some voluntary work, caring for the elderly, but care for is more commonly used to mean 'like':I don't really care for spicy food.
  • First, the patient may choose to die, usually described as voluntary euthanasia.
  • The policy of their chiefs has on this occasion been admired, and might surely be excused; but a pious baud is seldom produced by the cool conspiracy of many persons; and a voluntary impostor might depend on the support of the wise and the credulity of the people. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Our voluntary, nonprofit organizations are alive with new initiatives.
  • After the ceremony the couple sign a wedding certificate, and they leave to the sound of the trumpet voluntary - again music full of associations with weddings down the years.
  • Belief is involuntary; nothing involuntary is meritorious or reprehensible. A man ought not to be considered worse or better for his belief. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
  • It was a cheapjack company that paid writers and artists at rates ranging from poor to involuntary servitude, then printed their wares on presses that were outmoded.
  • Your financial adviser will be able to explain how you apply. Voluntary contributions by your employer.
  • Many restaurants make it clear that the service charge is voluntary. Times, Sunday Times
  • She does voluntary social work.
  • Just as a person has a First Amendment Constitutional right, incertain circumstances, to be free from exercising freedom of speech, Plaintiffs in this matter have the Constitutional right to be free from entering a private contract or an involuntary association. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • Accidental homicide is often called involuntary manslaughter, for which one can serve time. (Very) Basic Economics and Abortion
  • Cabarets, bean-counting contests, lotteries and callithumpian methods generally marked a period in Canada's recruiting history not pleasant to review, and which brought discredit upon the entire voluntary enlistment system as a permanent method of filling up armies. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • This reduction was largely achieved on a voluntary basis, and our employees showed remarkable resilience and loyalty, despite such difficulties.
  • Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
  • I jumped at least two feet in the air in a completely involuntary, reflexive response.
  • The figures that the member for the Green Party refers to came out of a briefing - a brief introduction to a report that is under way on the value added by voluntary agencies.
  • The vision includes plans for an annual volunteer week in an effort to increase the numbers of people engaged in voluntary and community activities.
  • Furthermore, it will be convenient to exclude 'frictional' unemployment from our definition of 'involuntary' unemployment. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
  • He is a personable young man and has begun voluntary work in a hospice in the hope that the skills gained will help in his application. Times, Sunday Times
  • Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.
  • We say we're improving the effectiveness of the voluntary sector but we need to be able to show that the projects we undertake make a difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
  • voluntary muscles
  • There are a number of references in the speeches in this case to voluntary assumption of responsibility.
  • This reflects the hard work of many voluntary organisers and collectors who raised most of this money.
  • Finally, in a free democratic society, voluntary associations provide a training ground for participation in wider politics.
  • The administrators will propose company voluntary arrangements to the creditors that will include reduced rents. Times, Sunday Times
  • After successfully qualifying, two people were advised by members of their own profession to do full-time voluntary work.
  • This agency is handicapped, however, because its funding is voluntary and contributors may earmark their donations for specific programs.
  • We say we're improving the effectiveness of the voluntary sector but we need to be able to show that the projects we undertake make a difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • Myotonic dystrophy, the most common form of muscular dystrophy in adults, affects the eyes, heart, hormonal systems, and blood, in addition to causing muscular dystrophy and involuntary muscle stiffness (myotonia).
  • Overall the vast majority of voluntary organizations expressed satisfaction with the quality of their evaluations and believe that they use the results effectively.
  • Voluntary codes of conduct agreed with service providers may be another solution to the problem. The Sun
  • The scheme, due to begin next month, will be voluntary.
  • A fourth way to provide security in a free society is by voluntary charity.
  • The attention of the subject counts for much, and this distinction -- of involuntary from voluntary rhythmization -- which has been made chiefly in connection with the phenomenon of subjective rhythm, runs also through all appreciation of rhythms which depend on actual objective factors. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • There is a more general issue of accountability in the voluntary sector.
  • Sanzone said the judge ruled there was not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to show the boy acted with malice or premeditation, meaning that he would have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter if he had been older. News for Lynchburg News Advance
  • He was now working as finance officer for a local voluntary sector trust, but only on a part-time basis.
  • Gradually their nonconformist business elites improved public health and evolved traditions of voluntary activity, local pride and artistic patronage.
  • That thought, which completes the voluntary disherison of the mother, adds to the misery of her last moments and fills them with such a flood of remorse and regret that, notwithstanding her determination to be brave, she weeps and weeps. The Nabob, Vol. 2 (of 2)
  • Community schemes enable voluntary groups to look after disused areas of Network Rail land, such as disused platforms, land adjoining stations, or areas underneath viaducts. EDP24 News
  • The men will undergo voluntary DNA testing of their saliva.
  • The processes that bring about movement of the voluntary muscles of the body start on the surface of the brain in an area called the motor cortex.
  • There are also concerns about a “slippery slope” leading from assisted suicide to voluntary euthanasia, and from voluntary euthanasia to nonvoluntary euthanasia. Damien Keown - Would You Help Your Parents End Their Lives?
  • An extended winter break shutdown is in the works (although a proposal to require involuntary furloughs has been dropped).
  • The current voluntary code is therefore to be enhanced and placed on a legal footing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The board currently provides a dispute resolution service on a voluntary basis.
  • As I grasped the cage another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • A deliberate decision - decided I would vote when it was voluntary.
  • The Centre aims to maintain a strong focus on those questions affecting the voluntary sector and to maintain close links with it.
  • In Gibbon v Mitchell (1990) 1 WLR 1304, Millett J reviewed many of the older authorities on mistake and held that for a person to set aside a voluntary transaction (such as the creation of a settlement) on the basis of ­mistake, that mistake had to refer to the effect of the transaction in question rather than its consequences. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • As with other anti-psychotics, long-term use of aripiprazole may lead to a potentially irreversible condition called tardive dyskinesia involuntary movements of the jaw, lips, and tongue. POTIONS AND POISONS
  • As for the concept of voluntary surrender, the author holds the "two factors" theory, for "surrender oneself to justice" and "confess truthfully" consist of the acceptance of adjudication and justice.
  • The probation service and voluntary agencies were to be funded to provide an alternative form of punishment for the less serious offender.
  • I enjoy voluntary work with hundreds of other retired people who would be unable to do so without the concessionary bus fare.
  • He also pointed out that voluntary labour is now accepted as a source of matching funding in projects as is funding from the national lottery.
  • A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.
  • We hope to achieve staffing cuts through voluntary redundancy and a freeze on recruitment.
  • It may not have received as much coverage as the voluntary voting proposal, but one recommendation in yesterday's report of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is an absolute stinker.
  • Teams also have periodic minicamps and voluntary regulated workouts.
  • Consequently, the enjoyable show relied heavily on voluntary audience participation to act out the battle scenes.
  • Clinicians ideally should be in equipoise about the treatments being tested, and patients should give voluntary consent based on full disclosure of relevant information.
  • Such, sir, are you by general confession; such are the things achieved by you, the greatest and most glorious of our countrymen, the director of our public councils, the leader of unconquered armies, the father of your country; for by that title doss every good man hail you with sincere and voluntary praise. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • As participation in challenge testing at all time points was voluntary, self-selection was a possible confounder.
  • He was touched by the simple self-respect that would not let her suffer from what was not wrong in itself, but that made her shrink from a voluntary semblance of unwomanliness.
  • There is typically some memory loss and flashbacks may occur where the victim remembers engaging in involuntary behaviour.
  • In her spare time Elaine does voluntary work for the local branch of the National Schizophrenia Fellowship.
  • Section 120 deals with voluntary settlements and marriage settlements.
  • These are known as _reflex action, voluntary action_, and Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • The four year study was based in two inner London boroughs and delivered through a local voluntary sector charity.
  • Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level.
  • The voluntary organisation has been riven by internal conflict, with a split over its future direction.
  • Advocates of this stance often quote a 1960 Supreme Court opinion, which states that "our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint. Four Frivolous Tax Arguments That Won't Work
  • The bottom half of the income distribution is unlikely to save for retirement in illiquid accounts on a voluntary basis.
  • Religious instruction, such as Catholic catechism, is strictly voluntary. France: A Pro-Church Law Helps a Mosque, while many Muslim students attend Catholic schools
  • Sources of welfare are the family, the voluntary sector and the private market rather than central or local government agencies.
  • The package is designed to be used with staff from health, social services, housing, voluntary and private agencies.
  • ‘I have grave concerns about handing our work over to voluntary housing organisations,’ she said.
  • They have gained awards after clocking up more than 200 hours of voluntary activity.
  • Firstly, why should a voluntary arrangement have to mimic an Administration Order?
  • Slavery signified, of course, involuntary migration and coerced labor.
  • More voluntary helpers are needed in Kilconduff cemetery on Saturday mornings at 10 am to help with the digging, cleaning, strimming and weeding.
  • But there is already a head of steam in parliament to make the proposed voluntary takeover code legally binding.
  • The village ceased to be a voluntary, personal association and became an administrative division existing for the convenience of the state.
  • The federal labour law is vague on the subject of domestic workers, where no contract is signed, no taxes paid and social security and health insurance paid by the employer are voluntary.
  • All the money has been raised by voluntary contribution.
  • I prefer the term behaviors to habits because it strongly implies that they are voluntary. Stress and the Manager
  • The Committee take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, and a special word of thanks also to all the voluntary helpers and committee.
  • The questions were asked of all male nisei by the war department; answering them was voluntary.
  • Gradually the voluntary churches thus came to be safety valves for society, means of draining potentially dangerous conflict into harmless channels.
  • Company liquidation can be separated as voluntary liquidation and compulsory liquidation.
  • Those over 50 are increasingly likely to combine part-time jobs with voluntary work, and a growing number of those past pensionable age are continuing in paid work.
  • The numbers are growing and the club is doing well, but more help is needed on a voluntary basis.
  • The Corporation was also involved in affordable housing schemes in the City and also played a major role in the various voluntary housing projects being constructed in Waterford.
  • It is offering a voluntary severance package to its 900 staff - compulsory redundancy will follow if necessary.
  • Bosses hope many of the jobs will be lost through voluntary redundancies but the mood on the shop floor is defiant.
  • Any imbalance in these neuro-modulators causes involuntary movements like chorea and tremors.
  • After a period of voluntary unemployment he finds work at Aldermaston, hobnobbing with geniuses who could blow up the world if they felt so inclined.
  • He knows this would be worthless: his own voluntary targets of a 20 percent reduction in Britain's emissions by 2020 were binned with a blush this year.
  • And unbidden, the memory returned of her involuntary shiver the previous week when checking the room for her guest. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • In religion, the principle of voluntary association struck quick and effective root.
  • In most litigious situations the expression ‘waiver’ is used to describe a voluntary, informed and unequivocal election by a party not to claim a right or raise an objection which it is open to that party to claim or raise.
  • Children, teens and adults channel-hop with the TV remote control, afraid to miss a single choice in their final viewing selection, flicking through the pictures and information like some sort of voluntary brain-washing session.
  • The scheme, due to begin next month, will be voluntary.
  • Public and civil servants have the option of buying back years of pensionable service and availing of additional voluntary contribution schemes to top up their pensions.
  • In the account of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, there is no mention of his liberal social policies, his prohibition of the slave trade and of involuntary sati.
  • In churchmanship he moved in the early 1840s from less than wholehearted defence of civil establishments of religion to vehement voluntaryism and opposition to state aid to all churches.
  • This last winter, at its annual meeting, the Conference of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, the coordinating body of Jewish voluntary fund-raising for Israel and local community needs all over the country, said quite flatly, in a public resolution, that policies which disenfranchise the rabbis of the nonorthodox majority of American Jewry are hurting the fundraising for Israel. Begin and the Jews: An Exchange
  • Likewise, voluntary bodies need funding to enable them to bid for contracts.
  • Whether forced or voluntary, Roman emperors, kings and queens, hereditary princes and grand dukes and, yes, even popes have abdicated.
  • Birds, also to some extent like mammals, have involuntary nervous controls to regulate heat; for instance, shivering.
  • A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.
  • Migration, for example, may be an enforced personal tragedy following persecution or a voluntary choice for a more prosperous life.
  • Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French.
  • Ministers hope voluntary agreements with industry on promotions and advertising will get people eating and drinking more healthily. The Sun
  • We felt that that the tradeswoman's voluntary and active participation in the war was made clear enough by showing the great distance which she has travelled to get into it.

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