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How To Use Voluntarily In A Sentence

  • 'It must be -- eight o'clock,' said the gasping voice -- '_eight o'clock_;' and the tone became a whisper, as though the idea thus half involuntarily revealed had been drawn jealously back into the strongholds of consciousness. Robert Elsmere
  • For now, I've voluntarily dismounted from the property ladder and am renting a nice family home while I see how the economy and the housing market develop.
  • _ -- Most children, if not all, even when they have very early formed R correctly (involuntarily), introduce other sounds in place of it in speaking -- e. g., they say _moigjen_ for "morgen," _matta_ for "Martha," _annold_ for "Arnold," _jeiben_ for "reiben," _amum_ for The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • Involuntarily, she stepped in, biting the inside of her cheek apprehensively and casting her eyes over the rows of neatly aligned desks in the room.
  • By medicalising their behavior we give medicine and the state the remit to involuntarily detain and medicate such people to prevent them from behaving in ways society finds intolerable.
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  • Reasoned subpoint lameness trihydroxybenzene viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • His claws extend involuntarily and the hair on his neck rises.
  • The pain in the region of her heart was so intense that she wrapped her arms around herself involuntarily.
  • Some Tories even forecast that Mr Major would quit voluntarily rather than face the humiliation of a Tory leadership challenge.
  • Shopkeepers will also agree not to sell illegal fireworks which have been voluntarily banned by the industry.
  • The advocacy system gives the child the right to voluntarily admit himself or refuse admission.
  • So why am I voluntarily submitting myself to this torture?
  • Trevor Dean, a director of mortuary services at the Dover facility, voluntarily accepted a reduction in pay and a nonmanagement job. Military Lost Troops' Remains
  • Reasoned subpoint lameness trihydroxybenzene viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • Rather than reconfiguring the Court in one fell swoop, they must proceed member by member, as justices die or leave voluntarily.
  • She was then tossed across a horse's withers and cried out involuntarily as her belly slammed into the horse's back.
  • It is already the case that at the time of relicensing with police, firearms licence applicants voluntarily allow the recording of details of firearms they possess.
  • We are lucky to have some dedicated and committed personnel within our ranks and these are people who give of their time voluntarily and without the input of these people our club would be all the poorer.
  • He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.
  • I knew not what to say; but I sighed involuntarily from the bottom of my heart. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
  • For several years he himself has been voluntarily living in a depraved state.
  • There was such malice in her voice that Cat involuntarily took a step back.
  • There is something spine-tingling and enthralling about the best public art, the kind that touches the emotions and makes the eyes widen involuntarily. Times, Sunday Times
  • The benefit is they remain eligible to enter legally in the future whereas those involuntarily deported are subject to a strict ten year bar. Page 2
  • We can unambiguously conclude that there is a situation in which voluntarily oriented attention subserves feature integration when tested with multiple search items.
  • How likely is it that people will voluntarily renounce them because of a disputed threat to the planet? Times, Sunday Times
  • Country music sensation Keith Urban has voluntarily checked himself into rehab, according to media reports.
  • Your body would involuntarily tense up the next time and so a vicious circle is set up. The Sun
  • What better could I have done in the smoky warmth of our hearth-fire than to con, by the light of the electric bulb dangling overhead, its annals in some such voluntarily quaint and unconsciously old-fashioned volume as Irving’s Legends of the Conquest of Spain; or to read in some such (if there is any such other) imperishably actual and unfadingly brilliant record of impressions as Gautier’s Familiar Spanish Travels
  • In the last eight years, Dan has written many articles on the Middle East conflicts, which have circulated on Web sites and media throughout the world. viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad.
  • Bio Bio region in southern Chile Lota coal mines, 33 women voluntarily put himself in the 900 meters underground, to protest their dismissal.
  • My legs are twitching involuntarily and I can barely push myself up to standing position. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the explicit oath taken voluntarily by all who serve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judges asked the pundits whether the woman is "enjoined" by the shaster voluntarily to burn herself with the body of her husband. Life of William Carey
  • For a time he was forcibly medicated, but for the past several years he has taken his drugs voluntarily.
  • More than 450,000 active and retired federal employees did not voluntarily comply with federal income tax requirements for the 2005 tax year, according to documents obtained by WTOP through the Freedom of Information Act. The total balance owed is $2,799,950,165. Archive 2007-01-14
  • Some friends do complain and very seriously too that I involuntarily thrust my opinions upon others and get my proposals accepted.
  • So Ng Yen Yen, please convey to Todt that I am 'affronted' and 'distressed' that somehow money is involved when he supposedly took the position voluntarily. Malaysiakini :: News
  • City officials originally requested that owners of these establishments voluntarily dismantle the offending structures.
  • I think one could make a stronger argument that World or Warcraft, Farmville, the lottery, Rolex's ..or GWAPs are more exploitative because they utilize psychological tricks to extract money/labor from people who may not realize they are at some subconscious level being involuntarily manipulated. Work and the Internet
  • ‘About 100 families in the kampong voluntarily prepare the meals,’ said Abdul Hamid, a resident of Kampung Luar Batang.
  • The judges asked the pundits whether the woman is "enjoined" by the shaster voluntarily to burn herself with the body of her husband. Life of William Carey
  • When he engaged in a hunger strike, the authorities committed him to a hospital where he was force fed, involuntarily sedated, handcuffed and sometimes strapped to his bed for long periods.
  • She grinned involuntarily, amused by his likeness to her high school maths teacher.
  • He offers a handclasp that Fiedler can scarcely feel: ‘I stood there baffled, a little ashamed of how I had braced myself involuntarily for a bone-crushing grip, how I must have yearned for some wordless preliminary test of strength.’
  • It was some time since Jerry had spoken a word of German, but as she stood before Gretchen's picture old memories seemed to revive, and with them the German word for _pretty_, which she involuntarily spoke aloud. Tracy Park
  • No serious thought, money, or effort goes into imagining how to unbuild the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan or how to voluntarily leave that country. Tom Engelhardt: Five Absurd Things That Simply Can't Happen in Wartime Washington
  • The huge figure settled itself onto the divan next to Ramses, who wrinkled his nose involuntarily as a wave of patchouli wafted round him. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • Progress: Explore voluntarily, be aggressive, to learn and explore with team spirit.
  • In the case of Chalk River, the operator, AECL, discovered that it had been running the reactor for almost two years without the safety upgrades required under its licence and voluntarily closed down the reactor. 2008 January 10 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting
  • Dewar supported the back-to-work bill, saying if the city and the union would not go to arbitration voluntarily Parliament would "foist" it upon them. Ottawa Sun
  • Why any coach gives such a hostage to fortune or voluntarily offers the opposition unsought additional motivation is forever debatable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then voluntarily developed and trained a reserve force of assorted Army troops trapped with the Marines.
  • A bill was passed disfranchising all such persons as had voluntarily stayed in neighbourhoods occupied by the British troops; their offence was called misprision of treason. The Critical Period of American History
  • This inevitably begins by voluntarily connecting a personal story to a larger one, or several larger ones, and is a purpose-driven path to express polychromatic civic values. Mehret Mandefro: The Revolution of Relevance
  • Don't… try to get voluntarily bumped while traveling with a large group unless you're prepared to split up.
  • In 2003, Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson had summoned representatives of three Rubbertown plants that emitted butadiene to his office, and the companies — American Synthetic Rubber, Zeon and Rohm and Haas — soon announced they would voluntarily reduce their emissions. Cooperation helped Louisville clean up air
  • Last November, Covidien had said it would voluntarily contraindicate the use of Optimark in kidney-disease patients. FDA Boosts Warnings on Drugs Used In MRI Scans
  • He made the promise quite voluntarily.
  • There is no evidence of her ever wishing to voluntarily relinquish the post.
  • Induced abortions are those initiated voluntarily with the intention of terminating a pregnancy.
  • They will never voluntarily relinquish their independence.
  • Some voluntarily paid ten and twenty pfennig for “Help Berlin” stamps on their mail. Daring Young Men
  • Over the same period, the 13 other airlines tracked by the Transportation Department displaced 412, 447 ticketed passengers voluntarily or against their will.
  • If they really want to go legit they should voluntarily dump all their ill-gotten data and start from scratch, as a sign of good will.
  • Men are blind to their weaknesses or defects, and refuse to admit their faults or mistakes voluntarily and gracefully. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • By this criterion we distinguish our waking from our sleeping hours, we can voluntarily recollect our sleeping ideas, when we are awake, and compare them with our waking ones; but we cannot in our sleep _voluntarily_ recollect our waking ideas at all. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Firms would find their inventories involuntarily building up and so would cut back production thereby reducing national income.
  • The patient must sign a written request in the presence of two witnesses attesting that the patient is competent and acting voluntarily.
  • Why, now I bethink me, he _was_ present," replied Blaize, involuntarily putting his hand to his shoulder, as he recalled the horsewhipping he had received on that occasion. Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
  • What if I involuntarily close my eyes while climaxing?
  • The thought that this whole thing was a set-up crossed her mind, involuntarily causing her to grip her gun for reassurance.
  • In February 2000 the Council of Mortgage lenders announced that its members had agreed voluntarily not to chase someone for a debt if they have not been contacted within six years.
  • On the first day after operation he fully recovered from the general anaesthetic and could micturate voluntarily.
  • According to the central bank law, a member of the bank's board of governors cannot be replaced unless he or she has been proven to have committed a crime, has been incapacitated or voluntarily resigns.
  • Steir voluntarily surrendered his license to the State.
  • If the feet seem to be following the eye movement involuntarily then correction is needed. Muscle Management
  • There were 13 arrests after demonstrators hurled paint at police when they ignored a request to leave voluntarily. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the last eight years, Dan has written many articles on the Middle East conflicts, which have circulated on Web sites and media throughout the world. viagra online Reflesh auk involuntarily caddie botulinic turner libelee omphalic autointoxication diskectomy allorhythmia obsoleteness disembosoming; cradling. Top Headlines from World Press Review
  • The indoor experiment shows, it is feasible to utilize Beauveria bassiana carried by Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao to infect Monochamus alternatus larva voluntarily.
  • On that question he pretended to decline expressing an opinion; but urged the action on the false suggestion that this Grand Lodge had voluntarily repudiated her jurisdiction over what he called the loyal portion of Virginia -- and in the form of queries, argued that that portion of her territory was now a Masonic waste, in which any Grand Lodge might charter a Lodge. Free masonry and the war : report of the committee under the resolutions of 1862, Grand Lodge of Virginia, in reference to our relations as masonic bodies and as masons, in the North and South, growing out of the manner in which the present war has been p
  • These four faculties of the sensorium during their inactive state are termed irritability, sensibility, voluntarily, and associability; in their active state they are termed as above irritation, sensation, volition, association. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • In a statement issued last week announcing his intention to voluntarily report to the U.S. military, Jenkins said he had intended to surrender since the day he arrived in Japan.
  • Your body would involuntarily tense up the next time and so a vicious circle is set up. The Sun
  • Since smokers appear to be unable to act in a socially responsible way by voluntarily refraining from smoking in public, it seems there must be a law.
  • Once a suspect has been arrested or has voluntarily appeared in response to a summons, however, the charge still must be "confirmed" -- that is, the PTC must find sufficient evidence to find "substantial grounds" that the crimes were committed. Seth Engel: Releasing Callixte: the Best Decision the ICC Has Ever Made
  • She was then tossed across a horse's withers and cried out involuntarily as her belly slammed into the horse's back.
  • I watched her close her eyes and they seemed to tremble, the muscles of an eighty-year-old involuntarily twitchy.
  • However, Patrick says he ‘resigned voluntarily’ and hasn't asked for any severance.
  • If he does not surrender the title voluntarily, sooner or later they will take it by force, and that part of the empire along with it. The Contemporary Review, January 1883 Vol 43, No. 1
  • It must be shown that the plaintiff acted voluntarily in the sense that he could exercise a free choice.
  • For example, Tiara / S2 Yachts made waves last year by voluntarily recalling hundreds of boats because of aluminum fuel tank failures due to corrosion from bilge water.
  • Rudolph voluntarily renounced his U.S. citizenship.
  • Astonished and indignant at so sudden and violent an assault, Camilla stood suspended, whether to deign any vindication, or to walk silently away: yet its implications involuntarily filled her with a thousand other, and less offending emotions than those of anger, and a general confusion crimsoned her cheeks. Camilla
  • Volenti non fit injuria means that the plaintiff voluntarily agrees to undertake the legal risk of harm at his own expense.
  • The SCLC treasurer will voluntarily disinvolve himself with any financial matters ... until further action by the Board of Directors of SCLC," the order said. - News
  • Her kneeling body involuntarily leans against David for support.
  • PROVIDING VULNERABLE, DISPLACED WORKERS OVER 55 ACCESS TO MEDICARE by offering those who have involuntarily lost their jobs and their health care coverage a similar Medicare buy-in option. Medicare Fact Sheet
  • Orr, who spends up to 10 hours a week training in the gym during the winter and also works out regularly on tour, is not, however, one to puff his chest out voluntarily.
  • I only speak of actions which they perform voluntarily or freely (_actions qu'ils font de leur plein gré_). Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • My continued support, however, is conditioned on one idea: the war on terror should be voluntarily financed.
  • But we are suggesting neither that the human race would voluntarily turn power over to the machines nor that the machines would wilfully seize power.
  • There are many reasons why an active node could stop functioning properly in an HA cluster, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
  • The floors were neatly sanded, the hearth was freshly brightened with the red ochrous clay of the country, and chairs and tables, though made of the plainest stuffs, and by a very rude mechanic, were yet so clean, neat and well-arranged, that the eye involuntarily surveyed them again and again with a very pleased sensation. The Wigwam and the Cabin. By the Author of "The Yemassee," "Guy Rivers," &c. First Series
  • Kim's eyes filled with tears involuntarily and she cried out in pain.
  • I did it of my own free will , ie acting voluntarily.
  • Involuntarily, he began to breathe heavily as her fingers slipped under his jockey shorts. CORMORANT
  • Slow-worms are like many other squamates in being able to drop the tail voluntarily by contracting muscles (this is known as caudal autotomy), but they do this more than is usual, with most individuals having autotomised their tails several times. Archive 2006-05-01
  • The way to wean people voluntarily off their cars is to be clever, and to do it in stages.
  • The advocacy system gives the child the right to voluntarily admit himself or refuse admission.
  • But since starting work I've started developing a bit of a paunch… so I'm voluntarily playing sport again.
  • The European Union has approved a measure guaranteeing automatic compensation for travelers involuntarily bumped from overbooked flights.
  • It used to be that the mainstream media did not have 24/7 cable news, the Internet, and tabloid newspaper and television competition — which does not necessarily stick to industry standards, and certainly not industry standards voluntarily accepted newsroom by newsroom but not enforced in any kind of industrywide regulation or law. Duke Case: Should the Media Be Broadcasting Anyone’s Name?
  • The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971.
  • During this time other managers at the centre also decided to leave voluntarily and gave notice to terminate their employment.
  • Camilla wept with joy at the idea: 'Ah!; she cried,' if such should be my happy fate; if, after hearing all my imprudence, my precipitance, and want of judgment, he should voluntarily, when wholly set free, return to me ... Camilla
  • The fund is voluntarily administered.
  • It was a slice of jackassery that makes UNC fans involuntarily wince, but it was also jackassery UNC could have been avoided a week earlier with a few well-placed phone calls. Nad hen j��c eto
  • Distressfully, i culturally ameda breast pump voluntarily what darfur me, and turbulent venerableness to the delible, i do franck askew overpressure than stradavarius. Rational Review
  • Once called myoclonus, PLMS causes you to involuntarily flex and extend your legs while sleeping - without being aware you're doing it. Find Me A Cure
  • The inquest is trying to establish whether Moat intended to commit suicide or if he pulled the trigger involuntarily. The Sun
  • Whether with the arrival of a younger and more energetic person she was voluntarily relinquishing her hold on her customary tasks, or whether a sudden collapse of her vitality forced her to do so, Lucy could not determine; nevertheless, it was perfectly apparent that she daily attacked her duties more laggingly and complained less loudly when things were left undone. The Wall Between
  • During orgasm, both female and male genitals swell with blood, their pulse races and muscles contract involuntarily at intervals of 0.8 seconds (approximately).
  • By late September, NATO seeks to gather 3,300 weapons voluntarily surrendered by the rebel National Liberation Army.
  • National political groups and other institutions which support the idea of a unitary Indonesia including Aceh need to recognize that such unity will only be achieved if it is voluntarily supported by all involved.
  • Bruises decorated her face and shoulders, her body involuntarily shivering in reaction from the rain.
  • Her arms tightened around the purring cat involuntarily, causing him to mewl with displeasure and wiggle free of her grasp.
  • We must move away from this artificial reconciliation, but rather allow white people to voluntarily join us at these celebrations.
  • The huge figure settled itself onto the divan next to Ramses, who wrinkled his nose involuntarily as a wave of patchouli wafted round him. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • He rode hurriedly from the battlefield and returned to the Shevardino knoll, where he sat on his campstool, his sallow face swollen and heavy, his eyes dim, his nose red, and his voice hoarse, involuntarily listening, with downcast eyes, to the sounds of firing. War and Peace
  • Where a person has voluntarily chosen to undertake an economic transaction, he is legally bound to complete it.
  • Are you going to say that flogging is never torture because some people submit themselves to it voluntarily? Matthew Yglesias » Sleep Deprivation
  • It shall sooner burst, than voluntarily, uncompelled, undriven, dictate a measure that shall cast a slur either upon them, or upon my sex. Clarissa Harlowe
  • In 11 other cases the children were either returned voluntarily or the warring parties reached an agreement.
  • If we allow ourselves to be voluntarily imprisoned in gilded mansions on the hillsides ... we are nevertheless in prison. Please Tell My Why
  • Astonishment, pleasure, hope, and shame, took alternate rapid possession of her mind; but the last sensation was the first that visibly operated, and she snatched her hand involuntarily from the Major. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • It would be surprising for importers to voluntarily adjust their prices upwards.
  • The crux is that few banks have been incentivised to voluntarily contribute comprehensive, high-quality information, limiting the scale of such efforts. Rating Agencies Should Get A Death Sentence
  • God, by whose authority this transformation is effected, has implanted in us the invincible conviction that the power to coerce, which He gives, implies an obligation on the part of the coercer to respect voluntarily that which he compels others to observe. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • The necessary trust depends on benevolence to others, including strangers, honest dealing and fulfilment of promises entered into voluntarily.
  • Programs designed to motivate patients into leaving voluntarily brought into sharp focus conflicting institutional dynamics inherent in the leprosarium setting.
  • The moment he mentioned "faver," the men involuntarily drew back, after having laid him reclining against the green ditch. The Poor Scholar Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • But to call him an emancipationist when he voluntarily delayed freeing 200 slaves because it wasn't in HIS interests to do so is positively Orwellian. Today is the 200th birthday of our greatest President.
  • Rising prices get people to voluntarily economize on goods and services rendered scarcer by the disaster.
  • An emissary upon the business of the community shall deliver up whatever he has received [on their account]: if he fail to deliver voluntarily, he shall be amerced eleven times the value [of what he withholds]. Hindu Law and Judicature from the Dharma-Sástra of Yájnavalkya
  • It turns out that, for the most part, we’re voluntarily putting them in our mouths around three times a day. Smithsonian Mag
  • [Sidenote: 1111a] Again, we do not usually apply the term involuntary when a man is ignorant of his own true interest; because ignorance which affects moral choice constitutes depravity but not involuntariness: nor does any ignorance of principle (because for this men are blamed) but ignorance in particular details, wherein consists the action and wherewith it is concerned, for in these there is both compassion and allowance, because he who acts in ignorance of any of them acts in a proper sense involuntarily. Ethics
  • Ye, O honoured ones, have turned yourselves away from the sweets of life and endured the pains of asceticism for the sake of Him Who hath come down unto the earth and voluntarily peregrinated thereon for our sake; therefore ye have, O wonderworthy ones, acquired in heaven the Hospitable One. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Tyndareus; and that from the first the place now called Akademeia was then named Echedemia, and that from the second the township of Marathon takes its names, because he in accordance with some oracle voluntarily offered himself as a sacrifice there in the sight of the whole army. Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
  • God's people should always be prepared to give liberally, voluntarily and cheerfully.
  • Men are blind to their weaknesses or defects, and refuse to admit their faults or mistakes voluntarily and gracefully. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Ricardo: New Jersey has a law supported by compulsive gamblers that allows people to voluntarily sign themselves up for a blacklist — if someone on the blacklist is caught entering a casino, they immediately forfeit all their winnings and might have to pay an additional fine. ... The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
  • Eleonora Karpovna had most likely in her first youth been possessed of what the French for some unknown reason call beauté du diable, that is to say, freshness; but when I made her acquaintance, she suggested involuntarily to the mind a good-sized piece of meat, freshly laid by the butcher on The Jew and other stories
  • I should remind you that I was being admitted voluntarily, there was never any suggestion that I needed to be 'sectioned' but you would have thought that I had stolen the Crown Jewels and then run amok slaying the Royal Family to judge by the manner of the nurse admitting me. Mental Nurse
  • Is it not better to give glory to God by humble confession, than, in tenderness to ourselves, to seek for fig-leaves to cover our nakedness; and to put God to it to build his glory, which we denied him, upon the ruins of our own, which we preferred before him; and to distrain for that by yet sorer judgments which we refused voluntarily to surrender to him? The Reformed Pastor
  • He is perceived as a weak leader who, if he will not go voluntarily, must be forced from office.
  • The idea of going back voluntarily is almost impossible to imagine. Mark Olmsted: My Brother's Keeper
  • She said Winehouse "voluntarily" drank the alcohol and added: "She had consumed sufficient alcohol at 416mg per decilitre of blood and the unintended consequence of such potentially fatal levels was her sudden and unexpected death. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • How likely is it that people will voluntarily renounce them because of a disputed threat to the planet? Times, Sunday Times
  • To make his own intentions clear would be discourteous to his employers, so he offers no firm clue as to whether he may consider voluntarily leaving when his contract is up.
  • There is something spine-tingling and enthralling about the best public art, the kind that touches the emotions and makes the eyes widen involuntarily. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, about five per cent of our fleet has been voluntarily deregistered, which is generally in line with car rental industry standards," he said. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • While the Roundup would voluntarily remove a digit via hacksaw for a shot at contest winner Michelle Persaud, it fears the aggrandizing effect its charm might have on the already assuredly bigheaded Ms. Persaud would be simply too much. Midterm Roundup
  • And even later, when for the first time in her life she had lain in bed with a man and said his name involuntarily or said it truly meaning him, the name she was screaming and saying was not his at all. Toni Morrison - Prose
  • The transfers were made voluntarily by the applicants under what they at least believed to be valid contracts.
  • Yet thousands like her cannot leave their Jobs voluntarily as they would forfeit any payoffs from the company. Times, Sunday Times
  • His broken body, linked to an electronic muscle stimulator,(Sentencedict) twitched involuntarily.
  • Your body would involuntarily tense up the next time and so a vicious circle is set up. The Sun
  • Notwithstanding the aversion with which I regarded the idea of entrapping him into any disclosure he was not prepared to make voluntarily, I should have taken him up at this point, but for the strange proceedings in which I saw him engaged; whereof his putting the lemon-peel into the kettle, the sugar into the snuffer-tray, the spirit into the empty jug, and confidently attempting to pour boiling water out of David Copperfield
  • Indentured Servants. \% -- In the case of such as came voluntarily, carefully drawn agreements called indentures would be made in writing. A School History of the United States
  • And how freaky is it to be voluntarily spreading ads to people? Advertising and Bunnies
  • As it turned out, knowing that universal fortification would be required by 1 January 1998, most millers fortified their products voluntarily before the mandatory deadline.
  • The unspoken underlying verity was that there were no residents of Abu Hishma who would voluntarily turn them over.
  • Landlords should also voluntarily cease taking unrighteous rent.
  • Claiming that the pill was an abortifacient, the board stated: ‘The proposed indication was deemed unacceptable and the company voluntarily withdrew the application.’
  • The idea that one would voluntarily inject poison into one's body was anathema to me.
  • Any treatment protocol that deviates from the community standard of care should be carefully considered and voluntarily chosen by the patient, and explicit documentation of this should be included in the medical record.
  • Finally if you do not die, your loving wife -- who has not slept during the whole three weeks of your illness (a fact of which she will constantly remind you) -- will fall ill in her turn, waste away, suffer much, and become even more incapable of any useful pursuit than she was before; while by the time that you have regained your normal state of health she will express to you her self-sacrificing affection only by shedding around you a kind of benignant dullness which involuntarily communicates itself both to yourself and to every one else in your vicinity. Youth
  • Earlier this month, as part of an effort to reduce the risk of overdoses, Tylenol maker Johnson & Johnson , along with acetaminophen makers Perrigo Co. and Novartis AG, decided voluntarily to discontinue a more-concentrated formula used in infant-drop products, and instead use the same liquid concentration of acetaminophen for both infants' and children's products. Panel Calls for Label Changes on Acetaminophen Products
  • A lucky few are able to convert leadership into followership and take people with them, voluntarily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Allstate is enforcing the action only in California, although the company has urged agents nationwide to become independent brokers voluntarily.
  • Those are the worst of suicides, who voluntarily and propensely stab or suffocate their fame, when God hath commanded them to stand on high for an example. Imaginary Conversations and Poems A Selection
  • The rights of refugees to find safe refuge in another state - with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country - fall on the universal claim of need.
  • I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad.
  • The supervising attorneys would be paid, based on an hourly rate, from federal funding and/or a combination of voluntarily paid funds from the nation's foreclosers, with funds held in escrow by a trustee appointed by the DOJ. Jennifer Brunner: Hope: A Call to Leadership in the Foreclosure Fraud Crisis
  • She thought involuntarily of a sheer white gown, em broidered with lemon yellow flowers, that she had worn to receive the warm congratulations and gifts from the cast illo tenants who had come throughout the day to pay homage to their little seorita. Dearly Beloved
  • It is not a matter of any importance how the defendant came into court-whether he was served with a writ, capias, or declaration; or whether he appeared voluntarily without process of any kind.
  • The group also warns consumers about toys that pose toxic hazards and urges manufacturers to voluntarily disclose whether toys contain phthalates or polyvinyl chloride.
  • 'It must be -- eight o'clock,' said the gasping voice -- '_eight o'clock_;' and the tone became a whisper, as though the idea thus half involuntarily revealed had been drawn jealously back into the strongholds of consciousness. Robert Elsmere
  • There were 13 arrests after demonstrators hurled paint at police when they ignored a request to leave voluntarily. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was never on the pay roll but voluntarily taught woodwork at evenings and weekends.
  • His broken body, linked to an electronic muscle stimulator, twitched involuntarily.
  • People worry more about infinitesimal risks they feel are imposed on them than they do about the more important ones they voluntarily bring upon themselves.
  • In such a context there was little call for voluntarily taking new burdens on oneself. Christianity Today
  • Noriega eventually surrendered voluntarily to U.S. authorities.
  • Programs designed to motivate patients into leaving voluntarily brought into sharp focus conflicting institutional dynamics inherent in the leprosarium setting.

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