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How To Use Voluminous In A Sentence

  • But if you want voluminous leaf production during summer, you may want to fertigate it occasionally. Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway
  • Hospital case notes are more voluminous than traditional British general practice paper records, which are normally maintained on small cards, named after the politician who introduced them more than 90 years ago.
  • The gallery is approached across a voluminous, rather airport-like atrium that also houses the company's canteen.
  • The lightweight fabric makes this voluminous new shape more flattering. Times, Sunday Times
  • These were the ones whose jeans looked uncomfortably snug, whose faces had a moonish quality that didn't quite seem accustomed, who cloaked themselves in voluminous hoodies. Your college kid, plus 15
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  • If you are wearing a voluminous shape on your bottom half, keep the top half neat. The Sun
  • He wore a kind of paletôt of light camlet cloth, with voluminous lapels and deep cuffs of lavender watered silk; very baggy trousers, with lavender stripes down the seams; very shiny boots and quite as glossy a hat; his attire being completed by tightly-fitting gloves, of the hue known in Paris as beurre frais — that is to say, light yellow. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • Romani, Imperium Populi Romani, Fortuna Populi Romani_, glitter out of the voluminous periods with a splendour that hardly any other words could give. Latin Literature
  • That key person needs to listen intently, take voluminous notes, and collect all class handouts, texts, and tests.
  • The sound reproduction is quite good, too, in spite of some odd balances: certain brass instruments are pushed back too far, while the clarinet and other less voluminous instruments are well up front.
  • In its widest sense the term designates not only the sacred texts, but also the voluminous theological and philosophical literature attached thereto, the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • I could not imagine how she had fit in there with such a voluminous dress.
  • Its left panel frames a standing portrait of Serena, her hair arranged in a thick roll around her head, her person adorned in the high-necked voluminous tunic layered over a tighter-fitting underdress that had become the prevailing fashion for women of late antiquity. Caesars’ Wives
  • In a series of online opinionsurveys and in voluminous press commentary, debate has been surprisingly intense.
  • It's an ambience that fosters sharing; the best way to approach the enticing array of antipasti and snacks that precede the pizza and complement a voluminous all-Italian wine list.
  • a voluminous skirt
  • Inevitably, a selection of subjects from Augustine's voluminous writings reflects the particular interests and views of the author.
  • The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Picasso.
  • His voluminous surviving correspondence is full of letters from noblemen of all ranks eager to gain his favour or reporting on tasks that he had given them in the hope of further preferment.
  • Crowley's own voluminous writings, published and unpublished, contain no reference to a religion of pagan witches.
  • Through the wide variety of historical photographs, paintings and statuary included, we see correspondences of silhouette, construction, color and embellishment that teach us how to "read" a design—the way, for instance, the ornate embroidery of a matador's bolero brings drama to an evening gown, or how voluminous gathers of fabric, thrillingly elegant in a sleeve or skirt, are actually a translation from the festive dress of Spanish laborers. Fashion's Eternal Flame
  • Hanley Black's wife, a stout-in-the-middle matron of 45, thinks "It's positively indecent" while her husband "surveyed his wife's criminal shapelessness and voluminousness of ante-diluvian, New England swimming dress with a withering, contemplative eye" and tells her in a sentence never uttered by a human before or since, "You appear as a creature shameful, under a grotesqueness of apparel striving to hide some secret awfulness. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • French Revolution was noteworthy in college annals, not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy, but for the fact that it was the dryest, deadest, most formal, and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • The text is eminently readable and supported by detailed citations and a voluminous index.
  • The works of Martène (1654-1739) on ecclesiastical and monastic rites (1690 and 1700-2) and his collections of anecdota (1700, 1717, and 1724-33) are most voluminous; he was assisted by Durand. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • His companion scurried to obey him, unclipping a ring of heavy keys from somewhere inside his voluminous robes.
  • Huge "arctics" were strapped on his feet, from which seemed to spring, as from massive roots, his small, thin form, clad in a scanty _robe de chambre_ of cotton flannel, surmounted by a broad sou'wester, carefully covered by a voluminous white pocket handkerchief. Adrift in the Ice-Fields
  • Maybe "tomorrow" one of those medical geniuses we kept consulting -- and paying -- would crunch all of those voluminous sheets of data they kept asking us to provide and figure out how a kid who spoke English and had words in Spanish, Cantonese and Tagalog at the age of three, now could not utter a word. Barbara Fischkin: Hillary Said the Word -- An Autism Mom Finally Feels Acknowledged
  • His voluminous writings became scripture defining the party line and the correct view of history.
  • If you like to feel the road beneath you (some runners and walkers swear it makes them faster), choose a shoe with slightly thinner midsoles and less voluminous cushioning inserts under the heel and forefoot.
  • It also quotes extensively from his voluminous war notes - letters, journals, and personal reminiscences written during and shortly after the war.
  • The elderly beaux still wear the showy embroidered waistcoats, knee breeches, lace ruffles and sparkling shoe buckles of the late eighteenth century, while the younger men, conforming to the newer style, have adopted close-fitting nankeen pantaloons tied above the ankle by a piece of ribbon, and wear long-tailed blue coats adorned with brass buttons, while their necks are swathed in voluminous white muslin cravats. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • His voluminous writings on the subject for a time enjoyed huge popularity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There is a voluminous literature on the White Paper, which contains all shades of opinion.
  • An invariable theme at prayer meetings and in Gandhi's voluminous writings was the urgency to bring devotion in accord with conduct.
  • And Tib rises out of that little domestic struggle, covered with glory and crowned with respect; her price so infinitely beyond rubies, that "invaluable" is the only term that can be applied to her; and accordingly Dr. McNab, Mr. Malcolm, and the poor little suffering feverish Dagon himself, unanimously agree that she is invaluable; and the slight rustle of her voluminous silk gown, as she moves across the room to fetch the bottle of colchicum, with the soft slow heavy tread of the elephant, is music to her Dagon's ears. Stuart of Dunleath: A Story of Modern Times
  • A voluminous tulip shape is flattering, especially if you are worried about your bottom or hips. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plato is a gownsman; his garment, though of purple, and almost sky-woven, is an academic robe and hinders action with its voluminous folds. Representative Men
  • Even his opponents continually referred to him as an eminent and brilliant legal scholar, but I certainly didn't find anything in his voluminous writings that could possibly justify such praise.
  • Five years older than Voltaire, he died in 1755, leaving a much less voluminous body of writings.
  • Christian Dior , they would have been swept up into a high-drama, high-heeled vision of high-style, inspired by the 20th century illustrator, René Gruau, and interpreted with chiaroscuro hand-dyed silk tulle, voluminous, multiple layers, and 'brushstroke'-hats. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • He duly received a thirty page document plus voluminous annexes which set out KNS's case at considerable length.
  • It's also because we are seeing a continuation of the voluminous proportions of the past 18 months. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you like to feel the road beneath you (some runners and walkers swear it makes them faster), choose a shoe with slightly thinner midsoles and less voluminous cushioning inserts under the heel and forefoot.
  • Voluminous facts indicate that the essence of this report is fan anti - China feeling and undermine - US relations.
  • When you coast by these places at night, you can observe under every table cloth a set of eight knobbly candle-white knees dangling from voluminous bags of shorts, above which ample stomachs are coddled by familiar, comforting tuck. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • She stood behind her mother, ivory comb in hand, brushing through the voluminous red hair.
  • By the way, if, in sixty years of speechifying, journalism, writing two books and conducting voluminous correspondence, George Lansbury ever made a joke or a witticism, it has escaped Dr Shepherd.
  • QUESTION: Ari, Iraq will have its say of sorts on Saturday when they release what has been described as a voluminous document. CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2002
  • Voluminous diplomatic correspondence, in a serious but ridiculous vein, followed this episode.
  • A servant in voluminous green robes ducked her head in an abbreviated bow and gestured them into the house.
  • Voluminous quantities of Late Ordovician to Wenlockian felsic pyroclastics and lava flows record the extensive volcanism associated with the collision and deformation.
  • Further out, up to her waist, an elderly matron in a voluminous one-piece holds a walkman in upraised arms and belts out the chorus to an opera.
  • The other kept herself hidden in a voluminous cloak that rippled despite the lack of wind.
  • It didn't prevent him from giving voluminous notes on their performance every night or changing a thing or two, however.
  • The Cape papers contain voluminous accounts of the cruiser The Cape Papers
  • The line seems to be centered around the circular: the godet garments are voluminous, yet cut so precisely as to allow them to be closed by a single button!
  • When Symon, Bishop of Ely, performed the ceremony of Churching for Queen Philippa, the royal dame bestowed upon him the gown which she wore on that occasion; it is described as a murrey-coloured velvet, powdered with golden squirrels, and was of such voluminous pattern that it was cut over into three copes! Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • One theme treated several times in his voluminous writings was whether laymen and women should be allowed to dance in churchyards on feast days.
  • No doubt he will turn over voluminous quantities of documents; he may even turn over materials he has heretofore hidden.
  • Clarke's voluminous papers include many draft bills and policy documents.
  • Wear a skinny top with a voluminous skirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
  • Over several seasons, the hems mutated from slinky calf-length and ankle-length tanks and tubular skirts to voluminous, unabashedly romantic pavement sweepers, looks that Nevena Borissova, a partner in Curve, a vanguard boutique in SoHo, describes as "floaty, let's-go-get-high-at-Coachella stuff. The Seattle Times
  • I'd gone from a writer like Lowell who was voluminous in his personal testimony to a writer about whom nothing at all was known.
  • Across the street, young girls stared transfixed at the voluminous white dresses in the bridal-shop windows.
  • He took voluminous notes during the lecture.
  • Also impressive are the portraits of well-fed burghers, such as the 1643 half-length figure of Paulus Verschuur, confident in his stylish hat, crisp collar and voluminous suit; a bare hand, gloves, sheer cuffs, a silken sash, curling hair and alert features are teased into existence with assured, staccato brushstrokes. Picture-Perfect Rogues' Gallery
  • Her voluminous silk dress billowed out behind her.
  • I give it a quick spritz of dry shampoo and am pleasantly surprised when my hair is more voluminous than the first day. The Sun
  • Giant ruffles, voluminous cuffs and the roomiest fluted sleeves are hot on the high street right now. The Sun
  • The evidence on the deontic use of can is voluminous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The short, stout, and rosy gentleman who, as soon as he had got well within the room, began to unswathe his neck from a voluminous white silk muffler, now completed his task and advancing upon Peggie solemnly kissed her on both cheeks, held her away from him, looked at her, kissed her again, and then patted her on the shoulder. The Herapath Property
  • This, and the voluminous correspondence that passed between the parties, demonstrated that it has more than adequately filled its statutory duties.
  • His voluminous corduroy trousers were frequently held up by bright red braces. Times, Sunday Times
  • These were the ones whose jeans looked uncomfortably snug, whose faces had a moonish quality that didn't quite seem accustomed, who cloaked themselves in voluminous hoodies. Your college kid, plus 15
  • A servant in voluminous green robes ducked her head in an abbreviated bow and gestured them into the house.
  • The lightweight fabric makes this voluminous new shape more flattering. Times, Sunday Times
  • I matched his pace, though the voluminous skirts made it difficult.
  • Men often dressed in baggy black pants and colorful, wide-brimmed hats, while women wore voluminous black dresses, colorfully embroidered bodices, and lace bonnets.
  • But in the nineteenth century women were difficult to save: their voluminous clothing was a dead weight in water, and modesty usually prevented their shedding their apparel, even when in danger of drowning.
  • He was a voluminous letter writer and his letters are just the most splendid letters.
  • Full of this idea, the scientific gentleman seized his pen again, and committed to paper sundry notes of these unparalleled appearances, with the date, day, hour, minute, and precise second at which they were visible: all of which were to form the data of a voluminous treatise of great research and deep learning, which should astonish all the atmospherical wiseacres that ever drew breath in any part of the civilised globe. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • Looking down at herself, she realized that with her black pelisse, it was impossible to discern whether the coat was merely overly voluminous or if the dress beneath it was actually black as well.
  • Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
  • His Thesis, on the French Revolution, was noteworthy in college annals, not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy, but for the fact that it was the dryest, deadest, most formal, and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • The Black Cap depicts a downcast figure swallowed by a voluminous skirt that occupies the entire lower surface of the painting.
  • I mean voluminous, fully-upholstered armchairs, so substantial they could almost double as a suite in their own right.
  • The factory workers, the cops, the carpenters, the plumbers, they all wheeled to work, tools protruding from voluminous canvas panniers.
  • Some Hawaiian women wear the muumuu, a voluminous dress originally designed by modest missionaries for Hawaiian women.
  • On the eve of his departure in January, 1795, he mustered the strength for one last voluminous report on government finance and outlined an ambitious future course.
  • This staged cross-dressing was a great shock to audiences used to only seeing women on stage when they were hidden behind voluminous bustles, hoops and frills.
  • You never see her in frills, ruffles, bows, voluminous ball gowns, or anything other than stark and simple tailleur.
  • Despite a voluminous outpouring of books and journal articles, historians are in some senses only beginning to catch up to certain facets of America's Civil War.
  • Back in 1962, Hunthausen went off a neophyte to Rome having barely had time to read the voluminous documents written in Latin for the bishops' deliberations.
  • I spent quite awhile studying the eye makeup - the thick black eyeliner, the mega dramatic lashes and beautiful, voluminous one-sided pony tail.
  • Currency and banking are, at certain seasons, subjects of absorbing interest, and, for the last seventy years, the discussions over them have been numerous and voluminous almost beyond example, and yet we remember no case in which a bullionist called a paper-money man bad names, or in which a friend of free banking accused a restrictionist of defrauding the poor or defacing tombstones. Reflections and Comments 1865-1895
  • For fashion folk, there was added frisson in Finney's voluminous white shirt: the lustiness and dégagé elegance of its frills and pleats catching the eye.
  • Nephrologists see lots of people on lithium, because one of its complications is kidney disease, including this type of diabetes, insipidus, a condition that causes resistance to antidiuretic hormone ADH, creating massive thirst and voluminous urination. After the Diagnosis
  • The heaving is one of the mass beneath, and comes in voluminous rolls as of hills in motion; on the surface of these are the waves, that, far as the eye can reach, take a sharp, angular, spiral form, till the whole resembles an army of spear-heads in motion. Extracts from a Lady's Log-Book,
  • Invest in floaty fabrics that bring a sense of movement without being too voluminous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her voluminous silk dress billowed out behind her.
  • Further out, up to her waist, an elderly matron in a voluminous one-piece holds a walkman in upraised arms and belts out the chorus to an opera.
  • ‘My father was a source of knowledge missing from voluminous books,’ the son says.
  • The letter to Gevaerts cited above exemplifies the tenor of his voluminous correspondence, which is filled with references to an encyclopedic body of ancient texts.
  • I diddled around with writing stories in hypertext, but was never satisfied with the result; they seemed to me either confusing or aimless or simply mechanistic, and at best I came up with something so voluminous that I couldn't possibly complete it in one lifetime. MetaHaiku
  • Her sleeves were puffed at her shoulders, then tapered to a shimmering fabric that exactly fit the curve of Violet's arms and the skirt, intricately stitched with vines, fell in voluminous folds from her waist.
  • Most foreign businessmen in China recall voluminous quantities of baijiu and the burning throat, if little else, afterward. Taste Test
  • Then, again, the strange successive fashions in this same unnatural, unneedful depilation; look at the vagaries of young France: not to descend also to savage men, and their clumsy shell-scrapings; and to devote but little time to the voluminous topic of wigs, male and female, cavalier and caxon, Marlborough and monstrous maccaroni -- from the plaited An Author's Mind : The Book of Title-pages
  • Verbatim notetakers can get by thinking I'll figure out what this means later, but later, you've got those horrendously voluminous notes to deal with.
  • Chuckling with maniacal glee the old bum loosened the rope that held up his voluminous, beggared trousers.
  • Voluminous diplomatic correspondence, in a serious but ridiculous vein, followed this episode.
  • She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged her legs through the voluminous fabric of her skirts, closing her eyes and feeling resentment build.
  • Irresponsible headlines, especially in voluminous journals where few have time to read all the letterpress, are very dangerous. Survival At Stake, Our Individual Responsibilities
  • In keeping with her subject she abandoned the ballerina's standard costume of voluminous skirts and panniers and appeared instead with her hair loose, wearing nothing but sandals and a simple muslin tunic.
  • A balanced diet rich in iron and protein is essential for voluminous hair. The Sun
  • He appears convincing by aggregating voluminous references without subjecting himself to the rigours of the scientific process.
  • People in a democracy have a right to criticize their government and the freer the country the more voluminous is the criticism. Food
  • Her back is to us as she faces a cardinal with voluminous robes and a malevolent expression.
  • Now committed to voluminous and arduous prose writing, he keeps his biographers busy with attacks on prelatical episcopy and tracts on church government, but he did not forget his ambition for poetry and fame; hence his autobiographical digression in The Reason of Church-government (1642), which gives an account of his youthful travels and studies, and asserts his claim to be a poet of achievement, continuing promise, and ultimate fame. Heroic Milton: Happy Birthday
  • His voluminous writings, which call for a ‘law based on morality’, are little more than a long argument to justify controlling other people's lives.
  • His voluminous works, many of a highly technical character, illustrate the intersection of sophistic rhetoric with medicine. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Beside him lay the sleeping figure of his companion, the bashlik of lamb's wool drawn closely down about the ears and neck, and the voluminous black burka shrouding him from feet to shoulders. The Centaur
  • Because of translation issues and the international nature of this alleged plot and what prosecutors are calling voluminous discovery, the judge designated the case complex waiving speedy trial deadlines. CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2009
  • Thus when the popular "tobe" was attempted to be banned in favour of Arabic Muslim dress, the women protested vigorously, and the voluminous, colourful tobe remains, a staple of Sudanese cultural expression; although young women often prefer more Western clothing, imported mainly from China, Egypt and India, and ground-length denim skirts are very popular, despite the fierce heat. Australian Islamist Monitor
  • In the cases of rare birds the measurements of the extreme length from tip of beak to tail -- again from inner edge of gape to vent, the bill and tail being measured separately from those points -- should be carefully taken, as also the length of culmen, carpus, and tarsus, and set down in inches and tenths, on the label, or in the note book, when the matter becomes too voluminous. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • Though the voluminous skirts of yesteryear were out of fashion, a slight bloom of the skirts was acceptable if not encouraged.
  • This voluminous strapless gown took 550 hours of labor just to do the embroidery.
  • Sir Lewis Morris was a voluminous poetaster with a common mind. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Another selection we need is, I think, a volume of her work which includes generous extracts from both her three books of prose and her voluminous correspondence.
  • Well, the Elizabethans wore voluminous clothing, and an item or two less should not offend even the most prudish, we suppose.
  • You couldn't tell what they were like, for they were draped in voluminous layers of fabric-bright pinks and dark blues.
  • This Denbigh ancestry recalls a pleasant example of Fielding's wit, preserved in a story told by his son, and recorded in the pages of that voluminous eighteenth-century anecdotist, John Nichols. Henry Fielding: a Memoir
  • Before long he was brought into the countinghouse as a clerk, churning out the voluminous, painstaking correspondence that was the lifeblood of the shipping trade. Robert Morris
  • His voluminous writings on biblical criticism show him to have been the first liberal textual critic.
  • Now committed to voluminous and arduous prose writing, he keeps his biographers busy with attacks on prelatical episcopy and tracts on church government, but he did not forget his ambition for poetry and fame; hence his autobiographical digression in The Reason of Church-government (1642), which gives an account of his youthful travels and studies, and asserts his claim to be a poet of achievement, continuing promise, and ultimate fame. Heroic Milton: Happy Birthday
  • These Gaucher cells had voluminous pale basophilic cytoplasm with a crinkled, striated appearance.
  • Don't wear blousy, voluminous sleeves (or gravy-catchers, as they are known in the trade). Times, Sunday Times
  • The text is eminently readable and supported by detailed citations and a voluminous index.
  • Faults: Abdomen ( belly ) too tucked up ( as in a greyhound ) or drooping ( voluminous ).
  • Equally voluminous is her file at the local hospital that documented her episodic breathing problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hydrated troctolite is most voluminous in boudin necks, the hinge regions of map-scale folds, and in shear zones, all regions where structural features may have favored local fluid infiltration.
  • At the party, her voluminous waves were full of flyaways.
  • From one of his voluminous pockets he produced a bottle of whisky.
  • Her denim apron is Paris fashion that was too voluminous for her slim profile. In the kitchen with Dorie
  • First, he indicated, and I now readily understand why, that the case put before him appeared to be ‘unduly prolix and the documents unnecessarily voluminous’.
  • Hampered by his voluminous soutane, the priest tripped and fell, water and mud flying in spatters all around him. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • She tucked up her voluminous skirts to make room for Jane beside her.
  • He is a model of moral rectitude, unabashed pragmatism, voluminous machismo and carnal fortification.
  • How to wear it n Avoid voluminous shapes. Times, Sunday Times
  • His voluminous works, many of a highly technical character, illustrate the intersection of sophistic rhetoric with medicine. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This capacity carried over into his voluminous writings. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A canopy of metal floats like a huge handkerchief above a voluminous carapace whose thin edges bend gently over the rolling lawns.
  • His voluminous writings on the subject for a time enjoyed huge popularity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The main feature of alveolarization is the subdivision of the pre-existing voluminous saccules by septation, which leads to smaller units and an increased total surface area.
  • Continental break-up produced voluminous extrusive volcanic deposits and associated igneous intrusions, and had a major impact on long-term climatic conditions in the early Tertiary.
  • This is basically a voluminous, trapeze-cut jacket in a tweedy fabric, with kimono-shaped sleeves.
  • I diddled around with writing stories in hypertext, but was never satisfied with the result; they seemed to me either confusing or aimless or simply mechanistic, and at best I came up with something so voluminous that I couldn't possibly complete it in one lifetime. MetaHaiku
  • The voluminous and emotional responses ranged from kudos to condemnation.
  • Men often dressed in baggy black pants and wide-brimmed hats, while women wore voluminous black dresses, embroidered bodices, and lace bonnets.
  • She was stumbling down the side of the road towards him, dressed in something quite voluminous.
  • First, it is knitted into a voluminous hat by women in Ariana just to the north of Tunis using imported wool from Australian merino sheep for the deluxe version, local wool for less expensive models.
  • Madame des Ursins confesses in her voluminous correspondence that she made herself a burden to the king in her anxiety to exclude him from all other influence.
  • Farmers with large livestock feedlots need to recycle voluminous quantities of manure by applying it to their fields as fertilizer.
  • Most women continue to wear the burqa, the voluminous garment that covers them from head to toe.
  • The heaving is one of the mass beneath, and comes in voluminous rolls as of hills in motion; on the surface of these are the waves, that, far as the eye can reach, take a sharp, angular, spiral form, till the whole resembles an army of spear-heads in motion. Extracts from a Lady's Log-Book,
  • Scattered throughout the place, on each voluminous flank, amid the inlaid shell and coral rock and the painted marbleized surfaces, were her photographs.
  • Here in dim and desperate forms, under the ban of our base culture, stormed at by silly magistrates, sneered at by silly schoolmasters -- here is the old popular literature still popular; here is the unmistakable voluminousness, the thousand-and-one tales of Dick Deadshot, like the thousand-and-one tales of Robin Hood. Why Science Fiction Authors Can't Win
  • Even the most cursory glance through the voluminous correspondence they generated reveals that the duty was performed conscientiously.
  • There is voluminous literature on modernism and post-modernism.
  • The look is also about layering; try cropped tights worn under a mini skirt or a voluminous long top over jeans.
  • Along with her haute cheekbones and voluminous golden hair, she also boasts extensive fashion nous, honed through cosy chats with her many designer friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's also because we are seeing a continuation of the voluminous proportions of the past 18 months. Times, Sunday Times
  • the tintinnabulation that so voluminously swells from the ringing and the dinging of the bells
  • The editors' ability to present a lucid redaction of the main points of Amar Singh's voluminous diaries is to their credit.
  • The repiggie voluminous “solutions” parcel is probably a lot like a Philadelphia bankroll. Think Progress » A guide to debunking Republican talking points at the health care summit.
  • For example, use of micrographics may be advantageous when multiple users frequently need voluminous records or when an agency needs to widely distribute records.
  • Her voluminous silk dress billowed out behind her.
  • A maintenance brigade dressed in voluminous salopettes, Arctic mittens and balaclavas is repairing the rig, a geyser of steam and water shooting up into the air as they pull sections of pipe out of the ground.
  • He wore a kind of paletôt of light camlet cloth, with voluminous lapels and deep cuffs of lavender watered silk; very baggy trousers, with lavender stripes down the seams; very shiny boots and quite as glossy a hat; his attire being completed by tightly-fitting gloves, of the hue known in Paris as beurre frais — that is to say, light yellow. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • a subject of voluminous legislation
  • Epicurus was a voluminous writer, but almost none of his own work survives.
  • Up the hilly road, as though ascending from the depths of the valley, came figures of old men with gnarled sticks hanging from their wrists by leather straps, and women whose heads wrapped in voluminous kerchiefs looked too large for their small bodies. The Mother
  • No need to read voluminous campaign literature, or pore through printed recommendations.
  • For these sceptics, the voluminous literature on the subject amounts to nothing more than a prolix reply to a simple question: "What will I drink with dinner tonight? The best wine and food matches
  • Active rifts are characterized by more voluminous volcanic activity, higher rates of crustal extension, mildly alkaline basalts, and a bimodal distribution of basic and acid magma types.
  • She put her own book beside her in the chair and pulled her feet underneath her, wrapping the voluminous robe a little tighter.
  • Nephrologists see lots of people on lithium, because one of its complications is kidney disease, including this type of diabetes, insipidus, a condition that causes resistance to antidiuretic hormone ADH, creating massive thirst and voluminous urination. After the Diagnosis
  • The June 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption produced voluminous pyroclastic flows and a major Plinian umbrella cloud during its paroxysmal phase.
  • The Banoffee Pie was a small disc of salty-sweet crumbs, topped with a smidgen of toffee and banana under a voluminous cloud of piped cream.
  • The chapter on his grandfather is a delight; he was a Church of Ireland canon, who believed not only in a God of love but a God of anger and was also a regular correspondent to the Irish Times, and a voluminous diarist.
  • ‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’ is the essential Bourbon, richly scented blush-pink voluminous ballgown flowers.
  • Some Hawaiian women wear the muumuu, a voluminous dress originally designed by modest missionaries for Hawaiian women.
  • It was more voluminous and ranged petrologically from basalts to picrites, showing very little evidence of continental contamination.
  • He is described by Clarendon as "a man of grave aspect, of a presence that drew respect, and of great parts and ability, but passionate and supercilious and too voluminous a discourser in council. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Her outfit was a voluminous lace affair without shape or style, and I couldn't see her own shoes from the grubby train of her dress.
  • The Musgrave Block consists of granulite-facies felsic gneisses, granites, felsic and mafic granulites, and voluminous mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks.
  • Even the most cursory glance through the voluminous correspondence they generated reveals that the duty was performed conscientiously.
  • Critical investigation has brought to light a voluminous mass of material on Elizabethan and Jacobean drama.
  • In our examination of the voluminous pleas, replications, rejoinders, and surrejoinders, we have been unable to find any other, either tendered or accepted.

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