How To Use Voltaic In A Sentence
Dr Lotto has invented special paving slabs made of photovoltaic cells and recycled glass to harvest sunlight and to help power the structure.
Times, Sunday Times
In this process, the photovoltaics are a retro, added to the building after construction is completed.
Business Wire Travel News
As the technology behind photovoltaic energy advances, consumers will be unable to resist the urge to convert.
Thus, if galena and zinc blende in acid solutions be connected in the usual manner by a voltaic pair, sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved from the surface of the former, and a current generated which is sufficient to reduce gold, silver or copper from their solutions in coherent electro-plate films.
Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
All of the patents incorporate photovoltaic systems, which transform light into electricity using semiconducting materials such as silicon.

The most visible application of the photoelectric effect is in solar, or photovoltaic, cells.
So the free photovoltaics went up on his garage.
Globe and Mail
It thus makes a complete round, which is called the voltaic
The Story of Electricity
In fact, each ‘window’ is an array of photovoltaic cells that generate electric current when exposed to the light.
The storage dynamics in doped lithium niobate are studied. It gives that the equations of the migration of charges is due to diffusion or drift and photovoltaic effect.
A solar panel is a packaged interconnected assembly of solar cells also known as photovoltaic cells.
The most common technology for harvesting energy from sunlight is the photovoltaic cell based on silicon.
Some of the power comes from photovoltaic panels.
Times, Sunday Times
It is superinsulated and airtight, with recovery ventilation, photovoltaic panelling and highly energy-efficient appliances, lights and electronic kit.
Times, Sunday Times
Power is collected through solar voltaic cells, stored on site, and converted for use in the house.
Aiming at the characteristics of distributed system and solar array , a photovoltaic generation simulator was designed.
Microgeneration using renewable energy technologies like solar photovoltaics (PV), solar water heating, ground source heat pumps, and wind turbines could be installed with the necessary consents.
Solar energy is used to generate electricity through photovoltaic arrays, and to heat water by direct radiation.
The cells convert solar energy into direct current electricity via the photovoltaic effect.
Before the end of the year, enough photovoltaic solar panels will be installed on the mountainside to power a town of 20,000.
Times, Sunday Times
The more common thicker photovoltaics contain iridium and other rare and expensive materials.
Solar panels forming the roof of the crop store provide both heat and electricity from photovoltaic cells.
It contains tiny photovoltaic cells that convert some of the light passing through into electricity.
Times, Sunday Times
United Solar uses something called amorphous silicon technology, while Dow has set its sights on a newer technology known as Cigs -- photovoltaic cells made of copper, indium, gallium and selenium, which, when they work, are more efficient -- able to turn 13% of the sun's energy into electricity.
Roofs for Rich Green People
In addition, solar photovoltaic technology can be produced in any desired amount, from a few milliwatts to many megawatts, if so desired.
The band disgorged its voltaic music—a far cry from the formal waltzes, one-steps, tangos, and fox-trots to which New York had been accustomed.
A Renegade History of the United States
Imagine giant fields filled with photovoltaic solar panels, soaking up rays.
The company also manufactures photovoltaic cells (used in the production of solar energy) and precision metal and plastic components such as gears, switches and motor armatures.
At 20 percent efficiency, solar photovoltaic cells in geosynchronous orbit can deliver 270 watts of electric power per square meter continuously.
In voltaic cells, for example, energy is produced in the form of electricity.
My hope is for a big increase for research into electrochemistry in hopes of finding better materials for making batteries combined with a big increase for research into photochemistry to find better materials for making photovoltaics.
Solar-powered accessories make use of a technology called photovoltaics.
But they are keys to maximizing eco-efficiencies, re-engineering industrial processes, and making materials, such as photovoltaics, affordable as common building materials.
Managing Places And Spaces For Living In The 21st Century: Perspectives From The Netherlands On Becoming Sustainable
Another method of on-site power generation is the photovoltaic cell.
Both the photovoltaic and wind power systems for domestic hot-water provision would be even more effective if linked to a heat pump.
Using ordinary hook-up electrical wire, you can use the potato to create a voltaic cell, which will power a VERY small bulb.
It has also put in photovoltaic systems to 1,300 properties.
Times, Sunday Times
We have means of searching into the constitution of water beyond any that are afforded us by the action of heat, and among these one of the most important is that force which we call voltaic electricity, which we used at our last meeting for the purpose of obtaining light, and which we carried about the room by means of these wires.
The Forces of Matter, Delivered before a Juvenile Auditory at the Royal Institution of Great Britain during the Christmas Holidays of 1859-60
Stuart Wenham how about you give us a bit of a sense of how your work in photovoltaic research has plugged into the Olympic Games, excuse the pun?
Among more than sixty languages spoken in Burkina Faso, thirty-eight belong to the Gur or Voltaic language family, including Mooré, Bwamu, Dagara, and Lobiri.
Common batteries in watches, calculators and other devices are voltaic cells.
A few months ago, buyers were too scarce and cashstrapped to be thinking of pricey extras such as heat recovery systems and photovoltaic solar panels.
Times, Sunday Times
Solar photovoltaic cells use the same silicon-based technology as semiconductors.
Because electrons originate at the anode in a voltaic cell, the anode has a (-) charge; electrons enter the cathode, which has a (+) charge.
Of course, you might wonder what the heck anyone at PQE would have to say about photovoltaics, given that lasers are not involved.
Ars Technica
Other systems include integrated wastewater treatment, photovoltaic electrical systems, solar hot water and passive solar heating.
Generating costs for electricity from photovoltaics range from 25 cents to $1 per kilowatt hour, which is extremely high compared to electricity generated by coal or nuclear power plants.
All this, of course, if optimistic predictions about continued advances in technology and continued decreases in the cost of photovoltaic cell expenses hold true.
Fire and Ice - the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Depletion, and Nuclear Winter
In this cross-section of an organic photovoltaic cell, light passes through the upper layers (from top down, glass, indium tin dioxide, and thermoplastic) and generates a photocurrent in the polymer-fullerene layer.
R&D Mag - News
In consequence of the comparisons that will hereafter arise between wires carrying voltaic and ordinary electricities, and also because of certain views of the condition of a wire or any other conducting substance connecting the poles of a voltaic apparatus, it will be necessary to give some definite expression of what is called the voltaic current, in contradistinction to any supposed peculiar state of arrangement, not progressive, which the wire or the electricity within it may be supposed to assume.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
Togo's earliest known inhabitants were Gur-speaking Voltaic peoples in the north and Kwa peoples in the south.
Another way of making electricity from the sun is with a photovoltaic cell (such as in a portable calculator).
Times, Sunday Times
Microturbines, fuel cells, photovoltaics, solar cells, and even conventional, small-scale generators have been improved in terms of lifecycle cost per kilowatt-hour.
Use of solar panels with photo-voltaic cells to recharge batteries was ruled out because it adds cost to the cell and requires additional recharging circuitry.
Their walls are photovoltaic - directly converting sunlight into electrical power, using solid-state semiconductor wafers or thin films mounted on panels.
The term battery is frequently applied to a single voltaic cell, but this term is more properly used to designate a plurality of cells joined together in series, or in multiple, or in series multiple so as to combine their actions in causing current to flow through an external circuit.
Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
We need to invest in biofuels here at home, in bio diesel, ethanol, hydrogen, fuel cells, photovoltaics, wind turbines, geothermal, all the sources of power we have ignored all these years.
Manz Automation AG, one of the world's leading technology providers for the photovoltaic and flatpanel display (FPD) industry, is recording significant increases in its order backlog.
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Can we use solar energy for powering a aerobot (flying robot) by using photovoltaic solar cells on board? en Español
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At 20 percent efficiency, solar photovoltaic cells in geosynchronous orbit can deliver 270 watts of electric power per square meter continuously.
Brass -- composition and uses -- Corinthian brass composed of gold, silver and tin -- (Encyclopædia) -- electrical amalgam, voltaic plates, pinchbec, prince's metal, tombac.
Outlines of the Lectures on Chemistry, Mineralogy, & Geology, Delivered at the University of North-Carolina, for the Use of the Students. [1]-44 p.
Being transferred forward in contrary directions, they produce what is called the voltaic current: and it seems to me impossible to resist the idea that it must be preceded by a _state of tension_ in the fluid, and between the fluid and the zinc; the _first consequence_ of the affinity of the zinc for the oxygen of the water.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
SBSP is an exciting idea that is becoming more and more feasible with advances in photovoltaics and materials.
Canceling SOMD's Space Based Solar Power Work - NASA Watch
The latest research could finally bring photovoltaics out of the background of the energy debate, based on recent findings that show nanotechnologies can trap light in solar cells, potentially reducing the cost of solar energy.
Alternative energy strategies such as photovoltaic panels can be used to teach about electricity and how it is produced.
All of the patents incorporate photovoltaic systems, which transform light into electricity using semiconducting materials such as silicon.
There are currents produced by chemical action called voltaic currents; by the action of heat, or thermo-electric currents; by the motion of magnets, or magneto-electric currents.
A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery. With a Short Explanation of Some of the Principal Natural Phenomena. For the Use of Schools and Families. Enlarged and Revised Edition.
As it happens, the periods of intense heat correspond to the periods of peak electricity production from photovoltaic cells.
Alpha voltaic batteries use a radioisotope such as Americium, the substance commonly used in smoke detectors, coupled with a semiconductor device that acts like a solar cell to convert alpha energy into usable electricity.
This inactivity could be thought of as weekend sunbathing, as it will give the rovers a chance to recharge their photovoltaic cells after a low energy winter.
It has come up with a plan to try to bring down the cost of photovoltaic cells, which produce solar power.
Times, Sunday Times
Once photovoltaic cells and other means of producing energy become cheap the release of CO2 into the atmosphere will become optional.
Four of the major branches of the Niger-Congo language are spoken among Ivoirians, including the Kwa, Atlantic, Mande, and Voltaic.
To achieve this, high efficiency heating would be used together with roof panels fitted with photo voltaic cells to provide electricity for the buildings.
At 20 percent efficiency, solar photovoltaic cells in geosynchronous orbit can deliver 270 watts of electric power per square meter continuously.
a voltaic (or galvanic) couple
The group is exploring cadmium telluride, cadmium sulfide, boron/phosphorous-doped silicon, and organic/polymeric materials and plans to assess more exotic photovoltaic materials in the future.
Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
_inseparable in such bodies as these_, namely, the passing of a current, and decomposition; and this is as true of the cells in the battery as of the water cell; for no voltaic battery has as yet been constructed in which the chemical action is only that of combination: _decomposition is always included_, and is, I believe, an essential chemical part.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
It has very low heat demand and its energy needs are met by a biomass boiler and solar photovoltaic panels.
Times, Sunday Times
The actual market has long been abandoned impeach solar photovoltaic power station roof and network approach.
There are four major ethnic groups: Kru, Akan, Mande and Voltaic.
Then the electricity from the photovoltaics will could be used to run hydrolysis reactions to produce hydrogen from water.
Its photovoltaic and photoconductive actions make it useful in photocells, photographic exposure meters, and solar cells.
Energy will be provided by a combination of wind turbines, photovoltaic cells and solar panels.
Times, Sunday Times
China's solar photovoltaic industry faces more challenges as as opportunities.
These include groundwater heat pumps, fuel cells, solar thermal and photovoltaic panels, new fuels such as hydrogen, biomass, biogas, or bio-oil, and shared energy storage systems.
Konarka says it will enter the market with a photovoltaic cell in late 2004 that will generate solar power at about $2 per watt.
Solar thermal is very different than solar photovoltaics, and does not require semiconductor processing.
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But a team of engineering students at MIT, inspired by heliotropic plants that move in the direction of the sun all day (like a sunflower), have developed a new method of motivation for the photovoltaic cells to move.
Inventor Spot - Inventions, Innovations, and Interesting Ideas for the Inventor in All of Us
They came to the conclusion that the voltaic current caused decompositions throughout its whole course in the humid conductor, not merely as preliminary to the recompositions spoken of by Grotthuss and Davy, but producing final separation of the elements in the _course_ of the current, and elsewhere than at the poles.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
He said that the subsidy for solar photovoltaic energy should have been phased out, rather than removed at once.
Times, Sunday Times
Part of this spread is due to uncertainties about demand growth, but part arises from energy end-use innovations in the form of new, on-site decentralised electricity generation technologies, such as photovoltaics or fuel cells.
Chapter 10
Because electrons originate at the anode in a voltaic cell, the anode has a (-) charge; electrons enter the cathode, which has a (+) charge.
[A] By the term voltaic pile, I mean such apparatus or arrangement of metals as up to this time have been called so, and which contain water, brine, acids, or other aqueous solutions or decomposable substances (476.), between their plates.
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
Now, thanks to advances in photovoltaic technology, it's possible to shingle your roof with solar tiles.
Railroads can boom, then bust, and then even be torn up; a frenzy of highway building can then follow, to slack off in its turn; copper wire can be laid for telephone service, then be replaced by fiber-optic cable (the latter often following railroad grades or highways!); a power distribution grid can be built at great expense, perhaps in turn to be "obsoleted" by cheap photovoltaics or fuel cells ....
Who Do You Say I Am
A potentially more practical solution is photovoltaic panels, which use silicon cells to turn sunlight into electricity.
Times, Sunday Times
Energy would be provided by wind turbines, solar panels and photovoltaic cells.
Times, Sunday Times
PlanetSolar, a 31 meter long catamaran, was unveiled yesterday in Kiel, Germany, and its deck just so happens to be completely covered with photovoltaic panels,
Code-X’s Solar Powered Yacht – The Ultimate Hybrid Luxury Boat | Inhabitat
With a photovoltaic system, the facility generates much of its own electricity and is able to resell some of it.
Energy will be provided by a combination of wind turbines, photovoltaic cells and solar panels.
Times, Sunday Times
At last, the control and running measure of solar photovoltaic was expounded.
The redox reaction in the battery is the source of the electrical energy; batteries are voltaic cells.
Solar photovoltaic cells on the cabin roof and a biofuelled diesel generator recharge the batteries.
Times, Sunday Times
There have been complaints about the way solar photovoltaic is being sold and the high-pressure selling tactics being employed.
Times, Sunday Times
Both prices are moving targets: silicon PV is getting less expensive by making thinner (100 micron or less) cells, while thin photovoltaics are still evolving and could be significantly cheaper in volume.
Thin Film Solar Companies Raise Hundreds of Millions in Financing - Bits Blog -
The north end of the roof is also designed to accomodate photo voltaic solar panels.
The Choy Residence by Terry & Terry Architecture
The redox reaction in the battery is the source of the electrical energy; batteries are voltaic cells.
A new life-cycle assessment study from the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York examined the four most common types of photovoltaic (PV) solar power cells — multicrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon, ribbon silicon and thin-film, if you were wondering — to find out how much energy and waste was involved in their creation.
Measuring Solar’s Total Impact
The field of photovoltaics - the direct conversion of sunlight to electricity - has evolved at an incredible pace over the past several decades.
Another method of on-site power generation is the photovoltaic cell.
The storage dynamics in doped lithium niobate are studied. It gives that the equations of the migration of charges is due to diffusion or drift and photovoltaic effect.
Energy produced from solar photovoltaic panels is forecast to grow more than tenfold to 230 terawatt hours.
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Second, as I work in photovoltaics, I know for a fact that within two years technology will be available to produce ALL! of the country’s electrical power from the newer flavor of PV technology, and the IRR on such projects shows that, at anticipated materials and installation costs, they will be a good investiment even for single-family dwellings.
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The company's expanded nutrition segment and continued strength in seeds and crop protection have helped insulate some of the declines in coatings for consumer electronics equipment and photovoltaic solar cells, the latter weighed by overstocking in the second half of last year.
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But even the tiny gap involved in Mr DiMatteo's approach proved to be too wide: the electric field of the hot object was still too far away to interact with the electrons in the photovoltaic cell.
China is now the world leader in solar photovoltaics, and home to six of the world's biggest renewable energy companies.
Times, Sunday Times
Smart technology can also be combined with green technology such as geothermal heat pumps, photovoltaic cells, solar panels and wind turbines.
Times, Sunday Times
(1745-1827), an electrician, constructed the instrument called the voltaic pile.
Outline of Universal History
Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
Technologies of photovoltaics, hydrogen and fuel cell development are more advanced, and a combination of technology and motivation could be harnessed to slow down the gas guzzling machinery that gives the country such a bad name.
Among more than sixty languages spoken in Burkina Faso, thirty-eight belong to the Gur or Voltaic language family, including Mooré, Bwamu, Dagara, and Lobiri.
Solar collectors can preheat feedstock, and solar photovoltaic cells can produce the electricity for the pumps.
At 20 percent efficiency, solar photovoltaic cells in geosynchronous orbit can deliver 270 watts of electric power per square meter continuously.
Renewable energy doesn't mean people have to be uncomfortable," Huang said in an interview at his Dezhou corporate headquarters, the Sun-Moon Mansion, a fanlike structure studded with photovoltaic cells and sun-collecting vacuum tubes.
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The building will be skinned with an ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) scrim that helps reduce solar gain while also transforming it into energy via a thin film of photovoltaics in the ETFE foils. Daily Headlines
LTD is a high technology joint - venture enterprise manufacturing and selling photovoltaic modules.
Light is produced in flashes, or if the end of the leading wires are connected with two pencils of hard carbon, and brought very near together, then a brilliant light, or arc, called the voltaic arc, is produced.
A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery. With a Short Explanation of Some of the Principal Natural Phenomena. For the Use of Schools and Families. Enlarged and Revised Edition.
Gallium arsenide is also used in lasers, such as those present in a compact disc player, in transistors, and in photovoltaic cells.
Probably the best known use of silicon is in transistors, photovoltaic cells, rectifiers, and other electronic devices.
On the photon-detector side are photoconductive, photovoltaic, and electromagnetic detectors.
This provides entry capital for the company to offer credit and expand its business to other local markets, such as photovoltaics for households, health clinics, and community centres.
Chapter 10
Team Darmstadt’s building envelope was made of a folding solar shutter system – completely movable and covered in photovoltaics
SOLAR DECATHLON 2007: Darmstadt’s Stunning Solar House | Inhabitat
This polycrystalline silicon is not much use for electronics, since the flaws degrade the conductivity; but it is used, for example, to make silicon solar cells, which are the most common commercial photovoltaic devices.
As for solar, much of what the author wants is concentrated solar thermal power, which is very different from photovoltaics which is what most people picture when they hear the word solar power.
“Green” Stimulus Has Me Seeing Red « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
A potentially more practical solution is photovoltaic panels, which use silicon cells to turn sunlight into electricity.
Times, Sunday Times
He felt dizzy, head swiveling back and forth as he took in the booths: those of companies operating wind farms, nonprofits seeking backers to create microgrids in remote parts of Third World countries, solar power companies, geothermal exploration operations and smaller outfits that made or installed photovoltaic arrays, flywheel and liquid sodium storage systems, batteries, superconductive transport systems, smart grids . . . the list was endless.
The Burning Wire
At 20 percent efficiency, solar photovoltaic cells in geosynchronous orbit can deliver 270 watts of electric power per square meter continuously.
Solar - thermal power stations have several advantages over solar - photovoltaic projects.
Let us from this point of view contemplate the following series of chemical elements, which is a representation of the so-called voltaic series:
Man or Matter
The polarities of the anode and cathode are reversed in comparison to their assignments in voltaic cells, but the function of the anode, being the site of oxidation, and of the cathode, being the site of reduction, is the same.
The Swedish Interactive Institute has also been developing products around this idea with their Design for Increased Energy Awareness collection, which includes the widely blogged Re: Form Energy Curtain, a drapery that stores and emits solar power in woven photovoltaic textiles.
Photovoltaic cells powered an electric pump and light bulbs in Sweden.
Many calculators and watches are run by solar cells, which use semiconducting materials that absorb sunlight and then convert the light into energy by a process called the photovoltaic effect.
The plummeting price of photovoltaic cells and the generous subsidies previously offered by the government have led to a boom in domestic solar energy.
Times, Sunday Times
Our new Photovoltaic Module & Solar Panel Environmental Testing Guide is now available for download.
There are two models for the direct harvesting of sunlight -- the photovoltaic cell and the leaf -- and they are vastly different.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
Its photovoltaic and photoconductive actions make it useful in photocells, photographic exposure meters, and solar cells.
A passive solar hot-water system preheats water for the showers, and a photovoltaic array supplements municipal electricity.
Smart technology can also be combined with green technology such as geothermal heat pumps, photovoltaic cells, solar panels and wind turbines.
Times, Sunday Times
Such selective frequency absorbing photovoltaics will then allow houses to be different colors.
Wire-rolling, wiredrawing, and plating technologies accumulated during years of producing a wide range of wires and cables, Hitachi Cable launched production of photovoltaic wire in 2000.
Business Wire Travel News
Most designs use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity.
There is a need to anticipate technical characteristics - such as performance, cost, and diffusion - of new energy technologies such as photovoltaics, hydrogen production, and fuel cells; the long-term diffusion, transfer, and performance of these technologies depends on near-term RD&D and investment policies and decisions.
Chapter 10
Japan is recognized as the unquestioned leader in the photovoltaic market.
The figures she gives - technical stuff involving megawatts, photovoltaics and jobs created - appear to back her.
Times, Sunday Times
Solar cells, or photovoltaics, convert light to electricity and are used to power many devices, from calculators to satellites.
A few years afterwards Volta devised what is known as the voltaic pile
Electricity for Boys
It has very low heat demand and its energy needs are met by a biomass boiler and solar photovoltaic panels.
Times, Sunday Times
Photovoltaic cells produce electricity by using specially treated materials such as silicon that convert light into power.
After a first refusal, Obama says he'll now re-instate solar water heating to the White House roof, and will add photo-voltaic cells that will generate electricity.
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Dr Lotto has invented special paving slabs made of photovoltaic cells and recycled glass to harvest sunlight and to help power the structure.
Times, Sunday Times
The design includes solar panels and photovoltaic cells which will create electricity and a heat pump which will distribute heat throughout the house.
Similarly, Congress ought to greatly accelerate research into photovoltaics and into electrochemistry for next generation batteries.
Two potential solutions are thermoelectric power, which converts heat energy into electricity; and alpha-voltaic power, which converts the kinetic energy of alpha particles emitted from a radioactive isotope.
Eventually, these hopes were fulfilled, and in 1863 Raoult gained a doctorate from the University of Paris, for a thesis on the electromotive force of voltaic cells.